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Naruto Shippuden

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((How's he a pedo? He's seventeen. xd.png))

"Not like that!" Itachi snapped at Hiro as he returned with that stupid chuckle of his. Such a pervert... "He literally wanted my body... As his. He had unnerving ways of achieving it... Saying it was for immortality..." He poked his head out to see the thugs, blinking at the one who's throat had been slashed. Note to self: don't anger Hiro, he thought jokingly as he used his sharingan to check for any more that might be around.

Edited by UchihaAce

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"I know Itachi. A traveller told me about the green dragon Orochimaru. Oh and you gilr on the couch, Don't look at him as the pervert, if anyone." He smiled. " Now, Kihaku, isn't it? You can stay in my cabin as long as you want. You will be under ALMOST constant watch if you decide to stay. By a girl. DOn't worry about me or Itachi." Hiro just realized what he had said. He had actually taken control. " If thats cool with you Itachi."

((G2g Gnight))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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((Yeah, and Kihaku's sixteen. That makes a pedo a pedo xd.png))


Kihaku quickly snatched the alexandrite, hugging it to her chest, like her knees. She closed her eyes and evened out her breathing. Her mind was nothing but darkness as she feigned sleep.

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((He ain't legally a pedo 'till eighteen. And he did NOTHING to her. He didn't even try seducing her; he had considered it for about five seconds. xd.png))

Itachi suddenly returned to his calm, stoic nature as the red faded from his cheeks. He had begun thinking of his family again... He wanted to go visit their graves. He glanced at Hiro absentmindedly, thinking to himself as he watched Kihaku fake-sleep. He could easily tell she was awake with his sharingan; the chakra points were still flowing evenly. "...Hiro. I wish to go attend to a personal matter... Can you handle her?" he asked, pointing at Kihaku.



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He nodded stiffly one last time before slipping his mask back on and slipping away into the night. Upon hearing her name, Kitsune popped her hear out of the room to peer curiously at Hiro and Kihaku. "Hello!" she chirped, skipping out of the room in a manner much like Tobi. "Are we gonna play a game? Is that why you called me out? Please, let's play a game..." she pleaded, staring at the two in earnest. Honestly, sometimes she acted five.

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"Errrrr....Maybe Kitsune, Maybe. We need to watch her. " Hiro pulled a board game out from under the coffee table. It was about ninjas. He set it out and handed Kitsune her piece, a female ninja. Hiro took his piece, a wandering Ninja. vHiro began asking Kitsune questions, " Where was your ninja raised? How old is she? What are her Jutsus? Answer those questions, and we can begin playing."

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"What? I don't know, I'm not really sure of the Hidden Villages... Umm, Hidden Star Village? Sixteen? Heavy genjutsu user..." she hopped lightly onto the table and tilted her head to the side, staring at Kihaku curiously. "Hey, lady! Don't you wanna play with us? It'll be more fun if we all play together!" She blinked at Kihaku's sleeping form and poked her, quite eager to get along with the girl. "C'mon c'mon c'mon! Wake up!"

((Kitsune's personality is beginning to annoy me. xd.png))

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Kihaku shrugged. "I'm trying to sleep," she muttered. She clutched the stone even more tightly. Annoying... she thought. She felt a poke. Then the voice. Who is this girl? she thought, irritated.

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" Life Is reeeeeally starting to get boring." Hiro said as he hay back no the coffee table. He learned to deal with the breeze without a shirt.

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"Oh? Hey, c'mon... Play with us!" she cried, tugging at her arms. Minutes blended into a half hour as she continued tugging and poking at her to play with them when she turned back to Hiro with a sigh. "She doesn't want to play...?" she asked with a sigh. Itachi suddenly walked back into the cabin and through it to the first bedroom, walking into it and suddenly slamming the door shut with a quiet click to indicate that he'd locked it. Kitsune shrugged it off and began toying around with Hiro's boardgame piece, clinking it around the board.

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Hiro Looked around.Kitsune was busy with the game, the girl was sleeping, and Itachi was In a room. "Kitsune, I'll be outside." Hiro grabbed a recorder and went outside. He set it down and pressed play and started dancing.


(( Looks like this!


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Kitsune nodded as he walked out, sighing and putting the board game away. She felt a small tingle on her fingertips and glanced up at Kihaku's sleeping form. She had wanted to practice kinjutsu, after all...

But not on a human. At least, not a defenceless one... Not yet. "...You're the one who attacked me with Kanza..." she muttered, thinking back to the Akatsuki hideout and the blind boy that had followed her there. She sighed and leaned back, picking up sone of Hiro's music faintly in the background. What was he doing out there? "...I wonder when Leader-sama'll give us another order..." she mumbled thoughtfully.

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After about an hour, hiro gfrew tired. He picked up the recorder and stopped it. Entering the cabin he looked around. "Kitsune. No Kinjutsu, damnit. You'll be sleeping in the other bedroom." Hiro pulled out an old matress from under the couch and seat it about 5 feet away from the couch. "I'll keep watch on our little guest here." Hiro Put on his jacket. He then adjusted his mask.

(( Jus tso you know, Hiro looks like Kakashi, same mask over his mouth, same jacket, but it's black, same color hair that goes down infront of his eyes. )) ((alot.png Couldnt resist doing that. ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Kitsune couldn't help but glare and hiss at him. His ability was so easy to forget and so annoying that it wasn't even funny. Nevertheless, she obeyed and stood up, walking over to a bedroom and turning the handle to find it locked. She was about to question why when she remembered that Itachi had taken this room. Shrugging it off, she took the room next to his, hanging her Akatsuki cloak on the door and curling up on the bed to sleep. Whether Hiro or Itachi liked it or not, she was going to practice kinjutsu... If she had no ninjutsu, she would have that. It was the seal that didn't let her use chakra as freely as them, so she shouldn't listen to the same limitations. Heck, she wasn't even human. What did it matter to them?


((Kakashi? I find Kakashi amazing. Always reading those inappropriate books and cracking jokes. xd.png I'm assuming you all know what Itachi looks like... If you don't well... ./_\.wink.gif)

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I was out side watching everyone go by while I was waiting for someone to come save me from the please I closed my eyes for awhile and reopen them when I heard someone coming. I took out my weapons and got onto a fighting stance " Who goes there and what to do you want?" I asked, with a growl.



(( Pen please come talk to Hoshiko :]))

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Kanza opened his eyes and looked around his dark room, he slowly got up from his bed and attacted his weapons pouch around his neck before wrapping his scarf around his neck. He then left his room and headed outside to where he saw his sister. "Hey Hoshiko."

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" Oh, it's just you," Hoshiko said, now with a smile on her face " I thought it was someone or something," Hoshiko told him, now hugging him " Did I wake you up?" Hoshiko asked.

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"No it's fine I woke myself up." Kanza said as he hugged Hoshiko back. "So what's happened since I was out?"

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" Um nothing much just fighting that blind dude and making puppets," Hoshiko told him, now taking his hand and walked back inside " Ok let me fix you something to eat," Hoshiko told him, now looking around for something to make breakfast or lunch " How do you feel about noodles?" Hoshiko asked.

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(( Shrimp you're still with hoshiko and she pregnant ))

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"Kitsune, If Itachi asks, tell him I went for a walk." Hiro exited the cabin, and started walking down the road. He soon came apon a house. It looked slightly familiar. He went up through the door and tried to peer through the cracks, but he bumped his eye on the door. "Ouch!"


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" Dude are you all right?" Hoshiko asked, now turning around to find her friend out side of the house " Where have you been?" Hoshiko asked, now running up to him to look at his eye.

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