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Naruto Shippuden

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" When did you find out when you where well you know?" Hoshiko asked, now looking at the girl " He just like that it doesn't mean he is!," Hoshiko told her, with a growl her ears point up again and now she had a tail " You watch what you say little girl," Hoshiko told her, her eyes where now red like blood.

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Itachi groaned, putting a hand on his forehead in exasperation before realizing that he had been holding the dango in that hand. His silky black bangs were suddenly clumpy and coated in the sticky sauce of the dango. It made him groan again. "...I am violent..." he muttered, trying and failing to get the sweet sauce out of his hair. "No need to fret over me... It's just the way I am..." He blushed again as his eyes settled on his hand, slipping it out of her grasp. She didn't seem to be in pain anymore... No need to hold her hand anymore. His cheeks remained red and he bit down on more dango, blinking furiously as his sticky hair got in his eyes and made his long eyelashes sticky as well. No... He needed another bath.

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Hoshiko didn't listen to him she just went on waiting for the new girl to speak up " I'm sorry, but I need to get it threw her head that you not do anything dumb," Hoshiko told him, with a sigh then closed her eyes and made a fist she was ready to fight her.

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Itachi frowned at Hoshiko, the red slowly starting to fade from his cheeks. "...I kill. I bleed. I enjoy it. I spend my nights in cemeteries drenched in the blood of my victims and I spend my days torturing others to the point that they are on their knees begging me to end their miserable little lives. I am a bad person. Look around... She's not the only one afraid of me. Hell, I killed your mother because I felt like it, along with all the others that night..." He put out his hand, becoming the store owner over. The terrified man was shaking as he made his way toward the paricidical serial killer. So he was shocked to find that instead of death, Itachi gave him money. "...For the food." he murmured, batting his now sticky eyelashes. "Keep the rest as tip..."

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"Well...." Naruto began. "I found out on accident. I stole some kid's diary because I was bored and she had written what her parents told her."


"Oh. Wow." Inate stated to hear what Itachi had done

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Itachi had purchased a water bottle and had poured it onto his head to get the sticky out of his hair, dripping onto the floors of the restaurant. He was sopping wet. If it was anyone, anyone else, the store owner would have yelled at them on the spot. But he'd rather not die so soon. Itachi burned with shame at his actions, at the massacre, but he didn't show it at all. He just turned to Inate and blinked, water dripping off the ends of his unusually long eyelashes. "...I say it as it is..." He was filled with self loathing. He hated himself. He was such an awful person... He didn't deserve eating dango... But he's saved so many lives by what he'd done. He tried focusing on that. Kitsune shook her head and lunged towards Itachi, glomping him.

"Itachi... you aren't a bad-"

"Don't touch me." he muttered, pushing her away.

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Inate felt the cold wind again. She stood up and left. Naruto chased after her.

"Inate, is something wrong?" He grabbed ahold of her hand.

"No. I'm fine." She said with a fake smile.

"No, your not. Tell me. Is there something wrong?"

"I feel something bad is about to happen." Inate looked over her shoulder and saw Hidan and Kakazu walking though town. She heard Hidan say,

"If I were Inate, where would I be? I don't know! I hardly even know the girl!" Naruto knew he had to hide her or something.

"Inate." he whispered. Inate turned her head tord him. Naruto cupped her chin in his hand and Kissed her. Just then, Hidan and Kakazu passed them.


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Itachi felt a sudden chill, whipping around and sending drops of water flying from his hair towards the other two Akatsuki members. Oh, no. Oh, please... no... They couldn't know that he was here on a personal matter. Entering villages without Pain's approval was strictly forbidden. He would have to pretend Pain sent him... He glanced at Naruto and Inate as they kissed, saddened. "...Hidan. Kakuzu." He nodded towards them, water flying from his hair towards them. The people on the arrests screamed at the sight of three Akatsuki members together and fled for their lives. Kitsune ran over, beaming.

"Hidan! Kakuzu! Hello!" She hugged Hidan in an eager greeting. For some reason, she liked him.

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Hidan hated being glomped.

"Yeah, hi. Have you guys seen Inate?" Itachi looked surprised.

"Yeah. She just left here and the Kyubi followed her." Hidan covered Kitsune's ears.


"That was probably Inate he was kissing."


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Itachi suddenly realized what was going on. He had to protect Naruto and Inate... He didn't know why. He just had to. He would have to lie; his area of expertise. "...I was sent here to capture the two Jinchurikki." he murmured in a calm, even tone, water dripping from the lashes of his Sharingan. "You have no need to be here..." if worse came to worse, he would use his Sharingan. He didn't want to, but if he needed to... His heart dropped when he saw his brother round a corner, walking in this direction. He couldn't have Sasuke attack him, not here... If Hidan were to kill him, he would die of such utter grief... "Um! W-We have to go this way now!" he cried uncharacteristically and grabbed Hidan and Kakuzu by the wrists, pulling them in Sasuke's opposite direction almost frantically. It was also away from Inate and Naruto... Everything would work out. Kitsune continued hugging Hidan.

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Inate pulled away from Naruto. Her cheeks were bright red. Inate held Naruto's hand and they began walking. Inate's cheeks were still red. Itachi was pulling Hidan and Kakazu away from them.

"Pein didn't send you here, because WE are here to bring Inate to Deidara."Hidan objected. Itachi tried to think of what to do.

Oh what am I supposed to do? Go yaoi or something? No, to embarrasing.

"Uh uh... do you wanna uh get some uh dango?" Kakazu was getting bored.

"If you two are gonna do this all night, I'm gonna go gamble." Itachi couldn't let that happen because Naruto and Inate were about to pass that building.

"No, I mean you should come with us."

Edited by Emoragirl17

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Itachi was starting to panic. Everything was falling apart right in front of him... He shook Kitsune off of Hidan and began pulling them along harder, giving a nervous laugh. "W-Why gamble?! W-W-Why not have some drinks, on me?! I can get you as much sake as you can drink! Or v-vodka! Hidan likes vodka, don't you?! Ehehe..." he was acting really, really strange. Kitsune flapped the sleeves of her cloak around, frowning.

"Itachi! I thought you said you hated drinking, ever since you got drunk at the hot-" he clamped a hand on her mouth, laughing even louder. How did she know...?! N-Nevermind...

"C'mon, guys... You really gonna turn down free drinks?"

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Hidan got a seirios look on his face.

"Itachi. What the censorkip.gif are you doing."

"Come on guys, please?"

"...All right..." Itachi knew that one little mistake and everything could go wrong.

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"Ok! Drink as much as you want; I'm paying!" Itachi cried, punching the air with another nervous laugh and dragging them towards the best bar in Konoha. He really couldn't care how badly his wallet suffered at that moment; Sasuke, Inate, and Kitsune weren't legally allowed in a bar. It was absolutely perfect. Kitsune ran back to meet up with Naruto and Inate since the bar owner told her she was underage, smashing into Sasuke and landing on top of him instead.

"Omfh! Sorry..." She rolled off of Sasuke, staring at him. "Oh! You're Itachi's brother..." This was the guy Itachi spent every waking moment thinking about, eh?

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Sasuke was landed on by Kitsune.

"Your that girl who has a crush on my brother." He stood up and wrapped his arm around Kitsune.

"Why don't you hang out with me for a while?"

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"...Huh?" Kitsune was confused. She was fourteen, Itachi was seventeen; adoring him and having a crush on him were two different things. Not that she really understood either. Nevertheless, she agreed. "...Uh... Why's your arm around me...?" she asked uncomfortably, glancing at his hand on her shoulder. He kind of looked like Itachi... But not as good. Itachi was better facially, and his hair was fairer. "...Sasuke Uchiha, right?"


Itachi placed bottle after bottle of alcoholic drinks on the table, urging his teammates to drink their fills. Knowing them, they'd easily get drunk... "Hey! Want a drink?" Itachi looked up to find a waiter holding a cup of vodka out to him.

"I'm seventeen..." Itachi stammered, staring at him as the man thrust the cup into his hands.

"Nonsense Live a little, kid!" Itachi blinked and gave a nervous sip, dreading the hangover that would ensue in the morning. He had to make sure not to drink too much...

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"What...?" She was too innocent to really understand what was going on, but Hoshiko didn't seem to like being pregnant. She backed away from him, lost in Konoha. "...Maybe I should go try to find Itachi..." she mumbled, staring at him. What was with that look he was giving her...?


Itachi was drunk in minutes, hiccuping and giggling to himself like a madman. He grabbed one of the bottles in front of him, cheeks rosy, and started chugging it down.

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Hiro stopped walking and watched Itachi in the window..... Drunk again, obviously.... He growled when sasuke said "Can I get you pregenant?' To Kitsune. " Watch your mouth or ill cut off your manhood, Sasuke."


((Reply quick i gotta go ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Hoshiko looked at Naruto " You way better with Hinta then that girl," Hoshiko told him, then sat back down with her head on the bar " I need to stop doing that," Hoshiko said to herself " Hiro?" Hoshiko asked, she in pain again when she get angry the pain gets wrost.



(( En can the new guy come in now))

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Kitsune blinked and stared in confusion when Hiro suddenly walked towards them, snapping at Sasuke. "Hiro! Do you know where Itachi is? I'm a bit lost here... I'm not used to the Leaf Village..." she mumbled, still glancing over at Sasuke every few seconds. He unnerved her. There was just something not right about him... It made her wonder why Itachi was so deeply in love with him.


Itachi had more drinks than he could count. He had a bottle of liquor in one hand and a full glass of red wine in the other, stumbling out the door and giggling to himself as he tried making his way down the street. He could barely stand. "I *hic*...I think I'll get some... Ehehe... D-Dango..." he mumbled in a slurred, drawling tone as he tried remembering where the ramen stand was. Where was Hidan and Kakuzu again...? Bah, their loss... They had his wallet with them; they could use it to pay off the drinks or whatever...

Edited by UchihaAce

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(( I'm partially confused... so im gonna follow Sasuke and kitsune. biggrin.gif ))


" Yes.... over there getting drunk... or already drunk and getting worse, that is." He said pointing at a window in which you could see Itachi.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Kitsune scratched her head in confusion, frowning at Hiro. "But I thought Itachi didn't like dri-"

"Hellooooooo!" Itachi stumbled over, waving the bottle in the air as greeting before taking another swig of the wine in his other hand. "Do you wanna *hic* get some... D-Dango...? I like dango... Ehehe!" he giggled to himself again before pointing at Sasuke, tottering slightly. "S-Sasu*hic*..."

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