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Naruto Shippuden

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(( Okay.... I cant t really top that.... But i'll try. ))

" WHERE DID THE BIG DRAGON PERSON GO?! I bet she can breath (Hic) purple fire!" Hiro spun around and fell over. When he looked up, he saw a woman from the hotspring staff. "Excuse me, sirs. You are disrupting some of our other guests!" She said. " Nawww, thay are disruptin us! Sendin' you peoples over here while we tryin to relaxsch!" At this point Hiros vision started to grow hazy. " I.. I think im....." He dropped to sleep.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi stumbled over to the lady as she tried scolding them, pushing his hair out of his eyes and giggling. "You dun need to do nuthin... (hic) we're ain't no one disturbing(hic)... I... I want jello..." he mumbled before passing out himself. Kitsune woke to find the lady dragging the two back into the room. She hurridly put them on their beds. Naturally, she was too innocent and naive to understand what happened. She'd thought they fell asleep on their own.

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(( Sweet))


Hiro's eyes fluttered open. "Ouuuuccchhhh!!!!" He moaned. His head was killing him. It felt like he had nails driven into his skull. He reached for his pocket, where he found his flask, completely empty. " Oh god... we drank all of it? Oh loooord... this is going to be a hangover worthy of Jiraya...." He rolled over and fell onto the floor.

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Itachi woke up to instantly vomit onto the floor, moaning in pain. Kitsune barged into their room, alarmed. "Oh?! Itachi! Hiro! What's wrong?! You guys ill...?" Itachi struggled to his feet, trying to keep himself together when he vomited again suddenly and convulsed violently, eyes throbbing. Even Kisame didn't drink as much as he had just... And it was his first time, too. His head felt like one of Deidara's clay bombs was inside of it. "Ohhhhh... Yes, Kitsune, we are very ill..."

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" Yeah... it's a 5-hour disease you get from....staying up too late." He stood up and leaned against the wall, clutching his head. "Kitsune... do you think you could get us some water? It would really help to ease the pain for both of us...." He vomited on the floor. He said queitly to Itachi " God..... we drank the whole flask..... 5-hour hangover for us, i guess."

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Kitsune nodded eagerly and ran to fetch water as Itachi moaned. "...Five hours? But Sasuke... I wanted to find-" he was cut off by another vomiting fit, moaning in pain. "...We're ninja... We can take being stabbed but we can't take a hangover...?" He rolled his crimson eyes, thoughts settling on his brother. There were too many threats to Sasuke nowadays... If Orochimaru didn't get his body, Danzo was sure to try and kill him... Konoha as well... And instead of protecting him, he had gotten drunk. He had failed miserably at being an older brother.

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" I... I think i know a recipe for a tonic....do you have any.... cinnamon?" All he needed was cinnamon, water, and mint leaves, which was the ingredients. " oh... and don't worry about the vomiting... It does much less harm than it seems like it does."

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Itachi gladly took the waterbotle that Kitsune handed each of them and quickly chugged it down, moaning and reaching for his nailpolish. "Yes... Because it makes total sense for me to carry cinnamon..." he spat in irritation and pain, putting on the nailpolish. "Ugh... Kirsune. Katsune. K... Kitsune...? More water..." she nodded and eagerly ran off.

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" Sorry... " Hiro thanked Kitsune and quickly chugged it, like Itachi. " I should be okay in 30, 50 minutes. But since, this is your first hangover, you won't be fully ready for about 5 hours." He sat down and reached into his bag. " Oh... Lucky us. I found some cinnamon in my bag." He poured some watefr int a vial, then a pinch of cinnamon in, and a crushed up mint leave. He took a sip, and handed it to Itachi.

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Itachi took a sip of it himself before closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead. When he opened them, he was eerily calm. He didn't shake or throw up or even moan; he just stared on in emotionless silence. "...We've got to devise a plan..." He murmured, head throbbing. He was using his hide-what-you're-feeling-no-matter-how-badly-it-hurts talent to ignore the hangover. He had been far too chummy with these two. For all he knew, Hiro could have drugged the drink. Even if he didn't, actually doing what he'd done was completely irresponsible. He briskly stood up and gave them both a cold, soulless stare. "...I'll be at the hotspring. We will devise a plan as soon as we all return." He turned around and quietly walked out of the room.

Itachi liked blaming things on himself. If Sasuke was found dead, he would instantly think it was his fault and probably attempt suicide. For now, though, he was just eerily quiet while silently seething with rage and dealing with his awful hangover.

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(( How could he have drugged it if he took it himself? ))

Hiro looked at Kitsune. " Want to learn some Jutsus?" He said standing up and smiling. The hangover was already wearing off.

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((I said as far as he knew. If a hangover's bad enough, your memory of drinking gets blurry. Not that I'd know first hand; I'm underage. xd.png))

Kitsune stared at him and eagerly wagged her tail, grinning. "Oh, yes! Err... My chakra element is Katton, Enton, Meiton*. What element are you, anyways, Hiro?" She stood up and drank some water from an extra water bottle before stepping out the screen door and forming several handsigns. "Itachi taught me an Uchiha Clan fire-style jutsu, but I'm not very good at it... I can't get enough chakra out with my seal." She explained before inhaling and exhaling sharply. "Katton: Goukakkyu no Jutsu!(Fire style: Fireball Jutsu!)" a jet of blue flames shot out of her mouth and out into the field. For a moment it was stable and huge before wavering slightly and shooting out in all directions, vanishing. She frowned and turned back to him for help.


((Translations: Katton=Fire, Enton=Blaze, Meiton=Dark. Enton/Meiton are Bijuu abilities, while Katton is a normal element to have. How do I know this? Because I know Japanese and I watch too much Naruto. xd.png))


Itachi soaked in the chin-high water, thinking hard. It was a good thing he was a genius; they would need all the brainpower they could get for a strategy...


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"Most of my jutsus are wind, though i'm all around." He Made a few simple handsigns and then stuck out his hands. A torrent of wind came out and sucked up grass and dirt from below it. He let his mind wander and the torrent stopped, shooting large chunks of dirt and grass in different directions. " Oh, yes. the fireball jutsu. I learned it from a traveller as a younger kid. You have to focus your mind on making things catch on fire with a steady flow of chakra. It is harder to do it when you are exited, too. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A jet of white hot flames flew from his mouth Flowing for about 10 seconds before he let out. "Whew, that took a lot out of me. Try again Kitsune." he said with a friendly smile.

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"...Jutsu are really interesting... You and Itachi teach the same jutsu different ways and get differing attacks. You tell me to visualize something catching fire and he tells me to gather chakra in my chest and let it out through the mouth. You get a huge jet of flames and he gets a huge fireball. Wind element shinobi are really hard to find... It's cool you can use it!" She tried the jutsu again only to get the same results. Hah... She couldn't keep herself calm long enough to make a ball out of the flames. "...Graaah. You have experience on your side and Itachi has his sharingan to perfect his jutsu... My chakra's too unstable for this." She flopped down on the floor with a sigh and formed several other handsigns. Time for a personal bijuu kinjutsu...

"Akuma no yō na sutairu..." she muttered, pointing at a tree. Itachi had told her never to use the technique and labled it as kinjutsu(forbidden technique), but she figured mastering it would prove quite useful. The tree bent at an unnatural angle before falling as limp as rubber, dead. She grabbed her eyes and moaned in pain; the jutsu hadn't worked again... It was hurting her more now...


Itachi got out of the bath and dressed quickly, walking back to the room and gathering his things. He had stayed far too long at the inn... He looked around for his allies. Where were they...? Hopefully not causing too much trouble... His head throbbed worse than ever, but he remained deadpanned and quiet.



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" I just realized something. I haven't hit on a girl for 3 days, ever since my first encounter with you. I had been hitting on a girl before i fought with you. This... Is boring."

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Kitsune stared at him for a moment before snorting, getting up and looking around as her eye throbbed. "...Heh... You sound like a playboy." She laughed lightly before coughing heavily, stumbling into the room. Itachi stared at her for several seconds before grabbing her by the throat and suddenly holding her against the wall.

"...You... Used kinjutsu...?" he murmured darkly, staring at her quietly. His lack of emotion frightened her. She hacked and coughed violently in responce, flattening her ears against her head in fear.

"I... I'm sorry! I thought it would be useful to-" she was silenced as he squeezed her throat, cutting off air.

"...NEVER use kinjutsu... Kinjutsu shorten your lifespan each time you use the technique. Much like how I'm going blind..." he released her, where she held her aching throat, coughing violently. He glared at her. "...You're already close to coughing up blood as it is. And you..." he stared at Hiro. "...You seem to have an unusually large amount of chakra... You remind me of my partner."

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Hiro rubbed the back of his head and smiled. " Playboy.... maybe." As he saw Kitsune stumbling he ran in. " Thank you Itachi. Kitsune, WHEN did you use kinjutsu!? I'm sorry Itachi, I didn't see her do it." H efelt like an idiot for not noticing her coughing or the other problems.

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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"...No need to apologize for the demon's inability to follow a simple order. In the end, she's only killing herself..." he turned away, thinking of his brother and the past as always. Hiro... Was a playboy? He remembered how he would use his baby brother... Carrying him around town and flaunting him around for the girls. He chuckled in his head. "...I'm tempted to capture a Konoha ninja and interrogate them on the wherabouts of Naruto and Sasuke..." he murmured, looking up thoughtfully. Kitsune remained quiet, not wanting to anger the Uchiha any more.

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" Not the best Idea, as we would have to kill him afterwards if he sees you, and i prefer not to kill. I could do it! Noone knows me!" He listened to Itachis mind-chuckle and smiled.

(( Sorry if I take long, im reading questionable content.))

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi stared at him. "...That won't work. I planned on getting information by torturing them with my Tsukuyomi..." He stared at the sky as it darkened again. Oh, joy. More freaking rain. "...We have to leave now..." He murmured quietly, slithering out of the room darkly as Kitsune hastily gathered her things and shot after him. He could barely supress a moan of agony as his hangover shook violently through his head. Oh, dear god... He would never take something from Hiro again.

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Hiro chuckled about Itachis mind- remark about his "fake alcohol". Hiro loved to get slightly drunk because his hangovers usually lasted about 5 minutes. He grabbed his bag and followed him. " Kitsune, I can read. I was keeping it from you guys until I knew i could at least PARTIALLY trust you. I trust youg guys now. I liked to keep it hidden so people wont know when im reading something over their shoulders. I tell them i'm looking at the pictures."

Edited by PenguinOfPwn

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Itachi sighed as he stepped out into the rain. He stared at the sky as the rain rolled down his face. He liked the rain... He could cry and no one would notice. Exept Kisame, but he was strange like that. He looked back at his tiny group. "...Hurry along. We have to get somewhere and find shelter..." he walked out into the forest, Kitsune trailing obidiently behind him.

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" I always keep a tarp in my bag, if you ned it." He followed behind Kitsune. Hearing Itachi's crying remark made him think about how painful that day must have been for him. He lifted his head as he walked and closed his eyes. As the rain fell on his face, he wondered if he would have time to meet a cute girl on their little trip.

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