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Naruto Shippuden

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((Somebody needs to find Inate with the shiny thing))

Sasuke took the blow to his gut and coughed blood all over Itachi's arm. Sasuke grabbed Itachi's arm and pulled him to the ground, shattering his brother's arm. Itachi screamed with pain. Inate looked over her shoulder, ran to the group, and tried to break the pair up. Without thinking, Itachi used his other arm to punch Inate in the face. Inate had a terrible nosebleed, and there was a huge crowd gathering. Inate was able to stand and she ran out of the area. She ran right into the boy she saw asking his Sensei for ramen.

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Itachi let his broken arm burst into ravens to allow it to heal, rolling over to push himself onto Sasuke and glaring at him as his fully healed arm regathered itself. He kneed Sasuke in the gut and punched him in the face at the same time, grabbing him by the throat with his formerly broken arm and pinning him against a tree. He gave a dark chuckle. "...You're still too weak... and you always will be." he tightened his grip, preparing to put him in a Tsukuyomi. Kitsune, in the meantime, was deeply concerned with Inate's nosebleed, and had chased after her.

"Inate! Inate, are you ok?! That looked like it hurt a lot!" Kitsune stopped by Inate, staring at a blond boy curiously, flapping her wings a bit. "Did you try to hurt her?" she demanded, frowning slightly.

Edited by UchihaAce

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Hiro looked at the crown gathering around Itachi and Sasuke, and yelled. "HEY! Nothign to see here, if you want to keep your eyes, i suggest you move along."

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Hoshukio walked over to Hiro and sat down next to him " Hiro?" Hoshiko asked, now looking down at her feet " I'm sorry for ever being in love with you," Hoshiko told him, then walked away from him she wasn't sure why she came back to help him in the first place.

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" I tired everything I mean I stopped being so annorying and I don't know what you want me to to do," Hoshiko told him, now looking at the brothers who where fighting and then started to walk " I can't do this any more Hiro," Hoshiko told him.

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Hiro walked away silently, ignoring the stares from terrified Kohona citizens. Girls s]walked towards him, but had a second thought.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Hoshiko sighed " Oh," Hoshiko said, now having tears rolled down her cheeks " I thought he was run after me I guess wrong now for sure I know he doesn't want me," Hoshiko said to herslef, now she was by a tree and didn't know where or what to do.

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Hiro truned around, looked at Hoshiko,pulled down his mask completely,and smiled. " You fell in love with an Idiot. What a shame. He's not good enough for you." He said, pointing to himself.


(( Lolwut? Most epic batte ending EVR! ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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" That's not ture he is good for me," Hoshiko told him, now walking back " He the best thing ever happen to me when we where little he was my frist friend," Hoshiko told him, with a smile on her face.

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Hoshiko rolled her eyes " What are you doing?" Hoshiko asked, now pulling something out of her bag she was getting thristy " OK tell me one thing why shouldn't I love you Hiro?" Hoshoko asked.

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"Cause' I did this." Hiro lifted a kunai to his neck and pulle dit across, slitting his throat. Blood pourd out, and he dropped to the ground. (( This is a genjutstu,but hoshiko doesnt know that. noone else is seeing it. u know what a genjutsu is?))

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" Hiro what are you doing!?" Hoshiko cried out " Hiro you confusing me!," Hoshiko told him, now wondering what she should do she didn't know what was going on she was kind of lost and Hiro wasn't helping her at all. First he seemed like he wanted her then he act like he doesn't " Hiro!," Hoshiko said.

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Kitsune grabbed Inate by the wrist and stared at the blond before them curiously, noting the strange whiskers on his cheeks. He faintly carried the scent of ramen... Who wears an orange jumpsuit on a stealth mission? Who wears an orange jumpsuit in public? Still, she shouldn't talk about looking odd... She had wings and a tail, for crying out loud. And ears on the top of her head. "...You smell like ramen." She noted, searching the pockets of her Akatsuki cloak for a tissue to stop Inate's nosebleed. In the meantime, Itachi widened his eyes slightly and unleashed Tsukuyomi on his younger brother, replaying the massacre again and again to torture him.

((this is totally not a bump hidden as a post. >/_\>))

Edited by UchihaAce

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Hiro stopped the Genjutsu. He turned around. Lifting his jacket, he put it on. He pulled his mask up. He picked up his sword, and retrieved his kunai from dead bodies. "My work is done for now. Looking at Itachi, Kitsune, and Sasuke, he smiled ever so slightly under his mask. He would find Kitsune, someday soon. He looked at the little girl. He hadn't seen her before. " Im done."

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Hoshiko eyes got wide " What on earth did you do?" Hoshiko asked, now standing beside him her arm with hooked into his " I don't want to play games any more Hiro," Hosjiko told him, with a sigh " If you are trying to make me stop loving you it's not working," Hoshiko told him " I can't wait for you to make up your mind or not I've been in love with you for a very long time," Hoshiko told him, now backing away from him " If you don't love me just tell me and I'll stay away from you the rest of your life if I have to," Hoshiko told him.

Edited by War and Peace

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Hiro pulled his arm away from Hoshiko. "No." He said simply. He looked at Itachi. He felt sorry for that guy. Hiro knew what must have really happened. Itachi was brave.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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" Oh, well then this most be a good bye for good then," Hoshiko told him, now walking away from him " And I can't be friends with you either not right now any ways," Hoshiko told him, now making a fist she was confuse and angry now.

Edited by War and Peace

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"Um...hi. My name is Inate." Inate said to the boy. "Kitsune, you're cutting off the circulation in my hand."

"Hi. My name is Uzumaki Naruto." The boy replied. Naruto stared at the strange looked Kitsune was giving him. Naruto became angry and was not yelling at Kitsune, but was yelling at Inate. Inate stepped closer to Kitsune, so close that their shoulders were touching. With the other hand, Inate grabbed the orange ribbon that Tobi had given her and clutched it tight in her hand. She wanted to cry at the ugly words Naruto was shouting at her. She didn't though. She began to think of what Tobi told her. Inate put the ribbon back in her pocket. Inate reached out and slapped Naruto.

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Kitsune blinked at the ramen-scented boy calling himself Naruto Uzumaki, her frown fading as he yelled at Inate. She let go of Inate at her comment of circulation. "...Naruto? Those swirly thingamabobs in your ramen? And stop yelling; you're gonna hurt her feelings!" She cried as Inate slapped him. She turned to Inate now and frowned at her. "Don't hit him! That's not very nice! Even if he was yelling in the first place..." she blinked, remembering what Itachi and the others in Akatsuki had said. "...Naruto! Naruto Uzumaki!" Kitsune took his hand and began pulling at his arm, trying to drag him along. "C'mon! Itachi needed you, Kyuubi! Naruto! Anyways, we've gotta hurry it up! He's with Sasuke right now!" She glanced back at Inate to make sure she was ok.

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" Naruto?" Hoshiko asked, now walked back to the other, but staying away from Hiro she was still angry at him " What are you doing here?" Hoshiko asked, now getting worried what the others would do to him " Oh, man this isn't good," Hoshiko thought, now placing her hands on her stomach to think what she should do.

Edited by War and Peace

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Inate then felt sympathy for Naruto, a tailed beast inside him. She follow Kitsune, walking next to Naruto. Naruto tried to object to going with Kitsune, but he couldn't think of anything to say. When they arrived to where Itachi was batteling Sasuke. Naruto blurrted out,

"Hi, Sasuke!" Sasuke looked up.

"Hi, Idiot."

"Sh-Shut up!" Inate grabbed Kitsune's free hand. She licked the fresh blood as it ran down her lips.

"Kitsune, why are people so creul?"

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