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My character entry plz accept






OTHER INFO:Somewhat seclusive,prefers reading a book rather then talking to people,is a Shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Villiage;Has a crush on Naruto;People often think she is evil because of the way she looks.Very easy to anger.

FAVORITE WEAPON:She wields two swords that she has slung over her back that have been passed down through her family for generations;When in battle the swords combine together as one.

APPEARANCE:Has black hair,red eyes,and pale skin.

Edited by emowolf6

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((I'll post when Kihaku posts. Also. I have the nasty habit of remembering members by their RP characters, so please don't yell at me if I adress you as Hiro or Kihaku or whatever instead of your usernames. xd.png

...We should get an ooc thread. ./_\.))

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((I really think we should stop with all the OoC posts... I dun want no mods after meh. D,smile.gif)

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Kihaku snarled at Itachi all of a sudden, then transformed to her normal self. She glared at the two of them. They found me out. Carp. She glared at Itachi again.


"I don't know," she hissed.

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"...Do you know of Uchiha Sasuke?" He murmured quietly, looking up from the floor to her. Since he was in his ANBU uniform and mask, no one could see his sharingan tomoes swirl into mangekkyo form. He stared at her intently, putting away the kunai. "...I am not above resorting to torture to get answers, girl..." He took a step towards her and pulled off his mask, staring at her with dead, cold eyes. He would not leave without an answer. Screw keeping her alright. He'll do anything for Sasuke.

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((My yaoi senses are tingling... As well as sibling fetishes. xd.png))


Kihaku looked away, gritting her teeth. "I don't know. You're an Akatsuki. Surely, you guys have more power to search," she hissed. "I don't know anything about this Sasuke. I'm not from this village!" She nearly shouted the last part.

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((lolwut? I sense an ItaSasu fangirl close by... xd.png))

Itachi snapped. His sharingan flashed as the world melted away, Kihaku appearing on a crucifix. He was going to pull a Kakashi on her. He pulled out a sword and stabbed her in the stomach, the wound healing but still feeling the pain as he slid the sword out and another sword-bearing Itachi appeared out of nowhere. Everything was colored in black, white, and red. "...Tell me where my brother is and I'll make this stop." he said louder than his usual murmur, stabbing her again. He continued, the clones multiplying by twos.

((Is this g-modding? I was confused, since in the show it says he controls everything in his Tsukuyomi Nightmare Realm... If it is, I'll edit!))

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((Oh well. If it is, I'd give you permission anyway xd.png))


Kihaku gave a yell. She cursed loudly. "I don't know where he is!" she yelled, one eye closed in pain. She felt like she didn't own the body, but felt its pain. She saw Itachi. With a sword. And a black and white world. Mangekkyo, she thought; she knew what it was. And for the first time, she feared. However slight the fear was, she knew that she didn't know who or where this Sauske Uchiha was.

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He was suddenly overwhelmed with all that had happened that day. He snapped out of his emotionless nature for a moment and all the clones lashed out with their swords, stabbing her at once. The real one gritted his teeth in rage. "GIVE ME MY BROTHER!" He shouted, clones appearing all around with swords at the ready. "This will go on for 72 hours! Just give me my damn brother!" He lashed out with the swords again, close to tears of rage. He had possibly lost his mind for the moment, all the hurt and anger he had been harbouring for the last four years bursting through his stoic nature.

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((alot.png ))


Kihaku gritted her teeth. He's insane! she thought in between gasps of pain. She shut her mouth, knowing that this psychopath isn't going to listen to her. All Akatsuki were the same. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow... she kept repeating the thought until she thought she was going to die. But just then, the alexandrite appeared in her mind, and she didn't feel the pain as much anymore. The forest green of the stone slowly turned into a gentle magenta that faded into a ruby color. She sighed, then gasped in pain again, as the Itachi clones stuck the swords in her.


"Alexandrite..." she whispered ever so softly.

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Itachi stopped stabbing her for a moment, his shoulders shaking with his effort not to cry. No... "Please, don't let it be true..." he begged quietly, the clones frozen in whatever pose they were in when he began speaking. "...Please, just tell me if you know he's alive... Even something that trivial would help..." he held the blade of the sword against her throat, fighting back tears. If she didn't know, he would be more depressed than ever before... Please, let her know... He felt her think about the alexandrite and a thought popped into his head, remembering what Hiro had with him. "...I have an alexandrite. I'll give it to you. Just please... My brother...?"

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Kihaku stared at Itachi. She heard how strained his voice was, how pleading he seemed. She sighed softly and looked away again, wincing as she felt the blade against her throat. She would have to lie. As obvious as it is, itachi seemed desperate, and even Kihaku seemed hurt by his emotions.


"He's alive. I heard he's alive," she croaked. Her body ached all over. She looked at Itachi again. All for the alexandrite, she thought to herself bitterly.

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Itachi's body shook slightly, his tearducts betraying him as a single tear rolled down his cheek; he had lost his mind. "...You... You're lying... Please... Tell me you're not lying...?" he begged quietly, pressing the blade harder against her throat but not to the point of breaking the skin. He didn't care for his mission anymore. He didn't care if Danzo tried pulling anything on him, or what Madara would do after he died. He just needed to know that his brother was alive... Outside the Tsukuyomi(in the one second that it occurs in reality) his face did not betray any emotion, silently staring at Kihaku.


((lol you've all driven him mad. xd.png))

Edited by UchihaAce

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Kihaku winced slightly. "He's alive," she said in a strangled voice. "I heard that he was. It won't be my fault if the others are wrong," she added quietly. Beads of sweat had appeared on her forehead. Jeez... This Akatsuki... Are they all like this?! she thought to herself. But I wouldn't be surprised if Kisame was like this, too... Hm... He seemed fun to be around sometimes, she thought and wondered.

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( :DDDDD))

Hiro looked at Khiaku. "....SHe's not lying." Hiro told Itachi. He wasn't sure if this was true or not. She had said all for the alexandrite. Hiro pulled out the alexandrite. "Where did you hear it?"

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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He dropped the blade, a pained expression flitting across his face. "...In this world, I hear all your thoughts... This has nothing to do with Akatsuki... It's personal..." He blinked as the Tsukuyomi melted away, replacing the frenzied Itachi with the true, emotionless one. He blinked and quietly turned to Hiro. "...The alexandrite..." He held out his hand. Do not mention it was stolen. Pretend you purchased it. he thought, knowing Hiro would hear it.

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((...Confusion. xd.png 1. Tsukuyomi feels like 72 hours to the victim, but in reality only takes one second. The pain lasts, though, even after the genjutsu fades. It takes place in her head. How could Hiro have heard them? xd.png Go see episode 83(I think) of Naruto. Not Shippuden! Naruto!

2. He already stopped the illusion. xd.png))

Itachi took the gem from Hiro, nodding stiffly before handing it to Kihaku. "...Your alexandrite..." he murmured quietly, letting go of the stone. "My birthstone..." He hoped for his sake that she wasn't lying. He had a feeling that she truly didn't know of his brother, but he had had enough... "...I apologize for my behavior. I'll... Try to control myself from now on..." he turned to the door and opened it quietly, turning back to face them with a dead expression. "...Do not inform anyone of our being here until- actually... Inform no one but Danzo..." he thought quietly to himself, planning.

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(( Im a confused ass narutard. sad.gif Can u forget that happened?


Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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