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Castle Hydra: Next Generation

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Kenan heard someone walk to the door, recognizing Jared's footsteps and didn't face him.


"God, I feel awful what I did to him..." Kenan muttered. "And Arachne..." he was suddenly depressed. "Sorry, I know it bothers you... didn't mean it..." he grumbled. Adele smiled a bit, at she heard Arachne approach Jared. She brought a tiny potted flower and a book of his.


"When you said I should take up a hobby it made me mad so I stole your book... it told me how to make this..." she held up the plant like an offering. "So I'm giving it and your book back. Sorry." Arachne nudged it toward him.

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A ghost of a smile flickered across Jared's face, but the dark circles under his eyes seemed more prominent. "It's fine. You did an excellent job with the flower. You can keep the book if you'd like." he said, smiling wanly. "He doesn't mind because he memorized the book the first time he read it." Adrian chuckled. Jared took the potted plant and touched it with a fragile finger. He forced a smile and opened his palm to show an incredibly complex flower. "It's called a passion vine. " he murmured, holding it out.

Aza didn't say anything, but turned her head away. "No, what I did to him." she whimpered. She sighed and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I don't regret my choice, but I just wish there was something I could do." Aza hid her face in Kenan's chest for a moment. "Can we talk about something else? What were you going to say?" she asked, not lifting her head.

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"I've forgotten..." Kenan mumbled, his brows furrowing. "Seems to be happening more and more lately." He shrugged and then held her close to him, kissing her forehead. "Has that ever happened to you? Had something really important to say, but then promptly forgot it?" He huffed. "Very frustrating."


Arachne blinked and touched the flower gently. "Show me how you did that?" She asked, even though it sounded like a demand. Her eyes studied it, looking amazed.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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"Quite frequently and far more than I'd like. I've given speeches I've improvised on the spot because I had forgotten the original." Aza looked up and smiled again. "You were going to say something about sight and describing the stars I believe. Perhaps you wanted me to describe something?" She didn't get to say another word more before Adrian came back. "Well, it seems like Jared was going to tell you Skulni dropped by but was so surprised by you two that he ran out of the room. He's now discussing growing flowers with Arachne and looking like he's going to collapse any minute." Adrian said brightly. "Skulni also decided to drop by your mansion. He burned down all the gardens." Adrian was still smiling but Aza looked horrified. Her gardens had been one of her favorite places to hide, to relax, and to simply get away from everyone else. It had been a spot of quiet calm in the chaos of her life. "For heaven's sake, it's just a stupid garden. You can get Jared to regrow it in under five minutes." Aza rested her head on Kenan's shoulder. "Was anyone hurt?" Adrian suddenly seemed slightly on edge. He faded away, worry chasing away all the laughter that seemed to be constantly twinkling in his gray eyes.

Jared closed his hand and opened it again, flower having disappeared and seed in its place. The plant shot up, delicate bloom flowering after several moments. The rest of the plant faded and the blossom gently drifted down. It came to a rest on Jared's palm again, in the exact same position it was in when it started. The thin purple petals now had silver threads running through them. A tired smile passed across Jared's face. "Do you want me to teach you how to make one? It's actually not that hard." he murmured. He was almost trembling from exhaustion.

Edited by frostmourne

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Kenan suddenly looked upset, and lightly moved Aza away. "I remembered... I'm sorry, I'll be back momentarily. Adele. Send the Brigade to the Cepernum mansion immediately." he growled, but gently pecked Aza's cheek before disappearing in an instant. "So bossy!" Adele growled and disappeared as well. Kenan was already in the mansion, with his sword in hand. "Adele! Hurry!" he demanded, and within an instant the most hidous, deadly looking foul amnosities on the face of the earth, and not, were at his side. There seemed to be hordes. "We're going to Arlex Cepernum. No snacking along the way!" he barked, and burst into Arlex's lair. "I need to speak with you. Immediately." He demanded. In his own realm he retained his physical appearance. Here.... well, one was lucky the hood covered his face.Arachne shook her head. "You need to sit down. You can show me later." She said, and took his extended hand and duckede under his arm so he could steady himself.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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The place practically hummed with a strange energy. Aza's father was already waiting, looking perfectly neutral if slightly bored. "It took you longer than I expected." he said tonelessly. "Both of you." Aza stepped out of the corner of the eerie humming room. "Aza, We do not require your presence at the moment. White door on the left." Aza nodded and swept out of the study. She almost looked angry with Kenan when she walked out. "Oh, and Aza? Try not to make such a bloody mess this time." The door swung shut with a gentle click.

Aza sank to the ground as soon as she was out of sight. If she knew her father then he wasn't really in that room.She shook it off and entered the room with the white door. Skulni sat despondently in one corner. He immediately rose and gave a mocking bow the moment she came in. "Hello, princess." he said mockingly. Aza's temper flared and she raised a sword to his throat. "Quite useless dearie. I'm going to die anyway. I knew that the moment your father came to personally fetch me. I'm quite flattered really. So you're going to live happily ever after once I'm out of the way aren't you? What about Adrian? You're going to be stuck in one place, and we all know how much Adrian loves to travel don't we? And Jared? He's not going to have a happily ever after at all is he?" "Stop it." Aza snarled. Surprisingly, he did and sat down. The arrogance and the vanity were all gone now. He sighed and sniffled a little. He looked like the petulant, sickly child she remembered from the last time she visited him. "I-I d-d-don't want to d-die." She lowered her sword, softening slightly. Skulni stood again, and wiped away his tears. He started to walk towards her with desperate, pleading eyes. Aza dropped her sword, but stayed away from him, still wary.

Jared flinched and forced himself not to pull away, as if not use to having anyone touch him. He gently pulled away from Arachne. "Thank you, I'm fine." he murmured. He stopped shaking and suddenly looked up. Neither Aza, Kenan, or Adrian seemed to be here. He had missed something.

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As soon as Skulni's presence was sensed the hordes leapt at him, but Kenan revoked them back. A strong looking behemoth held the back of Skulni's neck, keeping him away from Aza. "Stop. Aza? What's..." he seemed confused and ashamed at the same time. "Where's your father?" Kenan's voice asked Aza. A ringing in Skulni's ears seemed to whisper, almost comfortingly, but in a way that was threatening.


Kenan drew his sword, before sinking to one knee. "I wish to ask for a simple request. In return I believe I have something to offer you."

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"Away." a chilling voice hissed venomously. Aza cleared her throat and moved to a corner of the room. She brushed against some panel in the wall and the lights snapped on, blindingly bright. A soft gasp of pain escaped before she darted out of the room like her life depended on it. There was an unpleasant smell of something burning as she dashed out.

Skulni's pitiful expression disappeared and transformed into a mask of bitter hatred. "You'd better follow her. She's not going to heal from that easily." he snapped. He was as tense as a cornered, injured animal. He dropped the pure white dagger he had been holding. "You're lucky she isn't as stupid and compassionate as she seems. Three steps closer and she would have had a knife in her heart."

Adrian was waiting for Aza in the scorched garden outside. As he wandered through the ashen trees and withered plants, he started to realize why Aza loved her garden so much. He momentarily wondered if he should rebuild it for her. It would certainly cheer her up and save Jared the trouble.

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(Er... Was away the response Arlex had to Kenan? O-o)


The behemoth grabbed his throat and shook him around like a rag doll. It tossed him up into the air before spiking it down with a fist and picked him up in its mouth. The whispers intensified. Master won't let us kill you... OH THE PAIN, THE PAIN WE CAUSE TO THOSE WH- You're going to wish he would let you die...

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((No, that was Aza's response.))

"Yes, I'm absolutely terrified." Skulni said dryly, smiling. "I have Hansen's disease which can mimick the effects of congenital analgesia. I literally cannot feel physical pain. Unfortunately, it also means I nearly kill myself quite often and I've bitten my tongue off more times than I can count. Anyway, please, feel free to torment me for the rest of eternity. I do deserve it." A stifled scream echoed in the hall outside. "If your master isn't a complete idiot, he would hurry up and lock her in some dark tower until she recovers." he muttered.

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(Mrrrr...) The behemoth continued to play with him, seeming to have found an excellent chew toy. As soon as Aza screamed Kenan located her, holding her shoulders before scooping her up and taking her back to his room. He set her down on the bed, crooning how sorry he was. "Jared?" he nearly whimpered, trying to pet her hair, uncure of where her wounds were.

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Skulni just hung limply in its jaws. "I never really liked oversized dogs..." he mumbled, half asleep. "Always drooling on the carpet."

A thin black weblike substance wove itself over Aza, restricting her movement. She seemed to almost fall asleep. It finished wrapping itself around her within a few minutes. When it was done, there was nothing but a giant black cocoon suspended from ceiling to floor. The surface was slightly warm and silky.

Jared frowned when he heard his name. "Excuse me for a moment..." he said softly, walking off. He entered the room Aza was in and scanned the cocoon up and down. "Don't worry about the cocoon, she'll be out in a few minutes. Since I didn't see what happened to her, I cannot judge what state she'll be in once she emerges. Don't try to open the cocoon or you're either going to unleashing a mindless maniac incapable of feeling any emotion besides the desire to destroy or kill her." Jared said mechanically. Adrian popped out and started at the sight of the cocoon. He relaxed and just watched it for a while. He opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to decide whether to say something or not. "Is it just me, or should she already have come out now?" "It isn't you." Jared mumbled, concern etched in his face. Adrian, impatient, walked up to the cocoon and attempted to cut it. The scalpel didn't even scratch the surface. "Don't bother. It's nearly impossible to get open." Adrian pushed him over and gestured to the cocoon. "It's useless." he mumbled. Adrian picked up a chainsaw he had found somewhere. "Fine! I'll try." Jared hesitantly touched the surface of the cocoon. Humming a soft tune, his fingertips drifted over the surface as he circled the cocoon like a artist inspecting his brushes. The threads of the cocoon fell away at his touch when they would not have given way to the sharpest blade.

It was dark. Blackness, surrounded in night, coated in abyssal black. Everytime she opened her eyes, if only for a few moments, it was there. Soothing her back to sleep, it surrounded her and comforted her. As her eyes opened in the darkness this time, the darkness wasn't warm and cozy. It was oppressive, holding her in, keeping her back. The oceans inside the cocoon that had once rocked her to sleep now choked and drowned her. She whimpered, weakly scratching against the silk of her cocoon, it gave, stretching. A few threads snapped, but she wasn't nearly out yet. She could sense a familiar presence waiting patiently outside, trying to coax her out. She would have begged for help if she could. She thrashed, flailing her limbs as hard as she could. The shaking of her body snapped the thin strands with which the cocoon was suspended. It fell to the cold gray stone ground.

Jared barely managed to catch her in time, surprised by her exit. It wasn't the way she was suppose to emerge from her cocoon. The threads were suppose to dissolve and her step out the the same easy grace she walked through a doorway with. She wasn't suppose to desperately try to tear her way out no matter how panicked she was and she certain wasn't suppose to lie limply in his arms like a corpse.

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The behemoth skipped back home with its toy clamped in its mouth, happy.


Kenan growled at Jared, but didn't act aggressive. He didn't know what was going on. "Will she be alright now?" he asked, wanting to hold her but not sure if he should.

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"I don't-" Jared began. "No, not yet. This is only he second time she's done this with you present, so stop acting like you actually know what's going on." Adrian snapped at Jared. He gently picked up Aza, and she shifted slightly. "Out! Both of you. Out now!" he barked, covering Aza's ears. Jared opened his mouth but was promptly shoved out of the room. Adrian glared at Kenan and made a shooing motion. The room went pitch black and Aza stirred, raising her head. A tinge of fear shot through Adrian when he saw her eyes were pure black. She opened her mouth in a soundless scream when Adrian drew back the sleeve of her cloak, the fabric torturing the sensitive skin. Adrian winced as he saw the horrible burns there. "One short exposure like that wouldn't do this much damage. Aza, what happened to you?" he murmured, pulling back the sleeve to expose more burnt skin. Aza shook her head and stifled a scream.

Adrian slowly set her down on the bed, knowing another falling sensation would send her anxiety levels through the roof. She clung the him, eyes wide open. Adrian suddenly smirked. "Normally I'm not this nice. You are only allowed to do this because I know what it's like and you're my cousin." Adrian teased. "The next person who opens that door is going to regret it."

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Kenan disappeared at Adrian's instruction, but began pacing just outside the door, worrying. "My fault..." he grumbled, with increasing annoyance as he paced.

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Adrian winced as Aza refused to let go. He was pretty sure she had broken every bone in his hand. The deceptively delicate hand held his so he couldn't pull away if he wanted to. He sighed and slipped into the form of a large black dog. Aza seemed to have realized she was hurting him and murmured an apology. The dog jumped into her arms and she immediately buried her face in its fur. She breathed in deeply, as if the air surrounding the dog was different from the air in the rest of the room. They were one quivering mass of black hair and black fur. A gentle rapping on the door drew their attention. The door opened a fraction of an inch and a slim ray of light pierced the darkness. Aza flinched and the dog jumped out of the room, pouncing on the person who had opened the door. There was a nasty cracking sound and the dog strolled back in, closing the door behind it.

Jared winced and got up, one arm strangely limp. "I wonder what he broke this time. Aza's burns are almost finished healing and she would be fine already if I hadn't been stupid enough the open the door. She should be out in a few minutes." He had barely finished speaking when Aza peeped out of the room. Her eyes settled on Kenan, strangely dark and bright at the same time. She started to head towards him. She looked at Jared's arm and immediately pulled out a dagger. He took it from her and frowned. "I told you already, stop doing that. I'm not going to die. Adrian probably just dislocated my shoulder or something." he scolded. She bit her lip and continued staring at him for a few minutes before turning her full attention on Kenan.

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"Why do you blame yourself every time I as so much as I get a scratch on me?" Aza murmured, pulling back slightly to touch his cheek. She wrapped her arms around him and sighed happily.

A muffled clattering sound was coming from the room Aza had left. Adrian stepped out a few moments later with a grimace plastered on his face. His left hand was covered with so much blood it was nearly impossible to see the broken bones. "She broke every bone in your hand into pieces smaller than a grain of rice didn't she?" Jared said, smirking slightly. Adrian glared at him and tapped Aza on the shoulder with his uninjured hand. She completely ignored him, not even raising her head. "Could you at least put Jared's arm in a sling? He's going to tear a ligament and then you'll be biting my head off." Aza created a knife and slit her palm, allowing a few drops of blood to drip on Adrian's hand, before returning to her previous position. Adrian grumbled something and then turned to Jared. He poked and prodded a little bit before roughly working the joint back in place. Jared winced and pulled away from Adrian. "You're suppose to use anesthesia before you do that." "I know. I don't think you need a sling actually, but you can remove the cast." Jared quickly pulled the cast off.

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"Because it's my fault! I'm sorry..." He hugged her tighter. "All I was going to do was talk to your father about Skulni... I was going to ask him to null the marriage... maybe offer Arachne instead..." He nuzzled into her neck, genuinely concerned.

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Aza stiffened and frowned. "Offer Arachne? What is she? A doll?" Her voice had become robotic again, her face emotionless. How could he say that when he knows what Skulni did to me? Sure, they're both vengeful and spider-like, but even Arachne doesn't deserve to be stuck with him. It would be like me shoving Jared into a volcano because I didn't like the book he was reading. I think I nearly did that once when I was little. I really don't remember. Getting him to tell me what happened is like trying to coax a turtle out of its shell, scare him and there will be six more weeks of winter. Wait, that isn't right. That was the groundhog one. Is there a turtle saying? It reminds me of that discussion in Oscar Wilde's play. I think it was called 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. They were talking about muffins. How in the world did I get this off track? I really need to learn to stay on topic. Aza blinked and the stony expression disappeared. She relaxed and smiled again. "I overreacted, sorry."

Adrian was fighting back laughter. "Bunbury quite exploded didn't he?" he crowed. Aza smiled and turned her head. "Yes, he did." she murmured. "You actually paid attention to that play?" "It was quite droll." Adrian admitted. "I hated those short stories he wrote. The Happy Prince, for example, was terribly unhappy. The Rose and the Nightgale was depressing." Jared and Aza stared at him like he had grown a dozen heads and a beak. "You can actually read?" Adrian gave her a flat look.

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Kenan just stared at her, realizing he had disappointed her again. He was just quiet, finding it better.

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Aza didn't say anything and silence reigned for several minutes. She closed her eyes and sighed wearily. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." she murmured again. Jared was looking increasingly uncomfortable with the situation. "If she asks, I'm in the garden." Adrian waved him off, not seeming to hear. Jared left and Adrian realized what was going to happen. "No, wait! Don't-" Adrian started to dash after him. The entire mansion was eerily quiet for several moments. Aza looked puzzled and looked outside the nearest window. She shrieked with surprise at the charred landscape and stormed outside. She had expected it to look like this but seeing the damage firsthand was still shocking. The sun was obscured by thick clouds of smoke and the gardens were black for far as she could see. Jared stood frozen in place with an expression of horror. Many flowers that had taken him years to get to grow right had flourished in the gardens. Aza was also standing statue still as she stared at the scorched earth. She looked like she was going to start crying. "I told you not to come outside." Adrian said crossly. Jared was the first to recover. He walked over to a particularly large pile of ashes, probably the remains of a tree. He lightly touched the pile and a plant shot up. It burst into bloom and Jared plucked a soft purple flower. Jared walked back over to Aza, who's eyes were getting watery. "Don't cry. It'll all grow back." he said soothingly, handing her the azalea blossom. She nodded and allowed him to lead her back inside.

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Arachne was in the gardens as well, following Jared around like a silent puppy. She watched as he healed a plant, sitting under the tree and trying to figure out how he did it. An ashen spider crawled onto her arm, and she stroked it lovingly.


Kenan didn't understand why Aza had left, unable to see all of the gardens. He just sat down, his chest hurting again. He didn't know how to react to all of these new emotions... He felt different towards Aza now that he was fully matured... and he didn't quite know how to react or how to express the newfound sensations.

Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Aza sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. She looked up at him with an almost child-like expression of innocence. She snuggled against him, seeming perfectly content.

Adrian had joined them inside and was glaring at the view outside the window. His gaze could have burned through steel. Jared stood quietly beside him, also observing the view. His eerily serene countenance was in stark contrast to the seething anger of the person standing beside him. Jared's doe-like eyes were a soft acorn now with green streaks near the pupil. He suddenly leaned over and whispered something to Adrian. "Are you insane? It's impossible." Adrian said loudly. "I'm not insane and it is possible so will you help or not?" Adrian hesitated and then nodded.

Aza didn't pay attention to what they were saying. Her cloak had almost doubled in thickness, made out of soft wool instead of silk. She was glad she never really needed a tailor. She briefly considered taking a nap when she studied Kenan's face closer and noticed his confusion. "Is something wrong?" she murmured, skimming her fingertips across his cheek.

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