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Our War~ Accepting!

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"There is a Shadow Walker around here?" Flaming questioned them, slowly lifting her head up, being careful to not move her wing around much. She heard of them before all right. But she never got the chance to see one since they are so rare. The hellfire wyven letted out a low growl of pain when she felt the strong wave of pain striked her wing. She pulled herself up onto her big claws to take a better look of the other dragons. She knew that they should know her name sooner or later, so she decided to tell them now. "I'm Flaming," she told them, nodding respectfully.

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As the hatchlings and young adult dragon conversed not too far from the cave, Tyra slept uncomfortabley next to Sombra's nest. Neither Trentum nor Fyrefly had returned yet it had been hours since they first went out. The young ice dragon's tail wrapped tightly around her legs and her slender wings sheltered her thin, icicle covered body like a blanket. The stone floor was frosted beneath her from her freezing body temperature.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Trentum's eyes widened. "Sorry! I forgot to tell you!" he said apologetically, ducking his head in shame. "You see, Midnight found a Shadow Walker egg that he and Fyrefly managed to sort of 'hatch' by coaxing the hatchling out. Well, apparently her name is Sombra. She eats a lot and we, Tyra, Fyrefly and I sort of bonded with her..." he said.


Fyrefly let the Purple dragon bring the fawn back to the cave. It looked really small when she held it on her back. Fyrefly was grateful for the stranger's help. "Here it is." she said. Who's that? she wondered as she spotted the red-winged Nebula. "Anyways, thank you for your help. You can go now..." Fyrefly said, smiling.


Lotus set the deer down by the river. "You're welcome. But, I wanted to ask if I could join the clan..." she said, then turning to the other clan dragons. Then Lotus peered at Fyrefly, who still hadn't recognized her as her sitter.

Edited by Anquatic

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Tyra suddenly jerked from her sleep, hearing Trentum's voice. "Trentum...?" she exclaimed softly. Jumping to her feet quietly as to not disturb Sombra, she bounded out of the cave towards the dragon voices.

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Trentum turned to see Tyra. "Tyra!" he exclaimed. "I should've told you I returned, but with this new visitor..." he started, looking down shamefully again. "Well, I'm glad to see that you're alright." he said.

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"You're alright!" Tyra exclaimed, quite relieved. "I was worried with that storm...it was pretty rough." She soon caught up to the group and looked around at each of them, taking a step back. "I...I see...," she replied, nervous around strangers.

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Trentum smiled; he was also relieved that he hadn't hurt himself. "It was," he agreed. "Sadly, I couldn't find Fyrefly before this... shadow cat picked me up and brought me back." he said, squinting in thought. "I hope she's okay, though." he mumbled sorrowfully. "She's like... She's like a sister to me."

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Tyra nudged his black cheek gently with her muzzle. "We'll find her...don't worry," she comforted him softly.

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Siren cocked her head, hearing footsteps coming from various directions. One set was small and light, like that of a hatchling. The others were a little heavier. She turned around to look behind her, inching her body sideways and keeping her back facing the wall. So many new faces made her nervous. She bowed her head respectfully to the two approaching the cave, then turned to face Trentum.


"Um...I-If you wouldn't mind, I would like to find a quiet place in the cave, please," she said, her voice soft and shy.

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"I-I hope so." Trentum said, closing his eyes. Either way, he welcomed Tyra's warmth, or, well, cold. Trentum blinked at Siren. "Oh, just keep walking until you get to the back. It's cooler and more peaceful there." he said, gesturing to the darkness behind. Trentum pulled away some of the shadows to make it easier to see.


Fyrefly turned to the other hatchlings, who didn't really notice her, by the river. Probably because the rain was pounding so hard, in such thick, cold waves. "T-thanks." the hatchling said again. "And, I guess you can join the clan, too. C-come on." she stammered, shivering as she struggled to fight the cold. I know I can do it. But why is it so hard? she wondered, not even thinking about her fire powers. Maybe if it was snowing, it would be tolerable...


Lotus nodded. "Hello." she said to the other dragons around.

Edited by Anquatic

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Tyra's ear pricked up, hearing Fyrefly's voice. "Fyrefly?" she called out, turning around. Spotting the shivering, drenched gold hatchling, she quickly ran to her and began helping her to the cave. "Are you alright? You're soaking wet!"

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"I-I'm fine." she managed to say, flapping her wings in a desperate attempt to keep the rain off of herself. She was freezing; literally, even. A bit a frost, not just from the teenage Ice dragon, covered her body. She didn't even bother to melt it off; it felt better than the rain.


Lotus trailed behind them as she heaved the fawn back onto her back, covering it from the rain with her large purple wings.

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"I'll get Fyrefly inside, Trentum, why don't you escort the new hatchling inside the cave and out of this rain," Tyra suggested to Trentum. Smiling, she added, "I told you we'd find Fyrefly." ^^

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((She's a mature Purple dragon. xd.png))


Trentum nodded. "Um, follow me." he said quietly, barely loud enough to hear over the rain. The Black hatchling stepped into the cave. "Feel free to rest wherever you want to." he said, sweeping his tail through the air. "And we have some frozen fish, if you're hungry." he added, pointing his tail to the pile of iced-over fish.


Fyrefly shivered. She did not like being wet. She never did. Clearly, having a new sort of element did not make it better. It didn't help at all. "T-thanks, T-Tyra." she said.

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"Don't worry about it...," Tyra assured her, leading her into one of the deeper caves, shielded from the rain and wind. There, she attempted to dry off the gold hatchling as best she could.

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Fyrefly was relieved to feel the water being dried off of her. She nodded in thanks, and slumped to the cave floor, exhausted. Wrapping her golden wings around her, she fell asleep. Her warmth slowly flowed back until she was at a median temperature.

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Tyra smiled at her friend then walked out, strolling to where Trentum was. She sat next to him, and looked out at the storm. Suprisingly, heavy rainstorms didn't bother her hardly at all. Maybe it was because water really was just the liquid form of ice. Looking at Trentum, concern filled her large, violet eyes. "I...I was really worried..." she told him, her head bowing and tail drooping.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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One of Jigsaw's eyes flickered open tiredly. Ugh, there's so much commotion. Wonder where Flaming is, maybe we could go fishing. She stretched her starry red wings and glided over to the Echo River. Seeing the flicker of a fish shadow, she bent down and snatched it up. Jigsaw finished it off with a quick bite to the neck and set the morsel down on a rock. I remember when I met Crisie and Flaming. I fell into the river! Jigsaw chuckled to herself, it felt so long ago. Then again, I was the.. What? Third member of Crisie's group? She smiled and snatched another fish out of the water.


"Hello! I'm Glace! Hi, my name's Glace! Hi there, I'm Glace!" said Glace, bouncing around the cave to meet all the new members. "Helllooooooooooo! I'm Glace, eveybody! Hi! What are your names?" She scrambled from one dragon to the next, not sure who to befriend first.


Jigsaw sighed and shook her head as she heard the squeaky voice of Glace introducing herself to the others and the clack of claws on rock as she ran about. "She's a wild one, that Glace. She's cute, though. I wasn't like that as a hatchling." Jigsaw dunked her head into the water and caught another fish. Quite a pile had accumulated on the flat rock. She looked it over, but decided it wouldn't do. Jumping into the water, she spread her wings like sails and allowed herself to float down to the bottom. The water split around her then swirled shut, encasing her in a sphere of air. As her feet touched the rocks, an unfortunate fish swam into her air bubble and fell, flopping. Jigsaw pinned it with her foot and snapped its spine, killing it. "This fish is huge!" she gasped running her wing-paw over its rough scales. She reached down and caught another dumb fish as it popped into her bubble. There will do. Time to go.[i/] She gathered the fish up in her jaws and flapped her wings, rising up and out of the river. She deposited the fish in front of the cave and gathered up a sizable ile of sticks and logs, then spat a small flame onto it. She settled down with one of the smaller fish and roasted it over the crackling blaze. "Glace, come over here for a second, would you?" she called.


Glace came over, attracted by the smell of food. Together they sat, sharing the cooked fish. Glace was happy.

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Siren quietly slipped away from the other dragons, heading toward the deepest part of the cave. It felt warmer here, much better than being stranded out in the rain. She was glad that she didn't have to spend another night outside. Of course, she did like the smell of the pine needles that usually covered her when she slept beneath the trees. She passed other dragons, curious about the newcomers. She didn't speak to them, feeling anxious about being in a new place. She was sure that none of them meant her any harm, all of them being members of the Clan, but she was far from used to being surrounded by so many species in one place. She was content to find an empty branch of the cave that smelled like it hadn't been inhabited yet.


She gathered together some loose stones and moss, piling them together in a nest just large enough for her to lie in. She could no longer hear the voices of the other dragons, even though she could still sense them there. Not even an echo from the mouth of the cave could be heard, and she relished the peaceful, but lonely, silence.


To calm her nerves, she began to hum a soft, melodic tune. It wasn't long before her heart swelled with the emotional, melancholy music, and she opened her maw to sing. She tried to keep as quiet as she could, so as not to lure any of the other dragons near, but she could not help but indulge herself with the song. She had not been able to freely sing for quite some time. Perhaps, when the other dragons were asleep, she would go out into the forest and sing to the stars, and in her own way, to the sister that she still missed so much, even after all these years.

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Tyra nuzzled Trentum then looked up just in time to see someone or something bounding towards her, fast and furiously. Startled, Tyra fell backwards, eyes wide. "I-I uh..uh...!" she stammered. She trembled a bit, nervously, not used to such outgoing behavior. She simply stared at the little hatchling that seemed to have neverending energy, as Glace peppered her with numerous questions.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Jigsaw finished off the roasted fish with Glace, then threw the bones into the crackling fire. Glace shied away, not liking the intense heat. Jigsaw shrugged and sat down, watching the bones crackle and pop in the fire. I need to keep it going, she thought with a sigh. Standing up on weary legs, Jigsaw spotted a good sized log. It was actually a small fallen tree, but it would do. Picking up the dry piece of wood in her jaws, she dragged it over and carefully placed in the bed of embers. A loud pop! echoed through the area as the log caught fire. She yawned sleepily, catching the fish had been exhausting. But I think it's my job to watch over everyone else because I've been here since the very beginning. Where was I when all these dragons came? In a coma? Oh, well. Since Shawnee isn't around I'll take it upon myself to keep this place in order. She shifted her gaze to the cave, scanning it. With another shrug, she made a gliding-leap over the fire in front of the cave. Jigsaw sat down in front of the blaze and sat back down, taking up a guarding stance from her position.


Glace sat down in front of Tyra and looked at her curiously. "Hi! I'm Glace!" she said, tail twitching in excitement. "Glace!" called Jigsaw from her spot.


Jigsaw whipped around and sped around the fire to Glace and Tyra. "I'm sorry, dear dragon. You must excuse her behavior. She just likes making friends. A lot!" She gently held her tail out in front of Glace, barring her way. "By the way, I'm Jigsaw. If there's anything wrong don't be afraid to ask or something." With a quick nod she she turned away, Glace in tow. As she returned to her position, she sighed deeply. "Glace, you can't just jump in other people's faces like that, okay? It's good to make friends, but just calm down a little and introduce yourself." Jigsaw smiled and stroked Glace's back with her tail.


((Derp. For those of you who don't know me, I am not new, I just took a break. Check out the front page, Jigsaw is there :3))

Edited by UmbreWulf

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"O-oh. Well...hello then? I-I guess I'm just..not used to the company of other dragons," Tyra explained, sitting up and brushing herself off. She cautiously followed them to the fire, though she kept her distance from the hot flame, finding it very discomforting since she was an ice dragon.

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Jigsaw flashed a quick smile at her and pointed to the pile of fish with her foot. "Do you like fish? There's some over there. Fresh from the Echo River!" she said.


Glace twitched as if she was about to jump up and get her a fish, but restrained herself. With a sigh, she wandered over to the mouth of the cave, keeping her distance from the fire.


"Glace, it's okay, come back," Jigsaw called, feeling bad.


"It's too hot, I think I'll stay over here," Glace called back.


Jigsaw nodded and turned back to Tyra. Oh... She's an Ice. Guess she doesn't like the fire much. "You know what, let's move away from the fire some, shall we?" She smiled and pointed towards over where Glace was.

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"Huh? Oh, thank you... Yeah, sorry. Fire doesn't agree with me," Tyra chuckled nervously as she slowly walked over to the Glace. She smiled at the little hatchling then at Jigsaw. She looked out at the raging storm with curious eyes. "This is a pretty bad storm. It's been going on for hours now," she commented.

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