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Shadows: Whisper | Assassin's Creed

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(I'll start it. If nobody minds...)


Helena didn't like to run. Facing her problems was her way of doing things. But the guards simply had too many men. So she sent people in small groups to the mountains so they didn't raise suspicion. Before long, everyone was camped out there, safe for a while. But she hadn't been able to find her brother anywhere. He'd be able to find them if he thought hard enough, but it was worrying. But it was just one person, so she hadn't sent out search parties or anything. He would return sooner or later. Zero was the kind of person to just let himself go far, far away from whatever was causing him trouble. And he'd think it over and calm down. And then it would be fine. Nothing would come up after that. The Mentor cracked her knuckles and looked at a stack of boulders that she had assembled. It was taller than she, roughly the size of an opponent. She was tempted to practice on it, but decided against it. She'd just end up getting bruised before the real battle even began. So she sat down on the rocky ground, closed her eyes, and prayed out loud.

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Cyrus had been the last to head up to the mountains. He made sure there was no trace of the creed heading up there. He traveled by foot to ensure he didn't leave a blatant trail himself. He went a convoluted route, to boot. He couldn't risk anything now. It was several hours later when he finally showed up to their camp. Sophia wasn't to be found quickly and incessant worry overtook him. He'd never not known where she was. He searched high and low until he came across her and Circe. "Oh, thank the Gods." He said to himself as he was reunited with Sophia. Any other parent, except possibly Kallisto, would think he was too clingy. But in their life, death was a constant worry, and he had never been sure if they'd made it when he sent them off. He was so overwhelmed with joy when he found her he had to share it. And Circe was the woman who kept his previous jewel safe. Not thinking, he kissed her.


((This is why I wanted them to fight. He'd have legit reason to worry about her safety.

It seems a bit out of character here, Cyrus isn't the type to worry this much over something like that if the whole creed was there. but I need to push this forward otherwise they'll never get together.))

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[Aww. Citrus. xd.png]


Circe smiled as Cyrus was reunited with his daughter. But what he didn't expect was him kissing her. His rough lips against hers sparked across her mouth. Circe pulled away and looked at him in surprise. "... Cyrus..."



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Cyrus's eyes were wide when she pulled back as he realized what he'd done. "I... Apologize, Circe. That was highly inappropriate." He said. Normally men wouldn't apologize to a woman for anything, but Cyrus was used to spartan women, who enjoyed almost the same liberties as men, not Thebian women, who didn't. Hermes had been in the room though, having not moved terribly much since they arrived. His face showed sheer delight and surprise as he watched Cyrus kiss her. Holy Hermes! He didn't think the man even noticed his presence and he wanted to keep it that way.

"I'll get out of your hair." Cyrus said, taking his daughter's hand and turned to leave. He wasn't sure why he'd done that, but he was unsure if he regretted it or not.

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Circe gazed into Cyrus's eyes when he said that was inappropriate. Ina... Proptiate? But... His mouth against hers, even for a quick moment... It made her want to swoon and sink into his arms... And perhaps, Cyrus could claim the babe in her womb as his own, and the poor child will not be treated as an Athenian censorkip.gif***. Circe looked up as he began to leave.


"No!" Circe yelped, raising her hand and holding it out to him. Her eyes were gazing at the back of his head, and a wary smile came across her lips. "Stay. Please? With me. I get lonely here. And I really like having Sophy around."


She gazed at him some more, the smile still on her lips. She would have to lay still for a long while, because could harm the babe in her belly. And she didn't want that. She wanted a small child to feed and someone smiling up at her. Circe was like that. She wondered if Cyrus wanted to have one as well when he found Sophia. Or did the Gods place her there to train Cyrus to be a father for his own babe?


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Sophia tugged on Cyrus' hand and he turned around. He'd mistaken her surprise for distaste on the situation. Which was understandable since he surprised even himself. He looked at it objectively for a second, he didn't have a spot to stay up here, as he never traveled this high and didn't own a tent that could protect them from the cold, just one for the rain. "Alright." He said, surprise and worry out of his voice already. "I think Sophia wants to stay a bit longer, anyways." He was using his daughter as an excuse to stay, but he could care less. "I think I can stay just a bit longer." Hermes was staying quiet but he was having a heap of trouble. He'd have to tell Calypso! This was great.

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[sorry. I was at Pizza Hut and I just witnessed someone binge eating, so I'm ****ing grossed out. Short post.]


Circe grinned as Cyrus came and stayed with her. She pulled on his arm and dragged him down with her so they could lie on the cloth. Ruffling Sophia's hair, she smiled and giggled at her. "So... What does this mean, Cyrus?" she asked him.

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((I'm over pizza-hut. I was all over it when I was like, eight, but Domino's is where it's at.))


Cyrus let himself be tugged down with her and smiled a little. She asked him what all of this meant and he had to shrug. "I don't know what it means, Circe. I hadn't meant to do anything of the like." He told her. "It just... Happened. I don't know what to tell you." He did find that he was happiest when the three of them were together. He'd found himself leering once or twice but always set his mind on something else. Who the Hell was he kidding anyways? He wasn't some child! He'd seen things some men never hope to see during their life. And life was short. "Circe. I very much like you. Sophia does too, and that means a lot to me." He said, jumping in head first.

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[i like the pepperoni... xd.png

I think Citrus is like... Hermes' OTP or something. xd.png]




Circe looked down at the ground when he started to speak. It was cool. It wasn't like she wanted to make out with him right then and there... They had to relax and ease into it. She looked up at Sophia and grinned. She began to think about her child. If it was a boy, she would have to be especially firm with him. If it was a girl... She would braid her hair like she did with Sophia and sing with her.


"C-Cyrus..." she gasped when Cyrus said what he said. ... He liked her? But... "... You don't want me. I'm..." she hoped that she knew what she meant. Raising a hand to her stomach, she looked down at it. "I don't know... The babe will bring bad news to your name. Imagine? What if... What if..."


She shook her head. "What if he comes after it? You can't get into a situation like that... Especially with a babe of your own."


Circe gazed up at him and frowned softly. She wanted him to say that he didn't care, Thayer would shove it all to the side and defend her to the death. But... He had Sophia...

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(Am I the only one that makes pizza at home? xd.png)


Kal heard some of what happened and laughed to herself. Walking along the rocky paths, she shook her head. "Foolish, foolish." She'd been there. Done that. She'd been married before. She'd tried to trick herself into thinking that a man was what she wanted. But it wasn't. All that she needed was Thais. She'd take of him and then die. That would be her life and that would fulfill her. Unlike some, who still thought of their own gain, she found that her life revolved entirely around her son's happiness.

Meanwhile, Thais ran along the rough way that cut through the mountainside. He played by himself, for his mother had gone off so he could play without her. But the little boy saw her returning, probably to fetch him and put him to bed. He neglected to look at where he was going and fell, banging his head on a rock.

Neither of them remembered much after that. Kal was a blur of adrenaline, panic, and anger. And Thais was just knocked out...

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((I do. It's just never as good.

Hermes is just a gossip. Not like some women are today, but he likes to flap his gums.))


Cyrus frowned. "Circe, what happened to you is of circumstance. It is not your fault, and it's up to you how to deal with it. But to me, it's irrelevant. I've stopped caring about traditional 'honor' many years ago, and that's not a story for now, but it's not a concern. And if he comes for the babe. If the father tries to take your child from you, he won't get past the door." He said. "Sophia will never come to danger, you have no reason to fear for her." He shifted as he pulled his pack off his back. "I can protect more than one girl." He stroked her arm and brushed her hair back idly for a moment before letting his hand fall to the ground.

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Maybe. But probably something we've never done.



Edited by Dusset

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[unless you wanna make a girl for one of my males?]




Circe blinked as he brushed some hair away from her face and stroked her arm. She never thought that Cyrus could be this gentle... Every time she saw him, she saw the stern and strong Spartan that he said that he was, and every touch would break a bone. But his fingers brushed against her arm... And she smiled softly at his tenderness. Circe gazed up at him. "If that is what you wish..."


Circe tucked her head against his chest, pressing a bit closer. She also brought Sophia closer. Circe vowed that, at that moment, she would always be with him. Well... She would try to be. And maybe when she got enough trust, she would ask him to be nicer to Zero. Poor boy. She could pinch his cheeks and still get a relative amount of baby fat between her fingers. But now... She finally had a family. "Then I am yours." she murmured into his tunic.

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Cyrus' arms wrapped around Circe and Sophia. He was smiling softly and truly content. Sophia had nodded off and was sleeping soundly. Long day. He had nothing to say. No words could add to that moment, not that he could think of. He just wanted to lay there, forget about the violence that surrounded him throughout his life. He wasn't romantic, not in the slightest. Never had time to learn proper courting. But he was glad he'd said something when he did.


((I'm running out of things here.

We need something to happen.))

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((Nothing major has happened... I summarized all we did in two sentences.))

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(I know exactly what to do! See OCC.)

Edited by Mousia

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(Ready? I hope you are, 'cause I'm not procrastinating anymore.)


Kal cried as she held her son in her arms. She held a piece of fabric that had been ripped from her clothes to the gash in his head. "Honey? Wake up... It's time to wake up!" Her voice was soft as the tears rolled down her cheeks and landed on his. She was doing all she could, but there wasn't time to bring him all the way to someone who knew herbs. His skin was already growing pale and his breathing was weak. She couldn't even feel his heartbeat with her shaking hands.

"A little young to have a son that old, aren't you? Sixteen at most." There was a presence behind her. When the young woman turned around, she saw a man clad in an Athenian guard's armor. It had spikes and looked pretty heavy to Kal. "Well, maybe you're a little older. Eighteen?" The assassin couldn't even reply. It seemed so stupid. So trivial. Her son was dying! Couldn't he see that?

"See this cloth in my hand, here? What's inside it can bring your son back to full health. Just let me put it on him." Kal shook her head adamantly and grabbed the bundle from his hand, unwrapping it with very shaky hands. She placed it on his chest and wrapped his little hand around it. Then the man began speaking again. "The reason I show this to you, assassin, is because it will bring your son back to full health. Then I trust that you will tell your associates about it, because we will be using it in battle. You know what that means, right?" Kal was silent, her gaze unmoving from her son, whose wound seemed to shrink before her very eyes. "It means that we are invincible. With this to heal our wounded soldiers, we will never have a dead man. You will all ultimately meet your ends." Once Thais opened his eyes and sat up weakly, the man swiped the Ankh away. "Goodbye, young mother." Kallisto looked at the man in shock. "What is it, mama?" Kal just shook her head in disbelief. "We're going to go see the others now..." Taking up her son in her arms, the woman ran as fast as she could to where she knew Cyrus was, tugging the Mentor along with her. The woman didn't know where Aella was and didn't care. As long as two of them knew... Once they all crashed into where Cyrus, Circe, and Sophia were, Kallisto set her son down and panted heavily. "The guards... They're..." She looked up at the Mentor and Master Cyrus. "They have something that can heal wounds. In seconds. They have it! They healed my son. Look at this cloth! It has his blood on it. From his head. He was dying, and now he's alive! And the guards have this thing..."

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Cyrus was interrupted in his peace by Kallisto. He sat up properly and quirked a brow at her. "Let me see that." He said, reaching out to the rag. He felt it and sighed. It was fresh. "So they truly have it." He said. "Kallisto. It's called the Ankh. It's a tool of the Gods, and can revive people and heal all wounds and disease. They say it came to Earth in the Egyptian lands." He was not surprised by any of this. "They want to scare us, right? Prove that they truly have it and it's not all talk?" He looked at Helena. "This kills me to say it, but we have to move. Again. Soon. And as far as possible. Out of Greece if we have to. But anywhere near Thebes is dangerous."

"Mount Olympus." Hermes chimed in, still having just been in the area. "Who would dare walk among the Gods? Us of course. But the Athenians would never touch it.

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(My friend is an censorkip.gif***...)


Helena shrugged. "I've got no problem with it." But worry tainted her mind and she rubbed her eyes. "Just wait a while. I'll spend the night looking for my brother and then we should be ready to go by morning if we need to. If I don't find him, we can still go. I trust you to stand in for me." She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "I just have to find him. But my personal issues shouldn't get in the way of the creed. So you should get ready to prepare and I'll...go." Kal grabbed the Mentor's arm, though. "Stay. You will let him have his space. The gods will show him the way to us when he is ready to return." Helena sighed and bowed her head, which often would seem unnecessary due to the rank difference. But the Mentor always thanked her assassins when they helped her and kept her from making rash decisions. "Is anyone against staying on Mount Olympus for the gods' protection?"

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[Wanna skip to Mount Olympus?


*pats Moose* :<


Watching the Surrogate Mother... And wanting to punch the Surrogate so badly...]

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