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Naruto Shippuden

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" Oh, wow that's a big fat help," Hoshiko told him, now looking around the room " I need a doctor to tell me you get me one or I'll do something to someone or something that you love," Hoshiko told him, now making herslef into a ball and her head on Hiro's lap.

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Itachi slowly closed his eyes, letting out a harsh laugh. "...I killed my family and friends long ago... The only one I love now, well... Everyone's been looking for him and no one can seem to find him. Don't try threatening me, girl. Epecially with love..." He sighed and returned to his emotionless nature, leaning against the wall and twiddling his thumbs. Hn... That massacre had been the worst moment of his life. Just thinking of Sasuke's face as he saw their parents dead and bleeding onto the floors of the empty house made him sick. "...Regardless, I cannot show my face in Konoha without getting attacked... And I'd rather not kill anyone else right now."

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" Chill all right I'm only joking wow you get angry a little to fast hun," Hoshiko told him, still laying on Hrio's lap " You can all ways send a note saying someone needs him," Hoshiko told him, now rolling on her back and having her hands on her so what fat stomach.

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Itachi rolled his eyes and let his left hand melt into another raven, writing up a note on a scroll and putting it into it's beak. He opened the door and sent it out, closing the door and his right eye as it flew away. "You shouldn't pull jokes like that. They can hurt others quite easily..." Kitsune stared at the raven via window as it flew towards Konoha to fetch a doctor, flapping her own wings slightly. She felt like flying, but it was a risky thing to do at this place and time, being what she was. A lot of people wanted bijuus and Akatsuki members... Just think how lucky someone would be to catch her, who was both.

"...So we can't have sweets?" she asked, pouting and turning to face Hoshiko.


((control the doctor please? Since I'm not sure what you want to happen. xd.png))

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" No, more sweets for now please eat something else," Hoshiko told her, then looked at Inchai " Aw I'm sorry I didn't mean to I think I'm going crazy," Hoshiko told him, then heard someone at the door.



The doctor was waiting for someone to answer " Hello did someone call me?" The doctor asked.

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Kanza arrived at the house shortly after the doctor and stood at the door, he didn't know what to expect so he knocked on the door before quickly standing back and drawing a kunai. He stood in a ready stance as he waited for someone to answer the door.

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Itachi opened the door, crimson eyes burning at the doctor as he glared darkly at him. The raven reattached itself to his wrist and became his hand. He stepped out of the way and pointed a purple nail at Hoshiko, blinking. "...She has a problem, her chakra's too condensed around her stomach, and I have no idea what's going on about it..." Kitsune let out an annoyed sigh and crossed her arms, frowning.

"Well, I ain't human. I should be able to get more sweets than you people." Itachi frowned at her and swatted her away.

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" Are you a four tail fox?" Hoshiko asked, now watching the doctor came in " Nothing is wrong with me Iachi that was two hours ago," Hoshiko told him, still on her back with her hands on her stomach.



" I'll see what's going on," The doctor told her, now pulling out something from her bag then place it on Hoshiko's stomach " Well it's seems like everything is going all right with them and it looks to me you are around ten or nine weeks," The doctor told her.

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Itachi made a face showing how unamused he was. "Well. Your chakra's still all over the place. Why would I be a fox...? Or are you speaking to Kitsune?" He turned to stare at the demon child with a frown. She in turn stuck out her tounge and stared at Hoshiko.

"A fox?" She blinked at her. "...Huh? Can't you see me? I'm a dragon." She pushed her wings out and tilted her head to the side in confusion. Itachi sighed.

"Well, your name means Fox Spirit. Don't act so foolish..." she turned to glare at him.

"And your name means weasel! You shouldn't talk, master!"


((Kitsune: user posted image

She's the dragon. © to me. lol I always need to post this pic. xd.png))

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Hoshiko smiled when she saw her twin " Hey," Hoshiko told her twin, then looked back at the girl " I'm a three tail fox," Hoshiko told them, with a smile then looked at the doctor " I'm ten weeks wow that's weird," Hoshiko said to herself.

Edited by War and Peace

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Itachi blinked, staring at her. That would explain all the orange... Oh! "...Are you a Jinchurikki or the demon itself?" he asked suddenly, walking over and ignoring Kanza as he recognized him to be the one that had stabbed his raven. "If you're the container and not the bijuu itself, that would explain what's going on here... When a Jinchurikki becomes pregnant, the seal weakens in proportion as chakra is used to help the baby grow. The seal threatens to break often during pregnancy. But if you're the actual demon itself changed into a human form, like Kitsune, that wouldn't work..." He stared at her stomach, blinking apathetically. It had happened to Kushina when she gave birth to Naruto... The Kyuubi had broken loose and 'Madara' had taken control of it.


((That really does happen. I'm all caught up in the manga and they said that. xd.png))

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" I'm mostly like Naruto," Hoshiko told him, now getting up and stand next to him " Um would you like to touch it?" Hoshiko asked, now looking around the room for awhile wondering what her twin was thinking about " Because you could," Hoshiko told him, then pook out a huge choclate chip cookie out of her pocket so the girl be quiet.

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Kitsune happily snatched up the cookie and began chewing away at it as Itachi glared at her. Why did she get cookies?! Where was his freakin' dango?! He sighed and turned to face her, blinking as she offered him to touch it. "...No thank you..." he murmured quietly, not wanting to be reminded of something else he could never have. He did, however, continue staring at her stomach. "...If you're like Naruto, then you're a Jinchurikki. Not the demon itself, but the container. The bijuu sealed inside of you is trying to break out as your seal weakens..." He could probably reinforce her seal when the time came, but doing it now might just break the seal entirely. "...It would be wise for you to stay far away from the Akatsuki organization, save for Kitsune and I... We are after Jinchurikki, after all. If we fail to capture the Kyuubi, we might just be ordered to come after the likes of you..."

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Okay. So first off, the annoying girl had tugged on her arm, rambling about sweets, then the crazy pedophile threatened Kihaku about stabbing her with a thousand weapons. She sat down on the couch, and when the door was knocked down, she instinctively took a kunai, ready to attack. It turned out it was just Kanza. About time, she thought, almost impatiently.

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" Oh, you can't do anything to me," Hoshiko told him, now coming back to Hrio and laid beeside him " You know I'm kind of like Naruto I didn't say I'm like him did I now?" Hoshiko told him, now her blue eye and green where closed and her hands where back on her stomach " And sweetie the way you look you look sad please don't be," Hoshiko told him.

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Itachi stared at her. What did she mean, 'sad'? He had chosen this life for himself. It was either this or being responsible for the Fourth Ninja World War... Pick your poison. Delightful. "...I'm fine... I always look like this." He blinked and turned to Kihaku in silent approval as she sat down. He slipped his Akatsuki cloak back on. It was getting quite crowded in this little cabin... Two Akatsuki members, a Jinchurikki, a hostage, and two shinobi. Oh, how he hated people. "...Hn. It's getting crowded."

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" It's just you me and Hiro and that girl and it all ways has been dude what's up please tell me," Hoshiko told him, with a frown " Is it because you can't have a family?" Hoshiko asked, now sitting up " Would you like a son?" Hoshiko asked.

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((...I don't see it lol. xd.png))

Itachi gave her a look that screamed GTFO. He crossed his arms in exasperation and banged his head lightly on the wall. These people were driving him insane. Always prying at his past and annoying the hell out of him. It made him regret ever opening his mouth to speak to them. "I couldn't care less about a family," he muttered, irritation growing. "You're all just driving me towards madness." Why didn't he just kill himself when he had the- ahh, right. Sasuke. Dammit.

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" If you do want one there is a little boy looking for a home I'm just saying," Hoshiko told him, now having her ears popped up and her tail wagging " Just go and do whatever if I'm brothering you I can all wyas go," Hoshiko told him.

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"...Do you know Sasuke Uchiha?" he asked suddenly, staring at her. He had gotten serious. "...I've been looking for him for quite some time now... I know he's with Orochimaru, but it's quite difficult to track him." Kitsune rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Here we go again..." He stared at her curiously. "It's always the same with you. 'We're gonna find Sasuke!' 'We're gonna-'l she was cut off at his glare.

"...Until Leader-sama gives us our next order, we do what I say. Or do you have something better to do?" She remained quiet and stared at the floor, regretting what she'd said. Itachi considered casting a Tsukuyomi onto her for several seconds before deciding against it and turning to face Hoshiko.

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Hoshiko sighed " The dude that the pink hair girl is in love with?" Hoshiko asked, now wondering where she seen him before " Oh, no, way that's your brother!," Hoshiko said, now jumping up " I've seen him!," Hoshiko told him, with a huge smile on her face.

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((i deleted the post awhile ago))

((I thought I told your sister to wait untill AFTER the Flashback Era))



When Tobi returned to the cave, where Inate had her face on her pillow. Tobi sat down next to her and said,

"If you don't wanna fight, I won't make you. You remind me of myself in your want for world peace. I love the world and I'd hate to see it end badly." Inate lifted her head off of the pillow.

"What is love?"

"If there is something you care about enought to worry about it, you love it."

"When you wanted me to use the weapons, was it because...."

"Because what?" Inate looked directly at his eyehole. Tears began to run down her cheeks.

"Because you...Love me?" Tobi wrapped his arm around her.

"Yes. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I understand."

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"Itachi.... They've found us." Hiro whipped out two kunai and stood up. " There are ninjas surrounding the cabin. I can hear them. "

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" Hrio do you want to go back to my place they might not find you there," hoshiko asked, now getting more worried " I don't want you to get hurt," Hoshiko told him, tears rolled down her cheeks " This is bad very bad," Hoshiko said.



(( You did E and I told her that to wait :] ))

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