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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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What the heck?

You mean the person was taking 7 CB Metals for only ONE 3rd gen spot?




I got a 3rd gen spot for one CB Metal!



Yeah okay, I get that metals are appearing more often lately, but CB metals ARE CB metals! They're still hard to catch.

They are hard to catch maybe but the market is currently flooded bringing down their value by a lot. Besides that most shimmer lists are full so I see metal trades sit there for a loooong time. That said I only accepted one or two CB metals per spot for my list. That was all I was offered for spots. Had I been offered more I probably would have taken it yes. I'm not ashamed to admit that. I only need two more Cb golds now for my metal quota for my scroll (4 Cb males and 4 Cb females of each species) to be filled :3


(Before anyone has a fit about that I have been playing for 5 years and had only one Cb metal to show for that entire play time and it was a gift. Call me greedy if you want but I had a chance to semi complete my scroll goals for metals and I took it! I believe most people would have done the same.)


That said if it makes anyone feel better after I am done with this list the rest of Elias' shimmer babies will be lottoed off or glomp gifted to random people on the forums who I think deserve them. :3

Edited by Reidragon

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Luckiest Catch's Shimmer died? That's truly a shame. Let's all hope the next one won't meet the same fate as it's sibling.

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Dang, wish I would have been there when all you people accepting one or two Metals for a 3rd or 4th gen Shimmer had their lists open! xd.png


I understand some people want different amounts for different reasons, but when I got that offer, I was like: "Well, all my hopes just went down the drain"

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Blarg, I contacted one person a few days ago because they had a 3rd gen list open and was taking CB Metals for a spot, and I offered 3, with a promise of more (All I had at the time), and they were like "No, I'm only taking offers of 7 or more."


I wanted to cry.


EDIT: Derped on the number

I would love to have a Shimmer as much as anybody, but I haven't even been able to get the other two CB metals to complete MY basic scroll goals in two and a half years of attempts, both catching and trading. Seven CB metals? Yeah, for anyone with my catching skills, when pigs fly.


There are incredibly generous people on this site, and it is their spirited actions and kind words which bring me back when I see all the greed flaunted in the trading threads. <3

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What the heck?

You mean the person was taking 7 CB Metals for only ONE 3rd gen spot?




I got a 3rd gen spot for one CB Metal!



Yeah okay, I get that metals are appearing more often lately, but CB metals ARE CB metals! They're still hard to catch.

i can see some people "offering" lots of CB metals to maybe outbid other offers, but its not common you see someone straight out "asking" for an amount that high, especially a third gen. considering some people got on 2nd gen lists for say, maybe 1 CB metal, then go asking a very high price for a third gen that most people cannot afford sad.gif makes me sad tbh. i know some prize winners were very kind and asked for nothing much, so why should third gens be worth more than 2nd gens? not calling them greedy, cause it IS their egg, they can ask for whatever they want and i guess i can understand people need to complete their scroll goals, but just what i said before, that people are wanting much much more for their third gen than what they paid for their second gen makes me scratch my head, its kinda sad :| makes people who arent on any lists give up hope


just me thinking outloud xd.png

Edited by Xeriina

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Honestly, you have to look at what people are offering in compairison to what they're getting. I've seen a lot of people offering lots of metals, but are yet to be on a list. It really depends on what the shimmer owner wants at the time. For example, I've opened up a couple lists to offspring that I'm owed and I've taken as little as two blusangs because it's what I needed at the time.

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i can see some people "offering" lots of CB metals to maybe outbid other offers, but its not common you see someone straight out "asking" for an amount that high, especially a third gen.  considering some people got on 2nd gen lists for say, maybe 1 CB metal, then go asking a very high price for a third gen that most people cannot afford sad.gif makes me sad tbh.  i know some prize winners were very kind and asked for nothing much, so why should third gens be worth more than 2nd gens? not calling them greedy, cause it IS their egg, they can ask for whatever they want and i guess i can understand people need to complete their scroll goals, but just what i said before, that people are wanting much much more for their third gen than what they paid for their second gen makes me scratch my head, its kinda sad :|  makes people who arent on any lists give up hope


just me thinking outloud xd.png

Not everyone is doing that with their third gens though. I contacted people in trade thread who had things I wanted and even if they had 5 metals up for trade I politely asked for simply just one. A couple of people gave me multiples anyway. Mostly two silvers. Beyond that the rest of the people on my list APPROACHED ME. In fact 3/4th's of my trade offers were people pming me as such "Hi I saw your list was open I have x and y would you accept that for a spot on your list?"


My inbox was flooded and I read each Pm in the order it was received and dealt with that person only until we came to an agreement and then I went on to the next pm. Imo that was the fairest way to do it and I don't think I was greedy or unreasonable in how I dealt with things at all. unsure.gif


Please do not lump everyone in the same category I guess is what I am asking.

Edited by Reidragon

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i can see some people "offering" lots of CB metals to maybe outbid other offers, but its not common you see someone straight out "asking" for an amount that high, especially a third gen.  considering some people got on 2nd gen lists for say, maybe 1 CB metal, then go asking a very high price for a third gen that most people cannot afford sad.gif makes me sad tbh.  i know some prize winners were very kind and asked for nothing much, so why should third gens be worth more than 2nd gens? not calling them greedy, cause it IS their egg, they can ask for whatever they want and i guess i can understand people need to complete their scroll goals, but just what i said before, that people are wanting much much more for their third gen than what they paid for their second gen makes me scratch my head, its kinda sad :|  makes people who arent on any lists give up hope


just me thinking outloud xd.png

Yeah I know that...

The offers are going out of control...


I've considered this:

If a CB Prize isn't obtainable (unless you're a raffle winner), a 2nd gen would technically be a CB for those who didn't win, and since its a Prize it should be equal to a Metal.

So, a 2nd gen Prize=1 CB metal, 3rd gen Prize=2nd gen metal and so on, right?


I know that everyone is going crazy and offering a crap ton of CB metals for offsprings just because they're new Prize dragons, but those offers aren't certainly helping the market.


Some owners are still kind and accept reasonable offers, but jesus, now that I've read someone is taking a minimum of 7 CB metals my conclusion is, there are players that are getting their heads too high.


Ahem, some things might not be understandable because English isn't my native language lol.

Edited by Vaati

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it took me far too long to pm people out of politeness but being polite seems 2 have backfired since im so far down those lists xd.png ah well at least ill get a nice few eventually lol

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Not everyone is doing that with their third gens though. I contacted people in trade thread who had things I wanted and even if they had 5 metals up for trade I politely asked for simply just one. A couple of people gave me multiples anyway. Mostly two silvers. Beyond that the rest of the people on my list APPROACHED ME. In fact 3/4th's of my trade offers were people pming me as such "Hi I saw your list was open I have x and y would you accept that for a spot on your list?"


My inbox was flooded and I read each Pm in the order it was received and dealt with that person only until we came to an agreement and then I went on to the next pm. Imo that was the fairest way to do it and I don't think I was greedy or unreasonable in how I dealt with things at all. unsure.gif


Please do not lump everyone in the same category I guess is what I am asking.

oh yeah i definetely know not EVERYONE is doing that lol, i was very lucky and got on some third gen lists for small prices, i know for a fact there are people not asking for much and even willing to gift their eggs out of their kindness xd.png

i was only saying after i hear what some people are asking for, i can understand why people give up hope so easy s:

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The problem I had was I was too nervous to ask anyone for a while. Obviously because some people don't want messages.

But it kinda re-assured me that I shouldn't of asked when I got the offer. wink.gif

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The problem I had was I was too nervous to ask anyone for a while. Obviously because some people don't want messages.

But it kinda re-assured me that I shouldn't of asked when I got the offer. wink.gif

Yeah, I'm too nervous to ask owners.

The way I got spot in a list was because the person offered it to me. xd.png

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Well hopefully obtaining a shimmerscale will be more achievable once this CB metal madness in the caves dies xd.png it seems people want CB metals not just for shimmers but even for some common eggs! i hope everyone will be able to recieve atleast one shimmer soon <3 ive even planned to gift shimmers to some nice people who dont have one yet smile.gif


on another note, has anyone does bronze x arsani or rosebud yet? i know its been mentioned earlier, but id really like to see that lineage ( i saw bronze x sweetling, which looked lovely) i really love valentine lines ♥o♥

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on another note, has anyone does bronze x arsani or rosebud yet? i know its been mentioned earlier, but id really like to see that lineage ( i saw bronze x sweetling, which looked lovely) i really love valentine lines ♥o♥

I think someone did an Arsani, or at least planed on it...

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Well hopefully obtaining a shimmerscale will be more achievable once this CB metal madness in the caves dies xd.png it seems people want CB metals not just for shimmers but even for some common eggs! i hope everyone will be able to recieve atleast one shimmer soon <3 ive even planned to gift shimmers to some nice people who dont have one yet smile.gif


on another note, has anyone does bronze x arsani or rosebud yet? i know its been mentioned earlier, but id really like to see that lineage ( i saw bronze x sweetling, which looked lovely) i really love valentine lines ♥o♥

That's super generous of you. :3 I'm pretty sure my encounter isn't what most have. There's plenty of nice people here.


Bronze X Valentines sounds really nice.

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I pm'd one person waaaayy after the lists were constructed and pretty much filled. I didn't pm anyone before because I thought that they would be feeling over harassed. So I ended up on (as far as I am aware) no 2nd gen lists, maybe one, am not sure. unsure.gif


Then the metal boom occurred and I got my chance. I was for the first time ever able to catch CB Metals to trade and I was in with a chance to actually get a shimmer, not be watching on the sidelines like I did with the tinsels.


I worked hard to get some CB Metals, often attending 12 drops a day, and with that I was able to trade for my brand new 3rd gen shimmer 'precious'. The metal boom will not be here forever and it really is a case of using the boom to get ahead if you can. Without the 'boom' I would not have that gorgeous little precious egg on my scroll (can't tell I am very excited about it can you. xd.png), in fact I wouldn't have got a shimmer for at least a few more months if not more. But the fact is that even being flush with CB Metals is no guarantee of success.


Over the past few days I have lost out on quite a few shimmer trades and won't mention what I offered but yes, those shimmers went for exhorbitant prices in the end. If people are willing and able to pay those prices, can the people trading really be blamed for accepting. After all who would turn down 7 CB Metals. blink.gif I will very likely try and trade my own shimmer babies for CB Metals (hoping the boom lasts) because I have some people I want to gift them too that haven't been so fortunate during the metal boom and have not been able to meet their CB Metal scroll goals. I also have always wanted to lotto off CB Metals, that would be rather fun.

Edited by Dubious

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Not all the Shimmerscale trades are completely insane (though most of the low-gen ones are at this point). Like, I got this 5th-gen Bronze for a 4th-gen Tinsel from a very unusual pairing and a CB Black hatchling I didn't need anyways. I probably will try to trade its offspring for piles of Guardians, because I can never have enough of those.

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I pm'ed three or maybe four prize winners. Two didn't even read it yet (and I sent the pm end of January)

If the shimmer owners, be it CB or 2nd/3rd gens are asking for CB metallics then I am doomed. Yes I know the boom in the cave, I have SEEN tons of them but could not catch a single one, even with the mouse in the right spot sad.gif

Thankfully there are still kind people out there who accept easier to get stuff or even don't ask for anything in return, not to mention the ones who lotto their offspring. To them, wub.gif

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Not all the Shimmerscale trades are completely insane (though most of the low-gen ones are at this point). Like, I got this 5th-gen Bronze for a 4th-gen Tinsel from a very unusual pairing and a CB Black hatchling I didn't need anyways.

xd.png I offered a CB Metal on that one and I imagine many others offered even more. So there we all have it, CB Metals are not automatic success, people without metals still have a very good chance. smile.gif

Edited by Dubious

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I haven't even looked at a single shimmer trade yet. I figure I can just be patient. And I'd rather have the 7 cb golds than the one shimmer in most cases. I am on one list because a person saw a lineage I am doing and asked if I'd trade an eggy for a 3rd gen. I've no idea how close to the end of that list I may or may not be, but I thought it was a nice and flattering offer, so I accepted.


Of course, egg locking myself with low-time purple dorsals out of the ap is not helping my metal catching efforts. But I can't stop incuhatching! /hugs flock of dorsals


That also makes me wonder if people will be able to fulfil these crazy trades. If the metal drought ended tomorrow and a person has an IOU 3rd gen list with 10 people and 7 cb metals each. Those metals are going to grow up before they can get all of them onto their scroll unless they do some pretty amazing juggling.

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The two dragons breed to produce an egg <33333! Elias bred true first time! http://dragcave.net/lineage/EZT56 wub.gif


Time to pm the first person on my list and let them know they have an egg xd.png I pray he keeps breeding well ^^!

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The two dragons breed to produce an egg <33333! Elias bred true first time! http://dragcave.net/lineage/EZT56 wub.gif


Time to pm the first person on my list and let them know they have an egg xd.png I pray he keeps breeding well ^^!

Congratulations!!! wub.gif I am so happy to know that shimmer x trihorn is breeding true ... anxiously waiting for my 2nd gen that is from a tri horn mate.



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And egger safely with it's new owner x3! Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.


-Huggles Elias- Such a good Shimmer <3!

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