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*Flies to the top of the tallest tree and hides*

Maybe no one will spot me. unsure.gif

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*meanders around aimlessly and crashes into classycal*"Hey watch where you're going oh and btw you're now it.

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I bet ya I won't get tipped MUAHAHAHAHAHA because I have.... Tha Rake on my side lol

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Classycal is it now.

*Looks around to see if it is safe and starts running*

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*Stops running and hides behind a tree. Hears a twig snap.*

Gotta keep running.

*Starts running again*


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My, that was a loud twig snap. Oh, look, it's Rockelle-275. Sneaks up and whispers in her ear, "You're IT." Runs merrily away laughing all the way.

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*Jumps out from behind the tree and surprises pinkieseb*

Surprise! You're it!

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*Stops running and watches pinkieseb stalk around*

I wonder who is going to be it next. laugh.gif

Edited by Rockelle-275

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Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, pinkie is it, pinkie is it.

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*Runs down a path through the woods*

I wonder where everyone is at.

*Continues running down the path*

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