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Flashback: ((last of Itachi's flashbacks. xd.png))

"Brother! Father and Mother... Why?! Who?! W-Who could have-?!" Sasuke's screams were cut of as Itachi threw a single shuriken at him, cutting his shoulder. He... He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill Sasuke... Not him. He loved him so much... At that moment, Itachi wanted nothing more than to tell Sasuke just what was happening and how much he loved him, but that was forbidden. He had to shoulder the blame for all this... And poor Sasuke had to die... Sasuke, who hadn't even known that the Uchiha were doing this... No. He couldn't kill him. Not him. But if he was kept alive, Danzo and the Third would kill him... He had to make Sasuke stronger. What better way than for him to seek revenge on his evil older brother...?

"...Foolish little brother... Mangekkyo Sharingan!" His eyes widened as he played the massacre again and again to Sasuke, who fell to his knees screaming and begging him to stop. And he did. When Sasuke asked why, he felt a horrible ache in his chest. Heartbreak... Actually felt like breaking your heart. "...It was to see if I could..." Sasuke stared at him in disbelief, running out of the room.

"I...I...I DON'T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME!" Sasuke's screams echoed through the streets as he ran, sobbing. Itachi wanted to kill himself. Why...? Why did they make him do such things?! It was either this or be responsible for the fourth Ninja World War and watch countless others die because of him, but... It hurt so much... He appeared suddenly in from of Sasuke, giving a cruel smile.

"...If you don't want to die, run... Run, and cling to life. Then, when you have my eyes, come before me and fight me. I'll test my vessel against yours." Sasuke sobbed one last time before collapsing in shock, Itachi turning and walking forward before running into the forest. Sasuke would kill him, bring back honor to the Uchiha name... It was a good thing, wasn't it? Then... Why did he hurt so badly? He had sent his ravens threatening to leak information on Konoha to unallied nations if they hurt Sasuke in any way to Danzo and begged the Third to protect Sasuke, both of them agreeing. So why did he still hurt? He snapped somewhere in the forest, falling to his knees and wailing in agony. The tears streamed down his face as he curled up beneath the trees and sobbed, trembling in pained agony. He had done a good thing... He had saved the lives of so many innocent people by preventing war... But he had shouldered all that potential pain for himself. He had taken hate in the place of love and disgrace in the place of honor... He cried for what felt like an eternity, until he'd sucessfully killed off every shred of emotion left in his body and left Konoha. All for the sake of the one he loved...

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Itachi frowned and shook his head at Hiro, refusing to leave. "...I've killed much more skilled shinobi than these... And in much greater numbers. Should I just kill them all now...?" If they were ANBU, that'd be even better. ANBU worked directly beneath the Hokage and Danzo. Even if they didn't know his true past, it'd be a nice bit of vengeance. Kitsune glanced out the window, waving at them. What. An. Idiot. Itachi pulled her back into the room by the tail, glaring at her. "Do you have ANY brain? You're wearing an Akatsuki cloak. You don't DO that."

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" No.... Itachi, they know you are here. The Hokage, probably. We need to move, no matter what. But i'll kill these ones."

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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"...I can still kill them all. The Uchiha Clan was much stronger... And more skilled. If I could kill them all without a single scratch, I can kill these ANBU in the blink of an eye. You have yet to see my true potential, Hiro..." he quietly pulled out his katana, staring at the Uchiha symbol on the handle. "...I used this sword to kill my family... And our relatives..." he muttered quietly, letting the blade glint in the light. He meant business if he pulled this sword out. Kitsune frowned and rubbed her temples.

"Graaah, you're all giving me a headache. Quit planning and let's start fighting!"

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Hiro smiled. " Well lets have some fun." Hiro walked outside and smiled, drawing his sword. " Bring it." An Anbu jumped out of seemingly nowhere and slashed at him. Blocking the attack, Hiro kicked the anbu in the stomach. The anbu staggered backwards and threw a shuriken at Hiro. "Wind cannon jutsu!" A blast of went flew from Hiro's hands and shot the shuriken back at its owner, who was struck in the head with it. Turning around and blocking another attack, Hiro stabbed another anbu. Hiro chuckled. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Looking down, he saw a sword sticking through it. Hiro was shocked.Staggering forward, hiro slid off of the blade and turned around to a rather Pleased looking anbu. He slashed at the kitten faced enemy and slit his throat. Hiro's vision began to blur.

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Itachi silently walked outside, slitting two ANBU's stomachs while dodging every single attack of the others as they swarmed around him with such stunning grace that he could be called a phantom. He easily drew the sword into their bodies, stabbing away at their vital points until the horde was successfully slaughtered. He didn't let it stop there. His fingers wrapped around the throat of a kitty-faced soldier as he mercilessly hacked away at it's corpse, leaving the body in tattered shreds. A bit of blood stained his cheek. It was at that point that he realized that Hiro was injured. He sighed and walked over to him, gently supporting him as more ANBU crowded around. One by one, they fell. At last Itachi grew tired of this game and looked at one in the eye, blinking in approval as blood suddenly shot out of every opening available on his body; including cuts. He tossed the corpse out to them. "If you don't wish to meet the same fate, don't try opposing the Sharingan..." he muttered to them, defending Hiro. "Are you well?" he asked quietly, still fighting the ANBU.

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"Urgh..... I'll survive....." Hiro began hacking at blurry figures in black outfits. He made sure not to attack a hint of red, so not to attack Itachi.


(( Hey, Uchiha, check out my rp, trapped in the game in unnaproved, tell me how it is?))

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Itachi spun on his heel, slicing through the last of the ANBU before setting Hiro down on the ground and staring at him. His chakra was broken around a certain point in his stomach... "...You've been stabbed." he muttered quietly, weaving several handsigns and hovering his fingers above Hiro's wound. He stopped to stare at a final ANBU as it snuck up behind him with a raised sword, kicking it and sending him flying backwards into a tree with a sickening crack. He sighed and turned back to healing Hiro. "...This wound's quite deep..." he muttered, wiping the blood off his cheek with his long sleeve.


((Whoooooooah, looks fun. I think I'll join it. xd.png))

Edited by UchihaAce

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((Ace-chan you are awsome))



Inate grew and learned throughout her days. She was about 7 years old when one day Tobi said,

"Inate, I don't want to say what I am going to say but, I am going on a mission to a place far away, so I need to leave you with someone else for 2 years. He's a very good friend of mine and will do his best to not to let harm come to you." Tears began to swell in Inate's eyes. "Inate,please, I know you can do this. You're going to like him, I promise."

"........" Tobi wrapped his arms around Inate and hugged her, not wanting to let her go.



"Why can't I go with you?"

"Because, it's too dangerous. Let's go meet that friend of mine."

They walked untill they reached a small waterfall. There was a figure under it. The figure turned and walked into the light. He had long blonde hair, kept in a ponytail and covered his eye.

"Tobi, you're late."

"Sorry, sempai, it took us awhile to find the place."

"Tobi, who's the squirt?"

"This is Inate, you volluntered to watch her while I'm away. Inate, this is Deidara."

"Um, hi."

"Yo. Well, Tobi have fun, see ya later, finally at least 1 day where my life isn't a living, Inate cover your ears, hell."

"Bye, Sempai. Bye, Inate." Inate began to cry. She did not want to be separated from Tobi, especially for this long.

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Hoshiko saw what was happening " Hrio!," Hoshiko screamed now running to him " Hrio please don't leave me I need you," Hoshiko told him, her ears popped out and her teeth gotten sharp " No, one mess with my friends!<" Hoshiko yelled out, now looking at the guys who where fighting.

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Itachi glanced over at her and sighed. Great... Even he could only handle so much. He couldn't heal Hiro, fight, and control a demon at the same time. His hands preoccupied with his healing jutsu, he glanced up at an ANBU as it lunged towards him with a kunai. He was about to Amaterasu it when Kitsune suddenly bounded out of the cabin and bit down on it's neck, fangs neatly sliding beneath the skin. He stared as she ripped it's throat out and made a face of disgust. "Eww..." Kitsune began shooting blue flames at their enemies, slashing away at them with her sharpened nails and snarling. Heck, no... Two demons at the same time? "Kitsune. Calm yourself; I didn't get hurt... Neither did Hiro, Hoshiko. It'd be wise to control yourselves at a delicate time like this..." He muttered, pushing out more chakra to heal Hiro. He had wind-style chakra... Itachi had fire. Not a very good match in healing. Still, the wound was slowly closing. "I'm afraid it might be a permanent scar, Hiro..." he mumbled, closing his eyes to focus.

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Hoshiko took a deep breath or to " I'm sorry but I don't want to loose anyone else," Hoshiko told him, her ears and tail where gone now and she put her hands out for Hiro" Here let me carry him back and I do think you guys need to stay with us I mean it's underground," Hoshiko told him.

Edited by War and Peace

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Itachi shook his head, still healing Hiro on the ground as Kitsune slit more throats in the background. "...No... I'm afraid we might not be able to stay with anyone anymore. We can't stay anywhere for too long... And I would like to continue looking for my brother. It's selfish, I know, but..." He stopped talking and let the green glow of his hands light up the night, frowning. Hn. Hiro will definetely live... Unless the wound got infected. As if he would let that happen. Kitsune, coated in blood and finished with her slaughtering, walked over and swished her tail slightly, staring at Itachi and scanning him over for any injuries. Again, he was unnerved by her adoration over him. "You're too protective. I don't need you to do that... I'm more than capable of protecting myself." He muttered, lifting his hands as he finished healing Hiro. Kitsune lunged forward to hug him but was stopped when Itachi held out his hand and caught her by the head. "...Don't touch me."

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"Nah, I.. can walk." Hiro smirked down at the dead anbu that had stabbed him. "Plus, your pregenant. That wouldnt do. And don't go worrying about me Hoshiko." He smiled. "I wont be dying for a long time. Thanks Itachi. Lets get going after we get our stuff." Hiro winced as the wound started fusing into one.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Hoshiko kissed him "Itachigo look for your brother can Hiro stay with me until you find him please?" Hoshiko asked, now lying her head on Hiro's chest she felt weak " I need someone to help me and my twin is all ways gone," Hoshiko told him.

Edited by War and Peace

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Itachi looked away as they kissed, frowning slightly. Dang it, did they always act so lovey-dovey? It was as if they were taunting him. "...Hiro's ability would be quite useful to my search." He sighed and rubbed his aching eyes, pulling out another pill and popping it into his mouth. Kitsune got up and did a goofy looking salute.

"I'll fly around the perimeter of the area to see if there are any more ANBU!" She cried, shooting into the sky. Itachi frowned and pulled Hiro back into the cabin, setting him on the table.

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"Hoshiko, I'm going with Itachi. I'll hire someone to take care of you. And Dont act like that. Im not your boyfriend, or your lover."

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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"If you not coming wit me then I'll come with you guys," Hoshiko told him, with a growl " I all most lost you back there and I'm not loose you again," Hoshiko told him, then sat down her green eye turned gray her face was now all white.

Edited by War and Peace

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Itachi made a face showing just how annoyed he was. He most certainly didn't want her tagging along. He hadn't wanted Hiro either, but he knew too much and his ability was quite useful for a searching mission. What's more, he wasn't sure how much more fangirling-over-Hiro he could take from her. But Itachi was too polite to say what was on his mind. So instead of telling her that, he shrugged at Hiro's question and looked at the sky to see the dark silhouette of Kitsune slowly circling the area. Hn. Well, this was troublesome... Under normal circumstances, he would have knocked her out and ran, but she was pregnant. It might affect the unborn children... "...I dunno."

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Hoshiko sighed " One thing Hiro I know I'm nothing to you, but you the only thing I have!," Hoshiko told him, now looking away from them " You know what I don't need this I'll find Naruto and help with his Battling and see what you think," Hoshiko told him. her face was still white.

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Oho! She knew where Naruto was? "...You know where the Kyuubi is?" Itachi asked, somewhat surprised. He pulled out a pencil and checklist from within his cloak, humming to himself as he looked it over. "...Hn... He's my assignmentfrom Leader. Can you take me to him?" Itachi tucked the pencil behind his ear and waved the checklist/clipboard around slightly, looking quite bored. "I might not be attacking you all, but I'm in Akatsuki regardless. Still have to catch all the bijuu, and I'd rather like to meet the Kyuubi container..." That blond idiot had been Sasuke's friend, wasn't he? If they were close, he might know where he was. Two birds with one stone. Itachi stared at Hiro's genjutsu comment and frowned. "That wouldn't be very nice..." he muttered.

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