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Naruto Shippuden

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Itachi returned to his usual emotionlessness, slightly irritated. He did not like people like her... It was always the same. The ones who ran in fear at his name, or the ones that looked down at him and thought him better off dead. Either way, he hated them all. A lot. "...Hn. I don't care... Even if you were to fight me, you would die quite easily..." In all reality, he was a pacifist. He was completely against killing, especially a pregnant woman. He'd much rather be loved and praised by everyone, like the good old days... But alas, no. He had to deal with people like her.

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" I'm here to be with my friend and own him," Hoshiko told him, with a sigh then please her head on Hiso's shoulder " So you don't need to worry and act like that," Hoshiko told him, then close her eyes like she was in pain.

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"Itachi, It's not all about you." Hiro looked at Hoshiko. "How did you know where I lived? Not that Im not happy to see you, but.."

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Itachi stared at the two of them, somewhat uncomfortable. The way she was leaning on him, they seemed to be a couple... A bit of envy tinged within him. He ignored it. "...You don't look well, the way you're squeezing your eyes shut... Are you in pain? I can make it stop..." Kitsune poked her head out from under the table, tail swishing to and fro slowly. "Oho! Another person. Greetings! Hey, lady, do you have cake?" Itachi nearly facepalmed. He finally understood how Deidara had felt with Tobi...

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" I-I don't know I was just taking a walk and here I am," Hoshiko told him, now holding her stomach " Help me!," Hoshiko told them, now on the floor crying in pain " SOmething is wrong what's going on?" Hoshiko asked.

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" Uhh.... Itachi!?!?!" Hiro kneeled down beside Hoshiko. " Contractions, or do you really think its about to happen?"


( War& peace, whats gonna happen?))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi visibly paled at Hiro at the word 'contractions'. Despite being seventeen, he had the sexual innocence of a five year old. However, he did know what to do... He was a genius, after all. "Uh...?! H-Hot water... And towels... We're going to need a lot of them... Oh, and my Sharingan as an anesthetic..." he quickly cast a genjutsu on her to leave her still aware but removing all pain. Kitsune stared at the scene in innocent curiosity.

"What's going on, Itachi-kun?"

"Kitsune, get in a room and stay there!" She quickly obeyed her master.

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" Dude I'm not giving birth yet I'm only three or five weeks!," Hoshiko told him, now taking his hand and squeezing his it " What on earth is he doing to me?" Hoshiko asked, with a growl.



(( Do you want her to loose the baby or keep it?))

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(( Well, Its possible to give birth at this point. Its rare but I'd prefer we not wait a fewgame months. xd.png Now or never peepz. ))


Hiro winced at hosikos grip. "Its a genjutsu, designed to stop pain." Hiro exited the room and returned with hot water and a pile of towels.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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"Oh... I-I'm sorry, I thought you were giving birth..." Itachi murmured, quite relieved to find that he didn't have to see that. Still, something was quite wrong here. "...Did you lift anything heavy, or get in a fight...? These things affect an unborn baby pretty badly... Have you vomited blood lately?" he asked quietly, staring at her. He was still somewhat shocked at the situation.


((I dunno. Ask Penguin! xd.png))

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" Thanks for the help," Hoshiko told him, still on the floor " No, the only thing I use is my puppets um wait the pots and pans for the food and some boxes," Hoshiko toko, now looking where the little girl went " Does she want something sweet?" Hoshiko asked.

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"Ugh.... she ALWAYS does." Hiro Hugged Hoshiko. " You're absolutely welcome to stay here if you want, but of course you would probably want to stay at that cozy litle hme of yours." Hiro said with a smile. "Contractions dont come this early in pregnancy, so I'd like to keep an eye on you Hosiko, would that be okay?"

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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" No, I would love to stay I'm not going home right now," Hoshiko told him, now looking in her bag " Here sweetie want a cookie I got sweets in my bag if you want some," Hoshiko told the little girl then looked at Hiro and placed her arms around his neck " Oh, I for got to tell you daddy I'm having twins," Hoshiko told him, trying not to laugh now " Um sure you can you be their father any ways," Hoshiko told him.

Edited by War and Peace

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Oho... Sweets? "...I wouldn't mind having something sweet to eat myself..." Itachi mumbled, staring at her discolored chakra. Way too much orange and pink... There was almost no blue. Something was wrong with her body. He didn't know how a fourteen year old girl could act so childish... Maybe it was the bijiu? Regardless, he bent down to stare more intently at her stomach. "...Your chakra is quite strange..." he muttered, Sharingan scanning her body.

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" Wow, twins? Maybe they can feed eachother aple sauce, so we dont have to. " Hiro smiled. " You can use my matress to sleep on. I'll be awake all night, so i wont need it.

Do you want to sleep in the living room or the girls room/ Kitsunes room?"

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Itachi allowed Kitsune out of the bedroom, much to his dismay as she headed straight for the cookie. Her tail wagged as she ate it, grinning. "Waaah, it's good! You're nice, y'know that, lady?" She ate the cookie quickly folding her ears against the top of her head and widening her eyes to beg for more. Itachi glared at her.

"...You aren't a dog, girl..." he muttered, staring at her chakra. It was completely black, with small pulses of red scattered around it. Evil... He shrugged it off; most bijiu chakra was. Nothing unusual.

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" That's not good for your health Hiro," Hoshiko told him, now pulling him closer " I don't mind you sleeping with," Hoshiko stopped what she was about to say she didn't want the girl to hear "Oh um yeah sure I do know I;m nice," Hoshiko told her.

Edited by War and Peace

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Itachi glared at them both, green with envy. He could never have a wife, or children, or a lover... He felt the urge to kill Danzo again. That man ruined his life... "...It's fine if you two wish to share a room..." he muttered, looking away. "...I can keep this little monster in check." Kitsune nodded in approval, clapping wildly.

"Yup yup! Keep the little... Hey! I'm not a monster..." She muttered, sticking her tounge at him. He frowned at her.

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" Cool I do hope so," Hoshiko told him, now getting up slowly and getting up and looked at Inchi " Dude are you all right?" Hoshiko asked, now getting worried " You been looking like that ever since I came here," Hoshiko told him, with a frown.

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Itachi glared at her. "...It's nothing you should be concerned with. Probably just my medication's side effects..." He muttered, slipping his cloak off with a sigh and tossing it into his bedroom. It was hot... He undid his ponytail and frowned, staring at her feet. "...You wear shoes indoors?" he asked, Kitsune hopping around after her asking for more cookies.


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" Oh, I'm sorry Inch," Hoshiko told him, now giving the girl a cupcake " There you go," Hoshiko told her, now poking Hiro " Hey sweetie can you help me please?" Hoshiko asked, now looking at her huge bag on the floor " And if you where talking to me no, I all ways take off my shoes," Hoshiko told Itachi

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