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((Oh gawd. ^//////^


Heh, Foggy London Town by Micheal Buble. ;D))


He kissed her again and, smiling, she kissed him back. His next words made her eyebrows arch and her lips spread into a grin of what they implied. Though Sooty was a little bit of a nymphomaniac, she could restrain herself. But Kuro had just made it harder. She noticed that the flames brightened, lighting up the morning that was slowly growing lighter. The rain hissed into steam when it reached the fire around them; the shifter grinned at that. Her damp ears and tail were getting dry, now.

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The flames dryed the otherwise soggy morning. Kuro grinned as steam started to drift off the shifter's body as the water evaporated with the heat. Realising the same was happening with the droplets covering him he laughed.

" I wish that Lindon didn't have to be so... Wet." He laughed again, " Oh well, these flames will protect us," He waved the steam away with a casual movement of his hand and moved back out of her embrace.

"What now? If we're together what do w do now?" He'd never done this before, obviously, and he wasn't sure how it worked or whether he even wanted to go any futher than this. His mind was confused but he was confident on the outside, it was the girl's job to decide what to do in this area so he would leave it up to the girl.

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She chuckled and regretfully dropped her arms to her sides. She smiled at him, thinking of what they could do. "Well," Sooty began, "We can't really do anything now, since we're about to go on a mission." Her bronzed face was thoughtful. Then mischief brightened her yellow eyes and she grinned. "But when we get back is a whole other story!" Her now dry tail quivered at the thought. Her cheeks darkened slightly, which was strange for the leopard. She didn't recognise the feeling of heat on her face, so the shifter dismissed it lightly.

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"What a bunch of fools and idiots...don't they realize that their feelings will cause great strife and undermine the entire mission!" Said Judgement as it watched the scene between the majority of the people. Archon began to remember his training, but his thoughts began to shift towards Signum, for some reason. Judgement picked up on this by sending a blast of energy at Archon, causing him to cease those thoughts. "Archon...for heaven's sake, you have to be the one to burden the mission, just treat this like every other mission and you'll be fine." Sighed Judgement as its purple glow returned to white. Archon looked at Signum with confusion and gave a sigh. "...Yea"

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Signum watched and waited for the rest of the group to join them, but that didn't mean she missed what went on directly next to her. "Arguing with Judgment again, or is it more of a castigation?" she asked wit ha soft smile. She had learned well enough the personality, if it could be called that, of Archon's sword. Her own weapon was much quieter except when spoken to and focused more on practical things like a fight then other matters the way Judgment did. "Laevantein, what do you think of what they were talking about?" she asked her own weapon. Laevantein had been unusually quiet recently, but it had been a while since she'd been down from heaven and he normally took his time adjusting.


"I think it is fine to concern oneself with other people's matter, My Lady, but only when it affects you, or those you care about, and the mission, which is why I feel Judgment was berating him." her blade responded, his accent was hard, but easy to understand despite it.

Edited by jaina

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Solas groaned, stirring from where he was laid on the tree branch. The back of his head hurt from where he supposed Trinity had hit him, since he didn't believe, or think for that matter, that Shiro would ever to such a thing to him. That boy was just too nice. Semi-conscious, Solas managed to hear Shiro's past, which sounded just as bad as his own. He then pretended to wake up, which was pretty painful, as all the burns he had received from sitting with Trinity were screaming in pain everytime he moved, so it was going to be a rough day.

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Trinity looked down guiltily at the ground. "I'm so sorry Shiro." She spoke truth,his past was as bad as hers. "I don't want to be what I am either. I loathe what I am..." She whispered. "When I was a child, I was always the outcast from my clan. Always the young girl that sat in he corner and wished she was someone, anyone else. Then the day came when to be fully accepted into the clan I had to attack an innocent person. He-He had a family. 3 daughters and one son." Trinity put her hand to the wound on her stomach and blood smeared her hands. "I wanted to die for 14 years of my life. I ran from killing that man. I couldn't kill him. I ran so fast. They came. They followed. The clan followed and when they found me, I was taken back to the the clan's grounds and tortured. I spent yers being tortured. I wished so badly for death..." She looked at Shiro, her crimson eyes sparkling with tears. "Part of my torture was to watch them kill my youngest brother. He was 4. They slit his throat in front of me and made me drink his blood." She sat on a bench and brought her knees to her chest, the pain from her stomach undeterring her. She didn't tell about the years after. About the worst part of her years, she couldn't bear to tell any more of the story. "I'm sorry Shiro..." She whispered and looked up into the tree to see a blurred Solas. She got up and wiped her eyes and cheeks of the tears that had fell and then walked calmly to the tree and started to climb it, tearing her wound open more. She reached Solas and hugged him, "Solas, would you like me or Shiro to help you down?" She asked her voice thick with her previous sobbing.

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((Uhm, EvilTeddy... 5'10" is nothing, to be specific. It's like 1 meter and 10 centimeters. I am 5 feet and 50 centimeters which is like 5 feet and 20 inches and I am 12... So they are considered dwarves...))


A shifter appeared behind Sooty and Kuro. "Hey guys! Listen I have heard everything and I have no problem with it" He then smiled at them both and hugged them tightly. "Well guys what are we doing today?" He smiled. He was the happiest. Nothing could made him feel bad or worst, he just knew today will be great. He loved the rain so much and didn't mind Sooty picked Kuro.

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((Fella, you are wrong, 5'10" is an average size for a human. O.o))

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Solas shook his head. He wasn't THAT weak to be helped down. His hands were bleeding, the scabs formed by the burn cracking, trickling blood onto the branch. His hand slipped on the wet blood, and Solas fell forward out of the tree, landing on the ground with a resound THUD. He coughed, his chest hurting a lot for some reason. The back of his head still ached, and it felt like he had injuries all over right now. Solas stood up, rubbing his head.

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Trinity looked down at Solas for a moment and horror spread across her face. "SOLAS!" She wailed and jumped from the tree, hastily catching a few branches to lessen the impact when she hit the ground. "Solas..." She whimpered and saw him getting up and rubbing his head. Relief flooded through her as she touched the ground and ran over to him. "Solas. Solas are you okay?" She asked, putting a hand on his arm and looking into his eyes. "Where did you get hurt?"

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((Yeah, 5' means 5 feet and 10'' means, I think, 10 inches. It's only 2 or 3 inches short of 6 feet. They're the same height as one of the guys from ouran high school host club... Can't remember whether it's the twins, Kyouya or Tamaki though...))


Shiro rushed to Solas's side, relief that he didn't have to react to Trinity's story and extreme worry for Solas filled his mind. As he got up, rubbing his head, relief kicked in again,

"Don't scare me like that, man. I thought you'd hurt yourself real bad." He was still worried and looked Solas up and down for injuries before offering him his shoulder so that they could get him to a more helpful person.



The flames ceased instantly as soon as Razor walked up to them. Kuro grinned at Razor,

"No hard feelings man, I got the girl." He tried to make it innocent fun but he couldn't help thinking that he sounded like he was bragging. "Dunno, we're getting our first mission as official slayers now." He answered his second comment and grinned again, happy that his only friend was happy and okay with not having Sooty.

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((Could the totally OoC comments please disappear mysteriously? ;3))


The flames burning around were gone in a moment and the shifter was tightly hugged. She quickly realised who it was and hugged back. Then he stepped away, embraced Kuro and stepped back again. She chuckled at Kuro, but didn't really appreciate being referred to as 'the girl'. Sooty liked that there was no bad blood between the two and smiled apologetically at Razor.

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"Nah dude, It's cool" Razor said. He smiled at both of them. "Thats awesome!" He told Kuro. "So, any plans for today, guys? I thought we can hang and play some games after we get the mission" He smiled, again. I love smiling and I love the rain He thought. He went somewhere completely revealed to the rain and got completely wet. He went back to them and his eyes turned red, again. "...I hate it..."


((Oh then I am confused. I thougth 10" is centimeters... I knew that 5 is feet))

Edited by Fella

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Trinity helped to lift Solas so that he was standing, then put his arm around her neck and wrapped her right arm around his waist. "Shiro, get the other side." Trinity told him as she looked at Solas. "Solas? Give me a nod if you are okay or shake your head if you're not." She kept a tight grip around his waist and the held his hand that she had put around her shoulder to support him properly.

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OuchSolas thought, rising as Trinity supported him. He was going to have a HUGE bump on his head from that fall. He nodded weakly to Trinity, reassuring her that he was indeed alright, and that there was no reason to worry about him. Her shoulder and arms chafed at his burned skin, and he winced a little as his joints screamed and groaned in pain. He would endure it for his friends. It seemed like the mission was starting now, and that everyone would head out now.


The pale sun was peeking through the clouds, and Solas's eyes watered a little. Using his free hand, he drew his hood over his face, concealing his demonic features and shielding his face from the sun. God, he had so many weaknesses on the surface. It seemed like the divine being that banished him here wanted him to suffer as much as he possibly could in a lifetime. How he wanted to know what he had done, and to regain his forgotten memories! If he knew, then he might be able to atone for them and at least achieve Heaven when he finally died. He looked at Trinity, who had a concerned expression on her face, and at Shiro, who was looking down at them both from up where he was perched, high in the branches of the cherry tree.


Solas gave them both smiles, happy to at least have loyal friends whom he could trust. With them, he could tolerate all his weaknesses and pain. He would sacrifice anything to keep them alive and safe, and he was sure they would do the same as well. Too bad though that Trinity was going to be separated from them though, placed in a different group of Slayers than Solas and Shiro. His plants would be able to keep all of them in touch though, as he could make them grow near people he knew.


Solas fished his paper out of his robes and wrote on it "Now, everyone. Shall we get going? We do have a mission to do!"

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((*random gibberish* Gah, gotta scan those piiics~!))


The dragon anthro quickly did a head count, then frowned. Not everyone was present, but they'd just miss out on the mission. There would be other missions after this one, though, so they'd be able to go on those. He stepped forward and cleared his throat; an attempt to capture their attention. He noted, with satisfaction, that the leopard shifter immediately turned her face in his direction. She was always attentive during a briefing, which he loved.


Fraener smiled at the all and gestured to the packs. "Morning to you all, these contain rations for the first few days and tools to forage for the rest." His rusty brown eyes glinted sternly. "I hope you all know how to find food when there is none readily provided. Uno, please choose one each and join me inside. I'll inform you about your target." Before he turned around, though, he told the members of Team Dos, "I'll call you in when they've gone." Then the dragon turned and walked inside, sitting at the head of the table in the conferance room.

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Kira listened when Fraener started to speak since he would be giving them their mission. To begin, he explained about packs with rations for the first few days and tools to forage for the rest. One of these packs would be of no help to Kira since she drank blood, and it would only weigh her down. After explaining that everyone should grab one, Fraener said to join him inside. Briefly he told the second team that he would speak with them once he was done with team Uno, before heading inside.

Kira followed him, not bothering to grab a pack, and waited for the rest of the team to come inside so they could be briefed on their mission,

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((Dark? Wasn't Solas and Trin in Dos? Shiro in Uno?))


Trinity continued to support Shiro and looked at the message he had written. She gave a quick nod and looked at Shiro, "yeah. We should get to the post office." With a sigh, she looked up at the sun and frowned. "The sun weakens me anyhow, so yeah...lets get out of here...please..." Trinity started walking towards the Post office half pulling Solas with her. She knew that the sun couldn't kill her quickly. It would take at least 48 hours to kill her, to the point of her being so weak that her body just shut down.


When Trinity reached the post office, she pushed the door open slowly and was amazed at the babble of excited young voices. People, barely children themselves, were littering the room and talking in loud tones of what they were going to do. Trinity shook out her hair. "So eager to die." She muttered and looked at Solas. She noticed the presence of some holy beings and frowned. "Maybe we should just sit just outside and listen in through the door?" Trin suggested, hoping that Solas wasn't close enough to irritate his skin again.


Trinity scanned the room, looking for any signs of someone she might know. She recognised a couple of the people who were talking from the pub, but most were strangers to her. She didn't want to meet them again, they had been cold to her before and she didn't expect acceptance now. Trin bit her lip and looked at Solas. "Let's go outside. I can bear the sun for a little while." She flashed him a weak smile and started walking towards the door at a slow pace.

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Charin sniffed the packs. Only one contained her diet of fruits and grass. She sighed, finally picking the pack containing mangoes and some sickly-coloured kiwis. After she was done, she let Eric to his devices and tagged along behind the cool-looking Kira. Charin clicked her hooves when she entered the room, nervous. The last thing that could happen to her was to perish on the first mission, like most of the Fauns before her.

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Shiro hurried inside the post office, helping Trinity and Solas do the same in any way he could. They'd arrived just in time to hear Fraener ask for team Uno to step inside the conference room. A glance around the room told him that Solas wouldn't like his team, he sighed and told Trinity that Solas and him needed to go. He held out his hands in a ready possition for her to transfer the fallen angel. He wasn't sure how serious the burns would get if any of the reapers were there and Shiro wanted to be ready. As he moved into the conference room he noticed Kuro's reluctant sigh.



Sooty was as loyal to Fraener as ever and practically skipped into the conference room with the rations. Kuro, however, had a rebel attitude as always as he scowled at the ration packs with disgust. For Sooty he would do anything but for some reason the fact that she was so obedient made it even harder to follow the rules. Finally he sighed and stood up as he looked around the room to see that Shiro was also obeying Fraener.

"Fine, might as well..." He mummbled and snatched a pack before walking casually into the conference room to seek out Sooty.

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The shifter had walked into the Post Office before Kuro, but after Kira. She glanced back and noticed that the vampiric elemental seemed quite reluctant. Sooty raised an eyebrow and flicked a black ear, then continued into the conferance room. The pack of rations was slung over one shoulder and her own little bag was attatched to her hip. When her love walked into the room, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her dark lips to his cheek. "Something up?" she whispered into his ear, her voice husky.

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Kuro smirked as he felt the unmistakable embrace and kiss of Sooty,

"Not anymore," He whispered as he turned in her arms and kissed her back, "It's just so annoying that everyone obeys whatever Dragonboy says. I mean really, if he commanded us to jump off a dangerous cliff into a pit acid lava because a core demon was down there I swear half of these people would do it. No questions asked," He sighed and returned to smirking, "you sure would," He teased and grinned as he pulled away, ready for some violent girlish reaction.

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She chuckled at his half complaining words. Then he teased her, telling her that she'd do the same and she laughed again. "I would not," she grinned at him as he pulled out of her arms. "What is acid lava, anyway?" Her bronzed nose wrinkled and her yellow eyes sparkled. Her tail swept from side to side and her ears ponted forward. One of her dark eyebrows was arched above a mischeivous eye.

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