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Naruto Shippuden

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Hiro smiled as Itachi snatched the apple. "I have some random stuff in my bag. Why, if you looked hard enough, you might find the dead body of a Hokage in there! Metaphorically." He said with a nervous smile.

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Itachi glanced at his bag curiously while chewing on the apple. He preferred sweets, but apples were good enough. He looked away and tightened his grip on his own bag. "...I have some... Old memories that I cling to in here..." he murmured quietly, pulling the photo out of his pocket and staring at it. His father was glaring at the camera... And Sasuke looked so cute and innocent. He ate more of his apple.

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Hiro frowned sadly. He rummaged in his bag. He pulled out a wooden kunai. He looked at it. Seeing his name carved in messy letters brought tears to his eyes. He missed his dad. Hiro had been so enthusiastic about becoming a ninja wen he grew up, so his dad gave him a hand carved wooden kunai. Hiro Treasured it forever. He actually survived with it when his father...passed.

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Itachi stared at Hiro as he pulled out a wooden kunai with his name etched into it. It looked handmade... Did his father...? He felt a small pang of guilt. "...I'm sorry for killing your father. I'm not even sure who he was or why I did it..." He thought to himself. If Hiro lost something due to him, he should probably make it up to him. "...Here..." he handed him the Uchiha photo and quickened his pace. "It's worth plenty of money for several reasons... It won't make up for your father, but I hope it helps..." He didn't know which would hurt more. Giving away the photo or keeping it.


((There's apparently an actual photo like that. I took this image from an episode flashback xd.png

user posted image

I lol'd.))

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" Keep it. It's okay. You didnt want to... you know. It's not your fault. Just remembering him and looking at this... sometimes I cry over him. But then I remember that he would be proud of me right now. All the jutsus i know, the friends I've made, the custom sword." He put away the kunai. He was getting emotional. He handed Itachi back the photo. " It may hurt to keep it, but just remembering family is enough to keep me going. All i know is that it's worth more to you than anyone else, even if you try not to show it. I hope you don't mind me catagorizing you two as friends."

(( Yeah... Hiro can be deep. I lol'd at the dad's face 2. ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi slowly took the photo back and listened to Hiro, grimancing at the word 'friend'. Friends were weakness... "...I want to kill myself." he murmured quietly, not wanting to look at the photo any more than he had to. "...But I know that if I do, Da-... Someone will kill my brother..." His heart throbbed as he thought back to that awful day. If he was lucky, perhaps he'll get amnesia from a nice blow to the head... But then Sasuke would die. There was no way for him to win in this life...

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"Not if I have anything to do with it." He said, forcing a smile. " Friends aren't weakness. I don't know who told you that, but thats not true. Friends keep you going when you are down. They.... Let's just say we'd all be at eachothers throats if it weren't for friends."

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He stopped walking before turning to stare at Hiro coldly. "...I unlocked my Mangekkyo Sharingan by killing my best friend. Friends don't exist in this world... Only those you hate and those you can stand." He turned around and began walking again, this time slower. Shisui Uchiha... His older cousin and best friend. He had slit his throat and dumped him in the Nanako River...

As soon as Danzo was dead, he would fight Sasuke and die in front of him... That way, Sasuke would be happy. Kitsune moaned again, still in pain. It'd be a week until she was better...

((I'm guessing it's a week. It took Kakashi a week. *shrug*))

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Hiro returned Itachi's glare. Hearing Itachi's thoughts was hell. They were sick. Obsessing over your brother was one thing, but willing to KILL yourself just to make him happy? Hiro stayed silent. Traveling with Itachi was a disturbing experience.

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((That's what I said when his true intentions were revealed by Tobi. xd.png))

Itachi kept walking, planning his death quietly. This was the only way to restore glory to the Uchiha Clan and get Konoha to love his brother again... Imagine the scene they would make when they heard that Sasuke had killed the mad serial killer, Itachi Uchiha. Everyone would love him... It made him happy. Or at least less pain-filled. Kitsune jerked out of his gripp suddenly and limped along with them, grunting. She could walk, but she wouldn't be able to fight for awhile... "...Hiro?Are you alright? You look kind of pale..." Kitsune asked in concern.

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"Are you sure? You didn't stay up too late again, did-"

"Where is this cabin?" Itachi asked suddenly, cutting her off. Was she stupid or something? How could a fourteen year old not know what a hangover was? Then again, she had lived most of her life in a cage... "Did living the way you did not hurt you? Shouldn't you be depressed...?" Itachi asked her bluntly, not bothering to sugar coat it. Kitsune cocked her head to the side and smiled at him.

"Why should I be sad about anything? It's much gunner to be happ-" she coughed violently; the kinjutsu was still hurting her...

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"Turn here." As Hiro looked to his left, he saw his old vine covered cabin. It brought back so many memories.

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Kitsune stared at it curiously, finishing her cough. Itachi blinked emotionlessly, pulling his ANBU uniform and mask out of his bag. "...Hn. It's quite old to be covered in so many vines... Is there a place for me to change?" Kitsune limped up to it and began tugging at the vines playfully, wrapping them around her wrists and studying the patterns of the leaves.

"What kind of vines are these, Hiro? Did you plant them?" she asked, licking them curiously before making a face and spitting; it tasted horrible.

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"Well... I did try to plant stuff as a kid, and tht mighta caused them. Yeah, Itachi. Theres three rooms in there. Pick your poison"

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Itachi nodded stiffly and entered the cabin, locking himself behind the door of the first room he could find as Kitsune ran into the cabin, tugging Hiro along with her. "Hiro! Did you used to live here? It's neat!" She looked around in wonder, staring at the wooden walls in amazement. "Much bigger than where I used to stay!" Itachi popped out; he had changed quite quickly. He sighed and put on his mask, completing his ANBU look. As he had predicted, the clothing was somewhat baggy. Not a good sign, considering he was seventeen and they used to be skin-tight when he was thirteen...

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" Yeah Kitsune. Itachi, if your trying to make a fashion statement on baggy clothes, I'm with ya/" He said with a thumbs up.

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Itachi scowled beneath his mask, crossing his arms to show he was not amused. "...They're supposed to hug the skin..." he muttered, glancing down at his clothes. They flowed slightly with the wind. Was... Was he really that thin? Kitsune gave him a thumbs up with Hiro, completely ignorant of the joke. "Yup yup! You look good, Itachi! But why are you wearing a kitty mask?" She asked, grinning as she stared at the mask covering his face.

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Hiro facepalmed. " It's an Anbu mask, Kitsune. But I DO wonder why they tried to make it look like a cat.."

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Kitsune beamed childishly and gave another thumbs up, using both hands this time. "It's adorable, Itachi!" The would-be compliment made the Uchiha groans and bring his fingers to his forehead in exasperation, sighing. She was hopeless. He slung on his katana and ordered her to remain in the cabin, turning to Hiro. "...Shall we depart to Konoha?" he asked blankly.

((I found a full-Itachi's life bio! xd.png


Hmm... They're missing what happens after his death. That's like the most importaint part. xd.png))

Edited by UchihaAce

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"Byebye!" Kitsune waved exaggeratedly as Itachi scowled again. They were mocking him... Their deaths would be slow and painful, he thought jokingly to himself as he grudgingly walked out of the cabin and dashed towards Konoha via the trees. Kitsune stared through the window, waving him goodbye before turning to Hiro. "Have fun..." she murmured with a smile.

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" I will. There are some one person games in the back room. Have fun." Hiro followed Itachi as he dashed through the trees.

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Kitsune's smile faded as they left, and she quietly pulled out some paper and a pencil from a room. She settled by a table and began drawing absentmindedly.


Itachi froze as he walked through the gates of Konoha, his heart swelling at the mere thought of being back in his beloved village. It was right beneath Sasuke in his heart and thoughts... He walked straight for the ramen shop, pleased to see it was still open. It felt so good to be able to walk around like this... "Ramen, cake, and tea..." he murmured, placing his money on the counter, the man nodding and bringing him the food. He pushed the ramen towards Hiro, standing outside with his cake and tea. "Here... I hate ramen..."

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" Thanks Itachi." Hiro slurped it up quickly.


(( God, It's been two game days through the course of three real days. WHERE ARE THEY?!))

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