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He grinned,

"Ya'know, acid burns your skin in a different way to lava so if the lava had acid in it it would be even worse to fall into than normal lava. You get it? Hey! Maybe we could try making some and splash it on a core demon," He laughed, "See if that kills 'em." She didn't end up doing any violent girlish reactions so he relaxed as he said this.

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She chuckled at his reasoning, shaking her head slowly. She noticed that he relaxed, so she stepped toward him and put an arm around his shoulders. "It's a good idea..." Sooty began, grinning. "But where would we get the lava and the acid from?" Her golden eyes flicked down to his lips then back up to his eyes; the shifter winked flirtatiously.

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((are we waiting for people to post or something? 'cause I want Team Uno to move out already.))

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Signum sighed and briefly considered what she was going to. Turning to Archon she said, "Come on, Archon, we need to go to the conference area where everyone else is so we can get moving." Signum was a bit flustered with everything right now. She had to work with and possibly depend on unknown people and go after an unknown number of foes. These things didn't really matter, but they still bothered her all the same. She left Archon to his own devices as she returned to the post office.

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((Woo! :D


Delete all OoC posts? :3))


Fraener looked at the members who'd showed up for the mission with a smile. "Thank you all for coming," he said gratefully. "It is very brave of you all." His eyes rested on the leopard shifter and sparkled with amusement; he then motioned for her and her new partner to take a seat. Then he turned and pulled out a portrait of the monster they were to fight; a Leo-Bird. "This is a Leo-Bird," the anthro told the Team. "It is the Cave Demon you are all to find and destroy." He held it up for a moment, then spread it across to table. "They have strengths and, in turn, weaknesses. This particular creature is strong, fast with good eyesight and immense size. They use all of those to their advantage." He paused a moment, glancing around to see if they understood. "But they have hollow bones, like a bird, no sense of smell, bad hearing and a very soft hide. It is easy to pierce their skin. But be careful, they will use their claws and their tails to attack you. The beak is pretty nasty, as well." Fraener smiled and looked around once more. "Any questions?"

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Archon followed Signum into the post office for the conference meeting. To him, meetings were the one thing he hated the most about missions. He much rather destroy evil then sit. Once he got into the conference room, the meeting was about to begin. Archon managed to get a good look at the monster they were going to kill. The image burned into his mind, his sword began to glow with powerful energy, ready to kill this beast. He listen to the strengths and weakness of this beast, and recorded them in his mind. When he asked about questions, he raised one gauntlet. "Is this spawn of evil weak against magic, or ranged attacks?" He asked.

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The dragon anthro turned his eyes to the male reaper and inclined his head respectfully. He believed it was a great deed that the Heavens leant some of their best warriors; especially the three reapers. The angels varied in fighting skills and the elementals were a little better, in his opinion. It was great luck that the reapers were in Dengland, volunteering through his Post Office. "I believe it depends what form of magic one was to use and arrows work well against the creature," Fraener replied easily.

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"That's good," Charin fingered her bow lightly. If that was the case, then she didn't need to worry much. She was in good hands, and was trained in this. Even if it meant having to die first, she was okay with it now. Looking at the monster again, she wondered how she could chase it without tripping over her hooves. she was clumsy when she ran, and was also an easy target for predators too.

Edited by dracoon

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"Excellent, this Leo-bird will suffer the full wrath of heaven's holy magic." Boasted Archon as he raised his hand. A ball of pure white magic began to appear in his hand, its glow gave the room more light. "And its head will look nice in my collection of trophies." Said Archon, he had a collection of trophies, ranging from medallions to the weapons of powerful foes.

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Looking at the... Leo-bird? Kuro and Shiro laughed in unison, it looked so weak compared to some of the things they'd seen in their previous jobs. They'd lived on earth their entire lives and had been skilled assassins for hire before, though jobs were scarce due them being so young. They hadn't fought any monsters, core or otherwise, until they met Fraener and even then they fought the demons on only rare occasions. Even so, even though they'd mainly been working with human foes, this core demon looked pathetic. Humans were way scarier, and in their opinion it would've looked pathetic no matter how fierce it actually was.


As questions rose after the anthro had finished Kuro's attention was drawn to other things, like Sooty. She seemed to be enjoying herself and he was glad, but entirely bored as well. It was the reaper boy who asked the first question, and once answered, boasted about his magic.

"Pft," Kuro snorted, "Your no stronger than me, show off," He stood as he said this and lit a flame just as bright as the reaper's light in the palm of his hand.



"Oh brother," Shiro sighed as his twin stood out of impulse even though he had only been moments away from doing the same. He'd been concentrating on strategy, ways that they could use their dagger against the beast. He'd been thinking of trying a move they'd never tested before, playing it out in his mind, seeing the demon clearly in his head as the imaginary dagger peirced it's fragile skin. The sudden seemingly inevitable fight had thrown his thoughts off track though, and all he could think of now was how in the hell would Kuro get out of this one?

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Archon turned towards Kuro as he said he was no stronger then he was. "Quite confident about your abilities, eh elemental?" He said with a small smirk, he had a bit of respect for elementals, but not the cocky ones. With a small sigh he flicked the ball of holy energy towards Kuro's flame. Once it made contact, it began to change color, from red to pure white. "Lets see you control fire that has been fused with holy energy" he said with another smirk. Now that the flame had light energy, he would have two different elements to control.

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Signum took in the entire discussion about the Leo-bird they were going after and paid attention to the questions afterward. When Archon decided to boast however, she inwardly sighed. She half listened has he and the elemental argued about who was stronger and made a quick pair of movements with her hand at the elemental's fire and Archon's light, a box quickly forming around each of them. "Hush both of you, if you want to argue, save it until after we kill the monster." she said irritably. To emphasize her point, she made a quick closing motion with her hand and both boxes crushed their contents into oblivion with a pair of loud pops.

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"I was not arguing with him Signum, I was merely trying to prove a point. He needs to realize that a number of variables can challenge is control over fire. And he needs to adapt to these changes in his attacks." Sighed Archon as she destroyed his ball of light. With another sigh he turned towards Signum and shook his head.

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((Please delete that OoC post, Lex. That's what the thread's for. ;3))


The anthro smiled at the two males, then began to gather up his belongings. "You'll leave when you're ready," he told them, glancing up for a second.




Sooty chuckled at Kuro, leaning back and grinning. She noticed that Shiro wasn't too enthusiastic about his brother showing off, which wasn't a suprise. "You know we'll just have t' work together," she commented easily. Her long, black tail flicked and her ears twitched. She'd put the rations pack on the floor and her own pack was hanging off a shoulder.

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(what do i say... should she meet some of your people hunting the leo bird?)


Eve sat in her favorite tree, a large valley oak, with long spreading limbs that were cracked from stretching. A yellow canary flew over to her and landed on her shoulder. "Well hello there, little bird." Eve said as she stroked the bird's breast feathers. The bird then jumped off her shoulder and flew away to it's nest, high in the tree tops.

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"Then quit trying to make an example so we can leave." Signum replied shortly. she swung her own pack onto her shoulder, her roast from last night tucked safely away, preserved within a small barrier. She moved toward the door saying, "lets go Uno, time to kill a monster." She was frustrated, many of the people here were so full of themselves, Archon she knew was fine, he had the power to back it up, but she didn't know about the other characters of the party.

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"Well sorry for trying to make this a better team Signum" Retorted Archon as he grabbed his supplies and placed them on his back. "Indeed, I want either part of its tail or its head, if I give it the final blow!" Said Archon with some excitement as he waited for everyone else to get ready to leave.

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The shifter chuckled and got to her feet. She waited for Kuro to get up, both bags on her back. When he did ((Which I assume he will. ;D)) she took his hand and followed the impatient Signum. "Isn't this exciting?" Sooty grinned, gently bumping her hip against the elemental's. Her golden eyes sparked with a mischeivous amusement and her tail twitched as though she was planning something a little bit evil.

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Eve sighed. "Well, I guess I better make it to the post office now." She slid down the tree branch and hopped to the ground. She walked in the woods, her favorite place to be. Anywhere in nature was where she felt, well, whole. When she was in other more populated city-like areas Eve felt tired, and like something was missind. Eve made her way through the dense woodland to the post office. She finally got to the edge of the forest and reluctantly stepped out into the town.

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Eve walked quickly through the town. She could feel her strength and powers ebbing away as Eve walked farther into the civilized place. The dim morning light got brighter and brighter. Where am I? she thought as she looked at the unfamiliar buildings. She doesnt go into town unless it is absolutely necessary, which is rare. She looked around, searching the street for the post office. Eve then saw the familiar building upahead, and continued her journey in to the town.

Edited by lex381

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Kira was silent through the whole conversation, mostly just listening to what Fraener said about the Leo-bird. What a strange monster it was. No matter, soon it was going to be dead. She stood and exited the post office when it seemed like they were done talking, still as silent as ever. She looked over to Signum who was also leaving the post office.

"Oi, Signum, to kill this deaf bird, we should try and pick it off from for away, maybe use the rest of this lot as bait to draw it out from its cave," Kira said, not really caring about how the rest of the team felt about it. So far it was only Signum that had gained any respect from her. Archon was alright as well, but the rest she could care less about.


((lol, Kira is so nice. *sarcasm*))

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Signum heard Kira's remark about using distance to kill the bird and replied, "That would be preferable, Kira, but I honestly doubt we'd get away with killing it that easy." She had turned to look at Kira after replying, the vampire was at the very least strong enough to hold her own, and trust worthy enough to have around, she didn't know what to think about the others besides Archon. She knew she could kill the creature in one shot if Archon didn't mind losing a trophy, but she knew he would be furious. He always wanted to collect a trophy, and last time she blew apart his prize he didn't talk to her for nearly a month.

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Archon overheard Kira and Signum's conversation about killing the bird from a distance. Archon looked at Kira, for a vampire, she was pretty well grounded and tame. But he didn't trust the others, beside Signum of course. He remembered the last time Signum destroyed his prize, he was furious with her. But he had set a more reasonable goal. "Go ahead and try your plan Signum, I'm not going to get as angry with you, like last time." Chuckled Archon with a smile.

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"Good, but I'll try to leave something large enough to be recognizable as part of this thing." Signum responded with a slight smile. She turned back to face the rest of the group still in the post office and called, "Come on, lets get going you guys, times wasting, and I don't do patient for these kinds of things!"

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