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Naruto Shippuden

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"It's Itachi that needs to get out of here. And don't cry, i can't have a relationship currently. Too much going on. Itachi, where to?"

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Itachi would have been concerned about the ninja surrounding the cabin if Hoshiko hadn't said what she did. He stopped leaning against the wall and turned to face her directly, heart beating slightly faster. Oh, at long last... "...Where did you see him...?" He said, somewhat more loudly than his usual calm murmur. Kitsune, unlike him, got up and bounded towards Hiro.

"I can go out and slit their throats! Please?!"

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" He's at my place sleeping he got hurt last night and I took care of him," Hoshiko told him then looked at Hrio with a smile " I'm sorry I just don't want you to get hurt," Hoshiko told him, now taking his hand " Go to my please he should still be there go now!," Hoshiko told Itachi.

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(( Okay, no. Just flat out no. That would ruin the hole roleplay if we jsut found him now. sleep.gif But thats only emoragirls choice.)) (( Could we all control an anbu for this moment? That would make the fight more realistic. ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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(( I'm getting off early so if any of you want to play Hoshiko you can but Monkey I need you to post something before I do))

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Kanza didn't know what to do considering there were two akatsuki members in the same building as he twin sister. All he did was enter the house and sit on teh couch next to Kihaku before leaning over to her to whisper. "Um... we need to get out of here as soon as we can and we will be taking my sister when we do escape."

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((Emoragirl sent me a PM. Apparently, the role-play is currently in a flashback arc. We're all supposed to be posting our characters' flashbacks.))

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Hoshiko laid her head back on Hrio's shoulder her face was now white " All she does is eat sweets," Hoshiko told her twin " And if they only want Itachi I think we be find," Hoshiko told him, now closing her eyes and holding her stomac and having Hrio's hand on top of it as well.

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Hiro looked up at his smiling father, who was taking him around the world to different places. " Dad, where are we going next?" Hiro asked innocently. "The Uchiha village. I have to pick up some items from the grocer." Hiro smiled widely. As his dad left to go to the grocer, Hiro practiced throwing his wooden kunai. His dad had hand-crafted it. Hiro started to hear screams. He turned around quickly to see a boy slaughtering numerous people. Hiro's eyes opened wide with fear. He hid in a bush. His father would survive. he knew it. He waited until the boy left, and another boy stood crying in the middle of the village. Hiro sneaked around to the grocer, to find his fathers body. "Da-dad? Come on! Get up dad!" Tears streamed down his cheeks. His father was dead.

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Kitsune banged her head on the bars of the bloody metal cage as it was being carted across the battlefield in the dead of night. The tarp covering the cage blocked off her view of the world around her, and the chains binding her every joint to the walls of the bars were starting to dig into her skin. Hn... Yet another killing spree. It had been quite a success, but going bijuu always left her in horrible pain. Her muscles throbbed and ached, being heavily torn as blood trickled out of her nose and the sides of her mouth. The sudden slam of a door made her aware of her location; an underground bunker. The Akatsuki had been sent to the area, had they...? If the Akatsuki were to arrive, they always stored their weapons down here... Several hours passed before the door swung open again and a cloaked figure pulled the tarp off her cage, staring at her with dead crimson eyes. Without a word, he took the cage and began quietly carting it away, along with several other items.

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((since the gamemaster didn´t answer my question where it would be best to start with my char, this is my try...))


Jumoku was sad. Since the end of his training no one wanted him to be in their team. Many started pushing him around or comparing him to the Nuke-Nin Zetsu cause of his appearance. The Tennen family had done everything to keep him alive and he hoped to be able to give something back. Their influence was damaged because of the way the spirit was sealed in Jumoku. He felt the leak every day, getting closer and closer to his habitant. But no matter what all of those may have thought...it was a calm and peaceful spirit. Sometimes he heared his voice but mostly it seemed to be asleep.


Most of the time he was in the Woods on the land of his Family, sharing thoughts with the Plants. Since the Seal leaked he was able to speak with them like to normal people, soon seeing them as friends. Since most people distanced themselves from him...except his family...this ability was the only reason who kept him from feeling lonely.


No team, no Mission. That was the fatal fact he must face, but only with cleared missions he could ever hope to show his true intend. With that in mind he sat in a little glade receiving sunlight with his head hanging down.

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Hoshiko was with her twin wondering around when she saw a boy around her age crying " What happen?" Hoshiko asked, now looking down and tears rolled down her cheeks " Oh, no!," Hoshiko screamed and ran to her mother's side crying " Mommy mommy that boy is crying," Hoshiko told her mother.



" Sweetie everything be all right come on lets go see what's going on," Hoshiko's mother told her.

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Kitsune stared numbly at the man as he pushed the cart along, her panting heavily. She tried looking around only to find that she couldn't move her neck, so she used her eyes alone. This was the first time she had seen the outside world conciously, in human form. It was still dark out, and a sudden puff of smoke sent them both into a cave with several other holographic looking human silhouettes. They conversed quietly among each other, glancing over at her occasionally before one of them with a ripple-eye kekkei genkai pushed his hand into the ground and summoned fourth a multiple-eyed statue with it's hands jutting out of the ground. They all silently hopped up to stand on the fingers of the statue, save for the one who had carted her here. He pushed her towards the center of the floor, noticing the blood overflowing out of the cage and leaving a trail of red to match his eyes as he walked. He was quite hansome, if painfully thin. Something about his eyes screamed of pain and suffering. He stopped suddenly to look at his bloodstained hands and glanced up at the others, blinking slowly.

""...We don't need this demon..." he murmured quietly, staring at nothing in particular. The others began protesting. "...It's just a child... And she seems quite unstable..." Kitsune's eyes widened as the blood began pouring fourth from her lips, numbly surprised. This man... He was sparing her?

"Itachi..." muttered the ripple-eye man dangerously. "...Fine. But you're now responsibly for this thing. The moment you quit on her, we use her powers for our goal. Is that understood?" Itachi silently nodded, looking quite annoyed. He undid the chains binding her and lifted her chicken-style by the wings, pulling her outside.

"...You look awful... Let me clean all that blood off you." He gave a small smile and handed her a cloak, dragging her outside. An a ball of fire shone in the normally dark sky, lighting up the day. She gaped at it.

"...W-What...is...t-that?" she croaked. He blinked at her.

"...It's the sun."

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flashback 2:



When she was back inside with her mother and her twin she was be the window watching Hrio with tears rolling down her cheeks then she heard something and when she truned around her own mother was on the ground " Mommy!," Hoshiko cried out, and ran where her mother was. Hoshiko looked at her mother then looked around for her twin " Mommy!," Hoshiko cried out again " Bi-big brother mumm is gone!," Hoshiko told her twin.

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Kitsune stared at Itachi through the gause coating most of her body, water dripping from her hair. By 'clean the blood off of you', he had tossed her into a river and fished her out when she had begun to drown, handing her a package of gauze and telling her to wrap up anything that felt torn. He had done something magical, enveloping his hands in a faint green glow and passing it over her. It made her feel better. He had called it a 'jutsu'. He had begun to explain what plants were, what birds and rabbits were, what flowers were, and anything else that she asked about. He had quickly noticed that she was ignorant to the world, used only as a weapon for her entire life. "...Itachi?" He looked up from the book he was reading and explained what it was as well before getting cut off by her speaking. "Can you teach me how to read too? Right now?" She stared at him eagerly, swishing her tail back and fourth. He beconed her over. Delighted, she stood up and limped towards him as quickly as she could only to get pushed backwards as he poked her forehead. She fell on her back, pouting at him. "...Huh...?"

"Sorry, Kitsune. Maybe some other time..." she blinked at him.

"...Kitsune?" He chuckled, putting the book away.

"Well, I have to call you something. And the way you ate all my dango last night without me finding out, you must be sly as a fox. So I named you Kitsune." He quickly returned to being his usual emotionless self, glancing up at the sun and tugging at her leash. "...Come along. Leader- won't be pleased if we stay out after dark." She nodded and slowly got up, limping after him and wincing at his tugging.

"...Why do I have to wear a leash?" she muttered, pulling at the collar uncomfortably. He glanced back towards her.

"Because you're too unstable right now. I'll let you off of it once I can strengthen that seal..."

Edited by UchihaAce

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Flashback 3:



Hoshiko looked around for her twin she ran out of the house crying " Someone help me!," Hoshiko screamed out. She came where Hrio was and sat down with her arms on her lap crying she didn't see him and if he came over she might get up and walk off. Hoshiko looked around one more time for her twin and he wasn't anywhere around " Anyone here help me!," Hoshiko asked, now with her hands over her hands on her face. her ears popped up and her tail came out she was now angry with everyone around her.This was her frist time this happen and she didn't know what was happening to her.



(( How many flash back are we post to do?))

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Five hooded figures walked through the small village that was shrouded in a think purple haze, there were bodies laying across the street as if there had been a battle but in truth they had all sufficated to death. "Spread out and search for survivers." The lead figure said as he left the other four to look as he disappeared into the purple mist again. Each figure went off in a seperate direction to see if anyone had survived the poison mist that covered the entire village, one of the figures walked into a house and saw a dead little girl there holding onto a little home-made doll. The figure gave a sigh and turned his back to the girl so that it wouldn't stick into his mind for the rest of his life, as he turned around he saw one of the bodies in the street start to struggle and slowly crawl. The man walked over to the body and pulled down his hood to reveal a young kid at the age of fourteen, Kanza reached into his neckline underneath his breathing mask and pulled out a kunai that he drove into the struggling corpse of a man.


(Hows that for a flashback.))

Edited by monkeyboy225

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Flash back 4:


When she was her four tailed fox she started to run she was ready to fight anyone that came her way " Kan!," Hoshiko cried out for her twin. SHe didn't see him anywhere when she saw man in the hoods she came closer to them and started to fight them. Until they wasn't breathing she went to find who killed her mother " I well find you just wait and see!," Hoshiko told whoever was listening.

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Kitsune found herself on the floor in a crater, bleeding heavily. So heavily, in fact, that she was beginning to drown in her ownblood. Itachi wrinkled his nose in disgust before pushing her to the side with his katana, not wanting to touch her but also not wanting to have her die there. She gave a ragged cough and struggled to her feet, where she could finally look around. The scene left her somewhat broken inside. Scattered all throughout the area as far as she could see... Were the remnants of bodies. Broken homes, buildings completely destroyed... It was a dead city. She doubled over and vomited blood onto the floor, coughing into her hands before getting up again. "What happened...?" she asked quietly, picking up what looked like the arm of a little girl. There was smoke everywhere...

"...You're proving much more unstable than I thought..." he murmured, slowly circling her. "You destroyed the Land of Petals in a single attack. That isn't natural... You're going to die." He stared at her, quietly healing her with his jutsu. She might not die with him around, but she would sleep for at least a few days... That was a bad jutsu. He could feel it. "...That felt like kinjutsu. The name of that technique..."

"...Deion Bakuhatsu." she said quietly through her coughing. "...It means Nebula Explosion... That's what it felt like." He frowned and continued healing her, thinking in silence.

"...That felt more like an atomic bomb. Don't use it again... It seems to not only blow up your surroundings, but your internal organs as well." She nodded before hacking out more blood.

"Itachi... It's hurting me..." He sighed and rolled his eyes to the sky. This seal was proving quite difficult... He would reinforce it soon. Block off as much chakra as he could...

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Hiro sat on the ground panting after another rigorous trainign session. " I will KILL Itachi Uchiha. I will slit his throat and boil his intestines." Hiro sat on the ground, stabbign his wooden kunai in the ground.

((Flashback 2))

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(( Hopefully my last one))


Flash back 5:


Hoshiko stopped for awhile she knew this was wrong she should stop and think what she was doing. At this time she met Naruto he was crying for his own mother too " Aw poor thing," Hoshiko said, now holding him in her arms telling him he wasn't along. She was around the same age as him, but a year older though. She closed her eyes and just held him tightly in her arms and watching the other kids run off and play.

Edited by War and Peace

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Flashback: ((I guess I'll give 'Tachi his own little flashback. xd.png))

Itachi was kneeling on the floor of the Hokage's room, reporting back to him as usual. "Yes... Sir? I'm afraid to inform you that the Uchiha coup d'eate is advancing too quickly for your compromise plans... They plan on acting very soon. As soon as tomorrow. What should we do, Lord Hokage?" Itachi murmured this all to his leader in hushed whispers, the ANBU surveying the area for spies. The third Hokage sighed and gravely handed Itachi a note, staring at him and waiting for a reaction. Itachi's eyes widened slightly. "...What...?"

Uchiha Itachi is to be responsible for the complete obliteration of the traitorous Uchiha Clan and all it's proprietary members. Effective immediately, said shinobi shall slaughter all without exeption and then flee Konoha, thus living as an S-Ranking criminal for the rest of his life. Said shinobi is never to return on threat of persecution.

Itachi stared at the note, a feeling of horror creeping into the back of his mind. He looked up at the Hokage wide-eyed. "...You... You can't be serious? I'm only thirteen-"

"You're a child prodigy and a skilled Sharingan user..." the Hokage looked away, not wanting to meet his gaze. "...And you, being anUchiha, would naturally know the best ways to do this mission... I'm counting on it."

What? How could he be so cruel...?! He couldn't be serious. This wasn't possible... But it was. Itachi bit his lip and burned the note with a fire jutsu before heading for the door, walking home. He felt so numb... He slowly put on his ANBU uniform and gathered his things. Sasuke was still out with his shuriken training... He had wanted to say goodbye. But alas, night fell quickly, as did his blades on his relatives. He choked down sobs of agony as he slit the throats of his mother and father, watching their blood pool up on the floor... And Sasuke ran into the room. Oh, how he wanted to explain what had happened... But it was time to do what he had been dreading. Time to murder his precious little brother...

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Hiro entered Kohona and looked around at all the new and exotic sights. He went to the Acadamy. Lookign up at the huge building, he was hopeful to join. Lookign around he saw kids playing, and nearby he saw a girl and a blonde, strange boy crying. He entered the academy and went to the office. he asked the man if he could apply, but he said he needed a guardian. Hiro left and sat down behind a tree. He cried. He couldnt manage anything.

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