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Naruto Shippuden

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((No you're not! I'm just obsessed with the show to the point of actually knowing what happens when, in what episode... xd.png Here wait, I'll go copy-paste info on tsukuyomi...

And yep, consider it forgotten. xd.png))


((Tsukuyomi summary:

The Tsukuyomi or God of the Moon technique is generated by the left Mangekyou eye. It is a Genjutsu technique which uses the Mangekyou form to initiate a mentally and physically harmful illusion. To utilize the illusion, the clan member will look into the eyes of his opponent and cast a Genjutsu spell on them. The spell takes place in the mind of the one affected, while the jutsu is cast the one it was cast upon is at the total mercy of the Uchiha clan member. The clan member has full control over space and time in the jutsu and can place the one affected through any hell they desire for any length desired. The technique itself only lasts for but a second in reality, but the one affected could have lasted through several days of pain. It is said only a natural born member of the Uchiha Clan can defeat it, this may mean either an Uchiha also holding the Mangekyou or one fully skilled in the three tomoe Sharingan form.))

Edited by UchihaAce

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(( Gahh... sorry. I thought he was using the sharingan. I don't remember much form the first naruto, since it stopped showing.. sad.gif))

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((Dude. The Mangekkyo IS the sharingan. It's called that after it advances past three-tomoe form. (the stage after the three black dots)xd.png))

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((Thats good. xd.png Here:

Three-Tomoe Sharingan: user posted image

Itachi's Mangekkyo Sharingan: user posted image


If the pics are dead, here: http://leafninja.com/uchiha.php))

Edited by UchihaAce

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((O_o The alot.png sees you. And you guys OOC alot.pngxd.png Cute fuzziness <3))


Kihaku collapsed to the floor, panting and sweating. She saw the alexandrite and slowly took it, cradling it in her hand. But for some odd reason, the girl felt there was something wrong. Something wrong with the stone. It didn't seem to deflect light, as all stones do, but instead, it gives off a kind of light of its own, now that she saw it up close. When it was in the shop, she didn't notice this fact, but now... She gasped again. Is it really three days already? she thought bitterly. She didn't even have the strength to stand up and walk.


Kihaku knew that she shouldn't have given Itachi any information, whether a lie or not. Ugh, I hate myself, she thought, shaking. Stupid alexandrite... With her arms on the floor and her face in her arms, she shook uncontrollably, her body racked with pain, her mind filled with self-pity and hate.

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Itachi gently took her hand, scooping her up and easing her into the couch. "...I might have gone too far." he murmured quietly, releasing her hand and pulling out a bottle of water. He held it out to her. Water usually helped ease pain, after all, and she was most certainly in pain. He picked the alexandrite off the floor and placed it on the table, staring at it as it's colors danced. There was something off about how the coloring was set about it...


((Edited for strange wording. Also. The heck is that fuzzy thing? xd.png))

Edited by UchihaAce

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((alot.png!!! I dunno how you get the censorkip))


Kihaku curled up on the couch, her back to the other two. Still shaking, she could still see the alexandrite and the odd glimmer in it. But it's mine, now... Right? she thought. Just for a stupid stone... I wish I never went into that shop, she thought, the thought only a faint dim light in her mind as her body helped itself into more pain.


((Be a good spot for Kanza to save her... xd.png))

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Itachi sighed inwardly, realizing that he would have to comfort her. He hated comforting women. They were so bipolar. The last time he'd tried comforting a woman, he'd gotten a swift kick in the groin; from his mother, no less. And that was just for eating all the dango she had made for New Years... Just thinking of what Kihaku would do made him uneasy. Still, it had to be done. He hesitantly stroked her hair, murmuring words of consolation. "We won't hurt you anymore... You have nothing to fear. If you wish, I can use Tsukuyomi on you again. I control the realm and all you feel in it... I can cancel out the pain for a bit, if you'd let me..." Bah. He steeled himself for an attack.

((forgive me for being kinda ooc in this post; I couldn't resist. It's about time we got a bit of funny. xd.png))



Edited by UchihaAce

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((LOL Itachi... He had such an abusive mother xd.png And now we know who taught Kitsune how to eat dango :3))


Kihaku smothered a cry of fear, and viciously smacked Itachi's hand away. "Get away from me," she managed to say, scrunching up even more. When she heard the word 'Tsukuyomi', she lashed out again. "I don't need your help!"

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He made a face and pulled his hand away, annoyed to find that she'd chipped his nailpolish. After a moment of thinking though, he shrugged. Much better than his mother... "...Listen. I have no other reason to hurt you... I'm here to help." Graaah, women annoyed him. Especially in situations like this. He could usually seduce them into doing whatever he wanted, but he really hidnt think that would work this time around; nor did he really want to. Not that he ever DID want to, but it was a useful skill to have if you're flat-out broke. "Do you really want this pain...?"

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Kihaku turned to Itachi, mustering a glare on her face. "I don't want you," she hissed, annoyed and pained right now. The hate shown clearly in her eyes. Weirdo, she thought angrily. She turned her head to the couch again, and shuddered. Dammit! When will the pain end?

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He sighed and crossed his arms; enough was enough. He grabbed her and forced her to look at him, staring at her wide-eyed. He let the pain melt away as he eased her back down, leaving a strange... Scent of jasmine flowers. He liked that smell. It reminded him of dango. "...This isn't Tsukuyomi; it is merely an average genjutsu. So real time will pass and you cannot move; the pain's still there. I'm simply masking it... And adding a nice smell." he added thoughtfully. Women liked sweet smells, didn't they? Either way, he knew he did.

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((LOL. Wow. xd.png))


Kihaku struggled. Does this guy eat iron for meals?! she thought as she felt his iron grip. Though she would rather jump off a cliff than get molested by a psychopath Akatsuki member, the pain melted away, leaving a jasmine smell...


"Ew, what's that smell," she gasped out, coughing. "What kinda..." A colorful string of beautiful vocabulary left her mouth.

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"I....Itachi? I'm hearing some thoughts that.... aren't ours, outside..." " Molested, Eh? Not a bad Idea, girl"

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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He scowled at her. "What? What's wrong with jasmine? You don't like flowers?" What kind of weirdo doesn't like flowers...? He thought to himself as he grudgingly let the scent disperse. He glanced back to ask Hiro his opinion when Hiro's words froze him. He blinked calmly, glancing down at Kihaku. He hadn't sensed her do anything to call others... "...What are they thinking, Hiro...?" he asked calmly, brushing an eyelash off his cheek casually. He would kill if he had to.

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Itachi was about to nod at him when he finally wrapped his brain around Hiro's last comment. He fell out of character again, turning to Kihaku, his cheeks a deep crimson to match his eyes. "Y-You think I would-?! -, but I don't find you attractive at all!" His mind reeled away from the word in disgust. Oh, she COULDN'T have thought that he'd... He'd never even liked-! No! Just no! If she wanted that, she should go see Orochimaru!

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"...He wanted my body..." he muttered, cheeks reddening past his sharingan. Oh, how he hated that snake... And then he'd gone after Sasuke when he'd been shot down by Itachi. He had chopped the man's freaking arm off! Didn't he get when enough was enough?! "...J-Just go check on the people outside, Hiro..." he stammered, quite flustered by the topic. It made him... So uncomfortable.

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Hiro walked outside and Immedietly was bombarded by shurikens. Turning to his right, there was four ninjas, that looked like thugs. Hiro drew his whip-sword and released it. He swiped his whip at thhem, it went through ones throat, and another through ones... errr... unmentionables. HHiro chuckled and entered the cabin. "Just some thugs." Hiro couldnt help snicker about Itachis story.

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((x3 Well done, Kihaku, Hiro. xd.png))


Kihaku curled up on the couch again, scrunching herself so that her knees were up to her chest.She faced the couch again. Idiotic... Stupid... Pedo... Idiot... she thought. Then she remembered the flower scent, the one she hated so much. An Akatsuki member likes... Flowery scents. Kisame, what have you been teaching your teammates? Kihaku cringed inwardly.

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