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It means putting them in a big bucket of ice when they misbehave. You can't do it to eggs because they haven't done anything yet, and well, like you said.. do you want to try and wrestle a fully grown dragon into a tub of ice?


What does a BSA do?

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BSA stands for Blue Smart Aliens and is the truth of Dragon Cave's origin. In the beginning, the BSAs came across a small planet and decided to make it habitable by putting some plants and magic on it. Eventually, dragons came into existence and spread throughout the world. Some breeds of dragons were capable of changing or using the magic bound to them by the aliens to alter the world around them. These are BSA dragons and you can use them to hatch eggs and what not. Be warned, however. There is a one in a quadrillionth chance the egg affected will hatch into an alien dragon. These are rather mysterious creatures and will make you want to believe.


What happens on Halloween in the world of Valkemare (DC)?

Edited by lovecats99

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That's the day everyone's scroll taxes are due and if you don't pay up on time the GRS (Galsreim Revenue Service) will not hesitate to send their army of Hellfire Wyverns after you.


How do I get my eggs to hatch?

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Get chickens and have them brood your eggs until they hatch. Or sit on them yourself. Have a Red charbroil your egg for a nice omelets surprise, or a green to smash them with boulders and watch the egg yolk seeping out. Pick up the egg yolk and stir it into a pan to grill and eat. Enjoy!


How do I get treats on Halloween? o.o

Edited by Sapphira_Majoram

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Put on a costume. Knock on your neighbour's door. When they open it, yell "Trick or Treat, smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!" They will then give you candy or money or perhaps even a rock.


How do I name my dragon?

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Put a collar on the dragon you wish to name, adding a little tag with the name engraved on it.


When are the DC special events?

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Every event at DC is special.


Why do I need to use fertility?

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Why do I need to use fertility?

Well, why not?


I bit one of my eggs and now the hatchling's dead! What do?

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The hatchling actually faked its death and ran away because you tried to kill it.


How do I make a scroll?

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Pick up a piece of paper and start writing stuff down. Tie it with a ribbon at the end or seal it with some hot wax and tada a scroll!


How can I get a CB Halloween this year? Did I miss them all? ohmy.gif

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No you didn't miss them yet. CBs of all Halloween dragons drop on the 31st between 11:59 and midnight, so you gotta be quick!


What happens if I use the gender-change potion and then try to breed that dragon?

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The bred dragon will produce an egg of vast properties, being capable of controlling each and every Mana type at once. Be warned, however, as if you introduce it into the wilderness, in several months, it will likely develop into an invasive species as combining unstable Mana types can create clones upon clones of a creature to appear, which will eventually cause the end of the world. But.. one potion can't hurt, can it?


I've created a range of potions but I wondered, what would happen if I combined all of them into one Mega Potion and fed it to my Pet Ridgewing?

Edited by lovecats99

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Doing so would cause that dragon to ascend to deity status and become the anti-GoN.


Why did my Black dragon turn into a mushroom?! D: Is this permanent?

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I'm afraid so, but not to fear! You now have the extremely rare draco-mushroom! With it, you'll be able to summon the King Vine Dragon who will tell you 3 plant-related puns in return for a sacrifice. Does accept coupons if you'd like extra puns for a larger sacrifice. Acceptable sacrifices include an old toaster, unwanted candles or your 'trick or treat loot'.


Oh no! My egg is fading as it hatches! Will I ever see it again?! Will I lose it forever?

Edited by lovecats99

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It's fading because it doesn't have enough stats (Views/Unique Views/Clicks) to hatch. If you don't want it to vanish completely, put it in every fansite you can find.


How do I get one of those cool purple Shadow Walkers?

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Are you crazy? They're obviously a virus version of the regular Shadow Walkers; they'll infect and destroy your dragons data! /reference?


Why do I have the 2010 Trick or Treat badge even though I got my first treat this year?

Edited by JolteonTails

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(*squints* I feel like I should know that reference(?) from somewhere but I'm drawing a blank...)


You're actually a time traveler.


Why can't I find CB Pumpkin dragons?

Edited by Denwayasha

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Did you not hear of the Pumpkin Disaster of 09'? It all began when Creamed Pumpkin Lattes became popular, which meant a rise in demand for pumpkins. It came so out of hand that we had to resort to stealing pumpkins from the Pumpkin dragons and thanks to us, they've all gone into hiding (the wild ones). Its disappointing, but tasty!


My Grave dragon is looking at me funny like i've done something bad. Should I be worried?

Edited by lovecats99

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Nah... Grave dragons are pretty harmless and only use their flames to roast marshmallows. ^-^


My dragon died and turned to dust!1!! How do I get it back???

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You can't. It's lost forever, you dragon killer you. D: If you try to bring it back you'll be invoking the mummy's curse and kill you and all your other dragons to boot! Leave the poor thing be in peace. uwu


If I use a potion on a dragon is it permanent? o-o

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No but dragons who've had potions used on them have a 75% chance of running away to the Wilderness.


Why do some people on the forum have the little paint pallete icon under their avatar?

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They can paint your dragons in different colours (called 'alts'), but you'll have to pm them about a dozen times, otherwise they'll ignore you.


How do I tell the difference between a chicken and a pygmy egg?

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you gotta listen. if you hear a small roar then it's a dragon if not then it's a chicken.


how do I become TJ09 friend?

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Send a lot of presents and handwritten poems.


Are there more colors of Lunar Heralds than just Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Indigo? I thought I heard a rumor there are green ones!

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Yes, you can get green ones if you ignore the egg for 7 days and only put it into hatcheries when it has 5 minutes or less left to live! If the egg turns green you're successful.


I've seen 2nd gens from Zombies but my zombie doesn't have the 'breed' option! How is that possible?

Edited by Mirhana

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