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"center is three points, second out two points, third out, one point" Signum responded calmly. "Five shots each, and don't worry, any holes you put in that barrier will stay, so we can see where you'll have hit." she added before drawing back her bow. She aimed carefully down the arrow before letting go of her hold on the string. The arrow hurtled forward in an arc, reaching it's peak halfway to the target before embedding in the central ring of a small target, just a hair off from dead center. "Your turn Kira," she said with a slight smile.

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Kira listened as Signum told her the point values, and then the other took her turn at shooting their target. Signum then said it was Kira's turn. Kira stepped forward and brought her rifle up to aim. She had brought some cheap bullets to use for this that she wouldn't mind wasting in the little match here. They were practically just normal bullets that she was going to use, already loaded into her rifle. She took aim, letting herself adjust for the arrow that was now in the way. Once the target was lined up, she fired, hitting the center of the smallest circle near Signum's arrow was. With a grin, she lifted up her gun and looked to Signum. An unmoving target form this distance was easy for her.

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((I'm lost. Do I have something to reply too?))

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He looked at her hand resting on his knee. He didn't want to seem like a little kid, he knew he was being childish by his rude assumptions of his brother. He didn't want to look weak either so he merely smiled at her agian,

"Don't worry, I'd tell you if something was wrong wouldn't I? I owe you that much for putting up with me," He grinned, knowing that she would still be worried about him. He was feeling though so there was no reason to stay concerned.



((I want something big to happen, like a sudden rampage of giant spider demons storm through the city, ripping the tops off every building in their way. Their many eyes landing on the strange group of people, seemingly unfazed by their sudden destruction. The spiders push their way forward towards the postoffice as all slayers ready themselves for their first, and wickedly awesome, fight.


Don't you think that'd be cool?))

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((The city does have protections. x3 ANd I dun really wanna destroy Lindon with spiders. Ew. They'll get briefed on their mission/s in the evening, and leave at dawn to go and fight the monster. I'll put the pic up when I manage to get a scanner and when I actually finish them.. XD))


She half smiled, still worried about the twin. He was grinning, smiling and appearing happy enough.

"If you say so," she replied softly.

She moved to sit beside him, smiling.

"And I really like putting up with you," her voice had a seductive undertone.

Sooty grinned, then winked cheekily at him. Her legs were crossed and her tail moved across the wooden floor.

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A brave shifter arrived to the post office, "Hello? someone's here?" he called, hoping deeply for an answer, "Rgaahh...", He said, He transformed into his wolf form and started wandering around, "Hello? Someone? Any shifters around here?" He called, He started feeling dizzy so he went back to his normal form, He sniffed around a bit, he smelt trails, he started walking until he noticed a male person and a shifter, "Hello?" he said to the lady shifter, as he noticed it was Sooty Paws, Snap it! Sooty Paws, my crush..., he said again, smiling a little. "S-Sooty Paws?" He asked the shifter if It is her name

Edited by Fella

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((I can't remember what both my charries are doing right now...))

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((Or do I PM?

Username: Squigly (Iggy)


Name: Elizabeth (Liz)


Age: 16


Species: Shifter


Sex: Female


Powers/Abilities: Healing


Weaknesses: Helping others. This may sound like a good thing, but when in a life or death situation, she often sacrifices herself. If you were to see a fawn in the woods with a broken leg, she would rush over to heal it's injury immidietly. She also hates to see others in pain.


Description: http://www.tokyopop.com/ugc/1/6/2/8/5/0/4/...ges/2798193.jpg


Personality: Just like a cat, playful, silly, cute, and there to comfort you





Username: Iggy


Name: Isabella (Bells)


Age: 16




Sex: Female


Powers/Abilities:Memories. She can scroll through your memories and let them emerge from your brain. But she can also send you false memories about things.


Weaknesses: Emotions. She's a big sucker for compliments. If you say the right things, in a sticky situation you could be set free depending on her mood. But it could also backfire. You could say the wrong thing about her hair and she would give you the cold shoulder for days.


Description: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d47/Dayd...Angel-Anime.jpg


Personality: It's basically described in Weaknesses but she is really nice and friendly to 'good people'. Based on her opinion if you are 'good' or not, you could have a BFFL even if you are a demon.



Edited by Squigly

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Solas shyly patted Shiro's shoulder as he looked down; he was obviously pondering something. Kuro had already dissapeared inside, along with someone else Solas couldn't see. He coughed a little bit, then sat down, extremly tired for some reason. Writing "Well, I'm going to sleep for a bit, I'm really tired." On the last scrap of paper he had, Solas sort of just lay down and but his hands behind his head like some sort of cushion. Then he pulled his hood over his head and drifted off.

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Kuro looked at Sooty with a twinkle in his eyes.

"How much do you like it?" He asked with a wink as he put his arm over her shoulder. Just then a wolf appeared at the doorway and interupted what could have been a very memorable moment.

"S-Sooty Paws?" The wolf asked with what Kuro recognised as a hint of passion. Kuro felt disgusted, Sooty is mine isn't she? Well not officially of course but- He didn't realise as he started to growl low in his throat.


Shiro sighed as he read Solas's note and watched him fall asleep. The fallen angel seemed relaxed, peaceful and Shiro felt a pang of jealousy. Looking back at the postoffice, it seemed so- so innocent and Shiro felt guilt and anger rising inside him.

"No, I have more maturity and control than that... I have to be the older one now if Kuro is going to be," a child he finished in his mind. Kuro was acting like a spoiled brat and Shiro felt a strange sensation that it was all his fault.


((There, better?))

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((Much better! :D Thanks. <3))


She leant into the half embrace as the twin put his arm over her shoulders. Her golden eyes flicked down to his lips, then a strong smell wafted into the room. She glanced to the doorway, nose wrinkling at the scent. It smelt like wet dog. Her black ears flicked back, then flicked forward when the stranger stammered out her name. She'd never sleep with a dog, so he can't have known her because of that. She tilted her head, looking at him. Sooty wondered where he could have seen her before; the wolf wasn't at the Slayer meeting, was he? "Yes?" she asked. The shifter could hear soft growling from Kuro; she squeezed his hand gently.

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"Uh, well, my name is Razor Claw, I kinda lived with you when we were small, but really small, and please, I ain't a dog... I'm a brown wolf", he said as turning into his form and getting back into his normal form. "See? Well I wanted to know whats going on, nobody was here so I went in and saw you two... Don't worry, I won't interrupt you're moment", he said starting to walk away slowly and getting out.

Edited by Fella

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Her ears flicked back and her yellow eyes widened. The memories, the ones she'd forgotten, flooded back to her. His other form spurred more memories into action. She muttered a soft curse, images of a puppy growling playfully at her. She remembered him and by the time she surfaced, he'd walked away. She wriggled from under Kuro's arm, telling him she'd be back in a moment, then bounded after Razor Claw. She ran around him, then stopped in front of him. Her yellow eyes were wide and her ears perked forward. "I remember you!" she told him breathlessly, grinning.

Edited by WonderBubbles

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"Are you?" Razor Claw questioned her, as he was really excited. "So, what did we like doing the most?" he asked her, He felt good, he was really excited, he really loved her, secretly of course, yet she didn't know that, "I bet you don't know nothing about me as I know about you", he told her, wagging his tail, He didn't really thought she'd leave the boy for him, not to mention talk to Razor Claw after all these years.


((Sorry, accidentally wrote Adrian instead of Razor Claw, I'm editing the post now))

Edited by Fella

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((I'm sorry for not picking that up. x]))


The cat sensed his excitement and it rubbed off onto her a little. She nodded in reply to his first question, grinning. "Well..." she thought a moment, tail flicking lightly. "Rough and tumble?" Her voice had a questioning lilt, for she didn't remember all too clearly. That was the thing that stuck on her mind, now, as she was recalling it. Her yellow eyes caught the movement of Razor's tail, and followed it. It appeared at though Sooty was staring at the other shifter's pelvic area. Her ears flicked forward; the feline in her badly wanted to pounce and play, but the adult side of her was telling her to restrain herself.

Edited by WonderBubbles

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Adrian quickly answered, "Yes, but that was a tricky question, there's something else we like to do even more, BEING A LAZY BUMS UNDER A TREE WITH TONS OF SHADES AND DO NOTHING!", He said and laughed too strong as his side hurts, "But also rough and tumble". He wanted to play with her like they were young, but he knew she found love... She'd probably won't rememeber that he always loved her, and still loving her at this specific moment. "Well, do you want to play or you want to keep chatting with the guy over there?" He said, pointing at Kuro, "By the way, what's his name? You didn't tell me yet", he quickly added, he was curious... He didn't know much about them, but he did know quite stuff on Sooty Paws... Of course, she is his crush since they we're little...

Edited by Fella

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(( is there anything I should be replying to? ninja.gif ))

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Kira and I need to post, I'll add something here later))

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Signum had watched Kira's shot with interest, curious about just how well she'd do. When the shot planted itself right alongside the tip of her arrow, she smiled slightly and then moved forward and retrieved her arrow. "There would seem to be little point to our contest at this point since it seems both of us are more then capable, so I suggest we post pone it for now." Sublimating the arrow she had used, Signum returned her bow to the usual sword form before sheathing it in a single motion.

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"Fine with me, and next we should have some moving targets," Kira replied, refraining from taunting Signum by saying the other was just too chicken to continue. Kira needed to get along with these people, not make rude comments to them. So, whenever she was about to say something rude or harsh, she bit her tongue, not literally of course because then it would start bleeding.

Kira slung her across her back, standing near Signum as the other retrieved her arrow.

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Adrian quickly answered, "Yes, but that was a tricky question, there's something else we like to do even more, BEING A LAZY BUMS UNDER A TREE WITH a lot (two words, not one) OF SHADES AND DO NOTHING!", He said and laughed too strong as his side hurts, "But also rough and tumble". He wanted to play with her like they were young, but he knew she found love... She'd probably won't rememeber that he always loved her, and still loving her at this specific moment. "Well, do you want to play or you want to keep chatting with the guy over there?" He said, pointing at Kuro, "By the way, what's his name? You didn't tell me yet", he quickly added, he was curious... He didn't know much about them, but he did know quite stuff on Sooty Paws... Of course, she is his crush since they we're little...


She giggled along with him, remembering those times. They'd hide from their guardians when they were asked to do chores. It was usually under an ancient oak tree, which was a long walk - for a pair of cubs - away from their home. She chuckled again, smiling, as she recalled climbing up it to tease Razor from a brack that couldn't've been a few metres off the ground. She grinned at him when he asked about Kuro. "He's a good friend of mine," she told him, turning her body so she could see him through the window. "His name's Kuro." Sooty chuckled and wondered if Claw might've been jealous, but brushed it aside as ridiculous. They were always great friends.

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"Kuro, thats quite a name... Didn't know there were much people around, so, in the evening we'll assemble near the post office, aye?", He said, He was curious about Kuro, a little jealous, as he noticed Sooty looked at the window. "Hey, whats going on? You seem sad or something, c'mon tell me I'm a friend of yours! Remember?", He said. He blushed at her.

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She chuckled at his response about the vampiric elemental's name, then glanced back at him. "Yeah, I think he'll call another meeting to get everyone together to tell that that," she replied with a smile and a flick of her tail. He asked her what was going on and said she appeared sad. Confusion crossed her bronze face, then she giggled when he blushed. "D'awww," she cooed, grinning a little evilly, "Aren't you so adorable? Blushing!" Sooty burst into a fit of giggles, a hand on her stomach.

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"Hey! I ain't blushin!", Razor Claw said, avoiding the emberrasement, he hid his face in shame. "Do you want to get bored near a tree? play some games?", he said. He didn't see her for a long time, afterall. "If you want you can get back to Kuro!", he said, he didn't want her to but if she was happy he was happy.

Edited by Fella

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((Ye called him 'Adrian', again. ^^))


She giggled harder when he hid his face, finding his embarrassment hilarious. SHe recovered slowly and grinned at him. "I'd love to, but, Kuro might feel a little abandoned. The shifter glanced back over to the Post Office, then remembered that Fraener might call for them while they were gone. Her expression turned disgruntled and she looked back to the other shifter. "We should stay around the Post Office," Sooty told him, ears flicking back for a moment. She realised she was still wearing her skimpy, leather, fighting gear. She glanced down at it and chuckled.

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