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Naruto Shippuden

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(( I'm not playing him ))



Hoshiko waited for the others to come in " Oh, super I got friends who is a dragon and a raven," Hoshiko said to herself, then sat down watching the closes go by for awhile until someone came " I rather be asleep then waiting on slow pokes!," Hoshiko said.

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Kitsune grinned, impressed with Hiro's forward acting. It was pretty amazing, the power of suggestion. Itachi cawed loudly and shot off of Kitsune's shoulder, sending her into a battle stance. She burst into laughter when she saw him land at the dango stand, pecking away at the sweets and ignoring the shopkeepers as they tried to swat him away. Two more of Itachi's ravens had gathered by the stand, greedily scarfing the sweets down. He'd managed to eat his fill before the shopkeeper grabbed his broom, landing back on Kitsune's shoulder as the other two flew out towards the Hokage's temple. "Well, looks like you enjoyed yourself." she chuckled.

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Hiro smiled at Itachi. He walked up to a person. " Hello Ma'am, we are shnobi come back from a long mission, and we need to find a man named Danzo.Do you happen to know where this man might be?"


"Oh, dear! I am honered to help! I do believe that he is in the Hokage building." She asnwered.


"Thank you, Ma'am."

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If Itachi could have grinned, he would have. Sweet, sweet vengeance... Although he wasn't about to go kill the man, he was eager to terrorize the person he hated most in this world. Kitsune winced and began complaining that he was digging into her skin with his talons again; he ignored her. "Wow, you sure spread ou loads of ravens..." she murmured, looking around. They were everywhere; on buildings, the electrical wires, the trees... Most of them seemed to be either circling the Hokage's temple or the abandoned Uchiha district. There's a shock... Kitsune thought to herself as she beganwalking towards the Hokage's temple.

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Hoshiko got up and fowled her friends with out saying anything " Sweetie can I hold you?" Hoshiko asked, not looking at the boys she just walked along beside Hiro and holding her son wondering what she should do.

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((Shouldn't we ask Emora-chan to play as Danzo? She controls all canon characters, after all... Save for the ones she assigned to people. ./_\.wink.gif)

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Itachi grabbed the black cloak and flew behind a tree, all the ravens shooting down to follow. He emerged in his normal form later, wearing the black cloak instead of his Akatsuki cloak with the hood tightly drawn over his head. The only thing s that gave him away as being Itachi Uchiha were his characteristic stress lines and his scarlet sharingan, glowing slightly in the shadows that the hood cast on his face. He calmly closed his eyes and walked over to them, silently beckoning towards the door. A pair of kitty-faced ANBU were staring at them curiously from the ramen stand, somewhat suspicious but not so much that they would try to stop them.

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" What do you want me to do sit around and wait on you guys geez that's so much fun Hiro," Hoshiko said, rolling her eyes " No, I'm coming with you guys like it or not OK," Hoshiko told him, now looking around with a sigh " Boys are so ahhish," Hoshiko thought

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"I heard that, Hosiko." Hiro said, not even turning around after he said it. Hiro growled at the anbu. " Ever heard of politness? Staring isn't nice, sirs." Hiro said out loud to the ANBU. " Of ourse, we are about to beat down a blind man until he gives us information." Hiro said quietly enough so only their little group heard.

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" How on earth did you hear that I didn't even say it out loud," Hoshiko asked, now watching him talk to the guy " Gezz are you tell everyone what we going to to Hiro?" Hoshiko asked, now looking up wondering how she because his friend in the first place.

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Itachi calmly rapped on the door with his knuckles, standing back behind the others so as not to draw out too much attention. ...Hiro. This is a very personal matter of mine... You're abilities would be quite useful. You should know by now that I am against violence... I merely wish to question Danzo on the life of my brother and remind him that I am still alive if he tries to pull any tricks. Don't jump in screaming beating him to a bloody pulp... As much as he's love to do that himself, he knew what a delicate matter this was. ...We can't fail. You should answer the door once someone comes out... Request conference with Danzo or something.

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Inate had fallen asleep and gotten seperated from the group. When she did not see Itachi or Kitsune, she bagan to panic. She burst into tears. She began to think of the day she and Tobi first meet. She wondered if something similar would happen. She heard a crow caw and she jumped up and ran away to the closest place. That place was Konoha Gakure. Inate looked around.

"This looks like...it is! The place where the cruel people lived." Inate looked to her right and saw a boy about her age and his teacher. She listened to their conversation.

"Iruka-Sensei, can we get some ramen?"

"Naruto, I got you ramen yesterday."

"Please, Sensei?"

"Alright." Then Inate's thoughts were again on Tobi. She felt a cold wind behind her. She felt something was wrong. She started to run and didn't stop untill she was alone.

Edited by Emoragirl17

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((lolwut Kitsune was left in the stump of a tree. xd.png))

Itachi walked through the door as an ANBU opened it, leaving all questions up to the others as he quickly walked through the halls. Unfortunately, the ANBU chased him. And saw his sharingan. "What the-" She had begun to speak when Itachi suddenly put her in a genjutsu, leaving her like that and locking her in a closet. "...We should look for Danzo before someone finds her like this..." he murmured quietly, dashing through another hallway. He had been in this building so many times before, but where was Danzo...?

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Danzo walked down the hallways of the Hokage Building. ((cough cough stupid danzo I hate him for some reason cough cough)) He saw a group of children and a man locking a closet.

"What are you doing in here?" They all turned in his direction. Itachi quickely turned on his Sharingan and put Danzo under a Genjutsu. Danzo colapsed onto the floor.



Inate was sitting in the grass, panting, her back aganst a tree. The strange feelings came back. she clutched her stomache, hoping they would go away.

"Joobi, what do you want from me?" she whispered.

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Kitsune gaped at Itachi as he pulled out a kunai and walked over to the man, hate filling his eyes. Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to kill him right here and now... But no. That would put Konohagakure at risk politically... Instead, he submerged himself into the genjutsu so he could speak with Danzo.

"You... I'm alive, as you can plainly see..." Itachi murmured dangerously, glaring at Danzo. The man who had turned his life upside down was standing right in front of him... It made his blood boil. Oh, how he hated Danzo. "...I've returned to see if you've kept your half of our deal... Where is my brother, Danzo...?" If he said that he had killed Sasuke... Itachi was seriously starting to consider just killing him, regardless of the answer. He had to keep reminding himself that he couldn't for the same of Konoha.

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((I will be leaving tomorrow for a week and will not be able to post anything.))

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Danzo was in a Genjutsu with Itachi, trying to remember where Sasuke was.

"I don't remember, Itachi."

"Tell me where he is or suffer death and 72 hours of torture!" Itachi demanded.

"I currently don't know where he is."

"For the next 72 hours we are going to do the Carmelldansen." ((Sorry, couldn't resist))

"Alright, alright. He's a the festival in the Outskirts of town."((Seely Sasuke))



Inate was worried. She was expieriencing waves of bad feelings.

"Mabye I need bloodflow to my brain." She was thinking outloud again. She climbed the tree she was leaning on and hung upsidedown. Now she could think clearer.

"Let's see... Strange feelings, Biju inside me...Ohno! Tobi could be dieing as I'm thinking outloud again!" Inate dropped from the branch and flipped so she could land on her feet.

"I have to find the others."

Edited by Emoragirl17

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((LOL the caramelldansen. Every anime character's worst fear. xd.png))

Itachi glared at Danzo, putting his hands on his head for the caramelldansen. He couldn't possibly believe that his beloved little brother was back in Konoha after going to Orochimaru. "...Do you think this is some kind of joke? I'm in shape, old man. I can do the caramelldansen for seventy-two..." He was torn between continuing his genjutsu on Danzo and going to check if Sasuke really was there. He was such a sucker... You could tell him that Sasuke was on the moon and he'd check just to make sure. He released his genjutsu on Danzo and spun on his heel, running towards the exit. Kitsune blinked at Hiro and Hoshiko curiously before lunging after him, confused as to what was going on. Itachi glanced back at them. "...A festival..." he murmured quietly, half talking to himself, "...find a festival..."

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Hoshiko didn't say anything just watched them talk with her arms on her stomach " Hopefully he'll find his lost brother and then we might have a better life," Hoshiko thought, now looking at her new friend with a smile then gave her a cookie " Shh don't tell the others," Hoshiko told her.

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