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I voted Numel, because it's cute x3 But Girafarig is cool too, as I was going to hunt it eventually anyways xd.png

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I voted for Stunfisk, partially because I always meant to hunt it, but have too many targets already(and I quit a shiny hunt for it a few months back because I was interested in something else).

Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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1113 eggs and now I kind of hate Sunkern, but I'm one step closer to completing my shiny grass collection.

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*wants to go ahead and get a strong base foundation of eggdex entries and achievements before attempting another SWSH... Let alone Explorations... >>*

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Once again, I miss-clicked a Scyther egg thinking it was a Cubone egg ^^; I guess that's what happened when you just wake up xd.png

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First fastish egg hunt since my 12 egg Ralts from the last SWSH.

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Finished my Gastly hunt! c:

That fills up my third shiny box.

Edited by roughlandingholly

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