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I don't even look at the popup hatch notice unless something is shown as being locked to my party. I just look at the party count and see if something isn't being moved when it should be.

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I suppose for the next year, SWSH will be a double edged sword...


I've disappeared for a while due to moving to Japan for school. I'll have a little bit of an advantage due to the change in time (I'll be active when fewer people are) but at the same time, not as many SWSH eggs will be dropped at those time periods and I'm really busy nowadays with school so I may not be able to get on as often as I used to. :< I suppose all I can do is try my best!

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I keep refrshing past the Mienfoo eggs. It's actually worse than usual because even though I always go through a brief period of adjusting to what egg I'm supposed to be on lookout for, I pretty much always know what they look like. Mienfoo on the other hand is a pokemon that I keep forgetting even exists.

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Well, this is just great sleep.gif My internet keeps having hiccups every few minutes, preventing me from doing anything much sad.gif Why its deciding to act up now is beyond me dry.gif *tries to keep hunting eggs*

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Too tired for real constructive activities but too awake to sleep, guess I'll just click pokemon until I'm more ready to pass out.


And yeah, I think I'll focus more on Shroomish and Burmy today, Mienfoo is a 6400 maturity egg after all and today's multiplier is kinda crappy.

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I have a feeling this will be like Dratini from the last SWSH.

Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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So if the GPX+ wiki is correct, winning 75 battles in a row in the battle subway would have given me an account upgrade to let me stuff more pokemon in the battle tower.


My streak just ended at 73 due to an amazing amount of criticals on my opponent's behalf. ;;

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So if the GPX+ wiki is correct, winning 75 battles in a row in the battle subway would have given me an account upgrade to let me stuff more pokemon in the battle tower.


My streak just ended at 73 due to an amazing amount of criticals on my opponent's behalf. ;;

Wait what. That's cool. o-o


Most I've ever gotten was like 8 or so. /bad battler

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I'm back smile.gif Due to internet problems I wasn't able to hatch/hunt anything since yesterday, so hopefully I can continue ^^; (And those darn Drowzee eggs are confusing me >_<)

Edited by FluffyPillow

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Off work until tomorrow night, so mass hatching these guys. No luck yet, but I expected it to be a long hunt.




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blink.gif Two Ditto eggs.

Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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