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Naruto Shippuden

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"you let me join you guys," Hoshiko to him, now looking at Hiro with her blue eye " And you mister don't act like you know everything because you don't I was your only friend before this freak came alone and messed up everything," Hoshiko told him, then closed her eyes for awhile " I mostly know where everyone is, but your brother," Hoshiko told him, now standing up and laid her head on a tree " I'm feeling hot," Hoshiko said.

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Itachi made another face and put away the pencil and clipboard, frowning. He snapped his fingers together impatiently, Kitsune immidiately shooting downwards and landing neatly beside her master. Both of their cloaks fluttered ominously in the wind. "On second thought, perhaps I could just go slaughter the Leaf Village." he muttered, turning in Konoha's general direction and attaching his bag to his hip. "Either way, I cannot stay here any longer. Perhaps a talk with Danzo is in order... Yes, I'd like to have a talk with him. Hiro, you may stay with her if you wish. It seems there's no easy way out of this situation without leaving someone unhappy." His sharingan dialated suddenly, making him cringe and grab at his eyes in pain. When he removed his hands, his sharingan was gone. "...It seems I have to rest my eyes for awhile..." he muttered, blinking his now onyx eyes furiously and reaching out to grab Kitsune's sleeve; after all, he was blind without his sharingan nowadays. "Well this sucks." he stated simply, quite out of character.

Edited by UchihaAce

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Hoshiko looked at Itachi " Are you all right?" Hoshiko asked, now walking closer to him " Oh, you having problems with your eyes," Hoshiko said, now looking for something from her bag " I think this well help you," Hoshiko told him, now handing him something.

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Kitsune beamed and began running around, Itachi clinging to her sleeve for several seconds before frowning and letting go. She was proving as useless as ever... He felt something brush by his fingertips. "No, thank you, it's not something one can heal with medication... I just need to rest my eyes. I've overused the Mangekkyo..." Kitsune stopped and ran over to him, pricking her ears in exitement.

"I'll help you, senpai!" she cried, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the direction of Konoha. He closed his eyes and sighed; it was useless to argue with her. She was too hyperactive.

"...Hiro." he muttered, pulling his hand out of hers and walking forward on his own. He managed not to bump into anything; even blind, ninja just don't do that. He could fight with his eyes closed. "...We should go and meet with Danzo. He's sure to know of Sasuke's whereabouts..."

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" Didn't you just said Hiro was stay with me?" Hoshiko asked, now looking up " And if I come along I won't get in your way," Hoshiko told him, now making a fist " I'm not loose anyone like I did with my mother if you rember her Itachi you the one killed her," Hoshiko told him, now looking at Hiro then placed her hand on her stomach and froze.

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"Yes, because there isn't anyone I didn't kill." he spat irritably. "If all your damn parents hadn't been in the frikkin' Uchiha district-" he stopped and rubbed his forehead in exasperation. There was no way he could win. Kitsune stared at him curiously, flapping her wings a bit. "...Fine. Come along. As if we didn't have too many people already..." he whined, continuing on his way to Konoha while angrily complaining to himself. Kitsune wagged her tail and ran up to Hoshiko.

"Lady! Laaaaady! You got any more cookies?! Hmm?!" Kitsune grinned and began tugging at her arm, wrapping her tail around Hiro's wrist and dragging him along. Itachi groaned when she began humming the carameldansen. Oh, this would be hell.


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((lolwut I love how we just left Kihaku and Kanza there. xd.png))

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"you only killed my mother not my father he left us when we where still in side of her," told him, now taking Kitsune hand " I have lots of food," Hoshiko told her, with a smile " My father left us and so did the twin's father maybe you know him," Hoshiko told him, now looking at Hiro with her blue eye her green one was still blind.

Edited by War and Peace

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"he's talking about my dad."


(( War& Peace, you need better grammar, and capitalization. I literally cant stand it. Please try and be literate. And the names are Itachi, Hiro (Not Hrio) And Kitsune))

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Itachi frowned harder and cleared his throat. "If you would all kindly SHUT THE censorkip.gif UP, I'm trying to locate Konoha by sound. It's a hidden village, after all." It was quite unlike him to curse, but he was beyond annoyed. Kitsune frowned and tugged on his ponytail, yelling at his foul language. What did I do to deserve this...? He thought to himself as he weaved a handsign and focused, suddenly turning to the left. "This way. Kitsune, get away from me before I cut off your fingers." She instantly obeyed, easily detecting the anger in his voice and hid behind Hiro.

"Hn...! Senpai's being a grouch." she muttered, tail dipping between her legs like a scared little dog. Itachi ignored her and continued, on the lookout for any ANBU.

Edited by UchihaAce

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Deidara took Inate to a very large cave. He said that there was an organization called the Akatsuki and the lair was in the cave.

"The Akatsuki is an organization full of S-Rank criminals, like myself, who are trained to kill the Jinchurikis and takeing the Biju."

"What are Jinchurikis and Bijus?"

"A Biju is a tailed beast and a Jinchuriki is a human that contains a Biju. There are 9 Bijus but I've heard legends of a vampire wyvren with 10 tails. That would be art."

When Deidara and Inate walked into the cave, about 12 figures could be seen. One of the figures came up close and said,

"Deidara, we aren't even sure that the joobi exists, how did you find it?" Inate's eyes grew wide.

"Deidara-san, you said that the Akatsuki kill people like me. Am I going to die?"

"No, your not." One of the other figures called out,

"Yeah, she is."

"Shut up, Hidan, she's only 7!"

Deidara toured Inate though the entire lair and the whole time Inate clung onto Deidara's Akatsuki cloak.

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(( Oh, sorry my computer is being dumb and messes up everything that I put down))



Hoshiko followed them " Your father what huh?" Hoshiko asked, now a bit confuse " Hiro what on earth are you talking about?" Hoshiko asked, now playing with her hair " Do you know a guy that um well was a puppet?" Hoshiko asked, not even stopping where she was.

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Itachi stopped by the side of the huge outer stone wall of Konoha, out of sight of the gate. "Here, sempai." Kitsune murmured quietly, gently placing her hand on his back and pushing her own chakra into him to help him with his eyes. He widened his eyes as a tinge of red began creeping along his pupils, the three tomoes spinning into the Mangekkyo. He blinked and looked up to see the top of the Hokage building. Hn... "...What would be the best way to enter the Hidden Leaf without being detected...?" he murmured quietly to himself, fiddling with his ring. Perhaps it would be best to return to the Akatsuki and ask Kisame for help... Kisame was is partner, after all. Perhaps they could catch the Kyuubi along with speaking to Danzo. A puppet, eh? "...Sasori?"

Edited by UchihaAce

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" If you don't want to be seen just follow me," Hoshiko told him, now rolling her eyes " And duah he's the one left me," Hoshiko told him, now closing her eyes and listen around her " This way," Hoshiko told them, now running behind a tree.

Edited by War and Peace

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"Thats for later, Hoshiko. On a completely different topic, If you hear Kitsune the way i do, shes quite devious. Undetected? I have a secret passageway that leads straight to the Hokage building. Found it when i was a chuld."

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Inate had not really gotten to know the Akatsuki. One day Leader-sama called Deidara and his partner Sasori to go and find a Jinchuriki. Deidara opened a chakra vortex and said,

"Inate, I need you to walk though this vortex and you will meet Itachi and some other children. You will be alright." Inate did as she was told. When she got to the other side, she saw a man and some children gathered around him. By his face expresion, she could tell that the man was annoyed. She walked close to them and asked,

"Exuse me, do you know a man named Itachi?" She was quiet nervous. The man and children looked at Inate. Then the man replied,

"I am Itachi. What do you want?" Inate could hear irritation in his voice.

"Deidara-san told me I need to stay with you until he and Sasori-san return from their mission." Itachi closed his eyes with disgust.

"Great, another kid I need to watch." Inate walked up to a girl standing close to him.

"Hi, I'm Inate."


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Hoshiko just rolled her eyes and sat down on the ground with her hands on her stomach " You are so dumb!," Hoshiko told Hiro, now closing her eyes again " I wish I killed you when I had the chance!," Hoshiko told him, she wasn't in a mood to be even talking to him why did she had feelings for him in the first place " But I didn't because someone was in my way," Hoshiko told him.

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Itachi slowly shook his head, the wind gently sending his hair back. "No... I was an ANBU captain, before the massacre... They have sensory-type ninja on the alert for harmful chakra types. They're especially cautious of Akatsuki members..." It was impossible to fully mask someone's chakra without killing them. He knew that... So how could he-?

"Kya! Itachi's hair's so pretty!" Kitsune cried, grabbing his silky black locks and waving them around as Itachi stared at her in disbelief. She was insane. Her attention span was smaller than his pinkie.

"...Let go of me." he muttered, pushing her away.

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Hiro turned and looked at Hoshiko in suprise. " Wha-What?" Hiro was shocked. The girl who had been fangirling over him five minutes ago now wished to kill him.

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" You heard me!," Hoshiko told him now making a fist " You ever think about yourself and no, one else Hiro!," Hoshiko told him, now pulling out something from her pocket " I'm about had with you and miss happy a lot," Hoshiko told him, now sharping the thing she had in her hand.

Edited by War and Peace

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Itachi stared at Hoshiko curiously from the corner of his eye, amused. Women always had hissy fits, it seemed. At that moment, she reminded him of his mother whenever he would break something while playing with Sasuke. "...Stay calm, Hoshiko..." he murmured quietly, blinking. "Hiro obviously thinks of you as a valuable friend... He's just preoccupied with my troubles at the moment. If anything, you should be angry at me." Kitsune stared at the object in Hoshiko's hand curiously, a glint in her eye.

"What's that, lady?" she asked curiously, pointing at it.

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" Why shold I be angry at you hm?," Hoshiko asked, Now looking at the girl " Nothing that you need to know," Hoshiko told her, then placed her knife back in her pocket " Oh, wait because you killed my mother and took away my only friend!," Hoshiko told him, with a growl, then screamed " ow!," Hoshiko said.

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Hiro pulled out his sword and stapped it in the ground in front of Hoshiko. "Let it go, Damnit! I let it go that he killed my father!"

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi rolled his eyes. "Well, I killed both of my parents. Along with all my relatives and friends... You seem like your in pain. Stay calm, it'll keep the pain away... I'm beginning to suspect that your seal is growing unstable with the pregnancy. Now then... Sasori is their father?" Itachi asked quietly, trying to change the topic. Kitsune hopped into a tree and swung upside down on her tail, bat style.

"Whoa, when you do this, the blood just rushes to your head! It gets you all dizzy! It's fun!" she cackled and straightened back up, trying to cheer up Hoshiko with a grin.

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