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Naruto Shippuden

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Hoshiko looked up at Hiro " Won't you stop that!," Hoshiko told him, now pulling the girl's hand and place the thing in her hand " It's a tiny puppet," Hoshiko told her, then got up slowly " I was just saying why I should be angry at him it doesn't mean I am you dumb little boy!," Hoshiko told him, now watching Itachi for awhile then looked back at Hiro " And you where the friend I was talking about and if you ever talk to me like that ever you won't be alive to say anything else," Hoshiko told him, with a growl " yes, he's their father and he left me because he didn't want to be a father," Hoshiko told him.

Edited by War and Peace

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*Emoragirl's Flashback thingy - my part*

Kitsune blinked in surprise as a girl adressed her, clinging to Itachi's arm as he frowned at her. Her ears flattened against the back of her head and stared at the girl through crimson eyes. "...Inate's a pretty name." she murmured shyly. "My name's Kitsune." She glanced back up at Itachi, who shook her off of his arm and stared at them both with his normal irritation. She fiddled with the overly long sleeves of her Akatsuki cloak for a moment before looking up to stare at her again. "...Do you like sweets?" she asked suddenly, tail swishing slowly beneath her cloak. "I just love dango! Ramen's ok, I guess, but dango's the best! Why are you here, anyways? You said something about Deidara and Sasori... I just love their art! Deidara makes such pretty fireworks and Sasori's puppets are so fun to watch! But I like normal drawing best! How about you?" Kitsune continued on and on as Itachi rolled his eyes at his talkative pet, annoyed.

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Hoshiko sat back down holding her stomach " I hate this!," Hoshiko said, with a frown " Why can I be a human and not a demon?" Hoshiko asked, now breathing a little hard " I'm sorry Hiro but it seems to me you don't want me so I'm trying to get out of your dumb life," Hoshiko told him, tears rolled down her cheeks with pain " Yes, I love chocolate, but I can't have them it's not good for the babies and yes I know them one of them was boyfriend," Hoshiko told her.

Edited by War and Peace

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"I asked her a question and she's completly ignoring me." Inate had this strange feeling in her stomache as though something had bitten her. But, she did not say anything, but instead backed off to the outskirts of the group and sat down. She began to play with the grass.

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(( HOLY censorkip.gif. I just saw the tobi-dei yaoi thing in your sig, Emoragirl.... Blech. Just blech. ))

Hiro looked at Hoshiko. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but shut it. He looked at her with spiteful eyes and turned.

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Kitsune stared at Inate as she backed away towards the end of the group and began playing with the grass. She slowly followed her, flapping her wings. "...Do you want to play a game?" she asked, clapping her hands together eagerly. "It can be fun!" She glanced back at Itachi, chuckling at his visible irritation at the croud of children. "...Or we could eat some dango!"

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Hoshiko closed her eyes and pulled out her knife again and played with it like she was about to do something dumb. She wasn't get anyones way mostly Hiro he wasn't caring what she was doing or anything it seemed like. She place the knife closely to her throat " Fine I'll get out of your life Hiro!," Hoshiko told him..

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Hiro slipped a kunai out of his belt and threw it , knocking the knife out of Hoshiko's hand with a precise hit.


(( mellow.gif No suicide war.)) (( Well someones a bit angry that people find out about her perversion by a note she wrote in her sig for all to see. - _ - ))


Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi's eyes widened slightly as he turned to face Hoshiko, suddenly alert. "Whoa, no need to kill yourself!" he said, grabbing her wrist. "Think of your children!"



Kitsune tilted her head in curiosity, ears pricking. "Oh? Who's name? I can help! Kitsune wants to help!" She raised her hand and waved it around wildly childishly, tail wagging. She loved being helpful; or trying to be, anyways. She usually did more harm than good, being as hyperactive as she was.

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Hoshiko looked at him " What on earth why did you do that for?" Hoshiko asked, now slowly getting up and walked over to him she was still in pain " I thought You wanted me to shut up!?" Hoshiko asked, him, now looking up at the sky " Do you want me to go home or stay just make your dumb mind up," Hoshiko told him.



(( She wasn't kill herself silly))

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((everyone; stop arguing! I'm a pacifist, I can't stand seeing people argue like this! Some people like yaoi and some don't; everyone has their opinions! Please, can't we all tolerate one another without throwing insults around...?))

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"By somebody, I mean you. My name is Inate." The pain in in Inate's stomache calmed a little. Inate stood up.

"So...what game did you want to play?"

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(( I'm a guy.... Lol, it was just a little joke Uchiha. We need an ooc thread. 0_o)) (( Personally, i think yaoi as sort of offensive to us guys.))


" I still want you in my life, just as a friend for now. Your hormones are just going crazy right now, Hoshiko."

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Flashback: Kitsune blinked in surprise. "Oh? But I thought I already told you my name... Oh, well! I must be crazy, like master says!" she laughed and flew up several feet, hanging upside-down from a tree branch like a bat and shrugged. "I dunno! But we should play something... Itachi-dono never wants to play with me. We could stare at the clouds or pick flowers or practice jutsu or..." she just kept on going on and on, swinging the entire time.


Itachi let go of Hoshiko's wrist and stared at Kitsune as she played with the puppet. Kitsune ran up to Hoshiko and tugged on her arm. "Hey, lady! How do you use this thingy? What's it supposed to be? A kitty?"

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Hoshiko sighed " Sorry I can't help it," Hoshiko told him, then placed her head on his chest " I can't move right now," Hoshiko told him, still holding her stomach " Be glad you not a demon Hiro," Hoshiko told him, with a sigh " Or pregnant," Hoshiko told him " Oh, um it's a bird," Hoshiko told her, then showed her how to play with the puppet.

Edited by War and Peace

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((lol! I was watching Spongebob and he just said "Good people don't rip other people's arms off!" my reaction? "Tell that to Gaara!" xd.png))

Itachi stared at her stomach, pointing at it. "Hey... How does it feel?" he asked quietly, blinking. "To be pregnant?" He remembered being there when his mother had given birth to Sasuke... He still found it hard to believe anyone could scream so loudly. It unnerved him. Kitsune gasped and eagerly played with the puppet, laughing in happiness.

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(( Any hint on where sasuke is, ooc?) (( Ugh.... I wanna go to the anime fest in NYC but they r school days and I dont have enough cash sad.gif((((( ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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" Um well it some times feels great and some times you wish they are out," Hoshiko told him, now standing next to Itachi " And right now it's a pain because they moving around and not like a human baby does," Hoshiko told him, then sighed " Are you sure you don't want to feel them Itachi?" Hoshiko asked, then looked at the girl who was playing with her puppet " Aw how cute hm I wonder if my son would like to play with you," Hoshiko told her, she was not pay action to Hiro and didn't care what he was thinking because she didn't want to get in his way it seemed like she was making him mad and mader every time she talked to him.

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Itachi calmly straightened up and shook his head again, refusing to touch her stomach. "...I know how it feels. I got to feel Sasuke kick all the time." he chuckled to himself at the memory... He was always more obsessed over his brother than their mother had been, even while she was pregnant with him. He was pleased to find his plan working; his main goal in asking her about this was to calm her down. "...Doesn't it irritate you when you wish to sleep...?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to get a better angle at her stomach. It was quite a lump... Kitsune tossed the bird puppet into the air and repeatedly caught it, laughing.

"Master! Master! Lookie, I can make the bird fly!" Kitsune exclaimed as she tugged eagerly on Itachi's cloak. He waved her away, still staring at Hoshiko.

((I'm going to the animefest in NYC. As Itachi, of course... With the rest of my Akatsuki cosplay buddies. AND ComiCon as Yoite from Nabari No Ou! xd.png))

Edited by UchihaAce

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" What is it Itachi is something wrong?" Hoshiko asked, still standing by him " And I don't think you felt deom babies kick they kick harder then human babies dod um little one come here please," Hoshiko told the girl, with a smile " I'll show you something really cool," Hoshiko told her, still keeping her eye on Itachi to make sure he was all right.

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(( Aghh, i hate joo!. Take a video. Send it to me so I may see teh awesome ness of your cosplaying.))

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Itachi still refused, frowning slightly at Hoshiko's 'little one' comment. "...You do realize she's around the age of fourteen, right?" he asked in a deadpan voice as she eagerly ran up to her, still playing with the bird. "...She's not supposed to look like that, either. To be honest, her true form is somewhat disturbing..." Kitsune pouted at him, but otherwise ignored him and began asking Hoshiko what it was that she wanted to show her. Itachi frowned. Kitsune... Reminded him of Sasuke, back when he was still seven. They were quite similar... Overly hyper and always cheerful. It made him a bit sad, really... He quickly snapped out of it to answer Hiro. "...I have no idea where Danzo might be. He's head of ANBU R.O.O.T corps."

((lol you bet I will! Can't wait for the cons... Last one I went to was AnimeNEXT a few weeks ago, also as Itachi, but my camera ran out of batteries before we even got there. I was so depressed. DX))

Edited by UchihaAce

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