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Castle Hydra: Next Generation

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Adrian soon lost interest in Jared trilling a tune and headed back to Aza. "If it was then I'm going to ask him for voice lessons." Aza laughed softly, enjoying his attention. Aza seemed concerned at first as she listened to Adele, but later she started smirking. There was a predatory gleam in her eye. Adrian looked at her strangely before relaxing and smiling as well. "I'd take her on a leash or no one is going to walk out of the meeting in one piece." Adrian chuckled, immediately earning himself a scorching glare. "What? Don't you remember the last time the Court met? You were merciless. Verbally and mentally tore them apart. Barely stopped short of physically doing it. I bet you father was pleased all that training in politics paid off." "It was just another game. Just another test." Aza said offhandedly. "One you passed quite impressively. Showoff." Adrian muttered under his breath. "Mind if I tag along?" "You're going to follow no matter how many times I say no." "Naturally." "Fine. Bring Jared too." "And convince him to leave the bird behind? Fat chance." Adrian snorted, but went off anyway. Aza's demeanor visibly shifted once Adrian was gone. The mischievous air was gone and replaced by worry. She ran a finger along Kenan's cheek, concern practically tangible.

Edited by frostmourne

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He looked deep in thought. "Aza? I do not wish for my court to be like your father's." he said simply, but more as if he were confirming it himself. "I do not wish it to be like my father's either. He was too soft. That's why the s-sen..." he bit his tongue. "What if I were to go off in there? You can't come... I nearly killed you in my sleep, if I were to get angry, no no, you can't come." he seemed panicky, before falling silent.


"I know what to do. I do not want to, but I'm telling them everything.... Anything they want to know, and then it is not to be anymore of their buisness..."

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Adrian came back with Jared in tow. Jared seemed rather tramatized, a mixture of feathers and blood on his hand. "I have not met a single monarch, Aza included, that has ever told the whole truth. Come to think of it, I haven't met many sentient beings in general who tell the truth." Adrian remarked, prodding Aza. "What? If I did, they would do the same thing they did to Sir Piers to me." Aza said defensively. "They put him in the...?" "Yes." she replied quietly and turned away. "I trust you to control yourself. I'm going." Aza said resolutely to Kenan. "And if he can't, I'll make him." Adrian cackled. "I'd prefer if you did not play with emotions." Aza snapped at him. Adrian continued smiling and pushed Jared forward a little. Aza hadn't noticed the blood until then. She straightened and looked alarmed before realizing the blood wasn't his. "What happened?" "I-I'd r-r-rather n-n-not s-say." Jared stuttered out. Aza looked furious as she turned on Adrian.

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Kenan slapped Adrian on the back of the head and took Jared's hand. The bird's blood and feathers reformed into a frightened wood thrush. "I have some control of life as well." He murmured, and turned out, resolute.


He entered his throne room, settling back into position. Everyone was dead silent, and he let them simmer in their silent treatment. One brave soul built up his courage, a lone voice yelling "MURDERER!" Kenan shook his head.


"As punishment for this rebellion every male must give up their mate before midnight. Any-" He grinned, but the men didn't think it was funny. "Heh. I actually felt my life in danger. You felt that rage, that wave crashing up, nearly taking you with it. You think you are no better than I? You all know that the newborn Death has no control. The Senate knew as well. They tried to do what was best with me, to keep me focused, by giving up my Aza." He sighed. "I lost control. I lost my best friend, one who I would consider my brother. I lost your trust. I wish to regain it back, ask me any question, relevant please, and I will answer it in complete honesty. Adele's handbook will be distributed later if you wish to confirm I am telling the truth." He nodded.

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The wood thrush flew off the first chance it got, shrill calls bearing no resemblance to the light melodies it had been singing earlier. Adrian looked indignant and opened his mouth to protest, but Kenan had gone by then. He whirled around to complain to Aza, but she had followed Kenan. He turned to look at Jared, but he too had hurriedly left before having to listen to Adrian. Adrian was left alone in an empty field. He looked irritated as he vanished as well, leaving the bluff as silent, lonely, and serene as before. A soft breeze rustling the tall grass and the slow, steady breathing of the ocean were the only sounds that broke the quiet.

Aza tried to be as discreet as possible, melding seamlessly into shadows in the room. She gazed at the faces of those gathered. She spotted anger, fear, confusion and suspicion on their faces. She didn't bother to see if there were any others. Someone raised a trembling hand and tried to stutter something out. Their eyes were squeezed shut as if he were afraid of being struck by lightning. The reaper beside him, annoyed after the third time the questioner attempted to speak, stood up. "He says he wants to know if any of the rumors we've been hearing are true." the reaper said clearly before sitting down again. A quiet murmur rippled through the crowd.

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"No." Kenan murmured, shifting awkwardly. "Not any of them about Aza anyway. I've never even kissed her." He sighed, almost as if in frustration. "Not that I don't love her. I do..." he said, quieting the growl that grew in the crowd. His words burned with honesty, and his face turned slightly red. "And while that is being mentioned... I will not be having an heir. My father and his wives went through many miscarriages, almost four thousand in their lifespan... I am not willing to put myself through that. I consider myself a familial person, I am not to have my sister executed even through her betrayal. It would kill me inside to lose a child, especially several times." he shook his head. He didn't seem to by lying, in fact so uncomfortable that he couldn't be.

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Aza heard a quiet snicker from the back of the room. She look in the direction the laughter had come from, furious. The room was plunged into darkness and the light slowly returned. No one laughed now, her point having been made. A few people glanced around nervously at the dark corners in the room. "Slightly off topic, but might I question the sanity of having her present during this?" the reaper who had snickered called out, slightly smirking. Aza grimaced internally, itching to thwack him with a heavy object of some sort. He reminded her of the side of Adrian she liked to least. "What's going to happen to Arachne?" someone called out. "And who are the other two who follow Aza around?" Quiet discussions among the crowd began again. "Like lost puppies." one muttered.

The door creaked slightly as Jared slipped in during the darkness. He scanned the room, eyes unusually bright. His gaze paused on a certain corner and flickered to Kenan and finally at the crowd. He made a move toward the door, but felt a gentle tug on his wrist. Reluctantly he moved away from the door, but stayed away from the crowd. Curious gazes began being directed in his direction. He felt as lonely and awkward as an unwelcome truth. He was starting to regret staying.

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Kenan sighed, feeling the tugs in the darkness. "I told her not to come..." he sighed. "Arachne will live. She may do as she pleases, she is free of me." he sighed. "The young men who follow Aza around are not her suitors, but her relative and tutor. Jared Sapiens and Adrian Cepernum. These are the men I am going to pardon a-" there was a cry of outrage but his fist clenching shushed them. "I plan to make them my heirs. Jared to enherit my wif-... My Aza, and for them to decide if they jointly wish to reap together and split the kingdom or if one wishes to have the land and the other reap." he sighed, knowing his life never ended, but making them his heirs would put them in a place of higher power.

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Jared froze in shock, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Adrian and me? Inherit Aza? She'll be furious. And who in their right mind would let the fate of anything be put in the hands of someone like Adrian? He barely had finished the thought when he felt Aza tugging him outside. She clearly didn't want to show anyone else she was angry. The moment they stepped outside, Aza formed a void. She guided him into it without breaking her stride. Once inside, she sealed the entrance, sat down, and threw the hood of her cloak back. She didn't speak and Jared slowly relaxed. "Do you remember that time in the chapel? When your illness was really bad?" she asked quietly. She glanced up at Jared's quizzical expression and laughed softly. "I suppose it was a dream then." Jared looked away, wanting to tell her it wasn't, but not daring to utter a squeak. She was clearly in one of her odd moods.

It was a beautiful, cloudless day at the Queen's Palace, the sunlight streaming down on the turrets and parapets of the white castle. But Aza was not down by the lake, joining the lords and ladies at their stuffy, rehearsed merrymaking, as she knew she should have been. Instead, she had been looking for her tutor for over two hours. She finally found him in the chapel. Frowning darkly and muttering to herself, she stormed into the otherwise empty building and located him right away. His long legs were folded underneath him, delicate, pale hands clasped, head bent. His dark eyelashes were a stark contrast to his deathly pale face. Most of Aza's anger immediately dissipated at the sight of how frail her friend looked. She slid into the wooden pew next to him. Her impatient gaze roving over the domed ceiling, the ornate statues in the creamy white walls plated with gold. Finally, Aza broke the silence. "I suppose it's just a formality, this church." she wondered aloud, glancing at Jared to see if he was paying her any attention. When she saw that he wasn't, she continued on, worried slightly. "I doubt the queen ever comes here."

Jared spoke quietly a few minutes later, without opening his eyes or moving his head in any way. "It's rude to interrupt people when they're thinking, Aza." She looked away, embarrassed. But he soon opened his dark green eyes, and she was relieved to see that they sparkled with humor. But his small smile soon faded, and he turned to gaze silently at the altar. She just couldn't help herself. After allowing him a few moment's reflection, she said curiously, "Why here? Isn't the wedding going to be held here?" She snapped her mouth shut. She knew better than to be nosing in Jared's business. The last thing Aza wanted to do was offend him, her only friend.

He took a long time to answer, choosing his words carefully. "As you said, the queen never comes here. It is also one of the few places on the castle grounds that I don't have to spend hours debugging the place." His tone grew serious as he continued. "The wedding will never be held if I can help it, although a funeral might." His grim tone scared her. She wanted to say something. But he continued gazing straight at her with those piercing green eyes. Aza had never seen Jared so grave even when he spoke of is own illness. She was touched and saddened at the same time. Aza longed to put her arms around him and thank him, but she knew her boundaries. There were certain ones that could never be crossed. "Is it getting worse? Your illness?" Jared didn't answer.

Suddenly, she felt the corners of her eyes prickle, and she rubbed them hastily, ashamed. But she couldn't stem the flow of emotions, and her tears threatened to spill over and drown her in her own sudden misery. It scared her, the wave of depression that surged over her so quickly without warning. Aza was always so good at keeping it at bay, in the back of her mind, but Jared had now brought it all back. They were doomed, all of them. And the truth that was hardest to bear, the one that haunted her dreams-the fact that one day, she might have to live without her only friend. His green eyes were brilliant jade stones in his ivory-pale face. Jared's voice was raw. "I have no hope, Aza, but you do. You might have a chance to escape. As for me...well, I do not." Aza felt as if an iron fist had clenched her heart. Her face wet with tears, she hugged his neck and buried his face in the collar of his robe, seeking solace in the embrace. "I will save you no matter what it takes, if I have to walk to the ends of the Earth to find a cure, I will. Don't tell me it's impossible." she promised fiercely, despite of her wracking sobs. She felt better when she pulled away, yet her eyes were still wet. She had been longing to say that for a long time. Jared's steady gaze pierced her heart. He said slowly, "There is a chance." He moved closer, seeming puzzled as if faced with a riddle he could not solve. He had never dared to come so close before. There was always someone standing there, monitoring their every move. She always wondered what would happen when no one was around to watch them. A shiver ran down her spine. "Just don't forget me when I'm gone." Jared's whisper faded to nothing. When Aza opened her eyes, she wanted to see him, to believe that it was real and not just a dream. But the chapel was empty, like she knew it would be. Aza raced to the door, slipping on her long, white gown. "Jared!" She called his name into the empty blue sky. But he was gone. For reasons unknown to herself, Aza sank to the floor, her face in her hands, crying softly in the empty church.

Edited by frostmourne

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Kenan looked anxious as she left, worrying if she would be offended. Another reaper posed a question and he answered it as clearly as he could. Aza would have to wait...

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Aza got up and paced around the void like a caged tiger. Jared watched for a while, seeing that being in perpetual darkness wasn't helping. He caught her arm and gently tugged her closer to him. "You're only getting more impatient. Let's go to the library." Jared said as cheerfully as he could. Aza relented, letting the void disappear. They were standing among dusky pink roses in front of a white marble building that stood slightly apart from a group of other buildings. Aza look up, having never been to the palace library before. She continued staring as Jared gently guided her in. She was baffled by some of the items on the shelves. Jared chuckled softly at her expression. "This is the Grimm Collection. Magical items from fairytales and a few from the Arabian Nights. There are the twelve dancing princesses' shoes, the cudgel in the sack, the enchanted ram's horn, and the German version of the Table-Be-Set. Looks like the French one is out on loan. Hungry?" He gestured to each of the items as he mentioned them. Aza smiled, pausing at the wooden table. "Is there an invisibility cloak too?" "There should be, but we can't find it. Those are the seven league boots. Don't talk to the magic mirror from Snow White." "Can I borrow the Golden Key? From the story when the boy finds a key in the snow and tries to open a box but we don't find out what was in the box?" Jared bit his lip and slowly nodded. "Yes, but you have to give up a part of you as a deposit. For example, your sense of humor, sense of direction, color vision, willpower, firstborn child, you get the idea. Don't worry, you get it back once you return the item." "My firstborn child?" "Mmmm, I wouldn't recommend giving that up. You won't get it back if you return the object damaged. The Golden Key is really valuable, and you have to give up something big for it. Maybe you should start smaller. What about a mermaid's comb? Relatively harmless unless you plan on using it to lure handsome young men to their deaths." Jared suggested. "I'll...give up my sense of direction then." Aza said hesitantly. A small paper crane swooped down and floated around Aza for a bit. It flew away carrying a complicated black shape Aza couldn't quite make out. She felt dizzy for a second and had an odd hollow feeling. Jared picked up the mermaid's comb and ran it through Aza's hair. She practically purred with delight. The comb left a wonderful, tingly feeling. Jared raised his eyebrows at the results on her hair. It shone with the rainbow darkness of a starling's feathers. It waved like a midnight river, smooth and cold and singing wih ripples, stars dancing on its surface and death in its depths. If it had been a river, he would have wanted to throw himself in and let the current dash him against the sunken rocks. He shook his head as if to clear it and handed Aza the comb. "You're not trying to lure me to my doom are you?" he said teasingly, the pair starting to walk out of the library. He had to guide Aza the entire way out as she kept trying to make wrong turns. "You're hardly young no matter how young you look. Although the handsome part might be true." Aza said playfully, seeming to be in a much better mood. Jared blushed and kept walking.

Edited by frostmourne

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Finally, the public interrogation was over. It seemed like his insides were outside, everyone could see his private life. After his throne room was empty he called for Aza, but was unable to find her. He started to worry. "Adele?" he asked. She appeared right beside him. "Could you finger Aza for me? I need her." He said, the honesty continuing. He just wanted to hold her and hear her voice after all that trauma.

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Aza's smile seemed to fade and she halted, Jared stopped as well. "Is somehing the matter?" he asked quietly. Aza shook her head slowly. "No, it just feels...wrong somehow. Like I've forgotten something very important." she mumbled. There was a slight flicker in Jared's eyes and his expression hardened. "Would you like to go back?" Aza nodded and Jared took her hand and let the plant growth swallow both of them up. They were just outside the throne room. Jared immediately dropped Aza's hand, and gestured towards the door, not meeting her searching gaze. He looked like a little lost boy sometimes. There were moments when his soulful brown eyes made anyone want to cry. Aza lingered a heartbeat longer, not knowing what to do or say. She staggered when she put a hand on the door, feeling the same hollowness she did when she gave up her sense of direction. Jared steadied her automatically, still not looking at her. "It's the after effects. They'll go away shortly." Aza nodded and pushed the door open before she broke down. Jared had stayed by the door for a few more moments after Aza left. He dashed out, not caring who saw him or whether he had knocked anyone down in his rush to get away. Aza blinked away tears before smiling and walking towards Kenan. "You have some explaining to do. First, no one should ever trust Adrian with power. Second, Jared does not want anything to do with power whatsoever. Third, I will not be inherited." she said in a voice that was dead serious. Her arms were crossed and she stood just out of reach. After a moment she relaxed her arms and posture. "Why is it so hard to stay angry at you?" she sighed before rushing towards Kenan like a sparrow to bread. She nestled against him, her eyes drifting half shut. She completely forgot what she was going to argue about and simply enjoyed the contact.

Edited by frostmourne

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(Just realized in my previous post it said finger instead of find. @m@)


Kenan looked like a kicked dog when she tried to argue, but the second she hugged him he curled inwards around her. He kissed her hair and murmured something, but it couldn't be heard. He was about to cry, and he didn't know why.


Eventually he sat her beside him in the too-big throne, laying his head on her shoulder and an arm around her. "I just wanted Jared and Adrian in a higher rank, otherwise they may have been disrespected. And..." he closed his eyes slightly. "...I know you still love Jared. I just said he could inherit you so... Any... Incidents if they occur would be interpreted a little lighter... I'll spin it if anything happens..." he looked like he was talking about an elephant in the room. "I love you." he purred.

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Aza smile widened and she pressed against him snugly. "Adrian knows how to deal with disrespect. He doesn't really take insults to heart. Jared...I guess he tends to be a lot more sensitive. He never had a great deal of self-confidence to begin with." she mused. She made a face and didn't say anything about being inherited. She still didn't like the idea very much, but admitted to the logic behind it. A bit of color seeped into her deathly pale face and she turned her head and kissed his cheek. "If such poor love as mine can help thee find true peace of mind, then take it, it is thine." she cooed softly. She closed her eyes and leaned against him, contented smile dancing on her lips.

Jared sprawled on the floor as he collided with someone at full speed. Adrian glared at him, still standing. Jared shakily rose to his feet and without as so much as a glance in Adrian's direction, ran like he was being pursued. Adrian looked curiously after him and was about to burst into the throne room when he paused. He opened the door a slit and peered in. He immediately let the door fall back into place and moved further down the hallway. No wonder Jared didn't stick around. I would be in a rush to get out too if I were him. Adrian sighed and stared at his surroundings. He regretted missing the meeting and watching Kenan being questioned. He recognized the quote Aza murmured, but had no idea where he had heard it. He guessed she might have scribbled it in a notebook that he stole and taunted her with.

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He nudged her neck and clutched her closer. He was so much longer than her his arms could easily wrap around her shoulders twice, and she looked more like his daughter. Adele cleared her throat a bit and he blushed, but didn't push her away. "Yes?" he murmured. "The general needs to be appointed soon. The Undead are not at rest, and the pens are weak. As well as the treasurer. And the-" "Alright, alright... Aza? You want come? Are you... Going to help lead?" he asked. Adele spoke up and interrupted him. "Aza, there are two roles traditionally taken. Mistress and queen. Mistress is... Well, exactly as you presume. A companion. Since you do not fall into that role yet, and there is no shame in that! It is presumed you will be a Queen. Active in the role in the Reapings. Appointing guards, assigning times, being... Like a vice president." she nodded. Kenan shrugged. "All of these titles are a load of bunk. She may do as she pl-" "With all due respect," Adele interrupted again. "These 'titles' keep your people in line. They will fall upon you if chaos is used, the ancient rules declare it so. And as far as ancient rules, do you wish to pardon the Senate? They will be eternal... But you will be forgiven by the people. "But that'll use... Fifteen of my pardons..." Kenan frowned.

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Aza blinked and considered it for a moment. She doubted that her father would hand her the throne for a while and she had been taught to run a country. How much different could it be? Still, if he did step down, she'd have to juggle so much responsibility. She would practically be chained to the throne. Furthermore, she didn't think Kenan would approve of the way she had been taught to rule. She supposed he wanted a rule that wasn't too soft, but less ruthless than her own Court. Now that she really thought about it, she realized she would be just as heartless as Adrian if she was handed power. She had simply been brought up thinking that she had to lie, cheat, deceive, steal, blackmail, and cut throats and losses without batting an eyelash to even survive. "I would be glad to help but......I'm not sure that you would want me as Queen. Kenan, you've seen how I act in Court. I hardly think you would want to give a mentally unstable sociopath power. Unless you plan to use me to paint yourself in a better light. That would make sense and I wouldn't mind." Aza mumbled. Very few shadow spirits weren't slightly insane in some way. The darkness and sensory deprivation would drive almost anyone mad and Aza wasn't an exception. She lowered her head and stared without seeing at the ground, ashamed.

Jared stopped when he found himself in the library gardens again with no memory of how he got there. He strolled inside, finding peace in the deep silence of the Special Collections section. The Grimm Collection was included in it. He picked up a box of buttons and looked at their designs. He grew a plant with a flower that matched each one. The work helped him steady himself a little. With a simple gesture, the plants shrunk into button-like seeds. He pocketed them, figuring he could use them for something else later.

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Kenan gently grabbed her chin and lifted it towards him. "I don't want to use you for anything. This is purely your choice." he rubbed her cheek with his thumb and let her go. Adele smiled a bit. "I don't know if you've noticed, but your working with Reapers, dead being collecting freshly dead beings. With nothing to lose, they usually don't respond unless you're a mentally unstable sociopath." she chuckled.

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Jared drew a shuddering breath when he felt cold steel at his throat. "It's you isn't it? You've come to kill me." he sighed, weariness etched in his every movement. "Yes." a smooth voice said quietly from behind him. "Aza will try to recover, to reconnect with the world, but she'll never be a child again. And what about Adrian? How many more times will he be able to look into the abyss before he won't ever recover the pieces of himself that this takes? I had hoped I would get to say goodbye, but apparently not." "I have not come for what you hoped to do." The tip of the blade moved down and stopped directly above his heart. "...Thank you." Jared whispered. "Any last words?" Jared laughed hollowly, bitterness making the sound sinister. "Sometimes there are no words, no clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day. Sometimes you do everything right, everything exactly right, and still you fail. Does it need to end this way? Could something have been done to prevent this in the first place? Like I said, sometimes there are no words, no clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day. Sometimes the day just..." There was a soft gasp and thump. "Ends." the voice finished. A soft breeze rose and it was gone. A few moments later, footsteps broke the silence. Skulni stared down at the slowly dying person lying at his feet. He frowned, not knowing who had done it. He was tempted to leave him there and watch him die, but no. That was too easy. A smile twisted Skulni's face as he picked up a mirror. Jared went limp and Skulni pocketed the mirror, kicking the body aside as he strolled outside and vanished.

Aza smiled shyly and nodded. "Then I think I would like to help if you had the patience to explain things a little for me." she murmured. She noticed that the lily still tucked in her hair had withered. She frowned and plucked it out. Something was wrong. Jared's creations never died unless he wanted them too. Perhaps he had slipped this time. Aza put the shriveled flower away, thinking it was probably nothing. Adrian crashed into the room, looking worried. "What now?" Aza snapped irritably. "It's too quiet. He's not emotionless so it shouldn't be so silent." Aza looked confused, not understanding him.

Edited by frostmourne

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Kenan looked pale and shook his head, pushing her away. "Adele!" He snapped, and teleported away without a word. Adele followed. A soft murmur was heard in the room and a couple guards stood by the throne. "Evenin." One murmured to Aza.


Kenan stood in front of a cauldron-like substance. "Pardoning already?" Adele murmured. He nodded. "Better to do them all, right?" He asked, sounding nervous for the first time in a long time. Adele nodded. "You sure?" She asked again. He smiled softly. "Her happiness is more important than my well being." He laid a hand on the ridge of the rusted cauldron and a cut appeared. He had to squeeze out a small drop of blackened blood after a few minutes of trying to muster up enough, and it dropped into the water below. His eyes looked shallower. "Jared Sapiens." He said clearly. The water turned to blood, before it began to turn black again. "...this will hurt him, won't it?" He asked. Adele nodded. "As if one's bones to carbon and blood to stone, is that not the metaphor one pardoned used?" she said quietly. Kenan began gathering another drop.

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Skulni took out the mirror again and checked the drop of blood trickling out of the corner. "Trapped, even if you die first. Of course Aza would do anything before she let that happen." he muttered. He closed his eyes and slipped into the mirror. Jared was more gaunt than usual even in the mirror. He looked sinister enough in real life, but the mirror image of him was so bitter it almost frightened Skulni. There was such an unnatural anger burning in his bright green eyes. Exhaustion and pain tortured him, but the fury overpowered it all. He rose to his feet, staggering a little. Skulni attempted to force him back down. This was his kingdom and he had absolute power in the mirror. Jared sank to his knees but refused to go any lower no matter how hard Skulni pushed. "Defiant to the end?" Skulni snorted. Jared just glared back at him. He wasn't too far from completely losing it. Suddenly he collapsed, biting back an screech of pain. Surprised, Skulni nearly crushed him by accident.

"Good evening." Aza returned politely. On the outside she was perfectly composed, but inside she was confused, worried, and scared. She felt like she was going to burst into tears. Adrian closed his eyes and concentrated on a soothing emotion. Eventually he felt the turmoil in her calm and he withdrew. Aza nodded to him in thanks. He offered a boyish grin before vanishing.

Edited by frostmourne

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"I was ordered to keep you safe and quote 'Don't let her follow me.'" The guard soothed. "Kenan is pardoning your friends and part of the Senate. He should return shortly."


Kenan had gathered enough blood now, and it dropped into the cauldron. "Adrian Cepernum." He mumbled, feeling sleepy.

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Aza's expression became a well practiced perfect deadpan. All the confusion and fear Adrian brushed away returned with reinforcements and it took all her self control to maintain the impassive mask she had mastered over the years. She tried to think of the last time she had been so frustrated that she had dropped the royal decorum. The young woman perched on the throne was struggling to retain an expression of interest. The portly old man across the table spewed professions of love and adoration, but the false flattery only served to irritate Aza more. "Your eyes are like the ocean to me, an endless deep blue." the ancient duke gushed. Aza froze, looking like she wanted to strangle someone. The duke continued, not noticing her expression. "I could simply drown in the limpid blue pools of your eyes." Aza abruptly got up and stalked over. The duke looked alarmed, fear glinting in his eyes. Aza pulled off one glove and jabbed his head lightly with one finger. "Start swimming." she whispered. A sickening black fluid oozed out of the minuscule cut and in mere seconds the duke was a puddle of red and black on the marble floor. Aza slipped her glove back on and sat down again as if nothing had happened. Adrian snickered, unbothered by the stench of blood. "I guess he didn't really love you all that much if he couldn't remember what color your eyes are. And besides, I'm pretty sure oceans end." Aza smiled and elbowed him lightly before gliding out of the room. The memory brought a tiny smile to her lips but it quickly vanished as the worry overtook her again. She felt like she couldn't stand another moment in the room. She jumped up and restlessly flickered in and out of focus. She looked like she might disappear any second. She formed a black butterfly with a flick of her wrist and sent it off to find Jared. Maybe he would have some idea what was going on.

The butterfly fluttered into the library, the stained glass windows casting color on to its plain black wings. It delicately flapped to the still figure sprawled on the floor. Aza felt like part of her heart had been ripped out, sliced with a circular saw, dipped in liquid nitrogen, thrown into a furnace, stomped on and eaten. The insect hesitantly brushed its wings against his cheek. The body twitched violently as if being jerked around by strings. He lay still again and the butterfly didn't dare move. It seemed like he was alive and in a great deal of pain, but not waking up. The first butterfly made a duplicate of itself that flew to a mirror. It crawled over it and noticed blood dripping out. Aza closed her eyes, feeling her emotions build up at a dangerous pace. The room was starting to dim and Aza felt oddly distanced from what was happening. She was faintly aware that she was about to snap. Black was starting to seep into her eyes, smothering the sorrow with rage, pain, and the desire for revenge against someone, anyone, everyone. She wanted to punish them, to make them feel her pain. She opened her eyes and an insane smile spread across her lips.

Edited by frostmourne

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The guard teleported out, Kenan had already thought of defenses for his people, if Aza or he were to snap. Everything was botled, a slip-knot formed so as Death itself could not even escape.


Kenan had now broken into a cold sweat, not feeling very well. The first two were fine. The third... The next drop was only half formed. "Perhaps you should take a break, mas-" "NO!" He yelled at her. The drop still hadn't formed.

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