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Our War~ Accepting!

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Xaphan struggled at the initial contact of being lifted, however soon stopped. Rather then being scared, Xaphan felt safe. It was almost as if he were within the comfort of his egg again.


The cave floor felt much different, Xaphan sniffed at it, trying to figure out why it felt so different however he was unable to do so. Once again Xaphan tried to stand, this new surface was much more practical, it did not shift with his weight and therefore made it much easier for him to get on all fours. He tried to walk forward slowly, in the direction of the other dragon's. Slow and steadily he made his way over, before tripping over his own paw and rolling into one of Mystic's legs. He shook his head, trying to regain his senses.


Mystic smiled, and then whispered something quiet enough so that it wouldn't scare Xaphan, but loud enough that he could hear it. "Welcome." She was almost an adult, so it wouldn't be long until she could take care of the hatchling better. He didn't look like any other dragon she met before. She then was thinking of what dragon he reminded her of.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Xaphan let off a soft growl towards the dragon, it was not that he was angry or anything. It was just part in his nature to seem slightly aggresive, since he was part spitfire. He started to playfully nibble on one of her paws. Since his teeth hadn't fully developed yet, it wasn't painful.

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Slowly as she walked on, the darkened leaves of the forest lessened to that of no leaves. The trees apon the outskirts of the forest had died away years before Akuuma was even born. Silently walking to the edge of the Silent Forest Akuuma flinched away from the harsh rays of the sun. It had been years since her eyes had laid witness to the sun's rays. Akuuma paused for a moment to gather her senses and look at her surroundings. The forest had ended and a few metres ahead of her lay a fast flowing river. Beyond that was the Clan territory, the wide grassy plains and home the their cave. Walking forward Akuuma bent and took in a few gulps of the fresh water before wading into the river. With some effort she managed to get across the river. Shaking herself to be rid of stray water she started off again towards the clans territory, although more alert then before. Although word and rumors had got out that the clan was excepting all, they where still only rumors. Who knows what was really going on in the Clan?

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  Xaphan let off a soft growl towards the dragon, it was not that he was angry or anything. It was just part in his nature to seem slightly aggresive, since he was part spitfire. He started to playfully nibble on one of her paws. Since his teeth hadn't fully developed yet, it wasn't painful.

Mystic was too busy to notice Xaphan. Although when he growled, she did flinch. She sat down, still allowing him to nibble on her paw. Mystic thought that Xaphan was lucky that his 'parent' was still there and not at the Hatred Lands. And was found before he hatched.


(sorry if my post isn't long enough. just getting out of ideas.)

Edited by seacatsmew

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((At any of the Approvers, there are two forms waiting for approval on the OOC, one from Inodeathdragon, and another from Tyra-ice))


Xaphan continued to nibble at her paw. He even started wrestling with it. He would often fall to his side and start kicking at it, trying to overpower it. On several occasions he tried running into it, however the result was always the same. He just wasn't strong enough yet.


*GRUMBLE* Xaphan looked down at his tummy, that was where he heard this wierd sound come from, *GRUMBLE*, there it was again. Xaphan looked up at the older white dragon again. He was hungry.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Xaphan continued to nibble at her paw. He even started wrestling with it. He would often fall to his side and start kicking at it, trying to overpower it. On several occasions he tried running into it, however the result was always the same. He just wasn't strong enough yet.


*GRUMBLE* Xaphan looked down at his tummy, that was where he heard this wierd sound come from, *GRUMBLE*, there it was again. Xaphan looked up at the older white dragon again. He was hungry.


Mystic noticed the grumbling tummy.She stood up and walked over to her food storage. She found a rabbit ear, and walked over to Xaphan. She gave him the rabbit ear, and hoped thats what they ate. After all, she ate that when she was younger.Mystic also put a small bowl of water near him in case he got thirsty.

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Xaphan sniffed the rabbit ear, before putting it in his mouth, it was chewy. Xaphan dug his front claws into the ear, attempting to rip it off, so only a small chunk stayed in his mouth. He pulled and he pulled, but to no avail... Suddenly his claws slipped off the ear, and his head flung backwards, causing him to fall into the bowl of water.

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"The trees are dead....because once you walk into there, your in the Silent Forest.Also known as Land of the Dead. I'm one of the only dragons that made it out alive." Mystic answered.




"What's in there? Is it even safe to go into?" Hestia asked.


((Sorry, I've been busy for some time.))

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"What's in there? Is it even safe to go into?" Hestia asked.


Mystic sighed. "Dangerous things. Not safe in there, unless you're lucky." Mystic replied.


Xaphan sniffed the rabbit ear, before putting it in his mouth, it was chewy. Xaphan dug his front claws into the ear, attempting to rip it off, so only a small chunk stayed in his mouth. He pulled and he pulled, but to no avail... Suddenly his claws slipped off the ear, and his head flung backwards, causing him to fall into the bowl of water.


Mystic turned away, noticing Xaphan's head in the water bowl. She helped him out of it, and ripped the rabbit ear to pieces for him. Then, she turned back to Hestia. "Anything else?"


((It's ok, and I now have a new accepted charrie. I'm happy!))


WhitePearl woke up from her nap. She looked up at the forest tree tops, and wandered to the river, noticing three dragons in a cave. Must be other loners, she thought. She didn't pay much attention to them, but put some water in a leaf, sipping it. When she was done, she walked back into the forest, feeling completely unseen. She hunted for a while, then returned to her cave in the deeper parts of the forest.She ate a bit of a deer she caught, then looked outside. What a nice day outside, WhitePearl was fixing her bed as she noticed something. She pulled a moss and leaf ribbon out, and stood there, thinking. Her mother made this ribbon for her. Her mother ran off to war and never came back. She hasn't gone to war yet. WhitePearl shrugged, and continued with her cave-cleaning chores. She pulled out a white pearl, remembering her dad gave her this, showing her what she was named after. She put it away with the ribbon, and cleaned the floor. After all of that, she brought hot water sitting in the sun back in, put a special leaf in it, and mixed it. It made what humans called 'tea', and WhitePearl loved tea.

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((Hello. ^^ I'm new to this roleplay, so if anyone could just tell me what has happened recently I'll try to drop right in.))

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((Hello. ^^ I'm new to this roleplay, so if anyone could just tell me what has happened recently I'll try to drop right in.))

Same here, lol. ^^ So if you guys could just explain where everyone's characters are and what happened recently that would be great! I'm on all evening today.

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((Well, Mystic, Xaphan, and Hestia are in Mystic's cave. No idea where the others are, though. Oh yeah! and WhitePearl is in her cave.Feel free to ask me some of the things, although it would be easier if you asked someone that was in this role play longer then me.))

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((Alright, I'll start off with Fyrefly hunting for food in Ensia Forest, and Trentum napping on a spot between the forest and the river.


Just a question, do all the hatchlings have their own caves or share them? Or just the loner hatchlings have their own caves/shelter? Or do they all share one big cave, the Clan cave?


Also, I'm assuming it's daytime, so please correct me if I'm wrong.))


Fyrefly's golden tail flicked, her shiny scales glimmering in the sunlight. She sniffed the air. The fragrance of the earth beneath her paws, the leaves, and even the aromatic sap on the evergreen trees. She stretched her small wings and flapped them gently. Fyrefly pondered for a moment, wondering the reason she was in the forest in the first place. Food! Right. She swiped her forked tongue over her muzzle and stalked into the more dense foliage. Fyrefly scented a rabbit, and tracked the creature to a clearing. Then she dropped into a crouch. Her muscles tensed and she lept, landing squarely on the surprised rabbit. It was really big up close. She whimpered a little. The animal bucked underneath her. Fyrefly growled and bit it. That's going to be something I'll feel proud of. Well, not the fact that I was scared. I can just... Not tell the others that. she thought, trotting back to the Clan cave.


Trentum was napping on a flat slab of dark stone. He felt himself waking, and blinked his eyes. With a tiny hatchling-sized yawn, he got up and stretched his body and wings. "Ahh, that was a nice nap." he said, flexing his wings in the light. He felt warmth in his limbs, a pleasant sensation. "I should've been doing something productive." he said out loud, almost as if scolding himself. With a whip of his tail against the moss growing at the base of the smooth rock, he sprang into the forest to look for something to do.

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((@Anquatic, The sun should just be rising, so yeah its about early morning. There are currently four "active" caves. I say active, because one was used temporarily midway through the RP.. There is the clan cave with the majority of mature hatchies stay. Phayne, Shawnee, Fuwa, Midnight are the only adults there. There is Mystics cave, Whitepearl's cave, and Inkheart's lair.))

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((Ok, I'll have Tyra in the forest as well. ^^ Thanks for the info, TotallyDrow.))


Ensia forest was alive with the chirping of exotic birds, the rustling of small animals running through the foilage, and the gentle rush of water from Echo River. Tyra, though, made no sound as she slowly trudged through the forest. Her deep indigo scales gleamed in the golden rays of sunshine that peaked through gaps in the leafy canopy. Her head was bowed and she kept her gaze down on the grass as the lonely juvenile ice dragon wandered towards the river. The silver chain around her neck shone brightly in the rays of sun and Tyra was in deep thought. Just the other day, she had noticed some hatchlings running about in the forest. "Do they really think they can stop the war on their own...?" she wondered.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((FYI, Mystic's cave is close to the river. So it's not my fault if your at the river and hear dragons talking!))

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Xaphan shook his head to get the water off, in the process noticing the cave entrance. Once again, Curiousity got the best of him, and he unsteadily bounded out towards the cave entrance, eager to introduce his nose to all the new scents, and his tongue to all the new possible taste's. Xaphan ran into a bush, causing the leaves to rattle.

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((I think me talking about outside made him notice it.))

Mystic noticed Xaphan, and ran after him. "Stop!" she yelled, loud enough so anyone at the Echo River or in the Silent Forest could hear. She caught up with him easily, then carrying him back to the cave. "Stay here!" She had figured out what type he is of a hybrid. She then stopped, and let him outside. She followed him though, not letting him out of her sight.

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((Early morning, alright. Thanks, guys. You're both really helpful. ^^))


Fyrefly tried to lift the rabbit onto her back, until she realized that it was heavier than her. "Just because it's my size doesn't mean it has to be heavier..." she grumbled. Fyrefly clamped down on its leg and tried to drag it along. It was difficult, but at least she was making progress. This is going to take FOREVER! she thought in exasperation, battering her wings against the air impatiently. She dropped the rabbit again, and sighed. The others would hear none of this. Her pride already felt wounded. Fyrefly grabbed the rabbit again and continued to drag it.


Trentum spotted a blue dragon clad with sharp icicles. I think that's an Ice dragon... he thought, unsure. Trentum stopped and squirmed a little. Should I say hello? That would be polite, but... What if she wants to be alone...? He sighed quietly and decided to introduce himself to her. "Hello there. My name is Trentum." he said, trying to sound cheery despite the fact that he was more of a... well, loner type.

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Tyra jerked her slender head up at the sound of Mystic's voice. At the sight of Trentum, she hurriedly backed up a few steps, stumbling over her tail a little. She examined him with her violet eyes, startled. She'd been so alone in the forest and wasn't used to contact with other Dragons. Try as she might, she couldn't bring herself to reply. Being a juvenile, she was older than a mature hatchling but not yet an adult.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((Eer...Uh..I forgot to update WhitePearl!!))

WhitePearl finished Cave Cleaning time, and walked outside. Now I'm finished cleaning my cave, I'm free! she thought. WhitePearl walked over to the river again, calmly, noticing that some fish were swimming now. Yes! Supper! Sadly, WhitePearl wasn't much of a swimmer. She looked around for some help to catch the fishes, then noticed a sharp bamboo stick nearby. She grabbed it with her teeth, and without thinking, rammed it into the closest fish. She missed. She tried again and again, but all that happened was the bamboo stick broke. She continued looking around for some help.

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Fyrefly was ready to tear apart the rabbit's limp body. She dropped it on the grass and peered back at the winding trail she'd taken. "At least I'm out of the forest." she muttered. Fyrefly heard splashing from the river behind her. "WhitePearl!" she exclaimed. Fyrefly swallowed the blood from the rabbit and padded over to her. "Do you think you can help me carry- oh, sorry. Were you doing something?" she asked, peering at the fish darting about in the river.


Trentum's wings unfolded a little, a sign of his discomfort. He stepped backwards a little. "I-I'm sorry." he stammered, blinking his bright eyes in surprise. "Was it something I said?" he asked, ducking his head away. He found it hard to be social.

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Xaphan scurried along the grass, taking in every new scent that greeted his nose. His ear's perked up and he froze. A weird splashing sound had caught his attention and he wanted to find out what it was. He started sprinting towards it, running under several bushes until *smack* he crashed into something or someone. Xaphan shook his head . He backed away slowly and started looking around for Mystic, unable to see her at the moment, he started to whimper.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Tyra finally managed to speak. "N-no, it's not you. I'm just....I haven't actually been around other Dragons pretty much all my life..." she responded slowly. She blinked as she felt something crash into her leg as she sat with her back to a tree. Looking down, she spotted little Xaphan. Immediately she thought of herself. She remembered being the frightened little hatchling, abused by Humans. Compassion washed over her and she turned her head slightly, smiling softly at the new hatchling. "Hey, it's alright. Don't be scared," she crooned, her voice very gentle.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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