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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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"Ah, if I can help it I will never let a clan fall, if this clan is in immediate danger of falling my clan could help, we have a number of able-bodied warriors, a lot of them are black dragons, they train together often and are known for their dicipline and strength. Also, if I wished to get on Vran's good side is there anything I should specifically not do or anything like that, I don't want to be talking to her and accidentally hit a nerve."

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Vita nodded "The last attack was only a scouting party.... armored one but scouts. I'm suprized your humans have not informed you. Where not exactly unknown to the group attack us. They almost have us surrounded as well. I would not advise heading out to anywhere but your own clan. The humans must of pulled out from that direction." he said looking deep in thought "Regardless we fall, your clan will end up suffering what mine has already." he said as his tail suddenly swatted a robotic bug away "You eventually get used to the sound those buggers feet make. You don't hear them unless your untrained." he said "One issue I see with your clan sending help over, your not what I'd call a safe zone if your used to humans not tricking or attacking." he said then looked at Vrans


"As for what to do and not to do. Don't try any physical contact. Unless its her own doing. Don't stare at her either. Yes it maybe hard considering she becomes the brightest spot in the area if the sun hits her directly."

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Dharsii wasso foused on making sure that her supplies were all properly gathered and that all of the wounded dragon's injuries were set correctlythat she completely forgot to respond to Talaren and when he walked off she realized her blunder. Flustered with embarassment, Dharsii quietly slipped back to her cave and down the back tunnels to restock her emergency supplies so that she would have enough should Emraldan need more treatment.


She emerged after a few moments with some edible herbs and a bowl of water and set them next to the unconcious dragon. Thewater was for obvious reasons, but aside from abiding hunger the herbs would also aid in speeding up the recovery of the wounded dragon's injuries.


Once she had completed this, she returned to the ledge outside her den and spread her wings out as she lay in the sun to take in its warm rays. The cloth over the scarred side of her face clung to her scales and caused her a lot of discomfort. She would really have to changeit soon.




Twilight noticed Vita leading a training session with some of the clan's warriors and swooped down to join in on the action, unfortunately just missing out on the combat as another dragon began speaking with Vita. A little peeved that he hadmisseda chance to spar with the alpha, Twilight turned to the warrior dragons Vita had been training and settled into a spar with a young royal blue. The two dragons circled eachother as they moved away from the alpha and his companion, a circle of onlookers from the training group gathering around the beta and his opponent.


((sorry this is so late))

Edited by Drakossozh

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"I know what the bugs sound like now, from the thing I destroyed on the way but still I'd need to keep a very careful eye out for them, and thanks for the advice about Vrans, now I need to go hunting, I've seen Emeraldan moving around more while unconscious, look carefully and you'll see his eyes moving around, as if dreaming. Alright well, I'll be off, I will return soon, goodbye." With that Talaren took off to go hunting, after flying low for about half an hour he caught the scent of a large buck, it hadn't seen him yet and was in a clearing, it was busy eating at something, to make sure it didn't escape Talaren quickly breathed a ring of fire well around the buck. It didn't know what to do and then Talaren swooped down and killed the deer quickly, then proceeding to douse his flames. He quickly flew back to the clan with the deer barely in his mouth, it was large, probably more than Emeraldan would need. He spotted Emeraldan and Dharsii, he landed and gently layed the deer next to them. "Here's what I caught, hope it is good, there should be extra so feel free to have some, but I should cook it first, I'll be right over there" pointing to near her medic den, but far enough away to not set it on fire. "I'll be there if you need me"

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After taking care of the deer and cooking it just right Talaren brought it back to where Dharsii and Emeraldan were at, though unconscious Talaren could seen Emeraldan's nose instinctively twitch the moment the deer was close. "Hope you and Emeraldan like it!" Talaren said with a smile "Be careful when he wakes up, the first thing he might do is frantically look around for Serina and having no one he knows here but me...could scare him, if he wakes up please call for me, I'll see if there is something I can help Vita or Vrans with, enjoy the deer and thanks for everything." After looking around for a minute Talaren found Vrans. "Hello, I'm the brother of the one that crashed here, Talaren, I was wondering if there was anything you might need help with."

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Finally Runara started to notice the familiar scenery. She was on the right way. She increased her pace, but soon she stopped. What if they won't accept her this time? What if they have already been overrun by humans? Or another clan?

"I don't know... They have probably made rules more strict. On second thought they know me... And I have left them to sneak up on humans. By thunder, that was REALLY stupid! They are probably angry at me..." - she thought, not sure if she should go further, or turn back.

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((Orion, don't double post its against the forum rules. Please just edit the new posts into your old if no one else has posted.))


Vrans looked up Talaren and tilted her head "Hello Talaren brother of the crashing one." she said looking amused at that line. But it was short lived "As for helping me currently what did you think I needed help with?" she asked as she was hardly doing anything right now. "Don't think I did not notice you speaking to Vita about me. I don't need to be looking directly to see." she explained. "Your brother the 'crashing one' should make a complete recovery in a few days. He may be up before then but very sore." she said. If anyone noticed she was favoring her paw that still had scales regrowing on it.

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(sorry, I didn't know it was)

"haha crashing one" smirked Talaren, "That's actually not the first time he has held that nickname, when we were hatchlings and his wings had just grown in he would get crash after about 30 seconds of flying, all around our cave there were tiny craters from him learning to fly, while he crashed often, he was flying well before I was. And as for talking to Vita about you, I'm sorry, I did not mean to be evasive, and I asked if you needed help because I noticed one of your paws seemed injured and I would like to feel useful rather than sit idle."

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Vrans looked at him "Either your brother is far over weight or he propelled him self into the ground each time. A hatchling does not make creators with every crash." she said trying to picture a hatchling fat enough to make small creators. "Yeah... he must have propelled him self into them." she concluded before looking at him again then her paw "Ah, I see you noticed. This is the work of the poison of those metal human bugs." she said "Its healing. I still need to drop by Dharsii's den every now and then to help the healing but I'm moving around with it now. I just need the scales to regrow." she said as if it was nothing. "So, what did you want to know about?" she asked since she knew they had spoken about her.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Dharsii dipped her head in thanks when Talaren dropped by with a deer for when his unconscious sibling woke up.


"Thank you. I'm sure he will enjoy it." she said pleasantly. "And don't worry. I've dealt with frantic patients before. I'll make sure he is well taken care of. You needn't worry yourself."


She thanked him again after he cooked the deer and returned it to them, constantly keeping her her head turned to shield the scarred and cloth covered side away from the other dragon. It was a reflex that she had developed out of insecurity after receiving the scar. She still felt it took away from her appearance and her purple eyes were unusual for a white as well. When Talaren left to speak with Vrans, Dharsii settled back to laying in the sun and keeping an eye on her patient.




Twilight passed over the clan's outer rim, checking for any signs of danger. AS he flew, he noticed something down in the forests. He swooped down closer for a better look and realized it was a dragon, but one he did not recognize.


He let out a call of greeting to the dragon below him before circling around to land a short distance away from her. It was a female electric dragon.


"I don't recognize you as a member of our clan. May i ask you your name and purpose here?" he spoke as politely as he could, hoping his didn't come across as interrogating the newcomer.

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"His craters were very small, you'd hardly notice if you didn't know they were from crashes and the reason I asked about you was we are new here and I saw you give me a couple strange looks so I thought I may have been going against certain customs or courtesies. He said we weren't but that others had betrayed your trust before, I'm sorry that had happened to you, my brother and I have both trusted those we shouldn't have, I hope it does not happen again, I hope I can earn your trust, I won't talk you into trusting me, I will just show I am trustworthy over time and hope you see it that way. And for what you said about the human bugs, those tiny things can do that?...i should be more careful, I incinerated a group of them but they didn't touch me."

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Vrans looked at him as he spoke again "Yes I did give a few odd looks due to how you seem to word things when it comes to your brother. Sounds like either its your clans way or you just like to try to make things sound exaggerated." she explained "Flying contest, its just one of those things that sometimes the unexpected happens. Not much else. I guess where your from the unexpected does not happen often." she said then got a not so happy look on her face as he said he was not going to talk her into trusting him yet.... he was trying to do just that "Another thing about your wording. You just tried to talk me into trusting you. Saying things like 'I am trustworthy and hope you see it that way' is talking one into trusting you." she said then lifted her paw "And yes they can do this. Its different from dragon to dragon for how bad but all have the same effect. Poison travels and eats away at you from the inside. For me it did that quite fast as you can see." she said

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"sorry, I never have been good at wording things right, in short I just hope I will earn your trust, if you want the most accurate story of what happened you should ask Emeraldan after he wakes up. That should be soon, I thought I saw him almost wake up not long ago. And about the contest, we do have one annually, usually veteran flyers enter but Serina, his mate convinced him to join, he did far better than expected, and won, but Vulcan and his brothers attacked him and it seems he wound up here, again It would be better to ask him details"

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Runara heard a voice above her and looked up. She saw a dragon descending on the ground. "Ok... Don't worry, Runa..." - she thought to herself. When dragon landed and asked her for name and the reason she is here, she answered: "Well, uh, my name is Runara Tonitrui, and I want to join your clan to help you defend the clan against humans..." "Okay, calm down. It is JUST a conversation, nothing more... Just relax, they won't kill you... maybe..." - her thoughts were filled with worry, and her heart was pounding like crazy from it.

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Dharsii sat quietly and watched over Emralden diligently as she awaited for patient to regain consciousness.




Twilight approached the other dragon who seemed to be worried about something. He circled her, eyeing her curiously. She didn't seem to be injured so perhaps she was nervous rather than worried. He settled back into a sitting position a short distance away and hung his wings out comfortably to catch the sun's warm rays.


"Well Miss Tonitrui, I'm sure that our clan here would be more than happy to welcome you to our numbers." he said pleasantly before rising to his feet and turning to walk up the path towards the main camp. "If you would follow me, I'll take you to our alpha and we'll get everything sorted out for you."


He then headed up the path towards where Vita had been talking to one of the other dragons to show up earlier that day.

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Emeraldan was starting to stir, he was breathing more, and his movements increased, his drea ams involved worry for Serina and what happened after the fight. Suddenly the dreams ended. Emeraldan's eyes finally opened. The first thing he saw was Dharsii, he immediatly sat up and said in a surprised tone,"Serina! I'm glad your ok! I thought I...you're not Serina..." He said as a his eyes showed signs of a few tears. "Who are you? And where am I? All I remember was a crash and seeing a crowd around me," he said as he realized amazingly most of his wounds had been healed. "And if you're the one that healed me, thank you very much, I'm not sure I would have made it otherwise."

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Runara followed the dragon, wondering who is alpha at the moment and hoping for the best. She was bothered by a simple question: will they remember her? "Well, at least I have an information to counteract with, if they blame me for running away like a coward..." - she thought, trying to calm herself down. Runara didn't look around, as she was engulfed in her thoughts, so she skipped a lot of new things and members in the clan.

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"sorry, I never have been good at wording things right, in short I just hope I will earn your trust, if you want the most accurate story of what happened you should ask Emeraldan after he wakes up. That should be soon, I thought I saw him almost wake up not long ago. And about the contest, we do have one annually, usually veteran flyers enter but Serina, his mate convinced him to join, he did far better than expected, and won, but Vulcan and his brothers attacked him and it seems he wound up here, again It would be better to ask him details"

Vrans looked at him "No it sounds like you just need to pay more attention to your wording." she said on that topic. "4 dragons are easy to take on in enclosed spaces. There's more of a chance they will hit each other rather then there target. Which with making them mad raises the chances of them turning on each other rather then focusing on you." she explained "Though for earning my trust. Don't try anything sneaky or invasive. It will earn you things you would not like." she said seeing Emeraldan wake up. "Looks like the 'crashing one' has woken. He'll want the notes he dropped." she said heading over. "Excuse me Emeraldan. Your in a safe place, Dharsii and I patched you up." she explained then handed over the notes "You dropped these when you crashed. I'm not sure where you got the idea of a crowd here but your in safe paws." she said.

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"You are right about that, and it's good to see hes awake, he'll want to see me as well" Talaren said as he walked over to his brother.



"Thank you for taking care of me, It's a kindness I won't forget, and those notes are important , thanks for holding on to them, and Talaren, it's good to see you , how long was I out?



"The better part of a day, and while Dharsii and Vrans here did an amazing job healing you I'd take it slow at first so you dont hurt yourself, you were pretty beat up when I saw you. And I caught a deer for both you and Dharsii should either of you be hungry."



"Will do, and I am hungry, and how were Serina and the others holding up last you saw?"



"Serina was frantic and everyone was worried, and the Vulcan and his brothers are awaiting punishment,"



"I will need to let them know I'm fine when I can, but Vrans, am I correct, is there someway I could repay you, Dharsii, and any others who helped me? I may not be able to do much at this moment but I will do whatever I can to be of assisstance"

(someone post...)

Edited by Orion97

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Twilight entered the main camp area with Runara in tow and let out a bellow for Vita. He wanted to find the alpha quickly and using sound would be a lot faster than just searching for him. Besides, he didn't want to drag their guest all over the place just to find the leader when they could simply call to him like this. AS he awaited a reply, he turned to Runara.


"Our Alpha should be here with us shortly." he said pleasantly.




Dharsii dipped her head to the dragon's thanking her.


"It is all part of my job as medic to help the wounded." she said quietly. "But even if I wasn't I still enjoy the feeling of helping others in need."


She gently picked up the deer that Talaren had brought and set it near Emralden.


"Feel free to eat it all. I'm not all that hungry. And don't worry about repaying me. As I said,I am content with the knowledge that I could help you. Now is there anything I could get for you? Don't worry about assisting the clan until your wounds are fully healed. We don't want you to hurt yourself again." she spoke quietly but with a hint of authority, and kept her head at it's usual angle to keep her scar hidden.

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"You are very kind" smiled Emeraldan "I am starved." Then he opened up the letters and reexamined them "Oh dear...I almost forgot...I need to inform Serina I'm ok as soon as possible." He turned his head to Dharsii. "I need to find Serina, when do you think I can-" He cut himself off after looking at his wounds again, by the looks of it he'd have to wait a few days at best before doing any long distance flying. "Nevermind." he breathed disappointedly. As he finished talking Emeraldan caught a glimpse of the cloth on Dharsii's head. "I hope you don't mind if I ask but...what is the cloth you have on your head for?"

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Dharsii shook her head at Emeralden when he started to ask about when he would be able to leave.


"You won't be in any condition to travel for at least a few days. Flying will take even longer since it appears the crash may have broken your upper wingbone." she said motioning to the splint across his right upper wing, just above the "elbow" with her tail. "Perhaps we could send someone to her for you, perhaps they could bring her here to you?"


When he brought up the cloth draped across her right eye she shifted uncomfortably and her cheeks flushed a faint pink, turning her head to completely cover it from view.


"I...I suppose it doesn't hurt to tell." she said after a few moments, "It covers up an old wound I received before I arrived here. It incidentally covers my right eye but I don't mind that. My eyes are obviously not the same as other whites' so I guess its just one less thing to fret about..."


She'd always been teased by her brother about her eyes and now with the scar she simply felt like even more of an oddity, but with the dragon before her being such a mix of different breeds she didn't feel all that different in front of him.

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"Don't worry too much, I told them I might be gone a few weeks."



"Ok then" Emeraldan turned to Dharsii. "Shoot...I love flying, guess all the more reason not to for now though and Dharsii, your eyes are very beautiful, doesn't matter if they are different, others should be jealous of your them, and for your scar, you shouldn't be ashamed of it. Being different isn't always bad, as...I'm clearly not what most Gray dragons look like, blue eyes and looking somewhat like a royal blue, sometimes I got picked on for it, sometimes it made me seem interesting to a few. I know how it feels to be somewhat different and from what I've seen you are kind and beautiful as a whole, don't let little things get to you." Calmly spoke Emeraldan as a gentle smile fell across his face.

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Vrans looked at them as they conversed "Wing bones.... don't do well under strain. Bit suprizing your attackers did not break them up more." she said. Judging by all the marks they had many chances. If she where the one attacking the wings would be a prime target, ripping them off would put the target into so much pain and blood loss it would almost make them lose right then and there as the wings are so close to the arm joints you could then proceed to damage those to. "And what he said is true Dharsii, I mean look at me? I have yet to see another of my own breed in my life." she said smiling before looking around.


Vita heard the call and got up and went towards the noise. He found Twilight and Runara "Ah, you found her, Welcome back Runara. I haven't seen you in a few days, are you alright?" he asked before looking at Twilight "Glad you found her." he said before looking at her clearly glad to see another clanner returning.

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Soon Talaren left Emeraldan and Dharsii to their conversation and walked over to Vrans, "I'm pretty sure there is actually a ribbon dancer at our clan, not quite as shiny but could still blind you on a really bright day, and Emeraldan is right, don't exactly see dragons like us much, he's the only one I've ever seen that looks like me...although we look a little like royal blues. You and Dharsii are both beautiful don't let being shiny or having a scar bog you down."

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