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My toilet occasionally does not work, doesn't mean I will get rid of it altogether. Tweaking the system to benefit more eople would be better, plenty of countries do this.

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I put quotation marks around it because different people have very different ideas of what poverty means. Not that I was saying it isn't a real problem. But where not so long ago, owning one or more cars and a TV set was considered somewhat of a luxury, now even some people who are considered below the "poverty" line own those things. That is not to say that they don't have a quantifiable need, but just that relative to past cultural norms and most countries around the globe, even most of those who receive welfare in our nation are very well off.

Sometimes the people who own stuff owned it BEFORE their jobs went belly-up, and hope to get another so don't want to sell the car just yet - the cost of replacement is usually more than you will get.


Also these days you NEED a car to LOOK for work....


And a TV is about the cheapest for of entertainment there is; if I'd had one while I was working, I sure as censorkip.gif wouldn't get rid of it when I lost my job.


Yes, relative to other countries the US (and UK) are well off. On the other hand it is horrible for children when everyone they meet at school has - e.g. - TV and they don't. We didn't have one for a while, from choice - and the girls in the end were unable to do assigned HOMEWORK as TV viewing was required for some of it !


Also see above about happier societies. ONE aspect of poverty is not being able to have what almost everyone else does. It breeds discontent and makes it all worse.

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Sometimes the people who own stuff owned it BEFORE their jobs went belly-up, and hope to get another so don't want to sell the car just yet - the cost of replacement is usually more than you will get.


Also these days you NEED a car to LOOK for work....


I wasn't saying that it was a good or bad thing. Just an example.

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Do I really look like the kind of person that buys into campaign rhetoric? ;P I'm very fond of independent research. Even conservative leaning fact checkers are starting to realize that a lot of the stuff Romney spouts is utter garbage. Snarky commercials did not help me arrive at my political beliefs.


This happens every election cycle. The Obama team is no different.


I'm aware there are other taxes. What's your point? If you factor those in as well, the top income bracket is paying even MORE than others.


Just making sure because I know of a lot of Republicans who like to spout out that 50% of the population don't pay federal income tax. Not to mention, a lot of people joined those ranks because of the Bush tax cuts.


I also fail to understand why people always point out a "large gap between the rich and the poor" as a bad thing. It's only a bad thing if you have fantasies of an egalitarian society.


Because if it was more egalitarian, it wouldn't harm the economy, and income is arbitrary for several reasons.


Many of the rich get their money from rent-seeking behavior. That's harmful to the economy.




Ah, sir, you just linked to RAND Paul, who holds to much less libertarian ideals than his father. RON Paul is not in favor of the national government passing blanket legislation on those issues.


*facepalm* I didn't notice it was paul.senate.gov. xd.png


But listen to what Ron Paul says here at the end.


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This happens every election cycle. The Obama team is no different.




I realize that. But considering I don't even agree with a lot of the falsehoods Romney spouts, I'm not sure how I can support him xd.png



Because if it was more egalitarian, it wouldn't harm the economy, and income is arbitrary for several reasons. Many of the rich get their money from rent-seeking behavior. That's harmful to the economy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rent-seeking


How would we go about making it "more" egalitarian?


How many is "many"?



*facepalm* I didn't notice it was paul.senate.gov. xd.png But listen to what Ron Paul says here at the end.


It's cool! tongue.gif


See, that video is one of the reasons I love Ron Paul. He's saying, look, I think abortion is wrong. I think it's a "violent act." Therefore, the STATES should be allowed to regulate it just like they regulate any other violent act. That regulation, as it stands, consists of the freedom to get an abortion. But if an individual state decided to regulate and enforce pro-life laws, that should be perfectly legal according to the constitution. So I like Ron Paul because, yes, his ideal would be EVERYONE agreeing with him and being pro-life, but he doesn't think he has the right to regulate people into that position.

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Do I really look like the kind of person that buys into campaign rhetoric? ;P


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So disliking both parties and crafting my own views after personal research makes me appear that way? Good to know. Your condescension bores me. It appears you don't feel like typing out thoughts or reasons so you stick to sarcasm and snarky comments. You're so witty. wink.gif

Edited by philpot123

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So disliking both parties and crafting my own views after personal research makes me appear that way? Good to know. Your condescension bores me. It appears you don't feel like typing out thoughts or reasons so you stick to sarcasm and snarky comments. You're so witty. wink.gif

Not witty; I was just answering your question.


If you want my reasons for why I said yes; your answers on previous political-based or social-based problems show that you have a tendency to think only of how something will benefit you, will reject out of hand or often simply ignore the main point to nit-pick on a minor point which has no real overall affect on the main debate at hand, or will misinterpret data to intentionally support your case. You do not have a concept of a wider picture and seek only to please yourself and further your own goals, and will let the next man hang if you wish. You have displayed a prejudice against non-Christians, non-Americans, and generally anyone opposing your cheery, skewed view on how reality goes, even in the face of overwhelming counter-evidence. Your comments mark you as someone of average intelligence but easily misled by even the slightest bit of false data and your 'in-depth research' is frankly embarrassingly-poor. You are often rude and condescending to others in general and myself in particular, and see yourself as some sort of moral measuring-stick that you measure everyone else by and will happily ignore anyone who doesn't meet up to your expectations, which are narrow and unrealistic at best.


Satisfied? ;~)

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Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.


Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.




@ LascielsShadow. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.


If when you or any of you read that last part I added, you would know I am not against Welfare or Food Stamps. I know people personally who are abusing the system myself, and I know people who need to be on it and can not get on it.


When I was in my teens and up to my late 20's, I would have agreed with all of you on here if you got pregnant for any reason, it is your body to do with what you want, and everything else that has been said on here.


I did not agree with my parents who thought like I do now. When I had my children, I got things into perspective real fast. It is not live and let live. I had a job to do raising my children, about drugs, sex, school, college, morals, ethics and many more things like government. Free drugs, booze and sex, getting pregnant is not what it is all about anymore. With growing up and doing all of those things comes consequences. If you are not out on your own and I am still raising you and footing the bill, your body is not yours to go out get pregnant, choose to get an abortion like you are grown up. Nor is it, you can do drugs and get drunk either.


I want my grown childen to make wise choices about who they vote for as president, not because a president will agree to abortions, liking gays and all the rest of the things that have nothing to do with getting our people back to work and keeping their jobs and getting this economy flowing smoothly.


I have worked hard all my life to get ahead, and to raise and give my family a good life along with my husband. Those that want to work, fantastic. Those that would rather sit on the welfare system and that can work but do not, I have no use for those type of leech's. Some of you that said you or your family had to go on welfare and it is legit, I have no problems with it at all. Like I said, I know people now who need to be on welfare and food stamps but can not get on, but thoese that have 5 and 6 kids can by different fathers and the woman have never been married can. These type woman do it to use the sytem, so please do not tell me it is their body to have as many kids as they want when I have to help support their rear ends. Apparently some of you do not understand and that is ok to. The type of people who do this by having babies, can not make it without the welfare and food stamps. They have the children to work the system.


@ Kestra15, I am not narrow I can assure you.


philpot123 posted this below


QUOTE[ I also question the effectiveness of our welfare system sometimes when I have observed fathers who cannot "afford" to care for their children and receive welfare benefits who also happen to drive around on $3k rims with a $6k stereo. This is not to say that this is TYPICAL. This is not to say that it's in any way representative of welfare recipients as a whole. My family received welfare for a short time after my father's irresponsibility cost him his job and my mother was left with no way to care for us. I'm just saying that there ARE problems with the system that I have seen and can attest to. I also have a close family friend who taught in a public school in a low-income area of some major city, I can't remember which one. Her experience was that these young women were conditioned to believe that this was simply how life was. Have a child, receive a check. She even remembers one very young girl actually saying to her when she (my friend) was pregnant, "Oh Mrs. H! You can get your check now!" Again, I'm not trying to say that this is representative of the system as a whole, or in any way a stereotype of the people who receive welfare. Our welfare system meets legitimate needs, and it does fantastic things for people trying to get back on their feet. But there are abuses to the system, and there are perpetual welfare recipients who don't attempt to improve their station because they're surviving on a government check, there are people who are receiving disability checks who are FAR from disabled (my father is one of them), etc. So yes, I recognize that poverty is a problem, but I question the effectiveness of our current method of addressing it.]QUOTE


Again, in my teens and late 20's, I would have agreed with most of you, but age changed me and having my own children changed me and having to work all of these years have changed me on how the real world works.


I do not like what Obama stands for, and he has not done that much in the way of getting jobs back on the road to recovery and the economy running smoothly. I do not want 4 more years of this economic mess. Bully for Obama he likes gays, well I do to, and a womans body is her own. Well, if women would be a little more careful in what they do, they would not get in the predicament they do. Of course I am not talking about rape or a tubal pregnancy before you all start going on a tangent. I do believe in abortion, but not for the careless who choose not to protect themseves. Oh, I do realize protection fails.


Maybe one day as some of you age that live in the USA, you just might see what I am talking about when you have to work hard to support yourself, or have a family of your own to care for and raise.


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Not witty; I was just answering your question.


If you want my reasons for why I said yes; your answers on previous political-based or social-based problems show that you have a tendency to think only of how something will benefit you, will reject out of hand or often simply ignore the main point to nit-pick on a minor point which has no real overall affect on the main debate at hand, or will misinterpret data to intentionally support your case. You do not have a concept of a wider picture and seek only to please yourself and further your own goals, and will let the next man hang if you wish. You have displayed a prejudice against non-Christians, non-Americans, and generally anyone opposing your cheery, skewed view on how reality goes, even in the face of overwhelming counter-evidence. Your comments mark you as someone of average intelligence but easily misled by even the slightest bit of false data and your 'in-depth research' is frankly embarrassingly-poor. You are often rude and condescending to others in general and myself in particular, and see yourself as some sort of moral measuring-stick that you measure everyone else by and will happily ignore anyone who doesn't meet up to your expectations, which are narrow and unrealistic at best.


Satisfied? ;~)

Well, if you'll show where I've shown prejudice against non-Christians and non-Americans that would be fantastic. Yes, I have religious beliefs, yes I think I'm right. If that's prejudice against anyone of a different faith, then I suppose I'm guilty, as would be everyone else of any sort of faith?


Well now, "in-depth" is putting words in my mouth wink.gif I said I do my own research to the point where I find evidence that I find satisfactory, yes. Being "misled by the slightest bit of false data"? I don't think so. Again, please show examples and that would be great. Also of where I "intentionally misinterpreted data." Because I don't recall ever looking at information and thinking "I'm going to make this say something that it doesn't!" As far as "average intelligence" goes, I have a tested IQ of over 140 and rank 99th percentile on standardized testing, wherever that places me.


I certainly do not see myself as a moral measuring stick. That's something I would never claim. I believe the Bible would be a moral measuring stick personally.


Rude and condescending? Well, pots and kettles and whatnot.

Edited by philpot123

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@ Kestra15, I am not narrow I can assure you.

You think bombing a drug lord's house in Mexico will stop the that particular drug ring in an instant. That is narrow.

Maybe one day as some of you age that live in the USA, you just might see what I am talking about when you have to work hard to support yourself, or have a family of your own to care for and raise.

I've been supporting myself for over a decade. I used to have to support myself and my grandfather as his health failed. Fuzz, I believe, has been self-supporting longer than you, and a large number of us debating with you are all independent/semi-independent. So please don't think we're not aware on the basics of life and economy.

Well, if you'll show where I've shown prejudice against non-Christians and non-Americans that would be fantastic. Yes, I have religious beliefs, yes I think I'm right. If that's prejudice against anyone of a different faith, then I suppose I'm guilty, as would be everyone else of any sort of faith?


Well now, "in-depth" is putting words in my mouth  I said I do my own research to the point where I find evidence that I find satisfactory, yes. Being "misled by the slightest bit of false data"? I don't think so. Again, please show examples and that would be great. As far as "average intelligence" goes, I have a tested IQ of over 140 and rank 99th percentile on standardized testing, wherever that places me.


I certainly do not see myself as a moral measuring stick. That's something I would never claim. I believe the Bible would be a moral measuring stick personally.


Rude and condescending? Well, pots and kettles and whatnot.

You once pointed out I could never make a good husband because I wasn't Christian, and you often point out to non-Americans that because we're not American, we can't possibly know what we're talking about in debates such as gun control, abortion, religion. You IQ doesn't impress me - sadly you're still far below mine - and frankly IQ doesn't mean squat in the real world. It's just for showing off - if you want to do that, go join MENSA or an Oxbridge Old Boys Association. You have often in debates used out-dated, heavily-biased data - such as quoting figures from non-scientific sources such as religious organisations which have a standing manifesto to present data that puts them in good light, and when face with the overwhelming evidence that your source data is incorrect, you continue to argue that magically everyone else is wrong - again not only misled, but also championing your religious prejudice.


And yes, I am very rude and condescending, alongside arrogant and having anger management issues. Doesn't stop you being the same ;~)


Now, time for dinner and wine.

Edited by Kestra15

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You think bombing a drug lord's house in Mexico will stop the that particular drug ring in an instant. That is narrow.


I've been supporting myself for over a decade. I used to have to support myself and my grandfather as his health failed. Fuzz, I believe, has been self-supporting longer than you, and a large number of us debating with you are all independent/semi-independent. So please don't think we're not aware on the basics of life and economy.


You once pointed out I could never make a good husband because I wasn't Christian, and you often point out to non-Americans that because we're not American, we can't possibly know what we're talking about in debates such as gun control, abortion, religion. You IQ doesn't impress me - sadly you're still far below mine - and frankly IQ doesn't mean squat in the real world. It's just for showing off - if you want to do that, go join MENSA or an Oxbridge Old Boys Association. You have often in debates used out-dated, heavily-biased data - such as quoting figures from non-scientific sources such as religious organisations which have a standing manifesto to present data that puts them in good light, and when face with the overwhelming evidence that your source data is incorrect, you continue to argue that magically everyone else is wrong - again not only misled, but also championing your religious prejudice.


And yes, I am very rude and condescending, alongside arrogant and having anger management issues. Doesn't stop you being the same ;~)


Now, time for dinner and wine.

Sorry I am different than you and believe different than you do.


Obama does not suit me and I guess that Romney does not suit you. Romney would have not been my pick either from the republicans either, but Obama has never been my president and I do not accept him because of his beliefs are so different than mine. I have never felt this way about a president before. I just pray that god helps us getting him out of office, smile.gif

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Kestra15, If they could blow up every drug lord's house in Mexico, I would be a happy person. Less dead kids and innocent people alive that get in their way. Run all the drug pushers in the dirt six feet under would be even better, biggrin.gif

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You once pointed out I could never make a good husband because I wasn't Christian, and you often point out to non-Americans that because we're not American, we can't possibly know what we're talking about in debates such as gun control, abortion, religion. You IQ doesn't impress me - sadly you're still far below mine - and frankly IQ doesn't mean squat in the real world. It's just for showing off - if you want to do that, go join MENSA or an Oxbridge Old Boys Association. You have often in debates used out-dated, heavily-biased data - such as quoting figures from non-scientific sources such as religious organisations which have a standing manifesto to present data that puts them in good light, and when face with the overwhelming evidence that your source data is incorrect, you continue to argue that magically everyone else is wrong - again not only misled, but also championing your religious prejudice.


And yes, I am very rude and condescending, alongside arrogant and having anger management issues. Doesn't stop you being the same ;~)


Now, time for dinner and wine.

I remember that conversation well, Mr. Kestra, and I still fail to see why you found what I said insulting. I never said you couldn't make a "good" husband in the sense of being a loving provider. I said that I, according to my religious beliefs, believe that a father bears a spiritual responsibility in his family, and clearly an atheist would not fulfill that. I also said that I think and know that fathers and husbands of any faith (or lack thereof) can be very successful, admirable men and can raise their children to be the same. Considering you think my religion is garbage and you are under no spiritual obligation whatsoever, I don't quite understand why my personal belief is offensive to you in that aspect.


I have never said that non-Americans can't "possibly" know what you're talking about. That's ridiculous and absurd. Show me where and I'll gladly apologize. I have pointed out differences in different countries when debating gun control and other subjects, yes.


I'm not trying to impress anyone. You stated I was of average intelligence, I simply brought up the only numbers based information on that that I have. Tell me, what do you think matters in the real world? And I suppose you must enjoy showing off since you tout yours often.


I've never said that everyone else is "magically" wrong. Yes, I have strong religious prejudice. Guiltyyy.

Edited by philpot123

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Well now, "in-depth" is putting words in my mouth wink.gif I said I do my own research to the point where I find evidence that I find satisfactory, yes. Being "misled by the slightest bit of false data"? I don't think so. Again, please show examples and that would be great. Also of where I "intentionally misinterpreted data." Because I don't recall ever looking at information and thinking "I'm going to make this say something that it doesn't!" As far as "average intelligence" goes, I have a tested IQ of over 140 and rank 99th percentile on standardized testing, wherever that places me.

I think that puts you at "average intelligence".


Tested IQ of 192 here, past member of MENSA, qualified for Triple Nine but didn't join.


But frankly? I don't think standardized intelligence tests measure anything more than your ability to take the test - like some people are good at Sudoku or crossword puzzles.


I respect people's opinions if they are well-put and well-reasoned.


I do not respect the opinions of people that stem from wilful ignorance, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.


And Kat, I believe I am older than you as well, and you are not the only one who has had family members in the military. So please don't speak as if your experience is greater or different than anyone's here.

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I think that puts you at "average intelligence".


Tested IQ of 192 here, past member of MENSA, qualified for Triple Nine but didn't join.

No, an IQ of 100 is average Joe. An IQ of 140 is in the 99th percentile. An IQ of 192 is ridiculously rare.


I don't know why, but whenever IQ is brought up in a forum, everyone is at the genius level. It's a strange phenomenon. laugh.gif


I believe the average IQ at Harvard is only 130. Edit Oops




"We didn't find this," Carson notes. "We saw creativity increase as IQs climb to 130 (the average score of Harvard students), and even up to 150."

Edited by Alpha1

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No, an IQ of 100 is average Joe. An IQ of 140 is in the 99th percentile. An IQ of 192 is ridiculously rare.


I don't know why, but whenever IQ is brought up in a forum, everyone is at the genius level. It's a strange phenomenon.  laugh.gif


I believe the average IQ at Harvard is only 115.

IRL, censorkip.gif measuring takes the form of muscle size or bench press amount.



On a debate forum, censorkip.gif measuring takes the form of IQ comparisons and "when I was your age" talks apparently wink.gif

Edited by philpot123

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I don't have a big issue with immigrants. The only issue I have is with the illegal ones. They come here take the jobs people would love to get just because companies want to save some money. My own aunt worked with a guy who had to change his name and everything a couple times if I recall correctly. That to me is wrong.


That is what ticks me off about immigrants. If you came here legally fine, I welcome you. If you're here illegally sorry but no way.

Prodding a dead dragon here, but...


Americans censorkip.gif* way too much about "immigrants taking their jobs." I'm sorry, but if you'd get your fat, lazy ass off the couch and apply for some jobs, then you just MIGHT get one. Also, not to mention, jobs are hard to come by right now. Period. I've applied at multiple places. However, I am not a priority because I live in a college town. College students are a priority to hiring companies.


So, before people start complaining about immigrants taking jobs, take a look at where you live. Then take at a look at what your doing. THEN lower your standards when you're looking for a job. A job is a job. Most people who say that there's no jobs have too high standards. So what if you're mopping floors at McDonald's. It's a job, isn't it? It's a paycheck, isn't it? It's something that puts food on the table, right? Stop complaining, suck it up, and do what you need to.


Sorry if I sound rude, but this is something that irritates me to no extent.


As for illegal immigrants...


Are we really this selfish? They came here because their living conditions were not favorable. They left to get a shot at a better life. Maybe they don't have the proper resources to get citizen ship. Maybe their situation didn't allow enough time for that to happen. Why are we being so hostile to them? It seems like Americans pick on illegal immigrants when they're losing an argument.


Also, to further iterate my point of immigrants, we're all technically illegal anyway. You didn't see the Native Americans forcing those who found America to take tests and forcing them to learn their language.


Trust me, I used to share these views. I used to believe it was wrong, but that's because that's what I was taught. I further gained an opinion for myself and changed my previous opinions to what it is now.



Anyway. Time I get up to the past few pages.


I doubt Obama has much to do with the current debt. We were going downhill anyway. Obama has done nothing but try to FIX what was wrong. Sometimes trying to fix things without enough resources can lead to further damage. Think of it like someone driving a nail into a glass. Well, to fix the glass, you've got to take the nail out. Now, imagine there was water in the glass, well, that water is going to drain away until you can fix the hole. There's nothing you can do about it until you fix the hole. And you can't throw the glass away, either, because it's your last one, nor can you buy a new one.


On oil... Don't blame Obama for buying foreign oil. The way oil is now is stupid. We get our oil, we send it overseas to be processed, and then ship it right back. It we had our own damned refineries, we wouldn't have to worry about anything overseas. But, that's the previous presidents' fault for not taking the initiative to build more refineries in America.


And, whether people believe it or not, Obama is doing what he can for us. Plus, he seems... Genuine. So does is family. They feel... Tangible. Romney feels plastic and fake.


Here's a speech by Michelle Obama to prove upon that point. I feel like they UNDERSTAND. I don't think Romney does. I think he's had it too good to know anything other than a comfortable life.




@ Kat - Because of the ACA, he's raising taxes on tanning by 10% because TANNING IS HARMFUL FOR YOUR HEALTH. GASP. OMG. If everyone is going to pay for everyone else's healthcare, then you better bet your ass that I want people to be charged more for making CONSCIOUS unhealthy decisions ON PURPOSE.




I agree with demonic that women's health care should be left to women. And vice versa. General health care -ex. Things that no matter what gender you are would effect you the same - should be made by a certified doctor. Definitely not Akins doctor, though. rolleyes.gif


Seems like he really resents the rich people as a lot of you do as well. We are a free market in the USA. Not all can be or get rich, and not all middle class can be rich either. Everyone in the USA is required to go to school. Every kid has a chance. Some get it, and some do not. Just like Julian Castro says about the Republicans, lol.


Kat, I have a feeling that you are of the upper class... And a very solid feeling at that. Just guessing, by your opinions and what you post...


Let me tell you something about food stamps and welfare. It is a joke the people who are on welfare. They keep on having babies so they get the food stamps and welfare. They DO NOT WANT TO WORK. This system is so abused it is not funny.


Those women that keep having kids and could not afford them, I would make it mandatory, they get a total hysterectomy, and the guys get sniped as well. A lot of these woman are not married and having many different fathers for their babies. I am sick of having to pay for these type of people, when others I know that need it can not get on welfare or foodstamps.


Excuse me? Um, no, it's not. My mother did not keep having babbehs just to stay on foodstamps. The only why we got them in the first place because my stepfather had to quit his job! He couldn't find another one, either, for 3 months. He tried starting his own business doing some work in the hurricane (or flood, I can't remember right now) recovering areas, but we didn't have the resources for him to keep going to Virginia (I think it was) and come back home, or for him to buy the materials he needed. If it weren't for foodstamps, we would have STARVED. We had too many bills to pay and not enough money. As soon as my mother got her paycheck, it was gone. AND, to top it all off, because of how in debt we were, the bank just outright TOOK our tax return. We didn't see a single cent. That means none of us got the new clothes we so desperately needed. That means we could celebrate and spoil ourselves in the slightest by doing something so simple as going to the movies together as a family. Or even rent a movie.


And, guess what? The only reason why we had internet and TV during those times is because, shamefully, we stole it. We had to have internet because we didn't have any phones. If something went wrong while I was watching my siblings, I had to send emails to my mother to let her know. Having raised my brother and sister and being like a mother, I can imagine how terrifying that is.


Also. I live paycheck to paycheck, on ONE paycheck. My boyfriend and I can make ends meet. I'm too proud to ask for financial aid. I want to get a job and make money myself and have the ability to say that I made that money myself. And I will be even more goddamn proud saying that I give my money to healthcare for other people who would otherwise not be able to afford it.


If you really want to correct welfare, make people take drug tests before they receive aid. If you're SO concerned, have that implemented. There are PLENTY of good, deserving people out there who will gladly take a drug test to prove their innocence. While we're at it, we'll make sure that the cost for those drug tests come out of EVERYONE'S taxes, k?


As ylangylang said... Eugenics? That's disgusting. You'd take away someone's reproductive rights just because they're getting financial assistance? You're starting to sound like a guy I talked to not long ago saying that "MY money is for ME AND MINE. YOUR money is for YOU AND YOURS. KEEP YOUR DAMN MONEY BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE A THIEF AND I'LL KEEP MINE. BLAH BLAH BLAH." Sounds like greed. That's all I ever hear from republicans, it seems like, is greed.


As for being young and not knowing anything.


I'm 18. I am aware more of what you post than what you actually post. I've been told I have what they call an "old soul." I understand things far beyond what my age group CHOOSES to.


I don't want to address you anymore, Kat. I'm seeing your true colors and I don't like them one bit.


ANNND... I think I'm done now. Getting off my soapbox.


TL;DR - Rant post is ranty.

Edited by god.ofthedead

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@Alpha1 and @philpot123 - please do indulge in some reading comprehension.


The important part of my statement was this:


"I don't think standardized intelligence tests measure anything more than your ability to take the test"


minus ten points from Hufflepuff for the both of you. ;P

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@Alpha1 and @philpot123 - please do indulge in some reading comprehension.


The important part of my statement was this:


"I don't think standardized intelligence tests measure anything more than your ability to take the test"


minus ten points from Hufflepuff for the both of you. ;P

Apologies, I intended to post an agreement to that statement, looks like I forgot to add that. I think I was too busy thinking about how I missed a perfect "That escalated quickly" reference earlier...



What the HELL is a Hufflepuff? wink.gif

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.And Kat, I believe I am older than you as well, and you are not the only one who has had family members in the military. So please don't speak as if your experience is greater or different than anyone's here.

I understand that as well. Again, even people in the military see things differently from one another. I know how my dad felt and I know exactly how one of my sons feel about what is going on overseas. Like he said, the terrorists have no regard for a human life and they do not. I can not imagine the mothers of these men and woman who commit suicide to blow up the good military men and women rejoice and throw a party for their dead loved one that committed suicide and got some of our guys. Now how backwards is that. Yes I am judging, so be it. I have seen pictures of the atrocities these imbeciles have done to women, children and men. My son and many of his fellow mates in the military feel the same way. The only good terrorist is a dead one. If you can tell me what good they do, I will listen. They kill their own people.


If anyone on here does not have a loved one or family member in the military, I can say my experience is greater and different.


Things that are posted on here, I know if they pertain to me or not unlike some. If I know nothing about it, how can I comment about it personally? I am a very PATRIOTIC person, always have been and always will be. Even before my son thought about joining I was a patriotic person.

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@Alpha1 and @philpot123 - please do indulge in some reading comprehension.


The important part of my statement was this:


"I don't think standardized intelligence tests measure anything more than your ability to take the test"


minus ten points from Hufflepuff for the both of you. ;P

Can you support that statement? Did you take an online IQ test? laugh.gif




I can find many sites that show that it is a reliable indicator of potential.



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Speaking as someone who studied the conflicts in the middle east and whats going on in America ~Kat~ you're basically making your point by saying all muslims and arabs are terrorists.


Well then you must think that all Christians are KKK members.


What I don't understand is how you can take a small portion of a population and base everything about them on that population. Yes its true atrocities have happened over there. Yes, its true that muslim women have to remain covered (though how much depends on the ruling power as well as the woman's, not her husband/brother/father/uncle's, choice).


I actually studied some of the Qu'ran (or spelled Koran) as part of the class. It speaks very peacefully, and the terrorists are taking specific sections and warping them to there own goals. Like the KKK members did.


(I am Christain by the way just wanted to throw out that I don't like people generalizing on relgion unless they generilaize all of them..)

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Can you support that statement? Did you take an online IQ test? laugh.gif




I can find many sites that show that it is a reliable indicator of potential.

No, I was given a standardized IQ test in school. My mother thought that my score made me a freak, and made my life pretty hellish because of it. "Girls are supposed to be less intelligent than boys, not practically off the charts."


You can laugh, but I used to cry at night and pray for God to make me stupider so that my mother would love me.


My cousin's is higher (seems to run in the family) but he's male so no one abused him over some dumb test score.


I used the words "I think" because it is my opinion, developed mainly through talking with other MENSA members during the time I was one.

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Kestra15, If they could blow up every drug lord's house in Mexico, I would be a happy person. Less dead kids and innocent people alive that get in their way. Run all the drug pushers in the dirt six feet under would be even better, biggrin.gif

If you genuinely believe that, then there is no further point talking to you.

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