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~formatting weirdness~

Forum name: High Lord November is my forum name. 

Lineage name: Code Names - here is an example of a 3rd gen pure-bred Code Name.


Breeds of dragons involved: All! (except pygmies, I got too many breeding failures and gave up)

Type of lineage project: Pure-bred code names with no inbreeding. A Name Code is based off of its code - the code only has letters in it, the first letter is capital and the rest are lower case.

What are your goals for this project?: I want to create the longest name-code lineage I can.


How can others help?: If you have the same kind of lineage going, let me know if you get doubles from a set of parents - very happy to breed some of my 'retired' NCs and trade you the doubles in return

Are you willing to help others with their projects and how?: Willing to breed higher-gen Name Codes and trade them for like.


Notes about your projects:

  • Some dragons are named exactly after their name code, because I'm unable to remove them as an option from the breeding page for pairs that haven't produced a Name Code yet. They're still true Name Codes (you can see for yourself), it's just a way to help me keep track (until the option to remove a dragon from the top of the breeding page is added).
  • Be careful about the difference between "l" (lower-case L) and "I" (upper-case i). 
Edited by High Lord November

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My Projects

1/2/24: Now that Christmas is winding up, back to more seasonal projects, as always. Winter eggies goooo!!!


3/2/24: Adding in my holiday projects list. Two winter eggs left to go, and I will be done with Winter, heading into Spring. Woot!

Edited by Alayajoy
update 3/2/24

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