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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Hiruzo quietly crept behind the thing he had seen. Upon closer inspection, 'it' was revealed to be 2 men with large blades. Hiruzo quickly crept behind the two men and used the blunt end of his sword to knock out both men. They rolled down the hill and landed right in front of the lake. Hiruzo slid down and looked around. Seeing a young girl, he walked over, Icefire popping out of his pack.

Edited by PKMNB0Y

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((I'm home from camp! ^^ And PKMNBOY... Reina is with Valesz in a cave, away from the lake... so she couldn't have been seen. And in this age there aren't sniper rifles, and KO isn't really a description... and this is kinda inconsistent. mellow.gif *comes back after looking at bio* yeah... just wanted to comment... *curls up after mailing reply*))


Merion tilted her head and then turned her entire self upside down. Where she was hatched? That was easy. She just had to remember, is all. "Ummmmmm.... far away from Farandale Forest... and even farther from Rolant Woods... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...." continues pondering on this question, then lights up as she discovers a way to explain. "I was born on a road! A street built by humans! That's where I was born. I rolled a bunch, landed on a road, decided to hatch since being an egg is WAY uncomfortable, and then there I was! On the road." She nodded her head, then thought a bit, chirping up the next moment, "My dad's name is Ben. What's your daddy's name? And," she added, remembering what she was wondering about earlier, "What'do you mean by being hunted by humans constantly? I can understand that there's LOTS of crazy people, like, entire VILLAGES who are going after us, slaughtering each and every one of us, intent on destroying all of Dragonkind!!!" She illustrated this by performing a bit of humans like monsters, slaying inocent little dragons, ending with her claws at her throat comically as she slumps down with the hissed word, 'Dragonkind!!', then stood up again, "...but there's even more sensible, right? I mean, it's not like we're DEER. Not EVERYone's crazy, though," Merion giggled with a chitter, "Firwyn is very, very silly." she continued on chattering, "And what were you talking about when you talked 'bout rules binding us? We're being tied up with ropes? Why do dragons hunt us down? Why's being free wrong? What's bad about being nice? What's going on?" Merion finished this stream of babble by looking expectantly at Rocky for answers. It'd been SO long since she'd had anyone to talk to besides Ben and boring Firwyn, so she had a lot to say and loved talking when provoked by interesting subject.

Edited by Emeelia

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(D'aww I can't wait for UchihaAce to reply >.>)

Kreen tilted her head and stood up on her hind legs to get a closer look at a boy that came. Her black scales glittered as she examined the human. Was he a dragon hunter? Probably not because a Nebula hatchling came out of his pack.

"Who are you?"


Myse flew over the forest, blue wings fluttering by the breeze. She looked down at the pond where Kreen, Zarazo, Nyx, and Kitsune were. She landed in a tree near Kreen and tried her best not to be seen in the leafy branches.

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Hiruzo bowed before the dragon. "My name is Hiruzo. I'd like to help," he said. The little Nebula dragon raced out of his pack and ran around his head. Hiruzo laughed and waited as Icefire tired out. "This is my dragon, Icefire. I'm not sure what made him hatch, but he was with me when that happened," he said, picking himself up. the little dragon crawled back into his backpack and came out nibbling a piece of bread.

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Kreen blinked, then replied. "This is Kitsune, Zarazo, and Nyx. I'm Kreen."

She gestured to the girl, the nebula hatchling, and the Pygmy vampire.

"Two dragons named Time and Vanlet are out in the woods, I don't know what they're doing, but hopefully they're safe. We spent some time looking for this Pure Pond, to cure Nyx of being a vampire. But I guess he doesn't want to turn back. We're staying here while being attacked by Fangclan, who were the ones reponsible for turning Nyx into a vampire."

She ranted for a while, then shook her head slightly. This wasn't the time to be babbling about their life's story.

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Hiruzo nodded to Kreen. "We came looking for refuge. My partner and I are wanted all over. Runaways my... Oh sorry, I should explain. My parents wanted to use Icefire as a weapon. I ran away with him soon after. Other than that, I'd be happy to help," he said. With Icefire jumping up and down, he watched as pieces of white silver came up. "Alchemy, for sure," he said.

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"I'm sure Kitsune and Time would love to meet you."

She bounded over to Kitsune and brought her over to Hiruzo.

"Kitsune, this is Hiruzo and his partner, Icefire. He says they ran away from home- You know the tension between dragons and humans don't you?- and are looking for refuge."

She looked at her with a look that said let them stay, please.

(...I sure hope UchihaAce replies soon.)

Edited by rainpeltstar

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((Last time I PMed her, she couldn't reply because her iPhone was not letting her use the DC roleplays. I see her everyday in the Other RPs section, though...))


Hiruzo bowed before Kitsune. "It is an honor to meet you. I hoped this would be under better conditions. As Kreen told you, I am Hiruzo. I will help in any way i can," he said.

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Harold contemplated on how to answer the onslaught of questions. He then stood up and made his way over to a tree where he snapped off a branch saying.

"A road? That is an odd place to be born isn't it? Anyways, my father's name was Dairune. He passed away a year ago of poor health. As for being hunted all the time, humans don't really understand dragons and when they don't understand something they eliminate it. I have fought off many hunters my self, they look at us as if we are some kind of prize. I really wish they would learn that we are more then just trophies. But you are right, ,not everyone is crazy, I have met a few good humans in my time as well, and its not that Dragons hunt us down to kill us...usually, it is that they start looking for us when we do something wrong in their view, but being free isn't wrong they just think it is. At least that is how they act once they have been bound by rules. Also there is nothing bad about being nice. Anyways on to how rules bind you."

Harold had a collection of branches by the time he had finished speaking.

"Rules aren't actually ropes but your on the right track. Here hold on to these."

Harold dumped the branches into Merion's arms and practically buried her.

"Imagine all of these are rules. See how hard it is for you to move while carrying them all? This is what I mean when I say binding us with rules. Not very fun."

He brushed the branches off of her to allow her the freedom of movement.

"Do you understand?"

he asked sitting on his hunches again.


((Mr. PLayer for Scrap i needs you to post happy.gif))

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Merion nodded her head slowly as he spoke, then squeaked as the branches he'd been carrying were all dumped on her, explaining that those represented rules. "I don't like rules!" she chirped. "They're too heavy! Get'm off!" As soon as the 'rules' were off of her she stood up, shook her hide, and levitated in the air a little bit with the relief of being pinned to the ground. "Yeah, I understand now. I guess. I'm not used to rules 'cause I'm always walking around with Ben, seeing how others manage to trap themselves with them." The light scaled hatchling sat down (in the air) and nodded sharply. "People are silly to invent rules. They might be fun as a house, but they're too weak and heavy to help us for long. Rules should just be temporary, sort of. Like wooden houses. If you keep it too long, it burns up, or falls on top of you." Merion chattered her metaphors to how rules were like, sticking to the one Rocky had started of them being branches. "You shouldn't need to carry them. They have to shelter you, not weigh you down." She thought for another moment. "Rules are alright, as long as they can be changed, and are as a shelter, not a burden. People should make rules like houses, not weights like we're beasts of burden." She hardly noticed that she'd just repeated what she said earlier.

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Harold couldn't help but be impressed by the little one's apparent wisdom. She had grasped the point right away. Although her repetition of the same statement was amusing.

"Absolutely, rules should be a shelter you make not a pile that is forced on to you. Although I don't really like them even I have rules. Simple ones, like don't kill willingly or avoid violence. Anyways, tell me more about this road you were born on. I am fascinated by the idea."

Harold was absolutely intrigued by this dragon.

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The hatchling shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know much about it. I just hatched there, is all, and Ben's blind, more so than a bat, because at least bats see with their ears, though Ben's already half there. 'Fraid he's not gonna get much farther since humans are terribly stupid. Anyhow, so he doesn't know the name of the road, so I don't because we didn't pass any signs. All we passed was a sheet of notebook paper and All-Boring Firwyn the Egg." Merion's trill had deepened and became dull when she talked about Firwyn, as though he was a tedious subject. "I mean, Firwyn's, like, no fun at ALL. He claims he isn't going to hatch ever. Ha. Silly. Well, not exactly. But he's always complaining, 'It's too jiggly! Oh, I'm cold, warm me! I'm hot, fan me!' okay, so I added the commands," she admitted, "but I could just imagine the rest when he complained about being on the move, or being cold or being hot or WHATEVER he felt like being miserable about. I doubt he'll be happy even though he's going to rest with Ben waiting for an organization that's going to try to save both species. Next he'll complain about how restless he is. Then he'll probably hatch because he's restless and then not only I will have to stomach his attitude, but Ben will as well! That's too bad." Merion's voice got lighter when she thought of something, "Hey, maybe when he's no longer cramped in that egg and eats his behaviour will get better, who knows? Maybe he'll act exactly like Ben!" Merion landed on the ground to prove whatever point she was trying to make in that babble and nodded sharply. "And that's what happened," she said, as though everything she just said was about the road she'd hatched on.

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Harold laughed at Merion once she was done.

"My my, it sounds like your friend Firwyn is quite the handful. Heh heh, I would like to meet him some time."

He then went a little quiet as he contemplated the idea of an organization that wanted to saveboth species, they would certainly have their hands full with dragons that disagreed with the idea.

"You know, your family sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to meet them if you would allow me."

His voice and interest were sincer. He thought that maybe they could join the rain clan instead and help protect the dragons and people from comming under the rule of the Sky clan.


((I will be away for the weekend. Also Mister Deerhunter908 Please do post for Scrap again. He still has to pick where he wants to go with Reial.))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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She whipped her tail about, and levitated in the air a few inches. "Oh oh oh! It'd be SUPER fun if you met them! Then maybe we could have lots more to talk about." Looks up at the sky for a moment before spinning around once and thinking for a moment. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I wonder if Firwyn'd yell at me.... Aw, what am I doing? He's an egg! I'm older than him, therefore his elder and boss." Nods her head sharply. "I can have friends if I want them. But still... Nah, it'd be fine." Merion decided that Ben and Firwyn would probably have no objections to this in the slightest bit. After all, Rocky was a friendly dragon, and he wanted to meet them. "They're.... ummm..." Uh oh. With all that spinning and the logs and all the excitement, she'd temporarily lost which way to go. "I think it's... hang on a sec." She attached herself to a tree, crawling up until she was bending the slender top of the tree, looking around in several directions until she saw a very tall tree and what seemed to be a clearing. "Tada! I see the landmarks. You see, I have to be careful, because Ben doesn't know how to find someone if he loses them because he's used to being by himself, so I have to do it all by myself to make sure no one is lost." She talked very matter-of-factly as she scampered down the branches, then started to skip back the long way she had wandered to Ben and Firwyn. "They're not far, you can meet them right now, if you wanna!"

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Harold nodded agreeingly to Merion's matter-of-fact tone and added a comment of his own as she spoke.

"Absolutly, he is blind after all so it would be hard for him to find people."

He followed the skiping Merionback to the clearing. it wasn't like they wouldn't hear him comming though. Each of his footsteps thudded loudly against the ground and his body tore up the foliage around him. With all this noise he wouldn't be surprised if a hunter came right now. He hoped to god that wouldn't happen, he didn't enjoy fighting against hunters. Harold continued to follow Merion closely to make sure she would be sae in case something did happen.

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Merion skipped and scampered toward the hill where the man was relaxing, trilling loudly, speaking aloud before remembering she had to use her mind's voice. "Ben! Ben! Wake up wake up!" He turned his head to look at Merion, placing a large hand on her head as she bounced up and down. "I wasn't asleep." he said simply, then stood up quickly. The ground was shaking, and there was a lot of noise, deep, heavy thuds. "Merion... I think we should get moving."


"Moving? Whaddayou mean? We just got here! Anyways, we can't go until you meet my friend, Rocky." She hovered in front of his face and moved her clawed appendages as she spoke.


"Rocky?!" There was disbelief in Ben's voice. "Who in... what did you do Merion?"


"I brought a friend home, and now you're gonna meet him!" her voice was bright as she spoke in draconic, once again forgetting about his inability to understand the dragon's tongue. The egg Firwyn was in shook angrily, and she cuffed it swiftly. "Oh be quiet, mister grumpy. You're too cynical and distrusting." doing her best to ignore the sensible, careful egg-lingamajigger, Merion spun around and did a pose as Harold Stonesworthy entered the clearing. "Tada~!" this time her clicks were nearly comprehensible.


"..." Ben palmed his face. Merion was much too friendly. What if this dragon didn't care much for humans and those that loved them? She just didn't have much sense. His hands protectively wrapped around the pouch that held Firwyn.

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Harold entered the clearing to a pleasent 'Tada' from Merion, and chuckled at the little hatchling's display. looking at Ben he saw the man holding a pouch defensively, which was typical for human's these days. Hostility seemed to be their favorite attribute, none the less he would introduce himself as friend and not foe. Harold sat with a thud and spoke mentally to the human.

"Hello, you must be Merion's father, Ben. You can relax I am not going to hurt you. I just wanted to meet the man this little one has spoken so highly about. It makes me glad to see not all human's in this world chose to make omlets out of our eggs. Oh where are my manners, my name first of all isn't actually Rocky although if you wish you may call me that. My name is Harold Stonesworthy and I am a member of the Rain clan. Again you need not worry, aside from myself the clan is not active in this particular neck of the woods."

He placed his paw on Merion's head and rubbed it gently while saying.

"I must say that you have raised a fine young dragon here. She is a lot smarter then she looks."

He chuckled again as he said the little joke.

"Merion you seem to be missing a member. Were is this all-boring Firwyn you spoke of?"

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Ben relaxed a bit when he saw that this dragon wasn't going to harm him or anyone here. It seemed that this one was alright to be around, though not true for many others. "I thank you for your comments, but you flatter me. Apparently I haven't taught her well enough about strangers."

Merion looked at the ground sheepishly. She hadn't been thinking right, and she knew it, but he was a nice dragon! She was thinking correctly. "But Ben!-"

"We're discussing this later." The man's expression was all it took to silence the hatchling, and she looked up at Rocky when he mentioned Firwyn. "He's STILL in his egg. I myself think he's taking way too long to hatch." The dragonling stirred in the pouch. He knew exactly what Merion was saying about him. Firwyn stirred in his egg again, managing to connect his mind with the dragons around him. "What on earth was she saying about me?"

"But it's true Firwyn! All you do is sit in your egg all day, and complain about it just because it's a little cramped in there. Why don't you just come out and stretch a bit?"

"You know exactly why." He wasn't going to hatch out of his egg until that certain time. He'd decided so a while back, and wasn't about to go back on his decision.

"Your choice." She shrugged and chattered back to Rocky, "You see? He's too stubborn, and that's what's so boring."

Ben set the pouch holding Firwyn's egg onto the grass gently, wondering once again about seeing, what Rocky looked like. He sounded big, certainly, and his name and nickname suggested that perhaps it had to do with rocks or stones.

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Harold laughed some more responding to Ben's statement.

"I suppose your right about the whole stranger's thing. Now about the hatchling in the egg. It sounds like he has a reason to be in there."

Harold switched his connection with Ben and Merion to Firwyn.

"Firwyn tell me about why you won't come out of your egg. They may know but I sure don't, if you stay in too long you might die."

He was definitely (with an I, not an A) concerned about Firwyn being in for far too long.

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Firwyn shook his head and attempted crossing his arms inside of the shell. "I'd decided that I'd be ready to come out only at a certain time, and when certain conditions are met, being I've been in here for three moon cycles, and once it's not so uncomfortable. I also need to be on the ground when I hatch. It hasn't been three moon cycles yet, so I won't consider the conditions yet." His mindvoice was completely set and obviously his mind wasn't going to be changed.

"You see!" Merion yips up, and spins around before hopping across the grass, startling a rabbit into running across the meadow. The hatchling immediately gave chase, sprinting around the grass, with a littlew squeak, "Bunny!"

Benjamin brushed some hair out of his face and looked up where the light was most concentrated- the sun. It felt good, and he kept it there for a while, his eyes closed. He wouldn't like if he couldn't even see the blurs like a water streaked window that blocks color that he sees now.


((ACK short.))

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Shaking his head at Merion Harold responds to Firwyn's statement.

"Three moon cycles eh? I imagine its pretty hard to tell how many have gone by already considering that you can't see. Oh well I suppose we will just have to wait."

He connected with everyone there since he now had an announcement.

"Ben, with your permission I would like to travel with you just until these two are at least old enough to defend themselves. I think what you are doing is a wonderful thing for a human to do and I would be remiss in my morals to just walk away and leave you to the world. As you said earlier not every dragon out there is very fond of humans. Even I am not too pleased with all they have done however I can't just let something terrible happen to some one like you. What do you say?"

There was a kind of eagerness to his voice. He hoped that he could learn all there was to learn about humans since he doubted what the dragons already knew was the whole story. In addition to that he also wanted to educate Ben about dragons in the hopes that he would get the opportunity to pass on that knowledge to other humans and maybe create a kind of peace between the two races, or at least help them to understand dragons so that they are less inclined to kill them on sight.


((Its because we are running out of ideas. Where did everyone else go?))

Edited by En'K'Haral

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((Oh and Harold Reial and Scrap are about to go exploring...errmmm I think we are about to have conflicts with this whole day night thing. Are we gonna follow the behaviors of DC dragons as well? Cause then Scrap and just about everyone else is going to have time issues since he is a night glory. Or we could just make the Sky clan base really really far away from the fang clan base, but then we are looking at other side of the world kind of far, not just out of sight. Sorry if it seems like griping I just thought it prudent to bring this to attention is all.))




Harold patted Scrap's head affectionately.

"How about we start with looking at the Human city. we will need to be careful, so Scrap that means you need to be quiet for me. Stop bouncing for a second and try being quiet."

Harold put his finger to his mouth as if to say 'Shhh'.

((Yeah, thats' what I was thinking before as well. But, hey, we'll figure it all out...I think.))


Scrap almost stopped his jumping around instantly, and folded his wings close to himself. He didn't want to mess this up! He walked away delicately, barely touching his toes to the ground.

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((finally decided upon something to say))


Ben smiled at the small speech Harold just gave. It'd been a while since he'd last heard formality with such an obvious urge to become familiar that it sounded almost amusing. "I say that that sounds like a splendid idea. It would be fine for you to travel with us, though at the moment we are done traveling, or so I'd like to think."


Merion was delighted to hear that Rocky would be staying. "Oh Rocky Rocky we're gonna have lotsa fun! We're gonna meet new people, all sorts of things. even normally, when we visited a town once, you know, we haven't been around long enough, I saw, because Firwyn wasn't found yet, I saw a lot of humans, though they didn't see me. It was very very interesting. And then we left again and traveling is very fun." She lay back and tried watching the sun, but averted her eyes. The yellow globe was too bright. "Ben, when do you think they'll come back? We ARE in the right place. I read the map myself."


The man had a thoughtful expression for a moment. "They're probably away for now. We may as well stay here for a week, for it is very probable that they could be away for just a few days. If not... then maybe this isn't the right place, or they moved or disbanded altogether. We HAD come here on a whim." He suddenly had an idea. "Harold, could you look at these directions for us? Perhaps there was something Merion missed."

The young drake wasn't mad at this. She agreed with Ben, rather. "Yeah, it's very likely," she trilled.

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Harold nodded to Ben and took the instructions but sighed and had to hand them back.

"Sorry Ben, embarrasing as this is I can't read human. If I may ask, who is probably gone?"

He was curious as to whom Ben had referred too. Harold tstroked Merion's head affectionatly.






Scrap had stopped as soon as Harold had asked him and the little hatchling was now putting all his effort into silence. Harold had to stifle a laugh at the little one.

"I don't think you need to be that quiet. just quiet enough so that now one in the city locates us. Now let us be on our way Scrap."

Haorld stretched his wings and scooping up the little Night Glory he flew off towards the city. As he reached a much higher altetude they were able to see it from the sky before they had even gotten close.

"Heh heh, now hows that for a sight eh Scrap?"

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