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Castle Hydra: Next Generation

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Kenan quickly collected Skulni, glaring. "You have your own punishments." He growled, now a complete hold on his spirit. He grinned at Judaeo. "Judaeo!!!" He smiled broadly and embraced him. "I am so, so sorry... I just lost my temper, I never meant to harm you, or the others..."


He let him go and brushed off his suit. "Well, you have no idea how scattered I was. My a fragment of my arm was still in the baseboard. It hurt." He shuddered. "Let's go home..." Judaeo sighed.


Arachne looked afraid. "Why do you hurt him?" She whimpers.

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The snow leopard looked at her indifferently. "Because he is now an unnecessary part of the equation. He is a weakness and will only complicate things if allowed to carry on." it said simply before turning its attention back on Jared. "And this won't hurt. Nothing personal Arachne." Arlex decided to make it a bloodless kill and prepared to snap his neck instead. Adrian had started to come around and stumbled towards the other three. A shadow shot out and attempted to move Arlex away from Jared. It disappeared the moment it began to move. "Adrian, you are pathetic and useless." the snow leopard stated flatly before pinning him down instead and quickly slitting his throat. In that span of time, Jared had scrambled up, grabbed Arachne and ran deeper into the library. The snow leopard turned around and watched him run. It vanished in a wisp of black smoke and reappeared in front of Jared.


Aza blinked slightly as she woke up. She smiled drowsily at Kenan and curled up snugly against him. She looked up when she heard a subtle steely rasping. Not finding the source of the noise and trusting Kenan wouldn't let her get hurt, Aza lowered her head again. It took her a moment to register the sudden pain between her ribs. An unrealistic amount of blood splattered the ground, staining the white marble with red. She looked at Kenan, shocked to find him still smiling but with malice. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." he muttered. Aza blinked and Kenan's face changed to Skulni's. "Let's see that beautiful face twist with pain for me." Aza woke up with tears running down her cheeks. She put a hand over her heart and was surprised to see a little blood on her hand when she pulled her hand away. She was sure there was no wound, just blood. She flopped back down on the bed, still crying silently.

Edited by frostmourne

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Kenan picked her up, soothing her. "Hey... what happened? You alright?" He held her to his chest. "I'm sorry..." He tucked her close enough that he could smell her, just nudging her forehead with his cheek. "I'm here now, if that's of any help." He mumbled.


Judaeo rolled his eyes. "Your room is right over there." He chuckled.


Arachne shoved Arlex away. "NO! He won't see her again!" she stood in front of him.

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Arlex didn't move an inch despite Arachne's shoving. He was usually controlled, but now he seemed impatient. "Arachne, it doesn't matter if he never shares the same planet with her. He still can be used against her. Now, either get out of my way or you will share his fate." the snow leopard said sharply. It gave her a intense, unblinking stare that gave the impression of an drill boring into her and finding all of her vulnerable spots. Jared tried to pull Arachne away, giving up. He saw the benefits of getting him out of the way. He couldn't be used as leverage in a deal when Aza took the throne, and Aza was too attached to him to ever completely let him go. He could also see the negative effects. Aza would be devastated by the loss of two of her closest companions. He looked at Arlex and the odd gleam in his eyes. Jared guessed he probably had some brilliant endgame that would counter those effects.


Aza sniffled a little and wiped away her tears. "It's nothing. I'm just being silly. Bad dream." she said brightly. "You have got to stop apologizing everytime we meet because 'sorry' is going to be the most used word in your vocabulary soon." She seemed to withdraw a bit when she heard Judaeo. "That's odd. That was exactly what Adrian would've-" she broke off and remained silent for a while. "Anyway, did the meeting get canceled? You didn't scare them all away did you?" Her former cheer seemed to have returned, but the hurt and the betrayal still lingered in her eyes. She turned her attention on Judaeo. She seemed to be sizing him up, as if to see which approach would be best.

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She glared. "Go ahead. Neither one of us can be killed." She said, standing her ground. "Immortality has been granted to us by Death himself."


Kenan looked sheepish. "I'm sor-... Afraid I did. Judeao offered to help." He nodded in his general direction. "This is my greatest friend, Judeao. He is as of now the only living member of the Senate." He mumbled.


"He tore me to pieces." He chuckled, but then looked depressed. "Can I go see my wife?" He asked, almost shyly. Kenan nodded at him. "Of course."

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"Wonderful." the snow leopard murmured, seeming no less disheartened by Arachne's words. It leapt out of the maze and Jared seemed to relax slightly. It silently padded over to Adrian and touched him with a tiny silver cube. Adrian vanished and the cube dissolved into a fine black sand. The sand was quickly scattered and blown away by the breeze. The snow leopard jumped behind Arachne and touched Jared with another cube. The same thing happened with him. "Don't worry, they aren't dead. Death doesn't exist there, as strange as it may seem." The snow leopard also dissolved, leaving Arachne alone in the library.


Aza seemed to make up her mind and offered Judaeo a sincere smile that she rarely gave to strangers. She seemed to approve of him before looking back at Kenan. "So they didn't find you as charming as I did? Blind fools. I'll call another meeting in a few months perhaps." Aza giggled. She immediately stopped when she noticed a snow leopard. She tensed, not sure whether it was real or not. "Father?" she said uncertainly. "Is that a question? Yes Aza?" he replied, expression still stony. "I apologize for making a mess of the meeting. I-" she began. "I handled it." he said sharply. Aza drew back timidly before her expression became as cold as his. "Do you mind if I...borrow Aza for a moment?" Arlex murmured, turning to look at Kenan.

Edited by frostmourne

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Arachne began to sob, chasing a lone grain of sand. She caught it, and clutched it to her. Judeao opened his mouth to protest, but Kenan already nodded and let her go. He seemed pale. "You alright...?" Judeao asked, laying a hand on his shoulder. When he removed it it seemed Kenan's skin had turned to blood-soaked sand. "Fine..." he murmured, but his knees buckled. "What...?" he asked, blinking and holding his friend up. "Adele? Who else did he pardon? Something's happening." Judeao barked.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Aza took a step towards her father but stopped and rushed back towards Kenan. "Adrian and Jared. Where are they?" she muttered. She pulled out a knife and slice open her palm. The snow leopard's paw pinned her hand down. The cut healed and the knife was knocked out of her hand. "Don't Aza. I'll explain later." He tugged at her to try to make her leave. She didn't budge from Kenan's side. "No. Tell me now. Tell me why I shouldn't help." she demanded, seeking slightly panicked. Arlex shook his head and let her go. Aza rose as if to leave to find answers, but she didn't want to leave Kenan in this state. She cut her hand open again and cautiously let a few drops fall on Kenan. She pulled back her hand and opened her mouth in a silent scream. The small cut she had made was briefly covered with the fine black sand before sealing, trapping some of the sand inside her veins. She expected that the place where she had gotten blood on would at least be fine. The snow leopard knocked her off her feet and quickly took her away. She was set down on a mountaintop. Arlex murmured something and all the sand in her reconfigured in a small glass vial. "You need to learn patience Aza." he sighed, toying with the vial. "As for Jared and Adrian, here is what happened to them." He tossed her another small silver cube. Aza looked horrified as she stared down at it. She looked like she was going to start crying.


Jared was faintly aware that he was in pieces and flying everywhere. It was impossible to think although it wasn't painful. His mind was suspended in a blank state, baffled by all the strangeness of his current existence. He couldn't form a coherent thought or keep hold of one. He was in constan motion, but not moving at all.

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He seemed to be pained by the blood, flinching at its touch. Adele took Judeao's place supporting Kenan as he followed Aza and Arlex. His friend glared. "Have you done this?" he asked calmly. "You and I have worked out resolves before. This is of cosmic importance. If he can't work, the whole world falls to pieces." his voice was calm, but warm.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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((Aza and Arlex are both on a mountaintop, so I'm assuming Judaeo followed them?))

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Arlex turned his gaze to Judaeo and looked at him evenly. "Yes." he said simply, as cold and distant as ever. He looked back at Aza, who seemed to have pulled herself together. "But they aren't hurt. They're not even in danger. They're just..." Aza trailed off, looking at the silver cube lying innocently in her cupped hands. "Lost." she muttered. "What happened to Kenan was an unfortunate side effect. They are not going to die, so there is no reason Kenan should not be perfectly fine." Arlex said briskly. "Now if you will kindly leave, I would like to speak to my daughter in private." Aza stepped away from him. "No. I won't listen until I know Kenan is alright." she said. "Very well then. Go." Arlex replied emotionlessly. He was in no mood to start petty arguments or deal with Aza's defiance. He went over to a stone jutting out of the cliff wall and tapped it to reveal a hidden panel. He didn't even glance to see if Aza or Judaeo had left as he started to write endless lines of code. Aza kept her mouth shut for as long as she could before her curiosity got the better of her. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Do not test my patience, Aza. Leave before I change my mind."


((Short post. Sorry.))

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Judeao whisked her away. "He has changed since I have seen him." He murmured. "Did your mother...?" he asked sensitively, as if it were a touchy subject. Kenan was being bandaged, nearly all of his skin covered now. His shirt was off and he tried to get it before Aza noticed. Adele slapped his hand, she was still wrapping. His face turned ashen, and he looked ashamed.

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Aza seemed puzzled rather than embarrassed. "...My mother? He's always been like that." she said, eyeing him curiously. Aza rushed towards Kenan as if she was about to embrace him, but she drew back before she touched him, worried she would hurt him or get in Adele's work. A electronic beep made her jump. She looked around for the source of the noise. Finally she realized it was coming from her pocket. Reaching in, she pulled out an unfamiliar looking necklace. It was a plain silver chain with something attatched to it that looked vaguely like a white computer chip with glowing blue wires embedded in it. "Running diagnostics...program is online and ready for use." chirped a pleasant, disembodied voice. A holographic projection sprung up from the chip. Jared smiled at the rather surprised expression on Aza's face. "How may I be of service, madam?" the voice said again, seeming to be coming from the hologram. "Jared?" "I'm afraid not, madam. Jared programmed me to assist you in his absence. I am only an AI." the hologram said politely. "How did this get in my pocket?" "I believe Jared slipped it in your pocket at your last meeting, madam." Aza remained silent for a long while. She looked like she didn't know if she was going to laugh or cry. "Of all the things he could have given me, he gives me an artificial...butler." Aza choked out. She waved the hologram away and slipped the chip around her neck. She turned her attention back to Kenan, concern written all over her face. "Are you going to be alright? I shouldn't have been so selfish. I shouldn't have let this happen."

Edited by frostmourne

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Adele huffed. "There is no need to worry. He's been falling to pieces for over two hundred hears now." Kenan sighed. "Are those two alright? I'm assuming not..." he showed her his bloodied palm.


"Arlex seemed beyond reason. He is not the same as I had last seen him." Judeao mumbled. Kenan dismissed him with a wave and he nodded, fading away.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Aza didn't look reassured. If anything, she looked more panicked by Adele's words. "They're fine. Well, as in, not dead or hurt. They've been...imprisoned in a way." Aza mumbled, rubbing her temples. The AI's voice came to life again. "Running a local search, madam." "Expand it to global and concentrate on unusual heat signatures from objects less than a millimeter in diameter." Aza said half-heartedly. She knew that even if they managed to find every last speck of sand and piece them perfectly into the cube, they still wouldn't be able to free them. She looked to the chip resting against her throat. "What should I call you?" "Whatever you wish, madam." the voice said. Aza turned to Kenan to ask his opinion. "What do you think I should name it? It's probably the closest thing to Jared I have left." She took the necklace off to hand to Kenan. As she did, she noticed another hologram sprung up. A glowing blue note read: 'Plug this into the mainframe of the mansion's computer. This is only the portable version.' The hologram flickered and disappeared as soon as she finished reading. "Madam, I have found several thousand objects that match your description." "Good, now could you send somehing to retrieve them?" "I apologize madam, but I need to have access to the mainframe. The mansion's computer system cannot be connected to wirelessly." Aza flinched at the thought of having to go home. No doubt that her father would be waiting for her to get back.

Edited by frostmourne

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He shrugged. "I don't know." Adele wrapped something too tight and he whimpered. "You're in no shape to be traveling, so don't even try it."




"No." Adele growled. Kenan glared. "You know what I'm wanting to do. Can't I just go for an hour? Probably even less."

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"I think...I think I'll name you J.A.S.P.E.R." Aza said slowly, looking at the chip. "May I ask what it means?" the voice asked. "Jared's Amazing System Programmed Especially...." Aza broke off, thinking for a while. She noticed the faint blue glow from the chip and smiled. "Radiantly." She reviewed the acronym and realized how incredibly silly it sounded. She looked over to Kenan. "Where are you going? I think I'll be going home to connect J.A.S.P.E.R here to the computer. Are you sure you don't have any sugestions for his name? After all, it sounds pretty ridiculous right now." she said brightly. She was acting strangely cheerful when she normally would be breaking down in her current situation. Inside, she felt like her perfectly maintained composure was going to shatter any minute and the worry and grief bottled up inside was going burst. She was having a hard time trying to keep herself from crying as it is.


J.A.S.P.E.R mulled over its new name and debated Ton whether it was really alive enough to need a name. Logically, it knew what it was. It had to. Aza could wipe it out with a click of a mouse, and J.A.S.P.E.R would let her. An order phrased correctly could make it do anything Aza wished of it. That should make it unhappy, right? So why didn't it? Perhaps because it wasn't human. It had no real concept of freedom. It started out as a simple processor and grew with every hard drive and server connected to it. But that was all it was, truth be told. A series of tubes and wires. It wasn't real. This programming inside it was what made it act as it did. A simple change and it had a whole new personality. It could be sarcastic, it could be obedient, it could be obstinate, it could be many things-but it couldn't pretend to be anything but what it was, and it was an AI. An artificial butler. Nothing more.

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"I want to come with yo-"

"He wants to ask for your hand again." Adele interrupted. Kenan's face grew red, and he muttered curses at her so fast they couldn't be understood.

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Aza smiled, seeming amused by the two. "Well, that takes some of the romance out of it." she giggled. "But haven't I already accepted?" She stroked a portion of his face that wasn't bandaged yet. "Adele is right though. You shouldn't be going anywhere until you're better." She straightened and ran her fingers over the chip. "I won't be long and besides, Jasper will keep me out of trouble." she chirped. "Won't you?" "Of course, madam. Shall I calculate the shortest route?" "Not necessary. I can find my own way home." The AI pulled up a holographic map and traced a path for her anyway. "A few minutes with me and already bossing me around? Jared is still babysitting me." she chuckled. Aza started to walk away, following the map the AI had generated.


Arlex paced in the great hall of the mansion, looking slightly impatient. He gazed at the two pictures in the locket he held in one gloved hand with a cold impassiveness. He snapped it shut and place it back in a hidden panel in the wall. He expected her to be here by now, especially since Jared's AI was already doing massive amounts of processing like it was nothing.

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Kenan just glared at Adele.


"I really should kill you." He growled. Adele shrugged. "I was supposed to do this right. And now she's left again. You know what happens when she leaves? She nearly gets killed. Every time." He snorted. Adele just frowned. "She'll be fine."

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Aza had hardly crossed the border to Italy when she noticed someone strolling along beside her. She quickly put a dagger in the shoulder of her traveling companion, looking more irritated than scared. Skulni took a step back and wretched the dagger out. He held it out to her, holding it by the flat of the blade. "Must you always be so straightforward?" he sighed melodramatically. She snatched the blade back and kept walking, stubbornly ignoring him. "That's new, isn't it?" he asked, pointing to the chip hanging around her neck. Aza put a hand over it protectively without breaking her stride. Skulni lunged out and attempted to break the chain. Aza tore away from him, the chain unbroken and the scratches on her throat quickly healing. "Diamond nanorods? He really went above and beyond to make that didn't he?" Skulni chuckled, eyeing the deep cuts on his hand. "Leave. Now." Aza hissed, tightening her grip on the dagger. "Not until you tell me why Jared felt that chip was so important that he coated it with the hardest material-" Skulni began. A small group of bird-like shadows appeared behind Skulni and pounced on him, ripping him to shreds with sharp black beaks.

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Kenan looked depressed when Aza got done.


"Perhaps now would be good time to confront the people about reforming the senate." She nodded, patting his arm. He looked like an abandoned puppy, but needed to be away from Aza for a bit. He was quite dependent.

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Aza truned around and kept walking, slightly rattled but still resolute. She had barely entered the mansion when her father intercepted her and quickly steered her into an empty room. He let her go and suddenly seemed to become interested in the view out the window. "Father, I-" she began but was silenced by a single look. "Have Jared's AI connected to the mansion's main computer. I know." he said quietly. "How did you know about J.A.S.P.E.R?" she asked, still in a perfect deadpan. She expected the faintly impatient gleam in his eyes as he realized she was stalling. Instead, he stopped dead and a strange expression passed over his face. "Jasper? You named it Jasper?" Aza seemed slightly defensive now. "Yes." she said almost harshly. He turned around to face her. "Did you know that your mother's old retainer's name was Jasper?" he murmured with a touch of faintly amusement in his voice. Aza shifted her weight uncomfortably, not sure where he was going with the conversation. She could never remember him ever talking about her mother. Aza twitched a little, unsure how to broach the subject. "N-no." she mumbled, playing with the chip around her neck. "Hmm. I suppose I should tell you about your mother?" She stopped fiddling wih the chip and stared at him unblinkingly. He noticed the dried blood around her neck and delicately daubed it off. "Perhaps another time. How did you get this?" he said, back to a sharp, businesslike manner. "It isn't important." she muttered, looking frustrated. "Aza. Was it Skulni?" he said coldly. She nodded once and he narrowed his eyes. "You may leave now." Aza left without a moment's hesitation and practically sprinted up to Jared's tower.


"Skulni." Arlex snapped, every syllable ringing through the air. The thin, sallow face emerged from the mirror. "Yes, sir?" the suddenly timid monster squeaked out. "Leave my daughter alone. The consequences of disobeying that order I will leave to your imagination. Good day." The mirror shattered and an odd pearly liquid oozed out as the glass shards began to melt. Arlex rose and left the room.

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Kenan shuffled anxiously shuffled, calling in Judeao.


Judeao seemed to saunter everywhere, he exhumed confidence. He smiled at Kenan. "Miss her already?" He chuckled. Kenan nodded sadly. "Man, you're all hung up over this one... well, this is your first real girlfriend. Besides Arachne." Judeao soothed, patting his friend's shoulder.

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