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Naruto Shippuden

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Kitsune blinked at Hiro in confusion. "...What's a tarp?" Itachi ignored her and turned to Hiro.

"Please give me the tarp. We can make a lean-to..." He began arranging the local branches in a way that a lean-to would be easy to hold together, holding his hand out expectantly at Hiro.

In the meantime, Kitsune spotted a butterfly struggle in the rain. Itachi stared at it as it looked for shelter. He gently cupped his hands around it to keep it out of the rain, still waiting on Hiro as Kitsune tried seeing the butterfly through his fingers.


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Hiro struggle to get the tarp out of his bag. When he did, he handed it to itachi. His bag was chock-full of random object. He knew how to cook, as well, so it was full of spices.

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Itachi handed the butterfly to his bijuu as he quickly created the simple shelter. "...I'll stand guard out here. Kitsune, you didn't sleep last night. Sleep now. Hiro... This tarp smells like a salad." He sat on a stump in the rain by the lean-to as Kitsune quickly curled up beneath the tarp and slept in the corner. He gently pushed the butterfly under the tarp, where it wouldn't be harmed, before returning to his stump.

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Itachi glanced up at him. "...No need for you to be up there. My sharingan can assess chakra even through trees. We do not need to both stay awake..." he stared at him. Kitsune was fully asleep now, a thin line of smoke leaving her mouth as she exhaled. Itachi shut her mouth; it might give away their location. He couldn't have that happening.

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He let the tears stream down his face as he slowly turned away to face the trees, waiting for any intruders. The rain was now far too thick for anyone to see properly, let alone see him cry. It felt good to relieve himself like this... He remained completely emotionless as he did so. He glanced back at the butterfly and stepped on it. It was going to die anyways, by the look of it... He didn't like seeing it in pain. He stepped back out into the rain, thinking in silence.

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Hiro hung upside down by his legs. "Sigh...boooring boooooring booooring."

(( ****.... g2g. seeya l8er. ))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Kitsune woke up not too long later and slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Do I have to sleep? I'm not tired yet..." She turned to face Itachi's back, a few meters away. His shoulders seemed to be shaking slightly, but she guessed it was the 'illness' Hiro and Itachi had gotten by 'staying up too late. She looked around and stepped out into the rain to find Hiro on a treebranch. She flew up to meet him. "Hey! Can you do water jutsu too, with all this rain?" Kitsune asked curiously.


Itachi was innerly moping again, thinking of everything he hated about his life. This rain wasn't helping his hangover in the least, but he refused to leave it's dark cloak. He heard thunder rolling in the distance.

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Hiro smiled at Kitsune. "Maybe..." Hiro jumped out of the branch. "Water style, Typhoon Jutsu!" Thousands of water droplets formed in front of him, and when he pushed, they flewfar and ramemd into a tree. " Does that answer your question?" He smirked.

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"Oh! That's amazing, Hiro!" She clapped eagerly as his droplets stabbed the tree. She formed several handsigns before trying to copy his jutsu; instead of water droplets hurdling outward, the rain around her hands burst into flame and continued falling, her not being able to manipulate them at all. She stopped the jutsu as the already existing embers rained down on Itachi. With a flick of his wrist, he gathered the fire to his hand and put it out, all in one fluid motion without even looking up. He turned to give Kitsune an icy glare.

"...Maybe you should use Taijutsu instead of Ninjutsu..." he muttered, walking under the tarp and wiping the 'rain' from his face. Kitsune sighed and stared at Hiro.

"Why can you do it perfectly?!" She asked, exasperated at her constant failures.

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" DOnt worry, Kitsune! You'll get it soon. It took me years to perfect every one of my jutsus, and I sitll havent gotten all of them. Heres one of my failed moves." Hiro made some handsigns. "Earth Style: Mud golem Jutsu!" A large, messy clump of mud flew foreward. " Uhh... The golem is supposed to look like a real one. I suck at most earth style jutsus. Youshould focus more on your basic fire jutsus. They seem like your specialty. Try this. Fire Style: Ember Jutsu!" He made a quick couple of handsigns and a flurry of embers shot out of his hand.

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Itachi stared at Hiro as he made the handsigns for an Earth-based jutsu. He hadn't ever really used earth-style jutsu before... Using his sharingan he made the hansigns and instantly formed a perfect golem, releasing the jutsu quickly and glancing back up at Hiro to see if he'd done the jutsu the way it was meant to be. He'd never seen it before. Performing the jutsu correctly on his first try reminded him of his brother. ((does anything NOT? xd.png)) Sasuke had resented him for being able to do such things... It tugged at his heartstrings.


Kitsune nodded and tried the Katton style attack, only to fail miserably. Nothing even happened. She snarled in rage and let out an inhuman screech, a huge jet of blue flames shooting out of her mouth. She stared at the flames in fury; they weren't even a jutsu. Just from the organ in her chest that allowed her to breathe fire. She hissed and tried the jutsu again.

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(( I know a lot of basic Jutsus...))

"Your seal apparently holds back chakra. TaiJutsu would definetly work betetr for you."


(( Darn you tiny keyboard! Stupid typo.s...)))

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((Hmm... You could go to leafninja.com and click on Ninjutsu for actual jutsus if you wish. That site confuses me... I only know them in Japanese, a few in English. xd.png))

Kitsune pouted and slinked under the tarp, enraged. She didn't want to use Taijutsu... What kind of ninja couldn't use Ninjutsu?! She glanced at Itachi out of the corner of her eye. He had designed the seal to be like this... But her adoration of him kept her from blaming him. She blamed herself instead, staring at her fingers. Maybe... If she could practice the Kinjutsu in secret...


Itachi couldn't bear it. He stood up suddenly and walked out towards the forest in silence. "..." He walked out into a clearing and looked up at the sky. The rain was pouring harder than before... He wondered if the lean-to could take it. He wasn't used to being near others. He just wanted to be alone... No. He desperately craved his brother. But he couldn't let him notice them if they found him... He had to guard him from the shadows. Oh, how he wished he could just kill Danzo so he could leave things be...

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cmon guys give her a break she's trying and tht's all tht matters i will admit i'm a narutard i love naruto i know all this and what she's talking about but cmon she's doing an amazing job not many ppl would have the nerve to handle this so she doesnt need this ****mad.gif.so seriously lighten up will u. dry.gif

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((...Huhn? What'd we do? ./_\.


Edited by UchihaAce

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(( Eermm... apparently you didnt know the roleplay has started. Remember to check next time. biggrin.gif )) (( Hes looking at the first page)

"Kitsune, you cant hide your thoughts. No Kinjutsu. And you don't have to know jutsus to be able to be a ninja. Some people dont even use Tai jutsu. They just use Kunai and shurikens."

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Kitsune hissed; she had forgotten Hiro's ability. Again. "I bet I can find a way to use the kinjutsu!" she snapped, whirling around and pointing a finger at a squirrel, eyes flashing at it blew up. She gave a ragged cough, smiling slightly as a bit of blood dribbled from her mouth to her chin. She wiped it on the back of her Akatsuki cloak and stared at the bits of dead squirrel. "...It seems...*cough* That my kinjutsu... Let's me ravage the body from the inside out..." she coughed again and froze in fear as Itachi suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"...My sense of hearing is exellent. You've disobeyed me again..." He sighed and opened an eye slowly. In three seconds Kitsune was on the ground, face contorted into a silent shriek of agony. He sat on his stump and glared at her. "If you do not wish to experience Tsukuyomi again, you'll listen to me..."

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"Ugh... I wish there were some way to stop people from using Kinjutsu." He sighed. Then he realized the rain had stopped. His frown turned into a wide grin.

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Itachi wiped away the last of his tears as the rain stopped, squeezing the water out of his long black hair. "...We should go to Konoha. Undercover... I still have my ANBU outfit..." he murmured, guessing that Hiro would just know with his ability. Kitsune had passed out with the pain. He was painfully thin now, though, and he was sure his AMBU uniform would be slightly too big... Hiro wasn't well known in Konoha. He didn't need a disguise, did he? As for Kitsune... Hn. There was a problem...

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"Hrmmm....what do you think about stuffing her into a burrow outside of Kohona?" He said with a smirk. " Just kidding. Theres an abandoned cabin outside of Kohona, just about a few minutes away. I use it a lot. "

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"...Hn. That's useful... We'll embark immidiately." He clipped the leash back onto Kitsune and lifted her by the wings, walking along the forest towards Konoha while dragging her along in the dirt behind him. She gave a quiet moan, squeezing her eyes shut. What had he called it? Tsukuyomi? It was the most horrid thing in the world. She had been drowning as the burning moon fell from the sky down onto her, the water boiling. Graaah... Genjutsu...

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"Sucks, Doesn't it, Kitsune? I've had it done on me once. Let's just say that you should never anger a random ninja by pelting him with apples." Hiro looked at Itachi. " Hmm... Your skinny as a rail. Want an apple?"

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Itachi's cheeks reddened slightly; quite out of character for him to even show emotions, let alone blush. "I'm... What?" His thoughts wandered suspiciously. How could Hiro have encountered a Tsukuyomi? That was an Uchiha-only technique, only available with the sharingan... Unless Kakashi had attacked him? But why would he have? "...Don't call me that..." he muttered, quite self-concious of his looks. Regardless, he snatched up the apple.

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