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Mist quickly slashed the bears legs after it lost balance again from a rock. She clawed at it's left leg, trying to disable it.



Sierra let go of the bear's neck just before the rock hit. SHe saw ?Mist clawing it's legs and helped her. She clawed the right leg. 'THe poison should be working now' She thought. True enough, the bear slowed down a bit from pain.

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As she continued through the forest, Skylene could not see anything of particular interest. Everything seemed calm, perhaps too calm for her liking. She stopped moving, and took note of her surroundings. She hadn't seen any wolves, or any large animals for that matter. She hadn't spotted a single dragon either, and was beginning to feel deserted. Where could everyone be? she thought, unaware of the fact that Lucifer was hiding in a tree less than 20 yards away.

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Clem looked around wildly. Mother was shaking uncontrollably and his heart rate was speeding up like mad. His fear pierced the air and waves of remembered pain rolled over him. Clem did not know why he was scared, and she had no idea that he was remembering the time a bear, the one in front of him, took his leg. Favian's panic caused Clem to panic also, so when Michiru asked her to get off, Clem shook her head furiously. "I-I can't!" she protested. Clem was too deep in a state of terror to realize what danger she was truly in.


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He could see it happening now. Jumping from tree to tree quietly, sneaking up on a branch, launching himself into the air, landing on Skylene's back, sinking his teeth into her neck, pulling her down as the life ebbed away from her eyes, Lucifer could see it all fold out. It was so simple. Lucifer had practiced jumping through the trees to the point of him being able to stay completely silent when jumping. He had to make noise for the bear to follow, but who said he had to make noise for Skylene? She was a pest and could easily be dealt with as long as Lucifer had the chance to take her out quietly. For a moment, Lucifer wondered if Blusang meat was sweet. He was rather fond of sweet things, just like the rest of his breed. But something stopped Lucifer from killing Skylene. Lucifer wasn't confused on to why he wasn't going to kill her. He knew why he wasn't going to kill her just yet. He wanted to play with her. He wanted to see if she could figure him out. It would be boring to just kill her now. Lucifer wanted to see if Skylene was as smart as others said. Could she find out what his plans were? Could she take the horrors that he committed? Was she strong enough to continue to chase him? The game would end with her death, of course, but it would be fun to see her struggle. Lucifer didn't move a muscle and decided to let Skylene pass. She wouldn't be able to find him, and if she did, it would be disappointing to kill her now. Skylene would live, for now.

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Having no one come to her right off the bat, not that she thought they would unless they had wanted the hare she carried, Ashni wandered deeper into the birthing-cave. There was little point in standing just inside the mouth of the cave and get in the way of anyone who wanted to enter or exit. Besides, she did not want to be carrying this food in her jaws all day either. Going over to where she had been placing the food before and seeming where others had been as well, Ashni would place the hare down before trying to spot any hatchling she knew. Before she could really examine the whole cave a shout from what sounded like Favian about a bear coming came from the entrance. 'Bear? Better to get out before getting trapped into the cave, but then the eggs are left unprotected.'


However, Ashni kept her words to herself as she made her way closer to Favian's group as the bear made itself known. Not really sure what she was going to do about the whole situation herself since all she had done before with her little electricity trick was stun or kill small pray. To add to this she had other hatchlings attacking or close to the bear and heavens forbid if the lightning jumped from host to host, injuring or killing a nearby hatchling. Ashni's wings would spread in her aggravation, sparks seemingly dancing around them as she does so. What should she do? 'Well first things first, Favian needs to move.' This thought in mind, Ashni would run over to the mentioned hatchling with a soft growl. "Come on, now is not the time to freeze up Favian. We need you," she'd say as she nudged him on his side and most likely giving him a small harmless shock on accident. Thankfully that would not travel to the hatchling on his back, but maybe it would help getting him out of his emotional shock.

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Favian snapped out of his delusional state. "R-Right..." he stuttered as he began to back away from the bear. The memories that resurfaces felt fresh and burning into Favian's mind, but he tried his best to ignore them. They weren't important at the moment, getting away from the bear was important, and Clem! How could Favian forget Clem? She was digging her claws into his back and was not letting go. What was she still doing here? She could of been killed! Favian shook his head. He would have to talk with her late. With a nod of thanks to Ashni, Favian began to remove himself from the area.


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"Bear? Did someone say bear?" Kirk popped his head out of the water and looked around. He couldn't really see much. There entrance of the cave was too far away, and his eyesight wasn't good enough for him to see past the light that beamed into the cave. "What's a bear?" Kirk asked as he tried to get a better look at what was happening outside.

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As she stood still, Skylene could feel the wind blow through the forest in a relaxing sound. All the leaves gently shook around, bringing back fond memories of her trips here. When the trees seemed staggering to the young ones, Skylene always felt herself as above the rest, literally. For flying in the sky always made the others seem like mere specks, unimportant creatures to the big picture. This included the forest, which from high above, looked exactly like a pile of small moss, the treetops hiding whatever was under them. And this wind, the same wind that always blew, seemed to sound different at the moment. As if one tree made a different sound, a slightly different sound, yet still stood out from the group, as if the brilliant orchestra was being hindered by just one piece in its musical puzzle...


Someone is obviously here, she thought, Whoever is here, though, is hiding. But from where they're hiding, I don't know. They could be behind, in front, or to the sides of me. They are preparing for something... Knowing how useless searching each tree would be, she decided not to look for the hider, and instead continued moving through the forest, aware of each and every sound possible.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Narnun had stopped screaming and was going to visit the Birth Cave. Mostly so she could find Lucifer. When I do I'll follow him every- her thoughtd were interrupted when she saw a bunch of hatchlings trying to attack a bear. That's probably the bear that killed Sera and Mist. she thought. Being a sort of mage, she couldn't just leap in front of the bear. After all, she wasn't physically trained. She peered out from the bushes. What to do... Well, she only knew three different magic, nature, thunder, and fireballs. Maybe she could tie hist feet? Ha. But the hatchlings! What if, if he fell over, he smashed them? Well, we'll see. she told herself and tried concentrating.


Well, it's hard to concentrate when everyone else is biting the bear and hurting it, yelling. She could spot Favian with a pink hatchling, going to safety. Good. she thought. Her tying up the feet plan didn't exactly work. there was a few vines from the ground wrapping around the bears toes. However, Narnun knew that that wouldn't hold a bear down. Ugh. If I use fire, the forest could burn. She had also been depriving herself of food. Maybe she shouldn't have grieved like that. Stepping out the foliage, Narnun aimed to a spot of bear that no hatchlings were near and shot a somewhat weak ball of fire before jumping into the undergrowth again.

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"Get back underwater!" Tasimi yelled as he pulled Kirk under. "A bear is a very dangerous animal, it could kill any of us with a swipe of a claw." He told him. Suddenly an image of Skylene popped in his head. What if the bear got her? What if she was dead? He shook his head, wondering why he was so worried. 'I hope the others are okay.' He thought.

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With Favian out of the way she did not have to worry so much on at least two hatchlings at least. "It's alright," she'd mumble softly mostly to herself as she faced where the bear was once more and wondered if it was even safe to try and send a bolt of lightning at the animal. Well for now something had to be done since there was still other hatchlings around trying to take care of the bear themselves and she was not about to stand around being useless. Taking to the air Ashni would make sure that no one was touching the bear physically before sending a controlled bolt of lightning at the bear's sensitive nose in hopes of either making it run from the pain or at least turn the attention away from the hatchlings on the ground. Perhaps she could lead it away from the birthing-cave then if it lead to that.


((OOC:Leave control of the bear to someone else.))


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Aysu had long since gotten rid of the half fish once it was made known that neither of the other hatchlings wanted it. Amusing herself for the moment on just how to be rid of it before just tossing the carcases into a darkened crevices in the rocky walls. The other fishes would at least something to nibble on if they wanted, which she found odd they ate their own kin but whatever. Life in the pool was starting to get a little boring if she was staring to wonder about eating habits of what she herself eats. The new hatchling, which she made a note that she still had yet to get the name of, diving back into the water saying something about a bear caught her attention was something new however.


"What bear?" Aysu darted over to Kirk as he was dragged back under by the other hatchling. However, at the other hatchlings words she could not help the odd reaction of huddling closer to Kirk and the other hatchling since the whole 'killing with one swipe of a claw' did not sound too fun or friendly. "Oh, well then I don't wanna meet that bear then. I am going to stay here. Or you know, go deeper if it comes over here." Aysu would glance up to the surface before adding, "Besides, I bet the land hatchlings will have it covered."

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The bear reared up as a small bolt of lighting struck it on the nose. It swiped at the air, hoping to get rid of whatever was hurting it. However, it didn't turn it's attention completely away from the other hatchlings.


((I am now controling the bear, or at least until someone else comes))

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Aerix did as Medea suggested, "I spend all my nights out here, I don't explore much anymore, almost every dragon's home is within the range I've explored." He winced just the slightest bit, he had been trying not to show how much pain he was in, but it was hard, "I used to sleep during the day, I think it has to do with my breed, but now I rarely sleep at all, probably three or four hours in the morning. I like to fight, but there's no one to fight." He sighed, "Practically everyone else is a wimp, and I don't get much training so I am not strong enough to fight other creatures yet." He felt the sting of his wounds as he resituated again, but at least this time he managed to avoid wincing.

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Kirk let out a startled yelp as the new hatchling dragged him underwater. Water rushed into Kirk's mouth and his gills flared angrily as a sudden irritating itch formed near them. "Oi, you could just told me to come back down!" Kirk snapped. It wasn't an angry snap, and not really an aggravated growl, but more of a subtle hiss of discomfort. Kirk would of come back down if the other hatchling just said that it was dangerous to be at the surface. He didn't have to scream in Kirk's ears and forcefully pull him down. Kirk's ears were ringing and his muscles slightly ached. The hatchling's description of the bear proved why the hatchling was scared, but did he seriously have to be so aggressive with that shove? Kirk notice Aysu gather towards him, and gave her a soft nudge in an effort to calm down his pod member. "Didn't you say you couldn't breath underwater?" Kirk asked as he glanced over at the other hatchling. "There aren't many breathing holes in this tunnel. You'll have to swim a mile or two before you can find one. Are you sure you can stay down here that long?"

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The red nebula watched in dismay as Vortex went away. She sighed and thought,

I'll just go to the Birth Cave. She knew that Sera and Mint were killed. Heard it from Favian and Narnun when they went to the cave, so it wasn't really a shock. Spreading her red wings, the nebula took off for the Birth Cave.


Nearing the Birth Cave, the red nebula realized she heard growls. She never saw a bear before, hatching after Luye and Kalana's encounter with the bear, so she didn't know they were fighting a bear. Descending lower, she realized it fit the picture. It was a bear! A fireball hit the bear and hatchlings were biting it, but it wouldn't back off. I have to get Kiska! Luye! Alvi! Kalana! she thought, landing at the mouth of the cave and scanning for white, black, or purple-blue shapes.

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((Slightly edited Rien's post because I was able to read more posts.))


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At first panicking that Clem wouldn't listen to her she became relieved that Favian was running away form the danger. Maybe this time she could sing and maybe help out? She tried out her voice. Still only wheezes came out. "I don't understand! Why can't I sing? I mean, I don't know what I can do, but at least its SOMETHING!" The fear and the shock of the possibility that Clem could've died still gripped her heart. No- that wasn't it. It was more simple. Clem's expression of fear had dug deep into her and was affecting her as if it were her own fear. Despite visibly relieved, she needed someone to come and calm her down, to reassure her that Clem was going to be okay.



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She tunneled through, the many vibrations getting stronger and stronger. Despite herself she tunneled towards the biggest vibration. She realized too late that the strongest vibration was strong enough to really hurt her ears and make the rest of her other senses tingle with "pain." There was so much going on. She felt a giant thing right above her practically causing small earthquakes with its size. She felt the little pitter-patter of some the small and quick hatchlings. She felt the bigger thudding of someone obviously running away from where the huge thing. What was she going to do? Could she really help? "This thing is so huge that its already defeating me with just its vibrations!" Because she had stopped for so long her vines instinctively rose up to the ground. Some seised bits of grass and some seised Narnun's vines... While others tried to grab the bear's thick tree trunk like legs. Originally intending to grab all four legs and then climb up and bind the bear, they only managed to grab the back right leg. She may be a vine dragon with many vines but she was still only a hatchling, a day old hatchling in fact. At least her grip was firm. For now.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Ashni tilted her body as she dodged the paw swiped at her, growling to herself as the bear did not fully turn away from the other hatchlings. Of course she kind of doubted it would have with the other hatchlings still moving about around it, but it had been worth a try anyways. Perhaps the bear would more than likely chase her if she was on the ground since their prey was normally on the ground as it was. So Ashni would dive to the ground while still trying to keep an eye on the bear and the other hatchlings, not wanting to send any electricity into the bear if another hatchling was about to claw at it. "Come on fuzzy," she'd snap at it as she sent another controlled bolt at the bear and this time hitting the animal in the chest. Body tensed up as she readied herself to run or at least run back into the air if it was needed.


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Aysu looked to Kirk as he nudged her with a little chirp, calming down just by the knowledge that her pod was by her side. Though knowing now that this other hatchling could not breath underwater was new and could be a problem. "We could help him swim faster maybe? If we can swim faster than him anyways."


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Medea had her eyes half closed as she watched the sun reflecting off the river, but soon looked over to Aerix as he once again started to speak. "It would seem I cannot get away from everyone then. All well, just have to stay near the ones that will not drive me into insanity then," she'd say about the comment on the every dragons home being in range. "Fighting is fun, but I agree there are not many to fight. Well other than killing what you are going to eat or tricking the larger predators, there is not much training to be had in that area." Wings would finally fold close to her body and she rolled onto her side to better face the blue hatchling, giving a little sarcastic grin as she does so. "I would be more than glad to fight you when you are better. Be more of a challenge when you are not going to be bleeding and at your best after all."

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Still moving through the forest, Skylene began to wonder what happened to Sera. Mint is dead, but appeared to me as a...ghost?...And she lives in the Time Cave now,...so...what happened to Sera?... As her mind drifted off thinking about the possiblities, she was unaware of how close she was getting to the cave, the bear, and the hatchlings that were running off in fear.

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Kirk rubbed the back of his head. "We might be able to do that." he said slowly. "I don't know how long he could hold his breath for. If he could hold it for at least ten minutes, then they'll be no problem. But if he can't hold it for even three minutes...." Kirk trailed off. This was not a situation he imagined would ever happen. "Maybe we can try and fashion something out of the materials we have at our disposal into a temporal mask." Kirk suggested suddenly. "Like, we can find something to create an air pocket for him to breath in. If it breaks down on the way to an air hole, then we can just have him hold his breath while we push him to the surface." Kirk looked over at the new hatchling. "Would that be okay?" he asked expectantly.

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Aerix grinned, "Oh, is that supposed to be a pun? and challenge accepted." He rolled over and stood up, "I think I'm dry now." He said, still in a bit of pain, but it was numbing.

"I'm sure you can find somewhere away, from everyone but me and Skylene." Aerix had seen the Blusang exploring too, though not as far as he, "Though I do need to explore farther, I still haven't Aladdin and Sindri's home, they live the farthest out as far as I know." He shrugged and shook his wings, "Definitely dry." He said as the last bit of water on his wings splashed onto Medea.

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"Sorry about that. I just panicked there for a minute." Tasimi said to Kirk. "I can hold my breath for about seven minutes, but I wasn't planning on leaving." Tasimi took a quick peek out of the water but he couldn't see anything. "You guys can go if you want, but I'm staying here." He said in a serious tone.

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"Oh no you don't." Kirk swam up to the other hatchling and pulled him down deeper into the water. He didn't let go of the hatchling once he was underwater. "I'm not going to let you act stupid and play the hero." Kirk said. "You said it yourself, that bear is dangerous! What could you possibly do to stop it? Can't you hear other people dealing with it? Why throw yourself into a situation you can't win? Besides, Favian clearly told everyone to get to safety. You would be going against his orders if you run out and try to take that bear headfirst. I'm not sure if you've seen Favian get angry before, but trust me, you do not want to evoke his rage. I've seen Lucifer back down from him when he was yelling at someone. That guy has nerves of steel and he didn't want to mess with an angry Favian. Why on earth would you even want to go back there?" Kirk wasn't normally serious, but he could be quite level-headed in extreme situations, such as this one.

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Tasimi looked at Kirk with wide eyes. "Whoever said I would go out there and fight? I'm not fighting that thing! That bear would rip my throat out in seconds!" He exclaimed. He shook his head rapidly under the water. "Nope, nope, nope! I am not fighting it! What I meant when I said that was that I was gonna stay here," He motioned his fins to the wall of the pool around him. "in this pool. I don't want to go out there, but I don't want to leave, because I'm worried about someone."

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"So you're going to stay here while the bear might possibly get you?" Kirk asked. He raised and eye ridge and shook his head. "That isn't a good idea. If the bear sees you popping you head out of the pool, it'll come straight in here. The last thing we need is a bear sticking it nose into our pool. That will only cause more trouble for everyone. The best you can do for your friend is wait and hope he or she is okay. Why don't you speak with her telepathically?"

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"I know it isn't a good idea but," Tasimi bit his lip. "Something is telling me to stay." He looked up at the surface of the water, and back at Kirk. "I have no idea where she is, and that's the problem. I don't know if she's safe, if she's dead, or if the bear is already fighting her, I just don't know." His top fin lowered in a way a dog's ears would when it was sad. "And it's making me very nervous not knowing what going on."

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Kirk wasn't the mean type. He had nasty thoughts every know and then, but they were never hurtful thoughts. This was one of those rare occasions when Kirk would think something not-so-nice. Didn't he just hear me? I said, "Why don't you speak with her telepathically?". Was he not paying attention? Calming himself down, Kirk tried again. "Can't you speak with her telepathically?" he asked nicely. "You might not know her location, but you can surely send out the message."

Edited by Doctortear

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Almost out of the forest, Skylene could see the cave from where she was now, as well as the chaos that was unfolding. From her distance, it appeared that a bear was attacking by the cave, and that hatchlings were either running away or fighting it. This is crazy! I'm gotta do something too! she thought, flying faster towards the mayhem, eager to help out.

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