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Trials and Travels OOC

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So, posting may be short for me but I am really loving where everything is going. Great job guys!


Uhm, if i disappear for a day or two, it's because of homework and the fact that I am helping my dad plan my mothers 50th B-day smile.gif It's a huge celebration for all of us so we are super excited smile.gif

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Congratulations and happy birthday to your mother!


I'll have to wait for Nat to come on and post before I can do anything at all...

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♫Happy Birthday to you♫

♫Happy Birthday to you♫

♫Happy Birthday, LL's Mother!♫

♫Happy Birthday to you!♫




Kay, so I was working on a new character and I came up with a power guide with her. Here's what I've got:


Ice Elementians 1 out of 10 taken.


Beginning Control

- Freezing small amounts of liquid water.

- Generating ice from liquid water in the area.

- Moving ice a little, at the most five feet from point A to point B.


Second Level Control

- Generating ice using the water from the atmosphere.

- Moving ice however the user wants and can build it up into a wall or a heap. (Promise [if accepted])

- Freezing over large areas, like a pond, river, or lake.


Journeyman Level Control

- Generating ice from any source of water, even other people. (Promise [if accepted])

- Creating specific items from ice, from a sword to a little ballerina figurine. (Sky) (Promise [if accepted])

- Freezing objects over if they have any moisture at all. (Sky) (Promise [if accepted])


Mastery and/or Specialization

- Freezing the water in a person's body, creating a human statue if you will. (Promise [if accepted])

- Using ice as armor, covering the user's whole body, including the head. Basically a normal suit of armor except made of ice. (Sky)

- Transporting to different places by creating an arch of ice to go across quickly. (Sky)

- Freezing the water high in the sky and creating an artificial hail storm.


The character herself will be requesting permission to join shortly. happy.gif

Edited by Silver_Voices

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I sent my App to LL, so I'm waiting on her call.


In the meantime, here's what I sent.


Username: Silver_Voices


Name: Promise Serae


Gender: Female


Age: 18


Looks: Here or here.

Promise is a white haired girl with pale skin, almost the same color of her hair. Her hair itself is very long, almost to her knees, but she ties it up in a messy bun before a fight. Her eyes are a exactly like the picture suggests, a mixture of violet and light blue. Her outfit is the same as the picture, she saw the uniform and just had to have it. It worked perfectly for her, and gave her a tough appearance. She stands about 5'4 without her 2" heeled boots. She has a scar on her right cheek from nothing in particular. She is often mistaken for a sixteen or seventeen year old. Her ice burg mark is on her chest, just above her heart.


Personality: Promise is a very self-posessed young woman. She does only what she thinks is right. If she believes something to be wrong or she doesn't know, she doesn't do it. She also believes that if you want something you have to go get it. She'll stop an almost nothing to get what she wants. Promise seems like a cold-hearted person if you're only just meeting her, but underneath, she's actually really sweet. Her background isn't one she likes to share, but if you get very close to her, she just might tell you.


History: Promise grew up with a Lightning Elementian for a father and an Ice Elementian for a mother. From birth, her parents always knew their little girl would be something great. That's why they named her Promise. They saw the ice mark just above her heart, and immediately made arrangements for her to be trained when she was of age. She started learning to use her powers at the age of 6.


But when Promise was 4, her younger sister was born and was shown to have the element of lightning. Her family's attention then turned to this child and named her Hope. When Hope was 4, she started joining Promise in training sessions and soon surpassed her in experience and expertise. At the age of 8, Promise developed a jealous streak and a grudge towards her younger sibling, who had done her no wrong. Promise began slacking on her lessons and spend more time trying to figure out how to bring her sister down. In the end, Promise resorted to killing Hope with her powers, and left no evidence as to how the young girl died. Her family mourned the loss of their child, but eventually was absorbed by awing over their precious darling, Promise.


It was then that Promise realized that if she wanted anything for herself, she had to go and get it. She realized that she wanted to be the best of the best, so she tackled her training and soon was reaching high levels for her age. She trained and trained until her private tutor had nothing more to teach her. Then, at the age of 14, she was sent to the school at Whisper. There she noticed another Ice Elementian named Sky, but she never bothered to go speak to her. The only thing she wanted at the moment was to be the best. She was amazingly talented when it came to using her element, but fighting with a weapon was her weakness. She spend hours on end working with her ice sword each day until she was able to battle one of her classmates and win. By then her eagerness to be 'the best' had worn off, so she was content just being good at sword fighting.


During this time, she grew close to another girl close to her age. She admired her for her combat skills and her amazingly fun personality. Directly after her graduation at age 17, while she and her friend were packing up their rooms, she decided to tell her friend about herself and how she ended up at the school. She reached the part about murdering her own sister and her friend stood in horror and stared at her. Promise, for the first time ever, realized what a terrible thing she had done and tried to explain this to her friend but it was too late. The person Promise had called a friend ran off and told the others in the school, who told the authorities, who tolded her parents. They were appalled to hear what their daughter had done and disowned her. Promise left the school premesis immediately, afraid to ever go back.


She has since been traveling abroad, always wearing her uniform to hide her mark. She went first to the city of Aero and then Terra. Then she walked daringly back into her home town of Friged. She soon realized that no one realized who she was, but they all shunned the girl named Promise. At this point, it seemed as if her element then crawled into her chest and froze her heart. She was no longer fun and games. She was living in the real world, where your friends stab you in the back and your own family deny your very existance. She left Frigid and journeyed to Pyra, up to Metallum, then all the way down to Electra. After some consideration, she decided to go straight to Cumulus. At the moment, she is walking through the gates, looking around for a place to rest and eat.


Element: Ice.

1) Second Level Control

- She can move ice however she wants and can build it up into a wall or a heap. (drawbacks: It's usually a slow process.)

2) Journeyman Level Control

- She can generate ice from any source of water, even other people.

- She can create specific items from ice, from a sword to a little ballerina figurine. - She can freeze objects over if they have any moisture at all.

3) Mastery and/or Specialization

- She can freeze the water in a person's body, creating a human statue if you will. (drawbacks: It takes a some time and concentration to do it 'just right', so she rarely uses it in a fast-paced battle.)

Icey Shield - She can create a shield of ice around herself big enough for three other people to squeeze in beside her. The shields she makes are typically five feet thick, so it's really hard to penetrate. She can only use this ability if she has a lot of water nearby.

Frozen Blast - She can blast someone or multiple people with ice, usually covering them and freezing them in place unless they are knocked back or dodge the onslaught.


Other: She carries a plain sword with her just for show more than anything else. But she has found it handy as easy access to a weapon if she didn't feel like draining water from something or someone.

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Mwahaha... Final draft of Promise Serae has been sent to LL. Let's see what happens :3

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yay, finally got a reply in!


LN says to apologize for her not being back on yet, we're on spring break and kinda busy (and I have no computer with me, this is hers, so that's why I'm not on all the time)..


Will be back in a few days, I'll bug her to get a post in edgeways.

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yay, finally got a reply in!


LN says to apologize for her not being back on yet, we're on spring break and kinda busy (and I have no computer with me, this is hers, so that's why I'm not on all the time)..


Will be back in a few days, I'll bug her to get a post in edgeways.

Ah! Thanks for telling me that! Hope you're having fun on spring break. :3


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So... We all say "Where iz Rak? Where iz Rak?" And Rak appears! And the thread dies.




For some reason I don't think that's how it's supposed to work.

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*sneaks in* Hi there everyone! The eve disappearing and elusive RP OP is back! ... sorry guys. We had exams out the wazoo and well, I have been studying my rear off. Anywho, I am here and I am going to go reaaaddd smile.gif


Silver, your charrie is accepted smile.gif




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Yay! I'll make a post after I get back tomorrow smile.gif


Edit: Actually, I think I can work on one now and maybe get it up tomorrow morning. Which would be around 8:30am PST. Sooo... Yup! I'll work on that now.

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Whoo! Came back now. Just back from some crazy two-day conference. Anyways, that's a cool character you got there, Silver.

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I can't believe I didn't say anything earlier about this, but I'm going to be visiting one of my future college options along with some of my family over the next five days, so my presence shall be sparse. I'll be able to post from my cell phone, but it won't be as often. I'll get a reply up once Love has something up for Aamina.

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Kay. I'll be waiting smile.gif


Hey, Love, I can't edit the Google Docs. Can you put Promise's form on it?

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Danke smile.gif And that was Aoi, Jahan, and Naomi there, if you didn't catch that.

Mhm, but I can't do anything 'til Nat gets back. ^^;


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Back! And greatest apologies... these have been two strange weeks. >.> This one stranger than the last.


But I'm here, and shall not be taking another strange vacation for a good chunk of time. :3 If all goes well, which it should. :3

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I decided to check in now and let you all know I've just been stalking this RP. I would post but Gist hasn't posted. Unless I post like Tractus never responded allowing Eirikr to leave... Hmmmmmm...

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I'm sorry! I was in Florida for the last 5 days - I thought I put ut in my siggy... *cries because it wasn't read* I'll have a post up for him as soon as I can - also, when shall we timeskip to morning?


EDIT: Tractus can think more clearly when the moon is present. The stronger the moonlight is, the more powerful his powers become, to a certain extent. It's not a literal power boost, the moonlight just allows him to use his powers more effectively. LL, if need be, I can edit.

Edited by gistofeverything

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Hmm... I need to pay better attention to your sig Gist. Anyway welcome back.

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