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Our War~ Accepting!

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"Oh, um, yes it is," Jigsaw said, just now noticing the rain. The water had been parting around her, so she hadn't noticed. After settling down besides Glace and Tyra, she looked at the fire. She carefully reached out and shoved it with her wing-paw. It crackled as sparks flew off and dissipated into the air. "Well, look on the bright side. It won't rain forever, right?" she said, withdrawing from the flames. "Plus the rain lets the plants grow and fills rivers and lakes!" She smiled and sat down, watching the clouds race along.

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Trentum blushed at Tyra's touch. "I-" he began quietly before being cut off by a hatchling. "H-hello..." he mumbled, his words barely able to be heard. They were drowned out by the rain, either way. "I-I'm going to look for something to um... Eat. Yeah, eat." he said as his stomach growled. "I hope there's a rabbit or something out there. I've eaten too much fish for my own good." he muttered to himself, trying to make out shapes in the rain.


Fyrefly was still curled up, asleep. She was a bit wet, but unconscious as she was, she didn't mind anymore. Fyrefly rolled around in her sleep.

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Siren stopped singing, laying her head on the cold stone floor. She wanted to go out and be social with the other dragons, but her own anxiety and nervousness forced her to remain hidden in the dark confines of the cave.


It's okay, I'll just go out at night, after everyone is asleep. I'll find a nice place to sit and look at the stars, and everything will be alright...


She remained in her dark cave, waiting for night to fall and for the others to go to sleep.

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Fyrefly rolled around some more. She accidentally kicked some dragon, but wasn't sure who it was. "Mmm.. hungry..." she mumbled in her sleep. "Big cave... cold... wet... rainy..." she muttered.


Lotus was startled by the Gold hatchling beside her. She watched Fyrefly kick out, but wasn't sure if her paw hit anyone. "Oh, Fyrefly..." she whispered to herself, tears springing to her eyes.

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((Forgot to tell you- I'm not on at weekends. like 5 pages since I left!!))

Sombra woke. She looked around, then feel over again. She then chose to sleep and not get up.


Tuinya gave up. She walked to the cave, looking around. She didn't care about the dragons, even though she was a giant shadow cat at the moment. Tuinya made a small meow, then looked around again.

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Jigsaw sighed and continued to watch the clouds. If only the stars would come out... My wings are starting to fade. She looked sorrowfully at the dying patterns of the Ignitus Galaxy so carefully reproduced upon her wings. I'm sorry, she thought, as if she had failed in her duty as a Nebula. Even her eyes could not pierce the clouds that hid the night sky. She sighed sadly and returned her gaze to the dragons. She saw the slightest glimmer of wings in the back of the cave. Upon closer inspection, she saw that the dragon looked a lot like herself! Huh? Who's that? she wondered, trying to see Siren in the blackness.

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Fyrefly snapped awake suddenly. She'd been having a strange dream that scared her a little. "L-LOTUS!" she yelled out loud. "You were my sitter for the war!" she screamed at the Purple dragon, hurt and confused as to why Lotus hadn't told her.


Lotus was taken aback. "I-I..." she stammered, words failing her at the moment.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Fyrefly asked, tears in her eyes. "I was beginning to lose hope. I-I thought you were dead..."


Lotus's gaze hardened. "What does it matter? I was your sitter, not your mother." she retorted.


"Why were you looking for me?" Fyrefly asked instead, looking down in pain.


"Because I had nothing else to do. Your parents were gone. I had none of my own o-offspring." Lotus replied, faltering at the last word.


Fyrefly turned to her. "You did." she said coolly, sure that their argument would be overheard though not caring. "But he died."

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Vrael waited for Grehyen to wake, he was getting impatient. He nudged the frilled hatchling, hoping that would wake him. Nothing. He nudged him again. Still nothing. Vrael took a pile of meat and waved it infront of grehyen's nose, hoping the smell would be enough to force him awake. "Come on... Grehyen... my training.... "



Is xaphan at Mystic's cave or the clan cave now? :x

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Flaming looked at Jigsaw excitedly, her tail lashed side to side, trashing around noisely. She can recongise her scent from the other nebula dragon. She opened her mouth to say something but then she could hear the storm roaring again with a lighting strike hitting the ground. Flaming paused in till she was certain that she wasn't going to be an inruption again.

"Jigsaw!" she cracked a small smile, standing on her rear legs. Deep scars covered all over her back and face while one of her wings looked out of shape. "I hadn't seen you in ages-"

Another thunder boom filled their ears again, inrupting her speech. Flaming letted out a small frown before trying to talk again. "Where were you all along?"

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((...No one noticed the giant shadow cat standing in the cave!))

Tuinya continued looking at the cave wall. She then looked at Sombra, the sleeping Shadow Walker hatchling. Tuinya yawned, her breath smelled like fish. She then looked up, watching a shadow flicker.

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((There's no way you could have seen her, she was too far away in a separate branch of the cave, but she's going to head out anyway to go outside, so I'll excuse it))


Siren felt too antsy to sit still. She stood up after waiting a while, smelling the cool night air wafting in from the cave entrance. She stretched and cautiously strolled out toward the cave mouth, but was discouraged when she saw that there were still several dragons still awake. She silently slipped past them, moving along the wall and leaving the cave. She looked up at the stormy sky, glanced around, and froze. There was another red-winged Nebula nearby, but his colors looked faded, unlike her own brilliant patterns. She looked away, then quickly retreated to the forest before her curiosity could get the better of her.

Edited by kronosdragon

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((Sorry, I didn't know the cave had branches; I thought it was only one tunnel. Last I knew, it was that way. Lol *Shrug*))


"Flaming!" Jigsaw called, seeing her friend. She ran up and nuzzled her, glad to see her. "Where have I been? Where have you been?" she gasped, seeing her assortment of scars. "What happened? Are you okay?" she worried, thinking she was in pain. She glared outside as another crash of lightning illuminated the land. "The sun really needs to come out, my wings are fading," said Jigsaw spreading her wings to show Flaming.

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"Oh no..." she whispered when she saw the beauitful wing patten fadding away. Flaming didn't answer back to her about the landside and the claw to claw fight with Dracouraca and being trapped under a rock for a long time before Midnight and Shawee saving her. "Maybe if you could get above the clouds you could be able to get back near the space and your wings will recover?" she guessed. Flaming wasn't the most brightest one around but she hoped that her answer helped.




"Dude...?" Lymu questioned the black dragon. She seen the shadow walker and the other hatchlings disapear with it ages ago and now the thunder dragon was sitting in the rain with another dragon. She wasn't dizzy anymore after the rolling, she didn't sound drunk, she sound like she was ready for a fight or something. You know, like deep, speaks fast and annoying. She paused for a while, something inside of her telling her to not trust the black dragon. She can feel herself distrusting him all of the sudden, she couldn't understand why. But she choise to ignore her sense and carried on with her speech. "You know were the cave is that has all of the other hatchlings which parent's gone to war and ect?"



Rain drops echoed in the forset as the rain's tears dripped to the ground, showering the Black marrow dragon that was padding though the forset. His leatherly but boney wings folden besides him as he walked though the soaked bushes. A loud thunder roar filled his ears, frighting other animals. But that didn't bother the dragon. Something had been disburbing him for a long time. He was seeking something. He was seeking something more then power, more then greed, he wanted revenge. Who did he wanted revenge on? Right now in his mind were images of the nejected dragon killing his human master. His teeth bared with anger as he remembered Inkheart killing the human easily, that human was the one who saved Dracouraca from the nejected to avoid getting his powers drained away and get killed off by other dragons or humans. It was a sacofise (spelling error v.v). Something that Dracouraca would never forget. He knew that he would get his payback sometime...one day.

He just need to get strong enough to take on the mightly Nejected dragon. Dracouraca was waiting for him to drain the hatchling's powers then while the nejected isn't paying attention, he would get his old master's sword and get his payback. It sounds simple alright. But nothing was simple in this world. He needed Inkheart to get enough power before killing him so Inkheart would have a weakness. Then things might be simple.

Another flash of lighting blinded him before letting out another thunder roar.

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Jigsaw smiled a little. That was so like Flaming, always there for her, always trying to help. She chuckled a bit. "Well, yes that would work. Assuming I don't get struck by lightning. Maybe it will part around me like water does. It seems I've developed a new power. Watch." She held out her tail and flicked it into the rain. The drops of water parted around her like an invisible barrier was there. "I think it only works on water. Clouds are made of water, I think. So the clouds should move for me? Time to find out," she said, stepping out of the cave and taking off. The rain, as promised, split around her. As she got towards the clouds, they slowly seperated, leaving a small hole with the moon shining through it. Cool, Jigsaw thought as she pushed up through the clouds. Hovering steadily in the air, she quickly spotted the Ignitus Galaxy and let its firey patterns spread across her wings. She felt full of energy as every little star popped onto her wings, making her glow like a comet. Much better, Jigsaw thought as she dove down back through the storm and alighted next to Flaming. That really worked! Thank you!" she exclamed twisting her head around to look at her wings.

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"I..." before she said anything, the nebula ran off and came back with much more colorful wings after a while. She stared at them with surpise, not actully expecting her amazing stupid idea to work. Flaming's jaw hang open a little like a glopper fish shallowing water, then she closed it when she found her jaw strengh. "Your welcome," she spoke in a almost speechles way, she couldn't think up of any way on how to speak back towards the red nebula. She felt another small wave of pain striked her in the wing, causing her to hiss out a curse that no one else heard. "I cannot tell if my wing is brocken or not," she told her after finding her words. The hellfire wyven looked back at her wing that was twisted in a ugly angle, she couldn't tell if it would stay like that forever or it would be fine and recover soon.

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Jigsaw looked at Flaming's wing with concern. "Ouch," she said, studying it. "Shawnee once tried to find out if I had any broken bones by touch. I might be able to feel the bone if you broke it. But I don't want to hurt you." She flicked her feathery tail; maybe it would be gentle enough to find out.


((You really want it to be broken or no? Up to you :3))

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"Yeah..." Tyra let her gaze wander up to the black, stormy clouds above. A bolt of lightning flashed brightly, lighting up the young dragoness's face. The thunder drowned out most everything but finally Tyra caught sight of Flaming and heard bits of their conversation. She hurriedly rushed over to the injured nebula hatchling. She gasped, seeing the damage done. "A-are you ok? What happened?!" She was normally quite shy but thanks to Fyrefly, Trentum, and Mystic, she was finally getting used to being around others of her own kind. Plus, she hated to see any animal, let alone Dragons, to be in pain and suffering.

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Tuinya turned into a smaller cat, and walked over to Sombra. She purred and sat near the Shadow Walker hatchling, making the shadows around Sombra spin. She then waited for her owner to wake up...


Sombra woke up, hearing the purring and feeling the shadows around her spin. "Tuinya!" She yelled happily, hugging the small shadow cat. The shadow cat purred louder, then said something in a strange language. Sombra answered by making a shadow shaped like a hatching egg. Tuinya seemed to understand, and raised onto her rear legs, looking like a cat that mastered the begging pose. Sombra pulled out a shadow of a fish, giving it to Tuinya. Tuinya ate it happily. Sombra then looked up, alarmed by something. "A Shadow Walker and a Shadow Cat..." WhitePearl said. She had been watching, and had walked over when Sombra fed Tuinya. WhitePearl smiled. She then walked back to the opening of the cave, waiting for the rain to disappear. She couldn't leave until the rain was gone, the oil on her skin would slip away.


Mystic yawned, and fell asleep. She had no dreams. Although she did awake for a few minutes since Xaphan was playing with her wings. But, she fell asleep after that.

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Siren looked up as the other nebula dragon shot through the clouds, a gap opening within them. As the other dragon descended, the gap remained. Siren looked around, then leaped into the air and opened her wings, taking a deep breath as a bolt of lightning shot down not too far from her. Her heart thundered in her chest, but if she knew anything, it was how to fly in a storm. She rolled aside in mid-air as another flash of lightning split the heavens. She aimed for the air currents siphoning up into the atmosphere above the clouds, giving one last powerful push with her crimson wings before the currents took over and pulled her above the storm.


She idled for a moment, adjusting to the powerful winds above the clouds, then adjusted her angle and began to glide along them. The beautiful starry night lie above her head, spread like a bejeweled blanket over the world. She spotted her choice nebula, a nebula she named after her dear sister long ago. Her wings blazed with the brilliant colors, the patterns taking on hues of red, orange and violet. The stars that peppered her scales brightened and shone like the real things. Her heart soared with her body, feeling reinvigorated and energized like nothing else. Until now, she had been confined to the trees, for fear of being spotted by another dragon. But now...well, she was all too happy for the storm clouds below. She flew higher, her wingtips touching the heavens as closely as her lungs would allow her. The air was thin, but she was built to fly. In the spur of the moment, she twisted her body and began to plummet to the earth, breaking through the clouds and streaking toward the ground like a shooting star. Water slipped over her wings, leaving what could only be described as a trail of condensation in her wake.


She closed her eyes, feeling the wind against her face and listening to it whistling in her ears. She could feel the weight of the world looming up to meet her, and without a moment's hesitation, curled her wings against her body and went into a tight spiral before snapping them open, leveling out with a jerk of her body as the leathery membranes caught the howling wind. She opened her eyes as her wingtip clipped the top of a tree, causing her to falter for a moment before readjusting her altitude. She angled her body upward and soared back up into the sky, breaking through the clouds and rising above them once again, nothing more than a crimson streak to anyone watching from below. As she soared, so too did her mood. She opened her maw and began to sing, loud and proud. Right now, she cared not if anyone could hear her. Her voice carried the beautiful melody of a lullaby that her parents used to sing to her and Milky Way, before going off to fight in the war. The tune was lost in the wind, but she didn't need to hear it to sing it, as she knew it by heart.


Along the breeze, above the hills,

Soar with wings unbridled by fear.

Keep the stars upon your scales,

and love those you hold dear.


The moon will rise, the sun will set,

on the edge of time.

And you will never be truly alone

if you know verse and rhyme.


Caress the heavens, above and beyond.

They give the gift of dreams.

And when the sun should rise again,

give life to barren wings.

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((Sorry, I haven't been able to get on until now. :C))


Trentum hadn't been able to focus on anything but that shadowy cat. Its presence didn't fear him, but more worry him. Not that Sombra couldn't have a pet from before she hatched. But why, he did wonder, did she pick a giant shadow feline? Trentum shivered. He'd never be able to conjure such a powerful creature from darkness.


Fyrefly kicked out in her sleep again, quite likely hitting some random, innocent dragon in the snout. "Cold..." she muttered absently.


Lotus yawned, used to waiting Fyrefly to drift into that period of sleep where she was calm. This was not- oh! she kicked out!- it, at all. "Oh, Fyrefly. How I miss taking care of you." she said.

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((It's ok!))


Tyra saw that Flaming was being taken care of by the other Nebula, so noticing Trentum's anxiety, she drifted over to him. "You alright...?" she asked, seeing the worried look upon his normally gentle face.

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Trentum nodded. "I'm alright, but it's just... Confused. I'm wondering why Sombra has a giant pet shadow cat. It's just, shadow creatures aren't always the nicest, and although Sombra is indeed a creature of darkness, it's unusual that they've bonded so nicely." he said.

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Tyra sat down next to him and once again gazed out at the stormy skies. "I don't know...of course, I don't really know much at all except about surviving in the forest," she replied quietly. "And fishing," she added with a slight chuckle. She tucked in her graceful, light blue wings close to her slender, deep indigo body. "Sometimes....sometimes, I wonder if there's a place out there. Somewhere I belong... With fields covered in light, fluffy snow. Special plants that grow amongst the ice and freezing wind. Rivers overflowing with slippery fish that live in its cold waters..." she murmured softly.

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Trentum watched the rain pour down, and drip down from the rim of the cave mouth. The rain was slowing, he noticed. The teenage Black dragon could just barely make out the forest across the river. "Surviving..." he murmured softly, closing his eyes. It seemed, surviving was all he'd done, his entire life... Snow... Plants who grew in ice... Fish-filled rivers... Trentum had an odd feeling in his chest, as if he was nostalgic for a place he'd never known.

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Tyra then shook her head and chuckled a bit. "It's silly, I know..." ^^; She looked at her friend.

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