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Siren looked at her, walking behind her.


"Don't worry, you'll get your chance to help out. Just...don't be so eager to bloody your claws just yet, lest you become a monster."

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Sombra blinked. She swore she saw something...It could only be Tuinya, or another Shadow Walker. Impossible...Another Shadow Walker? Just Tuniya. Sombra shook her head. A clear, strong voice started in Shadow Language in Sombra's head. Why, hello. I'm Terebrae. Who are you, Shadow Walker? Sombra looked. Yes, it was another Shadow Walker. I'm Sombra. Your a Shadow Walker...Aren't you? Yup. Show yourself! Ok. Tenebrae stepped out of the shadows, looking at Sombra. Sombra hissed, pointing her tail at Tenebrae. Tenebrae shook his head and edged closer to the group. He stopped about three feet away from them, afraid. Sombra backed away slightly, still near Midnight. Tenebrae looked at Midnight, knew he was more then a Black dragon, and growled. He then stopped, and sat down.

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Tyra merely growled and continued on, still angry. When she reached the cave, she laid Grehyen down on a bed of moss and sighed. She checked over him to make sure he was ok. She nudged him lightly. "Grehyen? Grehyen, are you alright?"

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((Alright. xd.png Let's say he sort of didn't notice, in his tired wooziness.))


Trentum opened his eyes. They flew open. "TYRA?" he squeaked. "Great." he muttered. "I found her, sort of, and now I'm back here." Trentum pawed at the empty food pile. He snapped up two mouthfuls of grass and gulped it down. That's not enough. he decided angrily, pacing by the river. Trentum turned to the calm waves. He took a deep, shaky breath, and perched by the edge, striking the surface for fish. Trentum somehow managed to catch a decent-sized silver fish. He wolfed it down, and bounded off to look for Tyra again.

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Tyra turned to check on Trentum after she'd examined Grehyen but found to her dismay that he was gone! She gasped. "H-he must have fallen off when I was bringing him here!" she cried, turning and running out of the cave, "Ooh, how could I let this happen?!" she scolded herself. "Trentum!!" she called, looking about the forest.

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(@Tyra-Ice Midnight is in the clan cave

@kronosdragon did Cyda Luva give you the okay to kill her character?)

Grehyen squirmed as Tyra tried to nose under him to pick him up. He tried to speak but his words were slurred with the grogginess of Siren's magic still clinging to him. "It'ssh okay. I can walk mysshelf back.." He managed to get to his feet but collapsed again after a few wobbly steps. He hissed stubbornly and forced himself back up and wobbled off towards the cave, having to catch his balance every few seconds. "C'mon. We need to get back to the otherssh." he slurred as he walked off, looking rather comical.


Midnight glared back into the ridgewing's eyes. "That vile hatchling-slayer is the closest thing to a father I have ever had. And I will not betray the one who accepted me for what I was and taught me to truely harness my power." The vampire closed his bright green eyes and let his head dip a bit, the magic power seeming to drain from the air, "It would be nice to be able to stay here as a member of a real clan.....But I cannot accept the offer." His eyes flared back open and a dark red binding symbol burned evily in his right eye and the magic energy around him nearly doubling. "I cannot betray my father!" He roared and advanced a few steps closer to the ridgewing. "I will bring the guardian of nature to Inkheart! I will not disobey!" He slammed a forelimb down on the cave floor and a rain of rocks from the ceiling came cascading down towards Windsong.

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((Woah woah, hang on a sec! You cannot kill other peeps without their permission krono. That would be totally unfair sad.gif))


"Inkheart?!" She cried out, backing away from him. "Inkheart?!" Lymu screamed once more as she repeted his name. "You know how many lifes he claimed and how many people are dead because of him?" Lymu's eyes were widing with fear and hate as she backed away far enough to hide under Windsong's wing. Her legs were thumbling. "You're not a monster Midnight, Inkheart wants you to be like him so more chaos will be formed and this clan would be wiped out." She hid behide Windsong's leg. "He...he killed my mother. I saw it, Midnight. I saw my own mother getting draining in front of my own eyes and she died right in front of me," her eyes started watering when she remembered the memory. Her small crystal tears were wiped away with her paw. "And you want to be like him? A monster?" She clinged onto Windsong's leg harder, trusting that he wouldn't kick her away or anything. "I-I thought you were my friend..." she whispered lowly, lowing her head.


"Tobias? You think you're strong enough to ask the others were they are?" The hellfire wyvern grunted as she pulled herself to her feet. Her strengh was slowly coming back to her as they got further away from the poison. Flaming seriously hated having a nearly broken or not wing.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((Don't worry about it guys. But you are right, Tiffy. Kronos, it's not allowed to kill other characters without permission. But it's fine for right now, just be sure to ask in the future. wink.gif I'm not mad, at all. Don't think I am.))


Ri'Dan in his sleep felt the vertabre in his neck crack and groan under tremendous pressure. It was getting hard to breath, but then his joint popped and the pressure was released. He had been meaning to pop his joints for a while, the stiffness in his bones getting unbearable. But he didn't think that this was the dragon's intention. Perhaps she thought that the pop was his neck snapping and him dying. The green cracked open one eye, seeing that the siren had her back turned away from him. Without sound, he slowly reached into his satchel and took out a cream-colored potion. He downed the liquid and set the vial back in his satchel. Soon enough, his outline began to fade until his body was invisible. If one were to look at where he was laying, they would see only heat waves even though the air was brisk. He lurched to his feet, making not a sound. And with little haste, he savored one last look at his dead, but nessisarily so, love. He then flapped his wings, trying to be as quiet as possible, but not being able to silence his wing flaps or not create small gusts of wind. Ri'Dan's invisibility potion wore off and he flew away from the once-poisoned area, gliding above the Silent Forest, searching for that marrow and that black dragon he saw earlier. He knew that they had been trying to kill Shawnee in the name of Inkheart (a name Ri'Dan knew well to fear) so they could attacked the cave she was guarding.

He waited in the air, flying lazily above the Forest of the Dead, keeping his eyes keen for their appearance.

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The Black marrow dragon hissed boredly, he saw the green dragon just poof and now the entertainment was gone. Dracouraca didn't dare to go down and approach his left behide poison, not going to take the risk of weaking himself. "Where are you rookie..?" he hissed lowly to himself. In his eye corner was the green dragon flying silently away. "Hmp, clever..." he muttered as he glided besides him. Speaking though telepathy he said Lets go and cheak on Midnight, hopefully he didn't get killed while you were showing off your potions and I was watching you do your magic...


(Gah, short post x.x)

Edited by Tiffashy

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"Sounds like a fair idea to me." Ri'Dan telepathed back. He scented the air, nosing around for that smell of coppery blood and black scales. "Is there a cave nearby that he was staying at? One that was guarded by a female?" He had found Midnight's scent, and it led to the direction of the cave Shawnee was guarding. Guilt overcame him. Perhaps he should have let Midnight deal with Shawnee. All the vampire had to do was drain her weak enough then steal away the hatclings. He shook his head, dipersing the thoughts. "If so, he went that way." Ri said to Dracouraca, pointing in the Clan Cave's direction.

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((I'm sorry, I must have missed that part in the rules. v.v; I'll go through and read them again once I've posted.))


Windsong scooped up the hatchling beneath his wing and dodged away from the falling rocks. He looked up at Midnight and hissed.


"You would abandon your true family for one that wouldn't care if you were killed for treason?"


He set the hatchling down, out of harm's way. He then stepped aside, allowing a clear path to the cave entrance. He moved to Sombra, picking her up and placing her with the other little one. He looked at Midnight, his face contorted in emotional pain.


"Fine then," he said quietly. "If you really feel that you must leave, then so be it. There's the exit. But you will never see Sombra, nor any of the hatchlings again, and you will never get your hands on Crisie so long as I breathe. You will be marked as exiled from the cave for being a traitor."


He brushed his wings low to the ground, the wind beginning to howl outside as it reacted to his emotional influence. He may have been wary of Midnight, but he still considered him a clanmate, a brother in arms against the war.


"Go, then, but if you ever touch a scale on these hatchlings, I will kill you. Leave, and be a dishonorable nothing like Inkheart. A murderer, and a hatchling-slayer."




Siren heard the Frilled dragon mumble, and seeming as how the Green was taken care of, she gave a high-pitched twitter that would break her hypnosis-induced weariness over him.


"Come on, then. Let's go home."

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On our way, Midnight, he spoke to all of the dragons that was apart of Inkheart's clan through his thoughts. Dracouraca folden his wings close to his chest before diving down at great speed, swooping downwards like a jet towards the cave and paused in midflgiht when he saw the vampire/black dragon near the ridgewing(?) dragon that was shielding the hatchlings from the falling rocks. He landed besides Midnight as silent as a ghost.

"I don't think we were planning on leaving," he hissed lowly, he bared his toothly look at them in a smirk. He slowly unsteath his hiden claws hiden under his chest, his brown leathery skin gleamed in the sunlight, revealing the bones sticking out of his body. "No one will get hurt if you tell us were Crisie is," he spoke calmly. His eyes narrowed at the Thunder and Shadow Walker hatchling coldly before looking back at Windsong.


Lymu was hugging Sombra tight, she didn't know why but she felt like it was the right thing. Everything in this world was confusing, it was hard to understand what was going on. When these kind of things happen, she just couldn't help hugging the closest person near her. She watched the Black Marrow dragon approached besides Midnight. Oh great, more of Inkheart's clan is approaching, she thought to herself, she can feel fear sweeping over her when the dragon spoke about a person named "Crisie." Whoever she was, it was better for them to keep this person or dragon safe, cause if in the wrong hands, something bad will happen...

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Windsong growled and lowered his head, wrapping his tail protectively around the hatchlings. He hissed, baring his fangs.


"Unclean vermin, begone from our home! We will tell you nothing of our leader."


The winds began to billow through the cave, swirling around him in a near invisible cylinder of air. Dust and small rocks were getting picked up and flung around the cave, bouncing lightly off the walls and clattering across the floor. He flared his wings and puffed out his chest.

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Ri'Dan bolted after Dracouraca, a bit surprised at the marrow's sudden burst of speed and agility. It took him a few seconds longer, but he landed beside his new companions at the Clan Cave. They talked about someone named Crisie, he had heard about her. A young'un, very powerful, very purple. A Nature Guardian? That was it. Ri kept quiet, just trying to appear as the dangerous and silent. But the dragon in front of then maneuvered the wind to encase itself and a hatchling, buffeting rocks against the green's face. He snarled, but didn't attack Windsong, waiting for Midnight or Dracouraca to make a move. This wasn't his territory, he was new around these parts.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Dracouraca hissing pulled to a stop all of the sudden and spoke though his thoughts towards the other dark dragons You plan on sucking his worthles life out of that dragon, Midnight? he kind of sounded a bit annoyed for some reason in his thoughts. Every part of his body was screaming at him to go in and attack, but his mind knew that they had to wait for the right time. The Black Marrow dragon was so temped to go in and attack, but his feet were glued to the ground or something.


Lymu felt Windsong's warm tail wrap around her like a christmas present, the thunder dragon was still holding onto the Shadow walker dragon. She wasn't surpised that another dragon approached, this time it was a green dragon. She never seen a green dragon around these parts cause they are always hiding in caves or sitting at the very top of mountains causing small earthquakes. He smelt like... Poison? Had this dragon been walking around in poisonese parts? That didn't matter now, she was in danger. But the protective dragon was in even more danger.

Edited by Tiffashy

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(( Read my OOC post wink.gif ))


Crisie opened her eyes slowly and looked at the ceiling, blinking. How long had she been knocked out? She was in her cave. She blinked again and noticed dried blood on her scales, scars littered across her body. Memories shook her mind and shocked her from the night Inkheart had taken her over. She whinced, hopefully she hadn't killed anyone or thing. She plain stared, questions running through her head. Maybe it'd been a year? A day? A decade? No. She couldn't of slept that long. She slowly got up, her legs were shaky but her wounds had healed over the long time.

Crisie flicked her tail. Had she been replaced as leader of the clan? She hoped. Sleeping that long, someone had to keep balance of the clan. No one was here, she sighed. Maybe it was abandoned. Maybe Inkheart got them all. She growled loudly, that stupid monster! He had murdered everything and one, more than likely. She snarled and started to feel faint. Her eyes were starting to go from their average amber to a crimson red.


3 dragons were attacking the cave, and the rest were attacking them. What were they here for? She growled and looked for someone that she knew, but it was all too confusing. She cried out loud for help, but there was no one. She simply spotted Drac and roared "You idiot! Get away from us!" She lunged, shaky but still able to jump. She wrapped her claws onto his neck, unable to do more damage. She felt weak again, falling to the ground, her eyes closed. What was happening? She went into a dream like state she had never felt before.





The next thing she knew she was staring at a stormy scene on top of a mountain, the skies were as red as blood and Inkheart stood before her. Crisie blinked, blood lay on the ground and not too far away the bodies of her family. She roared in pain, her heart lashing out for her family. He had murdered them! He said no words, but his eyes told her he wanted death- to her. She swallowed and roared, but this nightmare stapled her to the ground, she was unable to move. No use, I control your mind now. Crisie growled as Inkheart's voice sunk into her head. "Y-You! Monster! My fam-mily! You... You killed... them! I-I thought... the earthquake d-did, but... no!" Her eyes wept out small tears of fear, hate and sorrow. She snapped at him, wanting to get to him. Inkheart simply grinned and approached her, circling her- teasing her.


Crisie tried to reach out to him, but couldn't. "Now, while you are in this dream, you are under my control. Here and in your life" Crisie blinked "Y-You are going to make me h-hurt them again! Y-you! Idiot!" She held back her crying until it burst out, she fell to the ground as she saw her family's bodies. She whined and stuck flat to the ground, unable to move. She didn't like this at all. She hated this. She just wanted to kill him. That little censorkip.gif***!



In real life, Crisie was thrashing at anyone in her reach, the evil dragons and her clan members. She couldn't stop it, nor did she know what she was doing. She hardly hurt anything or one though, her body was too weak for battle.

Edited by DragonGirl10188

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((Everyone is now ignoring Tenebrae....... Strange. Sombra ignores Midnight, everyone BUT Sombra ignores Tenebrae! Tenebrae hasn't ignored anything...yet.))

Sombra looked at Midnight. He couldn't be a bad dragon...he hatched me! So how could he be someone bad? Sombra shook her head. She was being hugged by Lymu, a thunder hatchling. Sombra looked at Dracouraca, sending him a message. I'm Midnight's child...I still don't know why I'm being protected. She growled slightly, and shut her eyes. Everything went dark, so she disappeared. Now in shadow mode, she slipped away. Disappearing into the nearest shadow, she slipped closer to the 3 dragons. Tenbrae growled, looking at her. You shouldn't be here, Sombra! They are evil! Midnight is my father. THE BLACK/VAMPIRE DRAGON?!?!?! Yeah. Your...Your evil, aren't you? Yeah. Sombra stepped a bit closer to the three dragons, pushing Tenebrae. Tenebrae fell against the wall, and growled slightly. I know, Sombra can be a bit rude at times. And Tenebrae, is this how you treat one of your kind? I'm ashamed. Sorry Tuinya... Tuinya stepped into the cave, looking down at the three dragons. Then, looking at Sombra and Tenebrae. Tuinya! Sombra looked at her, then at the three dragons. Sombra looked at Midnight. He was raised by...a hatchling killer? Then why aren't I dead...?

Edited by seacatsmew

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Amari whinced, what was this? The little 2 day old pygmy didn't know what to think of this, the playing was too rough! Before it was fun, sure, but there were 3 things like her against more of them. She quickly crossed over to the side with the others she had seen before, frightened and hurt. She had gotten a scar on her left shoulder, it was big due to the fact she was a pygmy hatchling. It was bleeding, not too badly but it hurt very much for her soft body. She hid behind them, scurrying out onto the fresh and cold grass.

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Dracouraca stopped right in his tracks when he heard the female hatchling's voice in his head. His face gone bone white as he just froze there. The Black Marrow dragon jaw dropped and a What? back towards the hatchling. Midnight? A careing loving dragon that adopts Shadow Walkers? What now? What just happened? Did she actully mean that? Midnight? Adopted a hatchling?


Questions flooded his mind and he stared at Midnight blankly as paper without anything writen on his face apart from 'Did you just...? I don't you just... Oh my god... You did not just...'


His blank frown turned upside, his jaw dropped in a smirk and a breath-less laugh busted out of it. Dracouraca threw his head back, busted out an outragest laugh that blocked off everyone's speech. He stomped hard, trying to stop himself but he couldn't, he couldn't stop laughing and he choked from not having enough breath. He breathed in and out hard before letting out another outragestly loud laugh. His eyes were watering from laughing too hard, it looked like the Black marrow dragon was crying from laughter.


Lymu hissed at Sombra when she just shifted into shadow form. "Sombra! What are you doing? Don't go near those-" her voice was cutted off from Dracouraca's laughing.

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HI! I'm a female Royal Blue dragon hatchling! smile.gif




i walk in the marsh to find three dragons fishing.i start sneaking up on them. I started to flap my wings but forgot, my wing was deeply scarred in a battle i was forced to fight. I crept behind a tree starting to climb. all of the sudden a tiny dark mist pygmy jumped out and started to claw my wounded wing. i screached and fought back, and jumped into the air flying, with the pygmy on my back. My wing was aching but i fought on whirling and flipping managing to flip the pygmy of in an unconsious state. I dropped to the ground also unconcious. All three dragons stood in awe, i awoke and exclaimed i would like to join their clan. I could see that they were all younger than me.

One of them nugged me a fish, I was soooo hungry, i took it and ate it in one whole gulp. I learned that one of the hatchlings parents have gone to war. I wanted to help i exclaimed that we should start our journey! we were of!



(i hope u like!) smile.gif


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((Hey guys, wait up! sad.gif ))


Windsong looked up when Crisie came out of her cave. Before he could say anything to stop her, she threw her already battered body into the fray. He growled and jumped in, slamming his tail with all the force he could muster at the legs of the other dragons, in an attempt to push them away after their focus had been shifted. He kicked up a dust storm within the cave, blocking out everyone's vision. He could see now the Sombra had been tainted by the false hopes of the Inkheart clan. He growled and picked up any hatchlings he could find in the cave, including Sombra. If she was not going to cooperate, he would make her. He couldn't watch another hatchling get tainted by the Inkheart clan. He gave Crisie a shove toward the back of the cave, trying to help her get moving without getting smacked around by her thrashing.


Crisie, listen to me! It's Windsong! We have to move, you shouldn't be here right now! he projected to her.


He grumbled in frustration. Things were going to hell in a handbasket.

Edited by kronosdragon

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((Yes, wait up... xd.png))


Trentum blinked. Was he in the clan cave? Or just... hallucinating? There, the river... Then again, it was a long strip of water that snaked around. Maybe he was in a different cave. Trentum sniffed the air. He scented no other hatchlings. A passing dragon, or two, maybe. "Tyra?" he mumbled helplessly, looking around. Where IS she? he thought, pacing on the grass, his shadow slithering about in agitation. Trentum frowned. He decided to just try and catch some fish to eat. But he felt so weak, so drained of energy. The Black hatchling settled for just sitting by the long grass and chomping down on it.


Lotus stepped back, surprised. Maybe the Black dragon didn't hear her. "W-why are you yelling?" she whispered softly, blinking her greenish eyes. She flared her wings and retreated further. I was just looking for the hatchlings... What's happening? Was I wrong to come here for help?


((EDIT; Did no one notice that Lotus said hi to Midnight and the dragons with him? xd.png))

Edited by Anquatic

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((Hmmm, just woken up... Dad's snoring and my brother's screaming woke me up x.x))


Lymu did a dog like yelp as she got snatched away from the ground with Windsong's awfully big claw, she tried to reach something that would hold her back down to the ground but it was too late. She'd already was hanging helplessy in Windsong's hands along with Sombra and any other hatchlings. She watched the ridgewing dragon battled Crisie away without trying to harm her on purpose. The chuckling of the Black Marrow Dragon was pulled to a sudden stop when the dust storm flooded the cave, blinding Lymu. She tried to move her claw around, trying to clear away the dust but it didn't help at all.


Dracouraca chuckling pulled to a stop as soon as the sight of the guardian of nature approached. He decided to tease Midnight later about him adopting a hatchling later and decided to take action right away. A flood of dust dashed into the cave, blocking the view of the other dragons. Dracouraca frowned a little, it seemed that the ridgewing wanted to vanish to protect the hatchlings. Well Dracouraca had his own tricks, that was how he earned his name. A low smirk replaced the frown, black mist danced around him, forming a circle around himself. He wasn't there anymore when the mist cleared away.


The Black Marrow Dragon reapeared behide the ridgewing, clearing his neck before pounceing at the Windsong's neck. Causing both of them to crash down while he was violently trying to rip though it. Spilling crison blood across the floor.

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Lotus cocked her head. "I..." she stammered, struggling to find words. A Guardian of Nature hatchling. Amazing. She blinked. Something about this hatchling... She struggled to remember. How did it connect to the clan? She'd forgotten. "H-hello..?" she mumbled, deciding to try the greeting approach again. The Purple she-dragon ducked her head. She had no place here; these dragons were doing something important. She sighed quietly. I have no place. she thought. Anywhere... Not as a mother. He didn't make it. Not as a sitter. She ran away. Not as a clan member. They are all missing...

Edited by Anquatic

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