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Castle Hydra: Next Generation

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Adrian grinned mischievously through it all, somehow managing to smile even in his current form. He bent down and nosed Aza, prodding her until she opened her eyes. "Come on. This is the exciting part." he said, pushing her into a sitting position. Aza looked horrified instead of excited as she started to comprehend the scene. "Is that Arachne or Mara?" she asked, staring wide eyed at the arena. "This is barbaric!" "And our system of succession isn't? Don't try to interfer Aza or you'll faint again. I told Jared I would bring you back in one piece." She jumped to her feet and when Adrian tried to stop her, she also morphed into a black mountain lion. She snarled angrily at Adrian and bounded towards Kenan. She hadn't made it very far before she stopped and started trembling. Adrian took his usual form and ran over. She gave a weak growl and backed away like an injured cornered animal. She stumbled forward a few more steps, and hit the ground with a heavy thud. "I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so." he muttered. He contemplated what he should do for a moment, and them just sat down beside her limp body and watched. He wondered if Kenan would notice, and hoped that he wouldn't. He would get in so much trouble if he did.

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Kenan bounded out of her way, and she turned around and drew her sword. He drew his and parried, twisting her blade out of the way. "I won't hurt her!" He yelled up to his father, and Mara took a swing. He blocked it, but heard Aza's weak growl and looked over to her. "Aza?!" He asked, and Mara made an uppercut to his back, and Kenan winced, turning back to her and blocked. He was losing a lot of blood now.

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Aza stirred at the sound of her name and lifted her head a few inches off the ground. She managed to push herself to her feet again, and padded forwards to Kenan. She stopped at the very edge of the arena, visible, but not in the light. Adrian watched her carefully, always waiting in the wings to offer help if needed. He could tell she was itching to leap into the fray and heal both of the combatants, but she barely had enough blood to remain conscious and certainly not enough to heal even a paper cut without seriously harming herself. He watched the mountain lion twitch as it saw blood. Its claws were unsheathed and sheathed as indecision racked her. The huge cat gradually faded away into Aza's usual cloaked form. The hood of her cloak was up, hiding her face in shadow. She winced as she saw more blood, and took a step forward. The dark cloak shielded most of her from the light, but one pale exposed hand was immediately scorched. She drew back like she had been burned and stayed in the shadows. Normally the light wouldn't have done anything, but in her state it was enough to make the exposed hand semitransparent and completely see through at the fingertips.

Edited by frostmourne

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Kenan had to pay attention now, his ears were ringing and felt dizzy. He still didn't take a shot at Mara, though she was trying her hardest now. He backed away every time she tried to swing, but Mara kept advancing and Kenan was slowly deteriorating.

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Aza didn't notice the wispy black fog gathering around both of her wrists. She would have started pacing with frustration, but the scene before her was already spinning. The darkness was gradually being sucked out of the air and condensed around Aza. The shadow was soon so thick it obscured her slight form from view. The edge of the arena soon became flooded dazzling white light with a ominous mass of pure black in the center. Aza would have started forwards, shielded somewhat from the light, if Adrian hadn't grabbed her and roughing dragged her back to the bracelet. She didn't resist, not having the strength to even attempt to struggle. A quiet sigh was the only sign she gave that she didn't approve of his actions. "This was a bad idea. I apologize." Adrian said in a steely tone. A small void formed on the ground and Adrian pushed Aza towards it. She stumbled, and teetered on the edge for a moment, not wanting to leave but pulled by gravity. The latter won, and she went tumbling in to darkness.

Edited by frostmourne

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"Aza! No!" He only heard the fall, and as he turned to grab her Mara made her final blow, running him through.


He didn't see anything, just a blur as he fell, and Mara let her form fall. "See! I told you! Now I'm next in line!" She called up to her father. Kenan was still breathing, but in pain and losing blood in an unhopeful amount, knowing what was going to happen. He just closed his eyes, tired of fighting.


Mara looked like a little kid on Christmas. "He'll be okay, right? He'll rise up in his three days!" She said as her father walked out onto the arena, checking his son's pulse. "I hope so. He's gone. Go ahead and take him to the chambers..." Death sighed, and two or three reapers turned him over, moving him to a stretcher and shadow stepped away.

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Aza opened her eyes a mere slit and sighed again. It was completely dark, and she was suspended in the dark. It would be useless for even her to try to escape. A void specifically designed to be a prison, or really more of a place that no one could leave. She could, however change it as much as she wished. The current setting reflected her mood. A bare, bleak landscape stretched as far as she wanted it. It was cold and haunting screams echoed from no source in particular, sounding like a death bird on a starless night or the cry of a lost soul. Beneath the screaming was a constant whispering, telling the harsh landscape of guilt, sorrow, and regret. They were only broken snatches of words. "Moments bleed together, no span to time." one voice murmured. "Fate decides." another began. "Until challenged by the fated." yet another finished. "Desperate. Relentless. Condemned. Empowered." a calm voice said, rising above the others. "Who am I?" lamented another. Aza remained curled up, feeling oddly hollow.

Edited by frostmourne

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"Get rid of that hair." Kenan's father demanded to the servants, and his shoulder-blade length hair was sliced off at the ears. His father nodded. "Now he at least will look presentable... Do you have clothing that will fit for the presentation? Good." There were black robes at the foot of the bed where he laid, ready for use.


Mara poked Kenan. He seemed pale and cold... she didn't like it. "Will he be okay?" she asked. Her father shook his head. "Nope. He's dead. Now it's just a matter of if he'll come back... and what he'll remember if he does. I can't believe that girl he was crazy over didn't even show... it's sad."

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"This is just depressing..." Adrian muttered, leaning down to look at Aza. He stepped out of the void when she turned to glare at him. He was back in the palace. "I envisage this sentence would seem insolent to you, if you weren't such a ignoramus. However, I want to avoid all ambiguity, when I say that your frail and miniscule intellect is likely not to be able to comprehend its full ramification." Jared said coldly. "So you're basically saying I'm a moron." "Fascinating, I suspect that your mental capacity has been drastically reduced since that last time we encountered each other." Adrian blinked a few times and shrugged. "I'll let her out if you can complicate 'Mary Had a Little Lamb'." he said teasingly.

"Mary possessed an infantile ruminant ovine

Its follicles as frozen water crystals would shine

And every pathway that Mary followed through

The ruminant ovine was certain to proceed that way too." Jared said without hesitation. He had a perfect deadpan on his face as he recited. "You really would do anything for her wouldn't you?" Adrian murmured. Aza materialized, still curled up into a tiny ball. "She thinks Kenan's dead and it's all her fault." Jared acted like Adrian didn't exist and started whispering something to Aza.

Edited by frostmourne

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"It is!" Adele appeared next to Aza. She was crying. "My master is dead because of her! And she wasn't even there to help him when he fell. Usually someone saves the heir from the final blow, but I thought Aza was! She DIDN'T! Do you know how violent murdered reapers come back? He'll be more animal than human!"

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Aza flinched and trembled harder. "Try rescuing someone when you've just lost over fifty percent of your blood saving them less than an hour ago." Adrian hissed angrily. He might taunt, tease, and humiliate Aza even as she was on the verge of tears, but having an outsider criticize her was a different matter altogether in his eyes. "You're not helping. Both of you, kill each other outside, but leave her alone. If you wanted her dead because of what happened to Kenan, she's already gone." Jared said softly, tone perfectly even. Adrian looked confused about her already being gone and knelt down. He read the story in her watery eyes. She looked at him, all the sorrow in the world in those soft gray eyes. They were dull and cloudy and without the usual spark in them. There was no life and no will to continue onward. She turned away, and a single line was written on the wall by an invisible hand. "This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper." "T.S Eliot." Jared murmured, looking troubled.

Edited by frostmourne

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Adele stopped and looked at her. "Wh-what's wrong with her? I can heal her... Adele extended a hand and a wroithing mass of smoke came out. "I can help. I... sorry..."

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"It's not your fault. She's almost recovered from the blood loss and she'll be physically fine in a few hours." Jared sighed. He knelt down beside Aza and had a sunshine yellow bloom beside her to try to cheer her up. It turned a dull gray when Aza shifted slightly to look at it. Adrian sat down, plucking a black rose from the nearest crystal vase and twirling it between his thin fingers. Neither of them seemed to think there was anything they could do to help. Aza remained on the white marble floor, unmoving. Jared felt like he was sitting next to a dead body. Aza could practically feel their pity in the air and she despised it. It was her fault; they shouldn't be feeling sorry for her. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she fought to keep herself from completely breaking down. Adrian seemed to sense he should leave and quietly slipped out of the room, casting a warning glance in Adele's direction.

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Adele started crying too. "I didn't mean it... it wasn't your fault..." she sniffed and held out the ring Kenan had left. "Please open it. He really wanted you to..."

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Aza's head lifted off the ground and the tears slowed. She pushed herself into a sitting position and took the ring. She was momentarily confused as she didn't see what she was suppose to open. "Should I leave?" Jared said quietly, getting to his feet. Aza shook her head and ran a finger across the ring as if she expected to find a hidden latch or something. Adrian had met a gaggle of maids who had been obviously glued to the door listening seconds before. A furious glare sent them all darting away like so many frightened mice. Someone in the corner didn't leave, but walked forward towards him. "Go away Piper." Adrian snarled, morphing into a mountain lion in one smooth movement. The jester just patted the mountain lion's head and sat down in front of the door. He took out a paintbrush and began to wildly attack the door with it. Adrian groaned and pushed the jester away.

Edited by frostmourne

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The ring turned into an ashen letter, unfolding into her hand.


I'm sorry, it wasn't your fault. I knew I wouldn't be strong enough. It's not your fault, I can't say it enough. I need to apologize to you, it really is my fault and I'm sorry to leave you. I guess everything I should have done I'll have to do when I get back.


If I try to hurt you when I return, I apologize. Don't get to close please. I couldn't forgive myself if you happened to be a victim. I will return to normal if you can walk me through life again. That sounds odd, but I will be child-like. If you can, I've always loved stories. If you could describe me it should draw back the memories I've lost.


If I don't come back within a week, I need you to stay with Jared. He'll take care of you probably better than I ever could in the state I'm in now.


Please Forgive Me,


Edited by lycrawaterz14

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Aza opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a high pitched squeak. Her head drooped again, but she kept a tight hold on the letter. Right underneath the first sentence on the wall, another quote appeared. "Every individual existence goes out in a lonely spasm of helpless agony." "Oh dear. William James." Jared managed to stammer out. "Adrian, if you happen to be carrying Azaspirone with you, come back in." he called. "What's Azaspirone?" "I thought you went to medical school." "I did. I can't remember. We don't all have a photographic memory you know." "Eidetic." Adrian sighed and half dragged Aza into another room, not even glancing at the jester now splattering paint over the walls. He set up an IV on a pole, and left the room. Jared peeked in a few moments later. Surprisingly, she was grinning like a wolf and had pages of writing all over the desk in the corner. "Shall I proofread?" "Please." she said, still grinning. "And they lived happily ever after. Or not." Adrian chuckled from the doorway.


((Azaspirone, originally classified as an azaspirodecanedione, is used to treat anxiety disorders and is a mild sedative.))

Edited by frostmourne

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Adele followed after Aza, trying to read it. "He looked scared when he wrote that." She said, peeking over her shoulder.


"I wanna read it~"

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"Me first!" Adrian said, jumping up and lunging for the letter. He knocked over the IV and the needle was ripped out of Aza's arm. A small plant grabbed the letter and ran outside before anyone else could read it. Blood trickled out of the puncture wound but healed nothing. Jared ran over and bandaged the wound, watching Aza carefully. Her former cheer and energy faded and she leaned against him. He felt the familiar iron grip on his wrist again. He would be shackled there for a while it seemed. He made a shooing gesture towards Adrian who was sulking like a upset child. "Non relinquam, ut nil timeant. (I will not leave, so fear nothing.)" he whispered to her in Latin. "An malum? (Does it hurt?)" she murmured. "Of course not." Jared said, lying through his teeth. Aza took one look at him and loosened her grip. "Liar." she mumbled teasingly.

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"He told me it wasn't my fault, he knew it would happen, and that he was sorry. He told me I would have to try to jog his memory if I wanted him to remember who he was and that I shouldn't get too close because he would never forgive himself if he hurt me. He said to stay with Jared if h-he didn't come b-b-back in a w-w-week." Aza said, eyes turning watery at the end. "I haven't cried this much...well, ever." She tried to laugh, but what came out was a strangled sob. "What if he doesn't come back?" she whispered, looking like at Adele with eyes more potent than those of a newborn puppy. Jared winced as he felt his wrist break again when Aza tightened her hold. She looked for the dagger, but Jared grabbed her hand and shook his head. "It's alright." he said, a few vines already examining his wrist.

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"He should. Master's one of the strongest reapers ever born. It'll be a near disaster if he doesn't come back." Adele said with pride. "And he told me to return with you the second I hear word that he's starting to come back." she grinned at her and laid her head on her shoulder. "He'll come back, I promise."


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Aza remained still and quiet, the lack of expression on her face almost frightening. Worry gnawed at her inside but only blankness showed outside. "Aza?" "I think I'd like to go outside." she muttered. She started to rise and Jared followed suit. "Alone, please." Jared started to protest, but closed his mouth and nodded. "Certainly." Aza swept out of the room, cloak billowing out behind her. Jared headed in another direction, glancing behind him once or twice. She walked until she found something that looked like a black marble mausoleum in the corner of the garden behind the maze. The door glided open and the air inside was surprisingly fresh. There were no bodies in the crypt-like structure, but the walls were lined with ancient book shelves. Aza lit a candle and looked for a familiar old book. She plucked the book from the shelf, running her fingers over the brown leather cover embossed with gold leaf letters. She closed the door, but what she missed was the subtle click of someone locking the door from the inside. A cold clammy touch made her jump and instinctively jerk away. "Oh dear, what happened your dear guard dogs my sweet? One has been stabbed the other heartbroken...you don't exactly take wonderful care of them don't you? What I don't understand is why they still stick around." a sickly sweet voice whispered. "Skulni." she breathed out, a sword forming in her hand and the shadows in the room jumped up. The pale young man darted away and touched something. A brilliant white light flared into existence, making the sword and shadows flicker and fade. Aza winced and gasped, the light stinging her skin. Skulni grinned at her, his teeth pointed. He held something brighter than the light in his hand and it took her a moment to realize it was a dagger. She backed away and tried to unlock the door. It slid open easily, the lock falling away, but the landscape in front of her was completely alien. It wad flat and bare, all a spotless white. She screamed and ran, but she didn't seem to be moving.

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Adele looked worried. "Master told me to make sure you took care of her! Go watch her Jared! He'll kill you if you dont." Adele said, completely making up that last part.

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"He won't. I would do it myself if anything happened." Jared muttered under his breath, practically running outside. He first headed for the maze, but seemed to remember something and ran around it instead. He had kept a lot of the books he had written in a crypt he found the day he met Aza. He opened the door and peeked in. He was relieved to see Aza sitting at a desk with a book open in front of her. "Sorry, I got worried. Donec contritione?(Are you hurt?)" Jared asked, frowning. She nodded blankly and smiled. It was like she had no idea what he was saying. As if he hadn't spent several decades teaching her Latin and several dozen other languages. He said his next words slowly so Aza would understand. "Donec odio. (I hate you.)" he said. Aza's smile grew wider and she laughed. Jared's eyes narrowed and vines shot out and grabbed her by the throat. "She'll come back alive. Otherwise it wouldn't be any fun." The illusion faded and the vines collapsed. Emerald green eyes darkened to a dark green that was almost black. They flickered back to normal almost immediately. This wasn't a nightmare in a mirror anymore. "Master of the mirror, but that isn't a weapon he can use in reality. He would need light, highly concentrated light. He'll have an endgame, something particularly violent and psychologically painful. Being run through with a sword perhaps. A sword that wouldn't kill her unless it sliced off her head or ran through her heart...Adele, does Kenan still have the sword that the woman tried to Kill Aza with?" Jared said, his voice racing through octaves until he was barely audible at the end.

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