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((Oi, dracoon and Forsaken Rider of Dreams, if you're going to talk in just OoC then take it to the OoC thread! I kindly ask that you delete those post consisting only of OoC talk and remember to not do this again. If you haven't added the OoC thread of this RP (Balance Post Office) to your tracked topics list, I suggest you do that now. A link to it is in the first post of this RP.))


Kira nodded at Fraener when he mentioned where the bag of gold was and swiftly headed that way. She grabbed a bag and tucked it away safely into her pack before returning to where Fraener was.

"I'm not patient enough to wait a week for the next mission," Kira said to him, "and I'd like to know the target now so we can leave when ready."

Kira wasn't the kind to sit around for a week waiting for another job. She'd like to get on with it and not slack off. The more creatures they killed in a short amount of time, the more money she could earn in that short amount of time. Some items on the black market weren't around forever.

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Cole looked up from where the voice came from. He knew the voice was talking about him and the voice got a nice glare out of anger. Cole pushed himself up and charged the crawler, this time looking for anything strange or out of place. He ran past the fire and into the cool air, jumping on the crawler and beating its head with the hilt of his sword. Cole wanted the thing dead. He was tired of looking at it and was ready to move on.

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((Dracoon - the Crawler ran into a person. Not a tree. Could you please edit?


Thank'ee, Kira.))


The panther sauntered into the back room and found her pouch of coin, slipping it into her pack on her return journey. Her tail swung from side to side, the tip curling slightly each time. She leant against the wall, listening to the conversation and being a particularly active part of it. The reaper had disappeared; Sooty could hear a shower running and she smiled to herself. A shower would be better than a feline grooming session.




The anthropoid listened to the vampire's reply, considering an alternative. He nodded once, thoughtfully. "Rest for tonight and I shall inform you of your next target tomorrow," he finally said. Fraener glanced at the shifter against the wall, then at the rest of the Team. "Is that alright with everyone?"

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((no problem Bubbles X3 and thanks Frod for deleting your posts ^^))


"Alright, fine," Kira agreed, guessing it was better than nothing. She could agree with this compromise at least, and she was sure everyone would agree as well. If they didn't want to have her wrath to deal with, that is. They would learn to fear her. Except Signum, though, they had a sort of unspoken mutual agreement it seemed.

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"So what will you do with the remaining daylight hours, Kira?" Signum asked, quietly approaching the vampire. She was curious for sure, maybe they could discuss the finer parts of long range combat or something. After all, it would be good to continue speaking with her companion.

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Charin cautiously took hers, and slipped it into her pouch. she felt as if she didn't deserve it- after all, it was Kira who had killed the Bird. She was only there throwing random flames and confusing it. She sighed when Signum began to make small talk with Kira. The Faun was always the insignificant one. She retreated into a side room, wondering if the tail-whip was done.


Eric let the elemental fight the beast. He threw a daggar into the middle of Crawler's eyes, driving it in with as much force as he could. Shifting, the wolf let out a deep snarl while charging at it.

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Her yellow-eyed gaze followed the faun in an almost predatory fashion. A smile grew on her full lips and her ears perked forward. She silently followed Charin into a small side room; this one held a desk with writing equipment upon it. Her eyes briefly rested upon this, then swirled around the walls. A large window faced a side street beside the Post Office and an unlit lamp hung from the ceiling. Sooty grinned at the small creature.

"Feeling lonesome?" she purred, not attempting to flatten the predatory element in her expression or body language. Her long tail flicked lightly and her gaze stayed focused on the smaller female.


((Does no one listen to what I am saying~?


Thanks, guys, for posting. :3))

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((pffh, no, we never listen Bubbles.))


"Hopefully find someplace dark where no one will bother me as I clean my weapons," Kira replied in a matter-o-factly tone of voice. If Signum was wishing to be in her company, Kira wasn't bothered by it. Kira was also only half paying attention to where the shapeshifter and faun were going, catching the motion of them leaving the room when Signum had approached the vampire.

Edited by Kira1

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"Yes...erm...no! I...wouldn't want to impose on you. You should go out now, I'm going to write my diary." Charin saw the expression on the shifter's face, the one she had seen a thousand times before in the forests. Faun eaters. She pushed the leopard out of the room and slammed the door, locking it and putting a few heavy things to bolt it up. Then she sat down in front of the table and took out a quill.

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As soon as the door slammed shut, Sooty burst out laughing. She couldn't resist messing with fauns; they were always so skittish. Yellow eyes bright, she strode back into the room where the others of her Team were. She sat on the giraffe's desk; he looked up at her and coloured brightly. She gave him a quick wink, then said a quick goodbye to the others in the room. The shifter practically bounced out of the Post Office; she was heading to the inn for a good meal.

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"Have at it then Kira, I'll be sleeping, my arrows take too much out of me." Signum replied with a shrug. With that she quietly left the main room for her bedroom where she set herself up for sleep. with any luck, no one would bother her, and she'd be able to sleep for a good long, long while.

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Kira nodded in reply to Signum, and then retired to her own room since that seemed like the only place where she would get some peace and quiet. Once there she laid out all the guns she had used on the table and began her work of taking the guns apart to clean each piece. She took her time, not caring how long it took her into the night. She didn't sleep at night anyways.

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Xtero had no idea what was going on. It seemed that some of the others had charged in and began attacking the strange monster that was inside the cave. Unsure of what to do, the necromancer stepped out of the way, standing far from the cave, his eyes wide with uncertainty as he watched the battle. He wasn't much of a help, but in truth, they were doing quite well without him. Besides, he didn't even have a clue if they were suppose to attack this creature or not. In his mind, it was best to wait it out and see what was left standing.


((This RP needed a bump...so I decided to post something...useless... T-T ))

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((I think this needs a bit of a bump. :/))




She screeched, voicing her agony. There was a long blade driven into her back, piercing through several organs. She staggered, then shook her head and snapped at the closest thing. It just happened to be a big canine thing, who was charging at her. She twisted her head and attempted to close her jaws around it's leg. She barely felt the hilt slam into her skull, but something audibly cracked.

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Eric roared as the jaws clamped down. He struggled with all his might, driving another daggar into the jaws to pry the demon's mouth open. The searign pain exploded into his leg. "Carp, I already have a crippled hand. Please, not the leg!" he yelled in exaspertion and stuck the daggar through the roof on the creature's mouth. At least that part wasn't covered by bony plates.

Edited by dracoon

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She felt the metal pierce the roof of her mouth, dangerously close to her brain. The demon pulled away, gurgling and staggering. Gooey, smelly blood poured from her mouth and she lost her vision. The crack in her skull had gotten worse from the last attack. Pitifully, she struggled to escape, trying to back away from the group.

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The monster staggered, trying to flee from the group, gurgling on its blood. The necromancer could almost feel its suffering, and decided that it was best just to finish it off quickly rather than drown in its own blood. Xtero moved into the cave that he previously shied from, his feet moving quickly as his fingers wrapped together. Approaching from the left, the necromancer lunged at the creature, and raising his hands high, slammed them down as hard as he could onto the beast's head, feeling the cracking beneath his hands rather than hearing it.

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Cole rolled off of the Crawler when he heard a cracking sound on the head. He was happing that he did because not soon after he watched the shifter shove a dagger into the beasts mouth. Sighing Cole stood, ready to go end the things life, when the new member, a necromancer if he remembered right, slammed his fist into the beasts skull, using the crack in the skull as a weak point.

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The creature fell like a bag of bricks, collapsing onto the ground, motionless. He could feel its spirit leave it, which told the necromancer of the beast's death. Kneeling down beside it, Xtero whispered a few silent prayers to the dead monster out of respect for it. After that, he rose quietly to his feet. "Guess the demons march home after laying waste to the village, yes?" The necromancer looked over at the others, not noticing his mess-up in words. He turned away and walked out of the cave, not wanting to stay there any longer.

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Eric pried himself out of the Crawler's jaws, breaking off a piece of its tooth while he was at it. "Well, fine thing to replace my handmade daggars," he snapped, removing the daggar from the creature's head and limping behind the necromacer. The tooth smelt bad enough, and he wrinkled his nose in disgust. Shifting, Eric limped slowly behind the others with the tooth in between his jaws.

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Xtero peered over his shoulder at the others, but kept on going. He wondered how long it'll be until he got back to that place that sent him out here to begin with


(timeskip, squee)


"Finally..." the necromancer muttered, seeing the Post Office in view. His feet were starting to hurt from all that walking, and it had been awhile since he had even been under a roof. He pushed the door open, and promptly sat on the floor against the wall. Xtreo had a thing against chairs; the last time he sat in one it broke and he hurt the back of his head on the floor. The necromancer didn't even look up to see if any of the others of the 'group' followed him in; he remained quiet and in the shadows.


((Whee, failpostfail))

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Cole looked silently at Storm before heading off. His body was rugged and badly hurt. He wanted to give up, but wouldn't, couldn't. His mind was so out of it that all he could think about was putting one foot in front of the next, step by step, right over left. He watched the necromancer walk past him.




Cole arrived at the post office at around the same time as the necromancer. This was because he had begun to heal on the trek and began to walk faster, catching up to the necromancer at around the same time as they entered the post office. With a grunt, Cole went and sat at a table, laying his head on his crossed arms. He blocked everything out by moving his wings to make almost a shell around his head and arms.




Jeff entered the post office and blinked, adjusting his eyes to the change in light frequency. He stuck his hand in his pocket and headed to the counter where he was greeted by a dragon. The dragon introduced himself as Fraener. The dragon asked him if he wanted to join, and with a slight nod, Jeff was being pushed toward a door. On the other side of the door was a wooden table. In this room he was greeted by a girl. The girl was obviously the boss of the building, which disturbed him. None the less, Jeff greeted the girl back with a warm smile. After the greeting, Jeff was brought to a table where he filled out information and was placed on a team, team uno. When he finished signing in, Jeff left the room and went back into the lobby. With a sigh, Jeff looked around until his eyes fell on a male sitting against a wall. Jeff headed over there, sitting on a chair next to the man. "Why are you sitting on the floor..?"

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"Probably because he's tired" Signum said, advancing from the hallway that lead outside. She was in her black shorts and top, a towel around her neck as she spoke, giving evidence to the fact she had been outside exercising. Sweat was on her brow and in her long faded pink hair as she came further into the room. "So all of you finally finished up with your mission?" she asked. She was in a good mood, she had gotten all of her arrows made and prepared to the next mission and even gone to acquire more dragon's blood after that in preparation for the next batch.

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Jeff looked up at the woman who entered the lobby. She answered his question, suggesting that he was just tired, and Jeff shrugged. "I guess, but why not sit in a chair..?" Jeff wasn't used to thing that did not fit his logic, and somethings annoy him, while some, like this one, just confuse him. When the girl said something about a mission, Jeff looked at her quizzically. "A mission? I just joined.. So maybe they did. You want my seat?" Jeff stood when he offered his seat, planning to say hi anyways. He leaned over and pushed the access blue jeans down so that the wrinkled part are near his feet.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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"No need for the chair, I'll be heading for the bath soon enough." Signum replied shaking her head. "What is it that your group had to kill?" she asked turning her head to the man on the floor.


((she's a woman not girl FRoD))

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