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Shiro watched and sighed as Trinity hit Solas in the back of the neck, rendering him unconcious. Before the woman could object he took Solas and layed him carefully on the ground then he grabbed her and leaped up onto a sturdy, rather thick branch on the tree.

"Neither of you are in any condition not to be doted upon, I know we're strangers but I seem to be making a habit of being nice to strangers." He grinned at her and his eyes gave her the message, he wanted to help her and she had no choice in the matter. Jumping down from the tree and landing on his feet, touching the ground lightly with both hands as if he landed on all fours, he then reached for the unconcious angel and rapped his arms around the limp body. Looking at his calm, peaceful face he almost seemed human, it was strange; this didn't change him abit. Shiro leaped onto the same branch and layed Solas down beside the vampire, then propping himself up against the tree trunk he looked towards the post office and remembered that Kuro had never been able to sleep without him there. Oh well, he thought, it'll be fine for today, he looked back at his wounded friends and smiled,

"Need anything?" He asked, proveing his doting comment.

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Trinity looked at Shiro, regarding him with curiosity. "I don't need anything." She told him in a whispered voice. "Who are you...?" She asked. "I know..." She looked out of the tree at the sky, embarressed. "I know that you like Solas. I can sense it. I know you mean well, that is all to obvious." She propped herself up on her elbows and looked into his eyes. "You are interesting Shiro. You fascinate me."


Trinity got up and jumped to a higher branch, ignoring as best as she could, the screaming pain in her limbs. She sat there, watching him in a feline crouch. "We leave tommorrow Shiro. You are slayer team Uno?" She asked, feeling slight dissapointment that she wouldn't see Shiro for a while if she was right. He seemed like a good ally, yet an even better friend.

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He blushed slightly when Trinity said that he fascinated her, he didn't know what she meant by 'like Solas' he was too oblivious to figure it out ((Awwww.)). As she jumped to a higher branch he scowled at her,

"That kinda defeats my helping you Trin," she was giving him a strange look and he started to feel slightly uncomfortable because of it,

"We leave tommorrow Shiro. You are slayer team Uno?" She asked and he thought for a moment. Back at the meeting Fraener HAD mentioned what teams they were all in, he tried to think through the memory of boredom to the actual content.

"Yes, with Kuro. I am are you?" He asked, she seemed nice despite her first impression, he hoped that her answer was yes even though he knew that Kuro wouldn't like him having a friend. When would they see each other if she wasn't? And if Solas was in Dos with her... His heart flared for some reason but he pushed it aside to listen to her answer.

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"I was the first on Dos..." Trinity sounded dissapointed and jumped back down to stand next to Shiro. She drew a sharp breath as pain made her double over and let out a whine. She fell forwards onto the branch and breathed deeply as the agony spread from her stomach to her chest and blood started to stain her clothing again.


After a few minutes the pain ebbed away but the blood kept oozing from the wound. "No more vampire jumping for me...huh?" She half smiled at Shiro and put a hand to cover her wound as she slouched onto the tree next to Solas. "Shiro..." She whispered and scooted over to him, still pressing her wound trying to stem the bleeding, then hugged him with her free arm. "Shiro...Why do you have to go with them?" She asked, a sadness welling up inside of her.

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With the foggy dawn, she was awake. The patter of rain filled her black ears and she sighed. She hated rain. She lay there for a few more minutes, before throwing back the covers and getting out of bed. The shifter made her bed sleepily, then dragged her feet to the kitchen for breakfast. Sooty would do a quick clean up of her house before she left. A bowl of oats later, she was more awake and willing to be active.


She packed a backpack of a change of clothes, a sheathed dagger that she'd purchased a day or so beforehand and a comb. The shifter was dressed in her leather outfit, which had gone back to it's original size. That's why she liked it so much. Tail flicking happily, she donned the pack and was out the door. She locked it before walking toward the Post Office. Her thoughts were of Kuro and Razor, which could not be avoided. The rain quickly dampened her ears and tail, giving her a slightly disgruntled expression.




Fraener was outside with a pack of food for a few days and tools to catch food for each Slayer. He was smiling and standing under the porch of the Post Office. He'd told the people that hadn't been able to attend his meeting what he needed to, the night before. The dragon anthro leant against the doorframe, waiting for the two Teams to arrive.

Edited by WonderBubbles

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Archon was up long before anyone else, he could not sleep. He walked outside with his armor on and began to practice his combat skills. By the time dawn had crack, it was raining. The rain bounced off the armor as Archon continued to swing the sword. Eventually, he decided that it was time to meet up with the other slayers. He placed his sword away and headed for the meeting spot.

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Trinity hadn't slept. Pain and fear for her friends had kept sleep at bay, so the sunrise gave her hope that the others would awaken soon. She smiled at them and then looked back out at the orange tinge that that the sunrise had given to th lands, animating it. Making it look beautiful. Trinity yawned, revealing her fangs which always bugged her. It made her look evil, when at heart she had a good soul.


With the sunrise though, also came a feel of loss. Of dread. "Shiro..." Trinity whispered, looking at him and a tear fell down her cheek. She had known him for such little time, but her new found friendship with him had really made her care about him. His helpfulness and hospitality had touched her heart. Though now, her heart was heavy as she prepared words in her head to say goodbye.



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When the sun first started to bathe the land in its light, Kira quickly moved to be inside the Post Office. She chose not to get burned this morning and guessed the best place to hide from the sun would be the place she was headed for anyways. Luckily, as the sun rose, clouds blocked it from view which rained down on the town. Today might actually be a good day. With no sun shining down on her, she could move about during the day a lot easier.

Now to just wait for the rest of the teams to arrive here so they could start their first mission.

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Shiro hadn't been able to sleep, for the entire night he'd faked sleeping by having his eyes closed and breathing slowly while hiding his face behind his bent knees and folded arms. He couldn't help but notice that Trinity had been awake for the entire night aswell, as she said his name he decided it was his cue to 'wake up'.

"Don't worry," He yawned as he stretched and rubbed his eyes, getting into a more natural position, "just because we're in different teams doen't mean it's the end. Once this mission is over we'll regroup and report our epic success to Freaner and friends then have a rest and reload day. Trust me, I know how it works. Unless something urgent comes up it shouldn't be more than a week at most that we're out of contact... Unless one of the missions is on the other side of the world, I doubt that since it's only meant to be in Dengland." He smiled at her as his stomach growled.

"Well! I'm starving, I guess we should wake Solas up and get this damn mission so i can eat!" He grinned, "sooner we get the mission, sooner we'll see each and brag about how awesome we were!" He stood up and held out his hand for Trinity, knowing the wounds were still painful.




Kuro woke up somewhat groggily, last night had NOT been his night. Shiro hadn't been there when he came in and still hadn't come by 1:00PM. This made it hard to get comfortable in the bed and it took him an extra hour till his body finally shut down. During the night he'd had nightmares of Shiro leaving him and conspiring against him with the wolf shifter. Waking up to a dark and rainy day made it no better. He had been expecting a refreshing, sunny day for once but good old Lindon wasn't gonna allow it. The images crossed through his head until he'd finished his breakfast of leftovers and water (Shiro usually made breakfast and every other meal) by that time they'd become foggy paintings in his mind, so he pushed them aside. He walked downstairs into the postoffice part to see Archon and Sooty already there with Fraener. He stepped over to Sooty,

"Hey, **** morning, ay?" He was still half asleep, he wasn't going to be fully awake until he saw Shiro, until then he would have to do with being dead on his feet.

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Signum had risen fairly early and quickly changed into a pair of black shorts and matching tight fitting tank. She went outside to an area fairly well separated from Archon's practice and everyone and began her morning workout. She practiced punches, kicks, slashes, blocks, and other moves in preparation for what they would be going after that day. As her workout ended, her body's exposed skin glisened beautifully with sweat in the morning sun. She made her way back towards the post office, enjoying the way the morning air cooled her body,. When she arrived back, she washed her body, cleaning herself thoroughly before donning her normal clothes and armor to be ready to fight. With that done she made her way to the meeting spot of the slayers and saw that Archon had already arrived.

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Eric woke up and preened himself. Charin had also emerged from the forest she had spent the night in. "Hi," Charin waved a shy hello at Eric. Eric smiled, showing all his jagged teeth. "I'm in Uno. You?" Eric shrugged. The dragon anthro didn't tell him much. "I'm not sure, but I should be in one of those lousy teams," Charin laughed, kicking her hoof into the soil. "You should be in Team Dos. The guy behind it said there were only two teams." She waved to all the fellow Slayers as she and Eric came to report.

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Trinity got up slowly, not wanting to move. She knew that when she did, she would have to say goodbye and goodbyes always hurt. She walked cautiously to Shiro and took his hand then looked at Solas. "You can take him first if you want. Maybe I hit him too hard..." She tried to smile but it was forced and it dropped. "Shiro..." She started, though she couldn't find the words and just hugged him.

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Kuro woke up somewhat groggily, last night had NOT been his night. Shiro hadn't been there when he came in and still hadn't come by 1:00PM. This made it hard to get comfortable in the bed and it took him an extra hour till his body finally shut down. During the night he'd had nightmares of Shiro leaving him and conspiring against him with the wolf shifter. Waking up to a dark and rainy day made it no better. He had been expecting a refreshing, sunny day for once but good old Lindon wasn't gonna allow it. The images crossed through his head until he'd finished his breakfast of leftovers and water (Shiro usually made breakfast and every other meal) by that time they'd become foggy paintings in his mind, so he pushed them aside. He walked downstairs into the postoffice part to see Archon and Sooty already there with Fraener. He stepped over to Sooty,

"Hey, **** morning, ay?" He was still half asleep, he wasn't going to be fully awake until he saw Shiro, until then he would have to do with being dead on his feet.

She stood outside the Post Office, nodding a greeting to her companions as they arrived. The vampiric elemental greeted her with a question. She smiled a little shyly at him, then took his hand. Her tail swung and brushed against his arm, trailing against the sensitive skin there. "It could be better," Sooty murmured, voice a little husky. She eyed the packs Fraener had for them curiously. She'd used them on her first mission.

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Sooty looked at Kuro with a shy expression as she took his hand. He felt a soft tickling run up his arm and a shiver up his spine, though a shiver of a different kind. He was left with no answer to her comment and nothing to say to continue the conversation, he was dry and speechless. Wanting her to come closer he pulled his hand away and relocated his arm to flop around her shoulders,

"Have you decided?" He didn't want to know, but at the same time he couldn't wait for her answer any longer. He peered at her with his red eyes and flicked his head to the side and back in an attempt to push his fussy black fringe out of his line of vision.



As she moved Shiro could catch a glimpse of pain and sorrow in the vampire's eyes; she took his hand and invited him to take Solas. He nodded and tryed to push the strange feeling he'd gotten from her contact aside as he started to move closer to the sleeping angel, she moved at the same time.

"Shiro..." She seemed to struggle, finding words maybe? Whatever she was struggling to say obviously failed because she flung herself into a full on hug of him. He instantly stiffened and awkwardness filled every inch of his mind as he tried to react in a good way. He slowly rapped his arms cautiously around her aswell,

"It's ok ya know. We have to group up at the postoffice anyway and as I said, we'll meet up again soon. Don't be so sad, really." He tried to comfort her even though he wasn't sure why she was so sad, he just assumed it was the inevitable break up for monster hunting.

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Sooty looked at Kuro with a shy expression as she took his hand. He felt a soft tickling run up his arm and a shiver up his spine, though a shiver of a different kind. He was left with no answer to her comment and nothing to say to continue the conversation, he was dry and speechless. Wanting her to come closer he pulled his hand away and relocated his arm to flop around her shoulders,

"Have you decided?" He didn't want to know, but at the same time he couldn't wait for her answer any longer. He peered at her with his red eyes and flicked his head to the side and back in an attempt to push his fussy black fringe out of his line of vision.

His arm went around her shoulders and she leant against him a little. Not enough for him to be pushed aside, but enough to feel that her physical presence. His body reminded her of the past and her heart fluttered lightly. He asked if she'd decided yet. The shifter looked up at him, amusement showing in her yellow eyes. "Is it not obvious?" Sooty asked, a little teasingly. He flicked his head to move his hair from his face and she smiled. It was so adorable; the leopard hadn't had that that problem for a long while, though. She did feel a little bad about Razor, but hoped he'd be able to forgive her and they could continue to be friends.

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Trinity nodded and swallowed hard. "I-I'm going to miss you. Will you write to me?" She asked, looking at Shiro, slowly stepping back from him. She looked away before he could see tears that threatened to spill again, for she wasn't used to having someone like Shiro or Solas, she was used to being the huntress hunted. "I will write to you... Almost every day." She promised, still looking away. She wrapped her arms around the branch and jumped, hanging then dropping from branch to branch, despite the pain.

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(( Lol, Trinity likes Shiro doesn't she? Wow, my charries are having awkward situations plonked onto them.))


Kuro smiled as she confirmed his desires. For a split second he was happy, the happiest he'd ever been, but then he remembered his opponent and how much Razor seemed to care. Guilt flooded his mind and he hoped that Razor would keep to his word and they could stay friends. He knew that if it had been the other way around he wouldn't have kept to his word, he would've moved away and plotted Razor's slow death with his love whom he couldn't have. Now, though, since it was him who had won he was starting to wonder if Razor was like him or if he was like Shiro. Shiro would keep to his word, too nice and innocent to plot death without Kuro, Kuro knew that if Razor was anything like him then he would stay friends and slowly recover from the rejection. He hoped it was the latter option, Razor was the closest thing to a friend besides Sooty that he'd ever had and he didn't want to lose him now.



Shiro was surprised by the overreaction Trinity seemed to be having. Sure, it was a dangerous mission and it was their first. Sure, it would be a few days to a week or two till they saw each other again if they survived. Sure, they might end up in lock down if something goes wrong, but surely that can't be enough to induce this kind of reaction. He then remembered that he'd been around this for most of his life, she was new to the whole thing. He sighed,

"If you want me to write then I'll do it without fail. I have to warn you though, the letters may not be sent smoothly and they may have some delays. You promise not to worry ok? We'll all be fine, I promise. As I said, we'll be bragging in no time, kay?" He then followed her in one swift leap, he spread his weight and landed on all fours on the grass, reaching the ground a few seconds before her.

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((She likes him but she loves Solas xd.png))


"You'd better write. I can't help but worry..." Trinity sighed as she jumped from the last branch to the floor. She felt blood starting to trickle down her waist, but she ignored it. "Shiro. I understand delays but... You must write. ALL the time. To me and Solas. Keep us updated, okay?" She strated walking slowly towards the post office, reluctant to leave the shelter of this; her newfound home and friends.

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((How tall's Kuro...?))


The vampiric smiled at her, and the tall shifter grinned back at him. She put an arm around his waist, gripping his hip on the other side of his body with her bronze fingers. The fabric was a little rough, but not untolerably so. Sooty noticed the dragon anthro give them a twinkling smile before looking up and down the street. Not everyone was present yet, and it must have been irritating. The more time they took, the less time the Teams had to travel to their destination. Her long tail flicked and loosely curled around the elemental's leg.

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((The twins are both about 5'10''. Lol, it'd be funny if Solas fell in love with both Trinity and Shiro and Trinity fell in love with both Solas and Shiro and Shiro fell in love with both Trinity and Solas. THAT would be a love triangle.))


Kuro smiled back at her and his spine tingled slightly with the tickleing sensation of her tail. He had nothing to say, so he merely did the first thing that came to mind. Harmless flames surrounded the couple as he pulled in even closer and kissed her, this one being far softer than the one he had forced upon her the previous night. He was no longer desperate, no longer angry, he knew that she was his and that he would never hurt her. This kiss felt like it was meant to last but as he pulled away the warm sensation remained on his lips. The kiss had been too short, but he knew better than to kiss her again. The flames remained, isolating them, keeping them in a sanctuary Kuro knew all too well.



Shiro laughed,

"I promise, I promise," as she leaped the last and reached the ground beneath he noticed her clothes around her waist start to become slightly red. His concern grew,

"I think you're bleeding," in case she hadn't noticed he pointed at her waist which was now for certain covered in blood. No doubt, he'd seen blood enough to know what it looked like.

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"It's not important." Trinity answered numbly. "It doesn't matter." She paused and then continued. "I have watched you all night, Shiro, yet I cannot tell what you are. You are like...like a dark spot that my mind cannot figure out. it's so frustrating. What are you?" She asked, looking at him. She came to a stop outside the Post Office, reluctant to go in. "Who are you. You are like a vampire...jus not one of us." Trinity resisted the urge to turn Shiro. To make him a vampire by venom.

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((The twins are both about 5'10''.))


Kuro smiled back at her and his spine tingled slightly with the tickleing sensation of her tail. He had nothing to say, so he merely did the first thing that came to mind. Harmless flames surrounded the couple as he pulled in even closer and kissed her, this one being far softer than the one he had forced upon her the previous night. He was no longer desperate, no longer angry, he knew that she was his and that he would never hurt her. This kiss felt like it was meant to last but as he pulled away the warm sensation remained on his lips. The kiss had been too short, but he knew better than to kiss her again. The flames remained, isolating them, keeping them in a sanctuary Kuro knew all too well.

((*giggles* Sooty's taller than Kuuroooo. ;D By about... three inches?))


The fire flickered at the edges of her vision and her burnt hand tingled, making her loosely clench her fingers into her palm. His lips met hers, soft and caring. Wrapping her other arms around him, she pulled him closer and kissed him back. Sooty's ears perked forward and her tail curled around the elemental's leg. Kuro pulled away, it seemed it was too soon. The edges of her lips curled up and she looked down into his eyes. She was several inches taller than him, but she didn't mind his lack of height. Her yellow eyes flicked away from his to examine the flames surrounding them. It seemed that they were harmless, to the shifter's delight.

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(( SHE'S 6 FOOT!?!?!?! WHAT IS SHE, HALF GUY? Lol, oh well, Kuro's obliviousness to the rescue once more!))


Shiro smiled at her, he'd always been secretive by nature. Kuro and him never kept secrets from each other, but when it came to other people forget it, they weren.t worth even talking to. This time was different though, had he been secretive without knowing? Or was he simply always hard to read? As she mentioned his vampiric nature it clicked, that was why he was hard to read. He sighed as a small ammount of frustration and hatred clouded his new found kindness towards 'other people'.

"I hate vampires!" It slipped out, he was trying to force it back in his mind but it came out of it's own accord; and only got worse,

"Vampires are vile creatures! They forced this on my brother and me, we never wanted this!!" He covered his mouth with his hand and looked at the ground, realising he was hungry and vampire blood tastest the best to him. He collected himself and looked back at Trinity, hoping he hadn't hurt her with his words.

"I'm- An elemental- Vampires..." His vision clouded and the only thing he could see was her neck, and vains popping out of them. Shiro had always been hungrier and always had less control than Kuro, Kuro could go for weeks without even thinking about blood. Shiro had to feed every day. He gulped and finished what he'd started to say,

"My family was sired ((Spelt wrong, but I don't know how to spell it.)) by vampires. A once noble, royal Japanese elemental clan living on Earth reduced to hungry beasts in a matter of minutes. We grew though, the family continued and soon the children were nable elementals again. When we reach a certain age we start to crave blood though, and it evolves from there until the elements and the blood force us into a demonic state. When that time comes we are meant to be cleansed and sent to god for judgement. Our family was killed by vampires before we could get a change to be cleansed." He gritted his teeth, this was hard for him to say. "When we first craved blood many people died and then we became demons... Fraener saved us, showed us that core demons needed to be killed, he gave us a place in the world. We'd known him for a long time before, he was a friend of the family, and we knew Sooty then aswell. When we turned though, we dropped off the map. I'm not at all a vampire or a demon. I'm purely elemental, but because of my vampire ancestors I'm destined to crave blood until I get cleansed and killed. That's why I hate vampires. It's nothing personal, and I like you. Just vampires in general piss me off." He hoped that helped, but once he'd finished he realised he'd probably revealed too much and sighed.



Kuro hadn't noticed the height difference. Even when he'd kissed her two times now he still hadn't noticed that she was taller than him. Even now he hadn't noticed, Shiro would have but Kuro was too much of a self-centered person to notice anything that didn't seem significant.

"Flames have so much meaning for me." He looked at them fondly and remembered when they'd first met.

They were children and as usual the twins were by themselves. When Sooty came up to them she seemed to be interested, they didn't know why and ignored her. Kuro had a burst of hunger and flames lashed at her from all angles. She hadn't seemed to notice, simply touching them and moving closer with a smile on her face,

"Fraener told me about you two. Hi, I'm Sooty." Playfully she's turned into a kitten of some kind of wild cat, they didn't care which. The flames hadn't hurt her, and Kuro instantly knew that it was her, for some reason she had made his flames harmless and his hunger unbearable. He had embraced her as a friend, the only person he'd ever let into their world ((Sorry, but Sooty and the twins need a history^^)).

"You remember right? They didn't hurt you." He looked at her hand, "It was because of that that I learned how to make them harmless and harmfull. Thank you, Sooty."

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((*giggles* ^////^ That little bit of history is great. :3


Could you both delete those? ^^))


The shifter smiled at his fond expression when he gazed at the flames. They were warm and strangely comforting. She smiled at his question and thanks, replying with a quick kiss on his cheek to the latter. "I remember," Sooty told him softly. And she did; how the flames were pretty and they didn't hurt her. She'd been so innocent and carefree, then. Life had been simple and full of smiles.

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((Thanks and will do))


He smiled and kissed her again, slightly cocky now,

"These flames could never be as strong as the ones I have for you though, Cutie," ((Lol, had to)) He flashed a grin and the flames burned brighter, still harmless but bright enough to make her and him seemingly glow. It was warm feeling that Kuro knew well but for the shifter it would an entirely new and possibly intoxicating feeling.

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