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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Merion chittered gleefully. It was rather embarassing! He couldn't do what she, a hatchling, could do. But that'd be mean to say so. She immediately stopped the shameful giggling and apologetically lowered her head, lifting it as she purred, a deep rumble emenating from her throat as her head's scales were scratched.

Ben nodded, a bit disappointed. "I understand. The people who are gone is the society that's supposed to be here, or at the very least, the girl who sent out this flier- Kitsune."



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Harold had never heard of this Kitsune before. He was concerned though about the person not arriving. This was not his territory so he couldn't be sure what had happened.

"Ben, you say your friend hasn't arrived yet. I am not sure whom's territory we are in right now but I do know it isn't the Rain clan's. It could be that your friend is in trouble. Do you have any way to contact them?"

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Ben shook his head. "Actually, we don't even know them yet. That's what wanderers do though... they expect welcomes in unfamiliar places. Stupid, but we don't go to obviously unwelcome places. This place seemed friendly enough, though, so... we came to see what it was about. For all we know, though, this could have been years ago and there's nothing here... honestly, we came here out of curiosity." He felt uncomfortable admitting this out loud, and was tempted to start lying. He knew, though, that once he started he wouldn't be able to continue. "So... we have no way to contact her, or them, if she was successful."

Merion was interested in what Ben was saying. To her it sounded brave and daring, and she didn't connect it to herself at all.

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Harold pondered Ben's statement for a while before he nodded his decision.

"Well then we go and find them. No other way to do it as far as I see. Sitting around and waiting for something that might not happen is absolutely no good. Today we march out and find this Kitsune and show that not all dragon and humans are evil. Well at least that is what you will do. I will accompany you but my objective is to defeat the Sky clan who threaten our freedom. The sky clan hopes to take in all the clans and rule over all the lands. upshot being that there will be no land disputes, downdraft being that there will also be no choices."

Without even realizing it Harold had gone off into a monologue without even relating the topic.

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Scrap opened his eyes wide, and almost squeled in delight. He didn't, though. Instead, he flared his wings, which caused him to catch air and pull back from the older dragons claws. Tumbling backwards, Scrap just stabilize himself and was huffing to catch up with Reial. "One devil of a sight!"

Edited by DeerHunter908

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Reial back flapped a bit to slow down and scooped up Scrap as the little night glory flew by.

"Be careful. If you fall from here you will die. Keep your wings tucked close to your body to keep from being blown away."

Sheltering scrap in his claws, Reial landed on a ridge outside the city. He let the little Hatchling out so that he could see for himself what it looked like.

"What do you think Scrap?"

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(I should have posted this a long time ago...

I PMed UchihaAce a long while back and she said everytime she went to the DC Roleplays section, it would give her an error. So she probably won't be here anytime soon.)

Kreen loked into Pure Pond and saw what she wanted to be. Her reflection showed her with battle scars and a hardened look of battle. She wanted to be a warrior that would defend the weak. A leaf dropped down into it and shattered her reflection, making her jump.

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Scrap nodded, and folded his wings. His eyes widened as he saw all the flashing lights and speeding cars, the many humans and what they where doing. "Wow." he breathed out, quivering with anticipation.

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Harold smiled at the little Night Glory who was astonished by the sight of the city.

"It's like that all day long you know, but it looks prettier at night. Just remember no matter who your with this is as close as you should get to that place, it is dangerous to go any closer. Humans don't like us very much and refuse to try to get along as well so if you ever see a Human you should get away quickly and quietly, if you can't do that then hide the very best you can and don't make a sound. So do you want to watch the city some more or are you ready to look at some other stuff too?"

He asked patting Scrap's head.

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Scrap's eyes glittered with exictment, but dulled as Reial talked about Humans. "You don't have to tell me that twice. I was born and raised in a Human Hut. I ran as soon as I could, but another Human caught me." He gently lifted the bandana off the base of his throat, exposing an ugly scar, stretching around almost his whole neck. "They almost butchered me like a chicken."

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Kreen got bored and decided to take a walk to clear her head.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go take a walk. Don't be surprised if i'm gone long."

She crawled through the undergrowth, squishing her eyes up against the brambles. She reached the edge of the forest, on the side of the road when she realized this was the end. She looked both ways, then saw two dragons. Kreen ran towards themand stopped. She hoped they weren't from Fangclan, otherwise she would be in big trouble.

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Harold caught the scent of another dragon, a scent he did not recognize, this immediatly put him into defensive-trust-nobody-hostile-mode. Immediatly brining up his shield tail placing it between the newcomer and Scrap her glared at the little dragon approaching him.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? Which clan are you a part of, and don't lie, I can tell your not with us."

He said in an angry growl of draconic as he waited for a response form Kreen.

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Scrap almost yelped in surprise, but he peeked over the large metal tail. Seeing the she-dragon, he almost immediately relaxed. Surely Reial could take her! He simply watched her curiously, not making another sound in distrust. He slipped the bandana over his scar gently.

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Harold wasn't going to take any chances with htis little dragon, he knew that small didn't always mean weak.

"Scrap stay behind the shield. We don't know if she is a danger to us or not so I don't want to take any chances."

He warned the little nightglory doing his best not to sound totaly ticked off. The gaurdian dragon returned his attention to Kreen.

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Kreen stood her ground, making her best effort to stay calm.

"I don't belong to a clan. I was living with a group of dragons and humans, somewhere over there."

She motioned to the direction in which she came.

"I wouldn't harm anybody, unless I was defending myself."

She lowered her head submissively.

"My name is Kreen."


Myse rested in the trees nearby Pure Pond, wondering if Kreen was alright. Then again, if she was attacked she would be able to feel it because of their blood bond.

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Harold had just started to relax when Kreen had said she wasn't with a clan but the moment the word humans exited her mouth he went back into his defensive stature. To him, anything that involved humans was bad news. However he also hoped he could rescue this girl from her unfortunate fate, maybe it wasn't too late to turn her away from the humans and their scheams. So he listened to her carefully but even as she said she wouldn't attack people unless attacked he wasn't willing to buy it just yet.

"Kreen you said. Well Kreen my name is Harold Reial and I am a member of the Sky clan, you should know that humans aren't exactly the most trustworthy creatures out there. I can accept that some are well meaning but most are only interested in their own goals. I could try and talk to our clan master and see if I can get you permission to join us and get you away from those humans who are most likely jusst using you as a tool. What do you say?"

It wasn't the most convincing statement but he was caught off guard and so wasn't exactly prepaired to make converstion speeches. He still kept his tail shield in front of Scrap to make sure the nightglory was safe.

Edited by En'K'Haral

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Kreen lashed her tail angrily.

"If the humans i'm with are as bad as you say they are..."

She shook her head.

"...I will risk everything to deny you!"

She growled.

"Kitsune and Hiruzo would never do anything to hurt us! They've raised their dragons since they were eggs!'


Kreen? Kreen where are you?

Myse could feel her rage burning like a forest fire, and she was too worried for the reckless Black dragon.

I'm fine. Don't worry so much, you'll give yourself a headache.

She sighed. Maybe Kreen was right.

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Scrap nodded, and barely peeped his eyes over the rim. As she got into a fighting posture, he worried what he would do, and go, if they fought. "Reial?" He asked, looking at him "Why does she trust the Dragon-Slayers? I thought they want to destroy us all!" He tilted his head, eyes clouding with confusion.

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Harold looked down at Scrap for a moment to explain.

"Scrap not all humans are evil, or so I have come to understand it. However I am concerned that this litle one may have been fooled by humans into thinking they are good, but it is entirely possible that the humans she is with are actually good. I have only heard rumors of such coexistance though and have never seen it myself which is why I find it hard to swallow. I hope that answers your question."

Harold returned his attention to the fuming young dragon before him, he wasn't sure what to expect so he decided to expect the worst.

"Now young lady I think it's time you explained yourself. What are you doing with humans, and why should we believe that they mean well?"

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"Since the day I met Kitsune, she never even tried to touch a scale on me or another dragon! And when her Pygmy hatchling got stolen by Fang clan, we went to rescue him just to find out he was vampirized! I have every reason to trust her and Hiruzo."

Kreen retorted as she held herself back from trying to defend her friends with her claws.

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Hiruzo sighed and followed Kreen in silence. As he heard the conversation unfold, Icefire yelped and clutched onto Hiruzo's shoulder. He stifled a yell and petted the Nebula hatchling. "It's okay, kiddo," he said, accidentally blowing his cover. "****. Crapcrapcrap. These new dragons would kill him. He was sure of that. Icefire's eyes widened at the sight of the two new dragons, and it gripped Hiruzo's shoulder even harder. Not that it would make a difference, though; he was losing all feeling in his upper body.

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Scrap nodded, and said no more. He simply watched in astonishment as a human uncovered himself. He gritted his teeth in silence, trying to fight an urge to attack him. It was useless. In a half-second, the hatchling had unfurled his wings, shot into the sky, and, screeching, launched himself at Hiruzo.

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Harold was about to let his gaurd down when he too caught sight of the human, he growled but wasn't about to do anything, that is until Scrap took off and charged foor an attack. Any possibility for peaceful solution was quickly dissapearing and now Harold would need to act. Harold's action wasn't to attack however, it was to counter Scraps actions, he quickly placed himself between Scrap and the human and raised his shield to Scrap.

"STOP! They haven't done anything wrong, yet. We shouldn't attack if there is no need Scrap."

He said to the nightglory a look of warning in his eyes. It would seem he would need to teach the hatchling about protocol when dealing with strangers as well.

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Scrap hit the shield head-on, and growled at Reial. "Human! Humans try to kill me! REVENGE!" His ability for sentences was evaporating as quickly as his ability to control his anger. He tried to climb up and around the metal plate, but he had no avail.

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Icefire and Hiruzo backed away from Scrap. "S-s-STOP!" Icefire yelled. Hiruzo's eyes opened wide. His hatchling was speaking! Hiruzo smiled happily, but then tuned back to Scrap and Harold. "No more! I don't want him to be hurt! He took care of me for as long as I can remember! He'd never hurt anyone good!" Icefire said, very distressed.

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