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Amid all the chaos, Skylene noticed Spira on the ground, who was clearly weak. She must've taken a hard hit from the bear... She flew down towards her, not sure if she was conscious. Letting go of the sheet, she began laying it out on the ground beside the Royal Blue. "Spira, are you awake? Can you hear me? I'm going to take you to safety, but I need to know if you can hear me."

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((You probably know, but Spira's unconcious. And half dead.))


Kalana returned to the spot where she had found Skylene and organized her herbs into neat piles, puting away what she didn't need, like the leaves and roots for fever, and colds. She peered over the plentiful bushes, and saw Skylene beggining to return.

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(OOC: I do, but she didn't.)


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Not a word was replied from Spira. Skylene knew that she was in very bad condition. Using all her strength, she rolled Spira over onto the sheet, and positioned her so that she wasn't near an edge. Once that was completed, she grabbed both ends of the sheet with her claws, and began slowly lifting her up into the air. Skylene's body began to hurt from lifting the unusually large load. I never realized how heavy some of the other hatchlings are!... she thought, grimacing with pain until she had made it back to Kalana. She laid Spira carefully onto the ground, and let go off the sheet. "Okay, I've brought Spira. She doesn't look very good. Especially her shoulder."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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((Yeah, sorry. Also, Spira is supposed to be small and light, but I guess Skylene is too.))


Kalana nodded. "Alright. I'll go see what I can do. I'll start with the slashes, then move up to her shoulder. I think it might be better to ask for a magic healer's help for that. I'm not too confident in my own abilities right now." Kalana took out some clean, damp moss and wiped it around the cuts to clear the blood.

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"Guys, try to get it away from the cave. It is to big to kill so stop acting like you are able to do it by clawing at it,"


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She faintly heard and this time understood the voice from up above. She didnt know who spoke, but she tried her best to direct her voice to the female. <I'm speaking from underground and I'm holding down its right back leg as best as I can. How in the world will we be able to do that? Do you want me to get its attention by trying to drag it?> As she spoke through telepathy a part of her realized that she was actually helping out for once and was kinda happy about it! But another part of her thought all this was a pain and that she should just drop it and watch the others get mauled...


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He followed her through the trees, but hid in one of the trees and watched Feather rise up into the air. "Heehee, I've always wanted to try this!" He readies himself like a cat about to strike his prey. He unfolds his wings carefully sand slowly so as not to make a sound... And then takes to the sky! He tries accelerating towards Feather as fast as he could in an attempt to tackle glomp her in the air.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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(OOC: Skylene is very light.)


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"Well, if we need a healer, I think we have a few to choose from, right? Narnun, Myst, and Kiska, I think those are some magic healers. I think I saw Narnun over in this area, but she was hiding in some undergrowth. I'm going to go get her." Skylene took off in an instant, and was able to spot Narnun from where she originally was hiding. "Narnun, we need your help with healing Spira. She not doing well right now with her shoulder." she said while hidden from the bear's view.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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"Alright. Thanks. Can you g-" Kalana was cut off as Skylene flew off, presumably to find Narnun. Ignoring that, Kalana began to put som herb juice on the wounds. The we're long and deep, but not wide, and she didn't think that it would require stitches.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Alvi woke to the sound of a sudden roar. Eyes blinking wide open in horror, she jumped out of her nest and instinctively summoned up a spike, about the length of her tail, and flung it at the enormous wall of fur. In her still half-asleep state, her aim was completely off and it thunked into the ground before dissolving into wisps of blue smoke. She had almost no time to react before an enormous paw swatted at her, throwing her across the cave. Thankfully, she did have just enough time to create a magical shield that blocked the damage that would have been done. She lay there for a few seconds, her head spinning from the impact and from the energy it had taken to cast the shield, before struggling back to her feet and taking to the air. 



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Aria fell out of her nest gasping at the now familiar tingling sensation that was running through her. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and teleported to the hatchlings that needed her help. When she opened her eyes again, she was standing inside the cave, staring at an enormous bear. The beast looked confused at seeing her appear so suddenly, but he swiped at her anyways. She dodged out of the way, snarling, "Leave, you moron!


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Aradis bolted upright, heaving. What a horrible dream I just had! There was this enormous bear that- An earsplitting roar cut through his thoughts, causing him to gasp. "Dre!" I hope she's safe was his last thought before a brown shape came hurtling towards him, an enormous bloody paw that knocked his head clean off his body.

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Erikiteru yawned. The sun felt good on her back but it was getting too hot for her. She got up and stretched, looking around for a place to cool off. There was the forest but she didn't feel like lying on grass. She wanted to find a nice cave, so she looked around for one. 'I could head to the Birthcave, but it just seems to depressing there...' She walked through the forest, her eyes a deep blue, and looked for a cave. After walking awhile, she found one. "This cave seems nice," She said aloud.



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Mint watched as Erikiteru entered her cave. Funny....most people were unable to find her cave, unless she showed them. She retreated deeper into the cave, to test whether or not Erikiteru would find her.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Narnun tipped her head to one side as Skylene approached her. She could see the bear was still there, and was about to yell something, when Skylene spoke.

"Why would you need me?! Does it look like I'm a healer?"

She was still a bit angry and sad from the event with Sera and Mint. But really. She DID have magic, yes, but she couldn't heal.

"Go get Luye or Kiska or Nitidus or Lucifer." Gosh.


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Lucifer hadn't expected Rico to jump him, but that didn't mean he wasn't prepared for it. Lucifer extended all his claws and shoved them into any exposing parts on Rico. When Rico tried to push him on the ground, Lucifer manged to turn the table and flip Rico over. What Lucifer did not plan was the sudden drop at the cave entrance, causing both Rico and Lucifer to roll down the hill. But that didn't matter, Lucifer liked pain and the more pain the merrier

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Rrha ki gaya ennalte wasa porter zeeth,

guard gyaya gyas bister.

Rrha ki gaya ennalte rinnoze porter zeeth race,

guard clemenzen gyas bister.


She heard Jean's words of encouragement and continued on singing. It was nice to have someone cheering on, his sweet scent making it all the better. It didn't really calm her pain from the song, but it was something that she appreciated.


Wee ki gagis jesta heaathe kieta quale sashel missea.

Rrha ki gaya harmon pauwoo riomo rudje,

en guard gyaya gyas, ubitio.


At this point, her transparent feathers started to fall down from her transparent wings. Michiru felt her body temperature rise up and she started to sweat as she felt her body getting weaker. She closed her eyes to concentrate on her singing and blocked out all other voices. Little did she know that someone got killed soon after she closed her eyes.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Erikiteru's sparks started to flow, calmly, when she entered the cave. They weren't wildly sparking like crazy anymore, and she felt relaxed. Her curiosity activated, and she walked deeper into the cave. Her blue sparked, and her nostrils flared. She was cautious as she walked in further, but something about this cave seemed to, calm her. 'How strange...' She thought.

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Ashni hesitated for but a moment as a voice piped up in her mind by way of telepathy. Not many had used that little method to talk to her so it still startled her still when a voice kicks up in your head, but she shook the feeling off to focus on what was being said to her. "Holding it down might not be the best thing if we want to get it away from the birthing-cave. If you can try to drag it then yeah that would be perfect, but don't hurt yourself. We don't need anyone else hurt if we can avoid it," Ashni would direct back to the hatchling that had spoken to her before turning her attention to the hatchlings around the bear once more. Seeing one hatchling being killed turning her stomach and just making her more determined to get this animal away from the cave before another hatchling dies. Just the problem of getting the other hatchlings to lay off in attacking to instead start leading it off and not just angering it further here. 'I am really not cut out to give directions, this proves it. They don't listen. Like the bear is just going to roll over and die, right,' she randomly mused to herself before giving a growling huff. "Stop attacking the bear! Lead it away from the cave. This is not too hard to understand," was yelled out once more as she dived at the bear's eyes with sparks dancing around her claws.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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(OOC: I think Kiska is in the forest. Am I wrong?)


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Skylene rolled her eyes at Narnun and left. In reality, she didn't know Narnun couldn't heal others. She and Narnun almost never talked. Okay, now I need to find Kiska or Myst...I don't think Luye can heal wounds, and I'm definitely not getting Lucifer's help with this... She decided to [head off]* and find Kiska, wherever she was. Ascending to the sky, she searched around, looking for the White. She found her making her way through the forest, and flew down to her.


* = insensitivity

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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((at least he died thinking he saved Dre ;n; after typing so many "dead" messages... I somehow thought of "DEAD" as dea-d and for some reason thought of a it as some kind of fruit. What the heck, my mind is weird.))


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She nodded to herself and resurfaced underneath the bear's belly. She was about to turn the other way and try dragging the bear away... But then she smelled blood. Lots and lots of blood. Her vines released the bear's back right leg. "It can't be..." She slowly turned her head and screamed when she saw the bloody corpse of the Christmas dragon. Her mind flashed back and forth between the rabbit she had murdered and the corpse. She "He's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead HE'S DEAD HE'S DEAD HE'S DEAD HE'S DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAAADDD! Suddenly a thought occurred to her. "Its all my fault. If I could've just done it without asking questions then..!" She didn't want to think anymore. She didn't want to think anymore! It hurts! It hurts too much to think! Rien fell back on pure instinct as she attempted to lock her own mind and emotions away. With instinct now in control, she wanted to kill everything that was in "her territory."


The bear had heard her scream and was confused to hear a voice underneath it. It backed away and revealed the dragon hatchling and the vines that seemed to be on it.


Rien's vines attempted to reach for anything, and everything she could. Plants, and the bear's throat were just some of them. The dragons that were nearby, most, if not all of them that were in her range were protected by something. Never the less she tries to grasp even those in the barriers. Sometimes her main body shuffles around to extend her range and as she does so she in turn changes her range that her vines can reach.


((Ahhh, Hope thats not too OP; let me know otherwise.))

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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The Black hatchling caught her breath at the gruesome sight of what used to be Aradis, and gagged. It wasn't pretty. She heard, or rather felt, someone yelling, and turned her head in time to lip-read Ashni saying "- it away from the cave." Good idea. Magically grabbing a rock, she threw it at the enormous creature to get it's attention. She helped Ashni and Rien lead the bear away from the cave, out into the forest. 



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When Aria came back to consciousness, although she hadn't remembered blacking out in the first place, it took exactly three quarters of a second for her to remember what had just happened. Guilt crashed over her like a wave, guilt and horror. I'm supposed to PROTECT others! Not kill them! She sucked in a breath as she began to hyperventilate. It's my fault. My fault again. I can't believe I failed again. I let another hatchling die.


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Mystic was flung on to a wall when Rien jumped out. He saw a bloody Christmas dragon that the bear had killed. For the first time, his face had emotion. At first shock, then sadness, then finally anger. While has was looking at the dead hatchling, some birds had flown into the cave. He didn't know it, but he had controlled the birds. His face went back to normal after he saw the birds and nobody saw the emotion he had had for that one second. He turned towards the bear, and realizing he was controlling the two birds, sent them to find three eagles if they could and bring them to carry the bear away.



Sierra saw Rien try to attack her. That was weird. Why was she attacking her? She didn't even know Rien.



Mist had known she had a shield because Rien had attacked her. She was instantly reminded of when she hatched. 'It's not her fault, it's not her fault' she repeated in her head. She refused to hurt Rien again.

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Kalana looked over the bushes again. Skylene wasn't there. Maybe she had gone to find someone else?... Then she realized that Rien was having another panic attack. She ran out to what was essentially the battlefield, and rolled Rien onto her back, ignoring the vines choking her her.

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Tauriel saw Alvi and descended over towards her. "Hi Alvi!" she said. Then realising that she was still invisible she quickly turned visible. "Sorry about that." She went over towards Ashni and helped them lure away the bear from the cave.

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Myst lay down on a patch of soft, sweet-smelling heather, enjoying the peacefulness of the nice spot in the mountains that Ismene had brought her to. The breeze was gentle, the air crisp and fresh, and the quietness was soothing. Thank you, Ismene! she called silently, closing her eyes with a content sigh. Immediately, the darkness was filled with screams of terror, and a blood-curdling roar that echoed eerily in her ears as her eyes flew open with a strangled gasp. Something's wrong. The young Swallowtail lunged into the air, her wings struggling against the wind that seemed to be dragging her backwards. She gritted her teeth and flew on, swinging her head from side to side as she flew low over the forest. In the distance, she could here shrieks and roars, whiched confirmed her fears. Bear. Without even thinking, Myst dived down and landed heavily on the bear's broad, well-muscled shoulders, climbing until she had reached it's head. She began raking at it's face without even thinking, her eyes sparkling with determination as her claws dug into flesh. Suddenly, the air was knocked out of her as a huge paw caught the side of her wing, sending her tumbling down with her ears ringing and landing awkwardly with a painful grunt. The last thing Myst saw before she delved into unconsciousness was the bear clawing at it's eyes, it's face a mess of thick, unkept brown fur matted with sticky, dark crimson blood. I've blinded it!

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Aerix rolled his eyes, "Go ahead." He had heard her mention of Lucifer, he was glad Medea was not one of the dragons that disliked Lucifer, it would make his life a bit easier. He did wonder about Skylene, he didn't remember much from his first day of hatching. He found it strange that, while he couldn't recall her name at first, he remembered Medea.

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Feather looked up because she thought she heard the flapping of wings. She saw Hibiki flying above her going to do who knows what. I wonder what he is going to do. She stayed transfixed to her spot before she truly realised what he was going to do. He's going to tackle glomp me in the air! Oh well. You need a bit of fun every now and then.

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Alvira jumped before she realized it was Tauriel. "Woah, hi Tauriel! The invisible thing is so cool! Kinda scary though." She turned to Ashni. "Okay... Now what?


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Kiska squeaked and started when a blue shape unexpectedly dropped by her and Snow. She quickly realized it was her friend Skylene, not someone who was going to eat her.  "Oh, hi Skylene. I didn't expect to see you around." she said, happily. 


((Just gonna have Snow and Kiska together when Skylene finds them. okay with everyone?))

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