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Naruto Shippuden

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Hoshiko did something with her hands " Watch your bird," Hoshiko told her, now making the bird fly with out using anything " See," Hoshiko told her, with a smile then stopped when one of the twins did something " Ahh I'm about had it with you two!," Hoshiko told her unborn children. Then looked at Itachi with a frown " Hey hey talk to me," Hoshiko told him.

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Inate walked to where Kitsune was.

"Wanna play Hide and Seek, Kitsune?" Inate had excess energy she wanted to burn off so she could fall asleep that night.

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Kitsune squealed in delight and flew after the bird, eagerly trying to do the same thing. The bird flew like a rock. Kitsune continued trying, regardless. Itachi stared at Hoshiko, emotionless. "...What do you mean, talk to you...? I have nothing to say... Well. Until we figure out what we're going to do, I might as well relax..." and with that, he laid down on the floor, swinging one leg over the other and putting his hands behind his head, locking the fingers together and daydreaming about his brother like always. Despite failing, Kitsune continued to laugh at the bird. The light filtering down between the leaves danced across the Uchiha's face, making his headband glint.

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Hoshiko sighed and sat down next to him " You're a ok guy Itachi," Hoshiko told him, with a smile " You just worried about your baby brother and don't worry you'll find him," Hoshiko told him, with a smile " Kitsune come here please," Hoshiko told her, now with her arms open wide for her to come " I want you to meet someone he has been here the whole time just a bit shy," Hoshiko told her.

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Flashback: Kitsune nodded eagerly, hopping out of the tree and running towards Inate on all fours. Her tail was swishing back and fourth wildly as she hopped up and down, flailing her arms. "Oh! Ok, ok! Let's play hide and seek, then! Hn... How do you play hide and seek, Inate?" she asked curiously, slightly tilting her head. Hide and seek... What, was it a scavenging game? Whatever it was, it sounded like fun... Perhaps they looked for sweets?!

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Itachi's calm gaze suddenly turned icy and cruel, a shadow crossing his face. "...Care for my foolish little brother? I merely wish to know if he's still alive so I can measure my vessel against his..." he hissed quietly, pushing out his classic lie so perfectly that it looked like he couldn't be more honest. "...When he finally gets the Mangekkyo Sharingan, I plan on ripping out his eyes and implanting them into mine... To create an eternal Mangekkyo Sharingan. So that I may never go blind and that I may rise to be the most powerful shinobi this world has ever known..." he let a cruel smile creep across his face, when in all reality he wasn't thinking about that at all. He was thinking about Sasuke's first birthday, and how he had thrown cake into his hair. It had Bern much shorter back then, but it was still a pain to wash all the frosting out...

Kitsune cautiously walked over, staring at Hoshiko's open arms. "...Huh? I don't smell anyone else...?"

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Hoshiko was now holding a little boy in her arms he was fast asleep even thought his mother was yelling " Aw Zuko," Hoshiko said to her son, now waiting for her new friend to come over to her she was enjoying this even though the one killed her mother was right beside her and the other she loved was acting like he doesn't care so she won't care about him either.

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Kitsune stared at the little child in Hoshiko's arms curiously, sniffing him. He smelled a lot like Hoshiko... She must have been around him for quite some time. "...Zuko? His name's Zuko?" she asked, tilting her head again. Itachi glanced over at the baby, but did nothing more than that. Instead, he gave a harsh laugh.

"...You want to know a secret? I killed my family because I felt like it. You shouldn't be pulling out babies around me..." After all, he needed to keep his reputation for his plan to work. If everyone thought of him as kind and loving, there really wouldn't be much of a point to what he was doing with his life.

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" Wow he has been here the whole time and you haven't said anything," Hoshiko told him, then looked at the girl " Yes, his name is Zuko he's my son and you don't want to know who's his father is," Hoshiko told him, with a frown " Itanch you need to clam down and not worry so much," Hoshiko told him, the Zuko woke up " Mommy?" Zuko asked, now looking around where he was.

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Itachi shrugged, muttering something about not noticing him as Kitsune jumped back in surprise. She ran back up to him and stared before grinning, showing long, pointed fangs. "Hello!" she cried, with a small wave. "I'm Kitsune! Dragon-demon! Akatsuki member! Nice to meecha!" Itachi grunted and rolled over, glaring at the child.

"...Itachi Uchiha. Coldhearted ruthless serial killer, Akatsuki member, drop-dead sexy, etc..." he chuckled to himself at the last comment, pulling out a kunai and lazily sharpening it as Kitsune hopped up and down jabbering on about sweets and birds.

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" Dude you don't tell a one year old that," Hoshiko told him, now rolling her eyes " Do you want to hold him Kitsune?" Hoshiko asked, with a smile on her face " Mommy who are they I'm scared," Zuko told his mother.

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Itachi brought a hand to his mouth to muffle his laughter at the child's response. Yeah. He was a mean little teenager, wasn't he? "If you must know who we are," Itachi murmured, staring at the child. "We're here to kill a bunch of people. Then we're going to take a half-blind old man and threaten to beat him until he listens to us. Then we're going to go search for a blond knuckle-head ninja and suck his soul out." Kitsune nodded eagerly at what Itachi said, clapping her hands together cheerfully. She was too naive to know that you don't say that to younger children. Itachi smiled inwardly, pleased with himself. He could be coldhearted and ruthless when he felt like it, and what better way than tormenting a baby? His mother could hit him, but he'd just jump out of the way. In all honesty, he'd rather not do what he just did, but he had a certain image he needed to uphold.

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"One of us closes our eyes and counts, and the other one hides and when the person counting is done, they look for the person hiding. I'll count to 20." Inate closed her eyes and began counting

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Flashback: Kitsune nodded and shot off like a bullet, ducking into Itachi's cloak before abruptly getting pushed out by the angry Uchiha. Hn, where to hide, where to hide...?! She shot into the air, soaring into the sky and looking for a place to hide before settling on a hollowed-out tree, neatly folding her wings and slipping into it. She curled up like a cat and impatiently waited for Inate in the dark, tail still wagging slightly. So far, this game was proving quite fun!

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Zuko waddled over to Kitsune " Me want to play," Zuko told her, with a giggle.



" His mother is me and his father is your other friend," Hoshiko told him, with a sigh then watched her son playing with Kitsune then started to giggle " Don't worry you won't hurt him he can't get hurt," Hoshiko told her, now closing her eyes and rubbing her stomach " And you think a fifteen year old girl had him you're wrong I found him," Hoshiko told him " I'm sixteen now and wish I wasn't pregnant," Hoshiko told him.

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Itachi was about to make an inappropriate comment on her being pregnant at age sixteen when Kitsune grabbed Zuko and flew up a few feet with him, grinning. Itachi sighed and let it go, rolling his eyes and put away his kunai, glaring at the huge walls of the Leaf Village in annoyance. He felt like just walking into the place, but that would be foolish. Instead, he turned to Hiro. "Hiro... I need you to use your ability to see if any ANBU members are around our area. We need to devise a plan to enter the Hidden Leaf Village undetected."

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Hiro had beens paced out, but when he heard his name, his head snapped Itachis way " Oh, no. Not one living being around here, animal nor human."

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Itachi gave a stiff nod and stood up, brushing himself off. "...What do you suppose we do to enter...?" he asked himself, staring at the gate's immense walls. He often spoke to himself, especially whenever he was planning something. "...Hn. First, we should estimate where we assume Danzo might be. He is one of our top priorities, after all. Then we should move on to the Kyuubi and capturing him..." That part would be quite tricky. He wasn't afraid of getting hit by Naruto's attacks; no matter how fierce an attach, Itachi never actually got hit unless he wanted to. He would always dodge it or burst into ravens, or pull out Susano'o in a last resort effort. The turned to face Hiro. "...Why don't you try devising a plan while I charge up on chakra...? I still haven't fully rested my eyes..."

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" So it's safe to go?" Hoshiko asked, now watching her son " He looks like he's having fun just be careful with his hands just don't touch them and you'll be fine," Hoshiko told her, then got up slowly and walked to the wall " Let me be the first to go and I'll let you know it's safe or not," Hoshiko told them.

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" Hoshiko, they wont know you. of course it will be safe for you!!!" Hiro walked slightly east, and probed for his childhood entrance into Kohona. When he found it, he said, over here. Me and Kitsune could go ask around for Danzo, and when we pinpoint his location, we'll come back and tell you."

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Kitsune nodded and ran after Hiro, pulling on the detachable hood of her Akatsuki cloak before realizing that the cloak might give her away. "...Um, Hiro... My cloak's gonna be a problem." Itachi ignored her and turned his left hand into a raven, closing his right eye as usual to be able to see in the raven's point of view and letting it land onto Hiro's shoulder. It's sharingan burned almost as brightly as his as he backed into the shadows, his entire body bursting into ravens and scattering throughout the area of Konoha. I can just stay with you in this form, Hiro. The raven thought, knowing Hiro would hear it. Once we find Danzo, I'll simply regather myself.

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" Sounds good. Kitsune, i still need to take you clothes shopping." Hiro said with a smile. Hiro made a quick few handsigns and the wall fell apart, leaving a large hole the size of a man. Hiro walked through.

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" Ok let me go find Naruto," Hoshiko told them, now walking away not listening to what Hiro just said. She walked where Naruto was and watched him talk to Hinta " Hey sweetie," Hoshiko told Naruto, now walking up to him her green eye turned black.

Edited by War and Peace

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Kitsune slipped through the gap in the wall quickly, chasing after Hiro as Itachi cawed loudly and flew onto Kitsune's shoulder instead. Kitsune chuckled. "Well, Itachi! Looks like you're my pet for now, eh?" Itachi dug his talons into her shoulder, glaring at her. Don't push your luck, girl... Kitsune couldn't read minds, so she just continued walking. "Hiro, I'd really rather not trouble you. All I need is a plain black hooded cloak to hide what I am; I'm fine with the rest of my clothes! Honest!" She looked around the street, nervous. It was a risky thing, walking through Konoha with an Akatsuki cloak on.

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(( Did emoragirl gie you permission to control naruto?))


" As far as they know, you are a spy for Kohona pretwending to be Akatsuki. I.... spread a few rumors." Hiro stopped at the clothing store. "I'll take a black cloak for my friend here."


" Oh, be she one of those spies I been hearin' bout'?" Asked the shopkeeper.


"Yeah." Said Hiro. He payed the man and gave Kitsune the cloak.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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