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((But I have inner information you don't have... And as I've said, if It will ruin a reality relationship, no. If Bubbles pick you, It's cool, if she picks me, it's cool...))


"We are cool, but deep down she'll pick you, It's just an inner feeling... I wish she would pick me, but as you said, I had my chance the same way you did... But she spent the last years with you, not with me... Whatever happens, I hope the best for both of us." He simply said, it seems they were great friends now, but not really. Razor now pulled Kuro's arm off and kept running crying like a water vending machine.

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Trinity choked on blood again and tears fell down her face. "I want...Solas..." She spluttered. "Please...?" Trinity was even paler than usual. She wantedSolasto look after her. She knew Solas better. "Solas..." She tried calling out, desite her mouth overflowing with blood that was being pushed back out of her lungs. "Please...get Solas..." She cried.

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(AWWW>>> I feel needed.... ~...~)

Solas could hear Trinity from inside, though he was pretty far away. No matter what, he would do this from one of the most precious people he had, Fallen Angel or no. One of the Reapers was still here in the area, but Solas walked towards the post office anyway. Burns started appearing on his skin, but he wouldn't die from them unless he actually got within ten feet of the Reaper. Wincing, but trying to ignore the pain, Solas opened the door to the post office, blocking out the sounds of two people yelling somewhere close by. There was Trinity and Shiro, the two people closest to him, and she seemed to be crying and choking on blood. Solas kneeled down next to her, smiling gently and grabbing her hand in both of his, despite the fact that even now, more burns were appearing on his skin. He looked down at her, waiting for the medical plants to take effect.

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Trinity felt relief as Solas took her hand. "You...came..." She whispered, surprised. She started to feel medical relief shortly after until she felt strong enough to lift her head. "Solas...it's...it's hurting you..." She whimpered. "Lets get out of here." She tried to get to her feet and stumbled, but she leant against Solas and started walking as best as she ould, using him to support herself. She just wanted to get out of there, for Solas's safety.

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What an idiot, Shiro had things under control. He sighed and nodded when the girl suggested to get out,

"Yeah you look terrible Solas, you're too close to the damn reapers." He started to pick up Trinity for Solas, knowing that the burns must be too deep and painful by now to handle the load of a second person.

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Trinity looked at Shiro. "Thankyou..." She mumbled and held on around his neck. She didn't want to be dropped, so she held on as tight as she could. "Sorry Shiro. Solas." She looked at Shiro and smiled. "Thanks..." She whispered and looked at Solas. "Put me down. Carry Solas. He is wounded. I am healing..."

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Shiro blushed, it was a manly thing to do carrying a girl but... A guy? And... This particular guy? Still, if she wanted him too it couldn't be too harmfull. He smiled at the girl as he put her down,

"What's your name by the way?" He looked at Solas, using his eyes to ask if he was allowed to continue.

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Archon left the bar, paying for his meal. He walked outside and quickly took flight, heading towards the most secluded part of the city. He landed in the middle of a part, in a circle of trees. The hour was late, so he was safe to do what he was about to do. He took off his gauntlets, then his plate armor, then his boots. He was now totally exposed, wearing nothing except for his wings. He took out Judgement and stabbed it into the ground. He then knelled on one knee and looked at the sword.


"Judgement, slaying of evil, reincarnation of wisdom. I, Archonvantis need your advice on matters about the group and the mission." Said Archon as he looked at the sword, which began to glow. The color was now purple, any trace of its holy energy was gone.


"Archonvantis, Reaper and the rightful wielder of Judgement. I hear thee, and grant thou my wisdom" Echoed Judgement, its voice was mighty, yet humble. Archon nodded at Judgement, and began to announce his plight.


"I need info about the group, and how they could pose a risk to the entire mission!" Announced Archon in a voice that was lesser then that of Judgement. The sword was silent as its glow died a little.


"Right now the majority of the group are facing their own demons...and feelings" Said Judgement, its voice was more quiet and serious. Archon nodded at the sword, then waiting for him to continue. "Love triangles, forbidden love and jealousy...those emotions will weaken the group as a whole, leaving the burden to thou and Signum." Said Judgement.


"Forbidden love...why does that intrigue me so?" Thought Archon as he closed his eyes. But then he heard Judgement talk, its voice was now more serious.


"Archon...Thou must be focus. Thou mustn't let your intrigue of mortals and their minds to side-track Thou from the mission...Does thou understand Archon?" Asked Judgement. Archon nodded reluctantly, which the sword didn't pick up on. Judgement's glow went from purple back to its holy white glow. Archon still stood on one knee, taking in all that was said.

Edited by Lore_Master

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The tears had stopped and she was staring blankly at the table. There were streaks down her cheeks and the table was damp. She moved a hand to wipe her face, and then stood up. Sooty would choose Kuro, because Razor was just a good friend to her. Her tail twitched and she sighed. The shifter hoped they could still be friends, even after this. She dragged her feet to her bed and fell down in it. It was quite a while before she managed to sleep.

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Signum took in Kira's reply with a nod before saying, "Yeah, I found what I needed, are you ready to leave?" She examined one of the tables near Kira as she waited for a response, it was almost a disinterested investigation while she waited. honestly she was probably doing what Kira was, looking about, hoping to find something truly surprising.

"Yeah, sure," Kira replied, pulling her eyes off the table and looked towards the exit. She headed off in that direction, a bit glad that there was no trouble while she was down here. It would be a pain if someone caused trouble for her. She looked over her should to make sure Signum was following her as she made her way to the exit. Question was, now what should she do? Would Signum continue following her for the whole night? She didn't know if Signum would go to an inn for sleep or not.


((sorry it's short...))

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Signum followed Kira quietly back out of the black market and down a pair of streets before saying, "well I'll leave you be now." Without waiting for a reply, she sublimated and disappeared, reforming herself within her room back at the post office. She had let the vials of blood and the cloak remain sublimated when she returned before reaching up and undoing the small ribbon that held her hair in its ponytail. She removed her armor and her sword, setting them next to her bed before climbing beneath the sheets to rest. She wasn't very tired, but if she'd be making cartridges later, she'd have to be well rested.

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Archon got up and placed on his armor, starting with his boots, then his leggings then his chest plate. He placed on his gauntlets and placed Judgement in its holder. He then began a slow walk towards the post office. The streets were empty, not a single soul was awake. Archon felt at ease...but also empty, like he was just a speck of dust. He shook it off when he saw the post office. He quickly opened the door and walked in, closing the door. He walked to the back of the post office. Once he reached the back room, he gently opened one of the doors, only to see that Signum was there. He looked at her for a few second, then gave a small sigh as he closed the door. He walked into the next room, which was empty. He took off his armor and sword and climbed into the bed, which was too small. He crouched up and began to fall asleep.

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Eric hopped down and shifted, following this 2 'hot stuff' with mild interest. When he did, he found himself in front of a post office. "What's the big idea?" he asked out loud, entering the place. "Nobody sends mail nowadays, anyway. What's with them?" The shifter did not wait for a response. He wanted answers and fast.

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Tinity moved stiffly, though grateful that she was able to walk now. She trned to Shiro. "He won't give permission. He has too much pride. Just pick him up and he won't fight it because he needs it and if he fights it... I will just knock him out for a short while but so he isn't injured badly. She gave an innocent smiled to Shiro. "I am Trinity. You are..." She paused to remember the name. "Shiro, right?" She smiled and then looked up at a tree. "I need to sleep..." She looked at Shiro. "If you pick up Solas and you can climb a tree then you are more than welcme to sleep with me tonight. After all, Solas needs to rest." Though she spoke, her voice was husk and pain echoed in her words. It was obvious she was in great pain, but her pride wouldn't allow to admit that to someone who was almost a stranger to her.

Edited by Angel of the Inferno

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When Trinity suggested that Shiro pick Solas up, he refused by shaking his head. Getting burns wasn't that bad right now next to being impaled by a sword and almost bleeding to death, along with internal bleeding and coughing up blood. He shook his head, motioning to Trinity's bandages. His hand looked almost charred; it was so badly burned. Solas motioned for Trinity to lie down on the floor again, as she needed to rest. He wasn't going without a fight. (You can knock him out Angel, it counts as sleeping.)

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The dragon anthro looked up at the intrusion, mild curiousity on his protruding face. What seemed like a wolf anthropoid or shifter had just entered the building, speaking rather loudly. "Why hello," Fraener rumbled. "Are you here to be a Slayer?" He stood, scales rustling softly. He walked out into the small area in front of the reception desk and stoof a meter away from the newcomer. "If you are, that's wonderful."

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The wolf's teeth clacked and it tried to hide its lame paw from sight. Eric shifted again and stared at the old anthro. "I'm not fit for it. Let someone whole do it," He let his left arm flop and glanced at the old anthro. Eric never really thought he would be offered a job like that, but why him? Weren't there a million able-bodied wolf-shifters out there-why choose him? He could never use his left arm, and would probably bring down the whole team.

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He noted the lame hand, but didn't really give it any thought. The wolf tried to hide it and objected to the job. "It doesn't matter if you have a lame paw," the dragon rumbled kindly. "Just as long as you can kill the cave demons ravaging our fair country." Fraener meant his words and sensed the reason behind the stranger's reluctance.

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"You're not getting the point. I'm not worth it. I can't do it like any wolf-shifters. I'm not them," He clenched his fist and looked down, trying to control his rage. Why wasn't he treating him fairly-psychoing him to join them in fighting? It wasn't as if he could do much, only with his daggars or fighting close.

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The old anthro smiled kindly. "If you do not wish to fight, please leave." With that instruction, he turned to walk away. His scales glinted dully in the candle light and his clawed feet thudded on the floor. His demeanor was that of a tired, old man. Freaner needed to rest for the night, so he could send the new recruits off early tomorrow.

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Eric suddenly snapped. "Wait!" He raised a paw. "I'll join, on the account that I'm not horrendously humiliated." He recalled the time when he tried to apply, only to be thrown out by Vampires that had ridiculed him for his disability. He didn't want that to happen again.

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The anthro turned around, grinning. His teeth were yellowed and pointed, a usual trait of a dragon anthro. "I'm sure that no one on either Team will ridicule you," he told him reassuringly. "Welcome aboard. You can bunk here for the night, rest at your own home, or stay at the inn. Dos and Uno leave in the morning."

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Triity looked at Solas. "You have to rest. I am so sorry Solas. So sorry..." She jumped at him with her dagger and hit him at the base of the neck with the handle of the dagger. She then turned to catch him if he fell backwardsw ith speed and accuracy, despite her wounds. She looked a Shiro, daring him to say a word or to object to what she had just done.

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"I'll sleep on the roof. Besides, I have no home," Eric ran out and hopped onto the roof. He lay his head down and soon found himself in dreamland. Inside his dreams, he found himself in a cottony field. He began to run after the fluffy clouds. What he realised, however, was the monsters that stood in his way. Taking out his daggar, he slashed...and fell off the roof. Flipping over, he sleep-landed on 3 feet.

Edited by dracoon

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The old anthro went into his own room at the back of the Post Office as soon as the wolf left for the roof. He settled onto the pokey mattress and wondered a little at the thud he heard. No further attention was given, for Fraener fell asleep. He snored lightly throughout the night, dreaming of his late wife. She'd passed away a few years before, of illness.

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