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Razor then just went to the room that Sooty was and surprisingly was perfectly fine; No harms, nothing happened, no blood spilled on him, and no bad bruises or anything. Just two simple dots in his neck. As he was close enough to her he went to her and then said. "Hiyooo! What are we up to? I've heard the whole speech when I was in a comma state." He said laughing although he seemed serious, a little.

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Signum looked away from Archon in response. She knew full well that he cared about her as a comrade, and possibly more, but honestly she wasn't sure she should, or even could accept it. "Archon, you can do that, but I don't know what to do about happiness, we see these people enjoying life, but all we're ever sent to are the darkest places to fight. I don't know how to be happy when that's all we ever do." she said quietly. The conversation was uncomfortable, but Signum's own pride prevented her from leaving and admitting that she didn't like it.

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Archon took a deep breath as he closed his eyes and began to think. How could he explain to Signum about finding happiness? "Being a Reaper...its hard. We live a very long time, possible for eternity. But you can find happiness in just about anything. Take me for example. After a long mission, I enjoy a couple of rounds of Mountain Snow. That brings me some happiness, because I can enjoy the fact that I will always return to my favorite drink. You too can find happiness and enjoyment. Either in the form of a book during your off time...or in the company of a friend" Explained Archon as he looked away. He really did enjoy Signum's company, since he knew that she would be their to watch his back.

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"We'll see I guess" Signum replied somberly. She set a bag of coins on the table to pay for their meal and the drink she planned to save for afterward. Using the wrap the roast had been cooked in as a bag, Signum stood up, sliding the bottle into a pocket and lifting the roast as she said, "It's time for us to go, we'll need to be well rested for tomorrow." Really she was running away, from both the conversation and her own feelings that she didn't want to acknowledge.

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Archon remained in his seat, looking at the near empty glass of water. He waited until Signum was gone before he placed something in the glass. With a snap of his finger, the glass filled up with Mountain Snow. "And this is why I'm a warrior and not a diplomat." Somberly Sighed Archon before he drank every last drop. He then got up and caught up with Signum, covering his head with the hood. "I guess I'll see you in the morning" Said Archon as he looked at the rooms down the hall.

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Kira watched Signum and Archon leave, not planning to go with them. She wasn't one for social gatherings. What she needed to do at the moment was head down to the black market to see what they had this night.


Once the sun had set and the sky had no light left to illuminate it, Kira began to walk down the streets. The market wasn't very far from the post office. All she had to do was take the second right down this street which would take her onto a smaller side street that hardly received any traffic from common folk at this time of night. It was one of those streets where one could get attacked by thieves and the like. Down this street there would be a door which looked like any other door, but it was the entrance to the black market. Only those who knew which door it was and the password could get in. Though, for Kira, she never needed a password. The guard positioned inside at the door merely needed to slide open the small rectangular hole in the door, see her face, and would then let her inside.

Another thing Kira was always on the lookout for was to make sure no one was following her. She kept her senses completely aware of her surroundings to sense anyone suspicious who might be trying to follow her. It wouldn't look good on her reputation if someone had learned she let some shady fellow follow her. She was known as one of the toughest black market hagglers, and she couldn't let people look down on her because of one slip-up.

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Signum had nodded in response to Archon's statement about seeing each other in the morning. After taking care of the roast so it could be put in a pack, she sublimated herself, figuring it was best to take one last look at her surroundings before sleeping. What she saw as she moved her consciousness through the village was Kira out walking. It was interesting to wonder what she was doing, and with that she followed her.

Edited by jaina

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((@EvilT: Yay! :3 ShiroxSolas could be very cute. :P


Dracoon; post your form in the OoC thread. :3 You'll find the link on the first post. (Had a total blank then! XD) ))


The shifter was a little hurt when the elemental left without saying a word to her, but then she was distracted by the other shifter. She smiled at him, trying to hide her sorrow. "You'll have to see when Fraener comes back," she told him quietly. Her yellow eyes were hard, like topaz, but they weren't unfriendly. She noticed the bite marks on his neck and frowned, concerned. "Are you okay now?" Sooty asked, looking up at him. She was still sitting down, but had truned her body to face Razor.

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((I know! They look so cute in the picture in my mind!! xd.png Of course it's only if Shadow allowes it.


Jaina/ Lore: Way to go ignoring a follower, reapers. Kuro was following you guys in a very obvious way.))


Kuro saw that the reapers' conversation seemed to be getting rather uncomfortable for the girl. When she got up to leave he watched her walk out then snapped his gaze back to the other, standing up slowly, as he filled a glass with Mountain snow and left. Again he followed them, this time he wasn't sure how far he could follow them for before he got noticed by at least one of them.

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"Relax it'll be fine", he said as his eyes turned red. "Man I feel odd, perhaps something is changing?" as he spoke he felt dizzy and then hyperactive. "Nevermind! Perfectly fine" He said as his eyes got back to his normal colour then switching to red again. "So, when Fraener gets back?" He was now sitting near Sooty, "Sorry. I hate standing up too long" He then laughed.

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((Wait, isn't Shiro a guy????? Would there be a malexmale thing going on there??))In the middle of the conversation, which was turning out to very strange, Solas noticed Shiro coming toward them, then turn and hide out of sight, though not very well. Solas went a little closer, then he sensed the barrier of the holy beings blocking his way. When would those reapers LEAVE? He was not going to be on a team with them. Solas made a beckoning motion to Shiro, to indicate that he was welcome to join them.

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Signum had nodded in response to Archon's statement about seeing each other in the morning. After taking care of the roast so it could be put in a pack, she sublimated herself, figuring it was best to take one last look at her surroundings before sleeping. What she saw as she moved her consciousness through the village was Kira out walking. It was interesting to wonder what she was doing, and with that she followed her.

((I so meant to post earlier, but I was at a friend's house, so I was pulled away from my laptop. >w<))


Kira walked along the streets, now nearing the one she would turn down, but stopped when she sensed someone following her, and she could tell who it was.

"Signum, if you want to come with me, just say so," Kira said, turning around to face Signum ((wherever she might be, lol ^^)) and crossed her arms. As long as Signum kept quiet while they were inside the black market, there would be no problems. Knowing these kind of people though, Kira imagined that Signum wouldn't be able to stay perfectly quiet, so as long as the other didn't say anything stupid, it would be fine. The girl seemed smart enough to enter into a black market and not do something stupid. Just in case, though, Kira would make sure she was knowledgeable about what not to do. Hey, Signum might even surprise her and actually be quite knowledgeable about black markets. It would make things a lot easier.

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((Wait, isn't Shiro a guy????? Would there be a malexmale thing going on there??))

((T'would still be cute. xd.png))


Trinity saw Solas divide his attention with something else that had caught her attention that she had ignored. She looked in the general direction into which he was beckoning for the person or thing to come and watched curiously, half wondering if the thing would make suitable prey, then decided that if it was Solas's friend she wouldn't be able to hunt. Trinity gave a sigh and edged bck into the safety of the shdows and leapt into a tree with feline quality, then watched from behind the branches and leaves. She could still see in the darkness, but she didn't think that the new arrival would see her.

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((x3 Yes, Darkshadow, there would be a guy on guy thing going. :D (A very adorable thing. x3)


Planning on making Razor a vamp, eh? ;D))


The shifter frowned and leant back when the other's eyes flashed red. It wasn't his normal eye colour; if fact it was a drastic change. They changed back to his normal colour, then changed once more. Sooty's brow was creased in worry and her eyes radiated concern. "I'm not sure when Fraener will get back..." she told him slowly, staring at his eyes. "But your eyes just changed to red." The connection formed in her mind; a vampire had attacked Razor. Vampires usually had red eyes when they were overcome with bloodlust, or normally. "Are you feeling alright?" She leant forward and put a hand over his.

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((oh, wonderbubbles, post in 'Fight for Ruby Kingdom' Sen awaits your postage...and yes, t'would be very cute guyXguy thing going on...awkward moment there for Trinity. Maybe Solas can do girlxguy AND guyxguy and be bi?))

Solas turned as Trinity leapt into the tree with feline agility and went into her creeper mode, watching Shiro from out of the tree. Solas sighed. Is this how his new friends met? He wrote so that Trinity could see "Oy, Trinity, don't go all creeper on me again. It was creepy the first time. That guy behind the tree is Shiro, my newest friend. DON'T EAT HIM, thanks."

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"A little hungry, but okay." Razor then nodded at her, "Why, is something wrong?" Then he raised his eyebrow as a sign of curious. "Well, do you know when he will arrive or not? Because I want to know when we will start slaying some monsters, Man I can't wait!" Then he said hyperactive, somehow really funny and smiling. "This will be great!" He said as his skin became paler then back to normal, and his eyes changed again, just a little this time. "Perhaps It's a vampiric DNA in my blood." Razor then said calmly as he sounded like a vampire already. "Relax, It's not a lot, is there anything to eat here?"

Edited by Fella

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((I've replied to the last post I saw of yours, Dark. x3 Heh, he would be bi, then. :P


Fella; is he Adrian or Razor? ;D))


She raised a black eyebrow when he announced he was hungry, then she decided it was reasonable. She hadn't eaten since breakfast, herself. Sooty gave a slightly exasperated sigh, then grinned at him. "Calm down and he'll get back soon," Sooty told him with a smile. A frown crossed her face as Razor paled perceptibly, then back to normal. She looked back up at his face and his eyes flashed red once more. Her expression grew more concerned as she heard him announce his vampiric blood. "I suppose we can go eat at the inn?" she suggested lightly, hiding her concern behind a smile.

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((Havn't you heard of Shonen ai or Yaoi (not that they'll go that farXP)? And I don't see what's wrong with Solas being Bi, Shiro and Kuro are Bi, always have been. Shiro's more inclined towards guys and Kuro to girls^^. Does this mean ShiroXSolas is a go?))


Shiro smiled as he walked over to Solas,

"Did I scare her off?" He asked as he looked up into the tree he saw the girl jump into,

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, it's just..." He didn't know where he was going with that sentence so he drifted off and tried to chance the topic,

"I hope you and I are in the same team, except I think I'm with the reapers... I guess that means you're in Dos then." He tried to make it sound light but he couldn't help but feel he was interupting something that Solas and the girl were doing, even if it had just been a simple, friendly discussion, it's still rude to barge in on it. A smile appeared on his face as he realised how much he'd changed over the course of one day, he actually cared about another's feelings besides his own and Kuro's.

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Signum wasn't too surprised when Kira called her out of hiding. The vampire had been noticing something watching her and with nothing obvious that really left no one but Signum available to be the one watching. "Well well well, you're the first in a while besides another reaper to notice I was there." she said with a smile as she let herself sublimate back into a solid form. This time though, she let a dark cloak form with, draped over her shoulders with a hood hanging down her back. "So where are you going Kira? you're being pretty secretive about it for sure." she asked, a hint of of smile in her voice though not on her face.

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((oh, wonderbubbles, post in 'Fight for Ruby Kingdom' Sen awaits your postage...and yes, t'would be very cute guyXguy thing going on...awkward moment there for Trinity. Maybe Solas can do girlxguy AND guyxguy and be bi?))

Solas turned as Trinity leapt into the tree with feline agility and went into her creeper mode, watching Shiro from out of the tree. Solas sighed. Is this how his new friends met? He wrote so that Trinity could see "Oy, Trinity, don't go all creeper on me again. It was creepy the first time. That guy behind the tree is Shiro, my newest friend. DON'T EAT HIM, thanks."

((xd.png Trin would just be like... "Woah. Dude. WTF?!" *Kills Solas and Shiro*))


Trinity read the message with a scowl and jumped down from the tree. "And you are...?" She asked. She knew his name was Shiro from what Solas had wrote, but she wanted to know why he thought he was so important as to interupt. "I'm Trinity. Vampire. B!tch to all. How pleasant it is to meet you." She spoke with hints of hosility, not wanting to trust Shiro. He looked like someone who had been one of her tormenters, and although it was almost impossible, she felt hesitant to be kind to someone like him.


((Just to confirm, I are bi irl. I am not being discriminating xd.png))

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(That's good for you, Angel. And LOL if Shiro saw Solas and Trinity he would be D': and then he killeh Trinity and do it w/Solas. Its technically a love triangle right there...)

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((Trinity would kick ass. Lets move to the ooc thread))

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Signum wasn't too surprised when Kira called her out of hiding. The vampire had been noticing something watching her and with nothing obvious that really left no one but Signum available to be the one watching. "Well well well, you're the first in a while besides another reaper to notice I was there." she said with a smile as she let herself sublimate back into a solid form. This time though, she let a dark cloak form with, draped over her shoulders with a hood hanging down her back. "So where are you going Kira? you're being pretty secretive about it for sure." she asked, a hint of of smile in her voice though not on her face.

Kira stood there with arms crossed as Signum replied, commenting that she was the first to have noticed her when she was there who wasn't a reaper before asking where she was going. There was no harm in answering that question. When Signum had appeared, a cloak appeared with her, draping over her shoulders and the hood covered her face. It seemed that was a very good idea on Signum's part if she planned to come with Kira.

"If you must know, I'm heading to the black market, which is why I called you out of hiding. I can't have people following me secretively to this place, I think you could understand that," Kira replied, "and if you wish to come with, I don't mind."

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"Is that where you get your ammunition, Kira?" Signum asked in reply. She was certainly interested, and she was no stranger to visiting the black markets of the world. For starters, they were the only palces one could buy and sell dragon blood, something Signum was usually looking for with its numerous uses. "I've never visited this town's branch, but I've visited enough to know how they work." she responded before pulling the hood up over her head, her ponytail draped out the front and onto her chest

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"Yeah, it is," Kira answered the first question, "and it's good that you know your way around a black market. I won't be the one to save you if you make a mistake."

With that said, Kira turned around and continued in the direction she had been heading. She turned the corner that had been only a few feet up ahead and walked down to the plain looking door. This normal looking door was the entrance to the black market though. Kira knocked a certain rhythmic pattern on the door and shortly after a small rectangular opening in the door slid open. A pair of eyes stared out, saw Kira, and widened considerably, before the small window was slid shut again. There was the sound of several locks being undone, before the door swung open to allow them inside. Kira whispered to the guard at the door that the hooded one was with her and to allow them inside. The guard just nodded as Kira continued on, heading down a flight of stairs located in the back of the small dimly lit room. There were table and chairs around the room where some tough looking thugs sat, smoking and playing cards. They watched Kira from the corners of their eyes, not wanting to make eye contact, but their focus shifted to Signum when they saw her. Instantly they were wary of this new person, but if Kira said she could enter then they wouldn't cause a fuss.

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