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Rose of the Dragon

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((yeeeeee! we are back in action again!))



Jess groaned and rolled over, she had had a late night out petroling around and had found it hard to get rest when she came back. Her mind was fussy, people's thoughts were giving her a headache so she withdrew til they were merely whispers, 'better' she mumbled and rose to her feet slowly. stretching and yawning, she made her way over to the fire that Crystal had made. the smell of cooked rabbit was wafting up her nose and her stomach growled loudly, 'hope ye lot ain't hungry cause I'm straving!' she joked and flopped down beside her cousin.

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Merleawe nodded in reply and made her way to the large bag by the remains of fire from last night. She pulled out one of the rabbits for herself and retreated to a seat on her own, eating the rabbit raw as she had found she now preferred most of her meat. Even though she ate her meat raw, she found she still ate fruits and such when she wanted to, but meat made up most of what she wanted to consume.

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((M'kay. I might make use of that later.))


Njoine held back snickers as Lydon sent an incredulous glance at the two leopard cubs, Artorious, and then to Njoine's lavender hair. He slapped a hand over his mouth to contain his own laugh. "You do know that wouldn't make our group seem that much odder then you carrying a cat that's only gets to be three feet tall, three and half feet long, not including tail, and weighs less the a hundred pounds?"


Njoine rolled her eyes at Lydon but shooed him toward Crystal and Jess to help if necessary. She watched him ask Crystal if she needed a hand, and sat opposite of the two women, before her gaze was drawn to the two leopards wrapping around her legs. The female was bold enough to nudge against Kiro in demand for petting. "He is right we make for an odd sight. Although, it works for us. Ah, and I was wondering if you thought Crystal would mind naming the little female and if you'd name the male. Mentor named Kouki and Lydon, because I'm deplorable at naming things."

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Crystal handed some of the cooked rabbit to Jess. She then smiled at Mel as she took her own breakfast. She then look up at Lydon. “Nope, just sit and enjoy.” she said as she handed him some of the cooked rabbit.

Kiro chuckled at Lydon. He then looked down and scratched the female’s ears.


"He is right we make for an odd sight. Although, it works for us. Ah, and I was wondering if you thought Crystal would mind naming the little female and if you'd name the male. Mentor named Kouki and Lydon, because I'm deplorable at naming things."


Kiro nodded in agreement. “We are an odd bunch. Before finding Crystal I spent most of my days in bars and back alleys trying to look more human, and now here I am leading a caravan of immortals to the counsel.” He looked saddened for a moment as something crossed his mind. “Yes, I’m sure Crystal would love that, I’m not sure I could come up with anything better than you though, but I’ll try.” His smile was sincere, but that sadness that had emerged was still there. “How about Drake, since he is an unofficial member of the Court of Dragons.”

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'thanks' Jess said as she got her piece of cooked rabbit, she wolfed it down even duh it was still very hot but she was so hungry she didn't care...well she would later when she had heart burn! licking her fingers trying to get every last bit of rabbit taste off them she watched the two cubs and chuckled, 'hope someone can speak to them two or else this is going to be one hell of an up bringing for them' she laughed and cocked her head to one side trying to make head nor tail of them, she shook her head as she failed to do so. 'anyone thought of names for them yet?' she asked the group at random.

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Merleawe munched thoughtfully on her uncoiled rabbit as she listened to the various conversations going on around the camp as people came out of their tents. She kept a distance mentally from everyone but Nijoine forthe most part really, as after the her shock had worn off it had become apparent that she didn't exactly fit in, even amongst this bunch, and that was thanks to being half werewolf and half vampire. Still she worked to do the best she could given the situation and make friends with the others, even if they were distant friendships. Once she'd finished and had a good amount of water to wash down her rabbit, Mel stood and stretched before wandering through the camp. When she found Nijoine she asked, "So what do you think we're doing today, Nijoine? Are we going to move out?" She was playing with her purple sheened silver again, just one sign of how nervous she felt.

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((*falls backward* Oh what to do... HI RAVYN!!! I guess with the time stop Artorius went hunting and didn't come back for a day or two...oh well.))


Setheiry froze at the sight of the great dragon, again. It just intimidated her. She looked around to make sure Altair wasn't there before setting a bucket of water next to the black scaled creature. She checked again and sat a little ways away from it, watching as it took a hesitant drink then watched her. "I'm sorry." she said suddenly. The dragon looked a little surprised by this. "I didn't want you to hurt him, he is the only person I've ever known. Besides my mother that is..." she said looking at the ground. "She died you see, and I couldn't protect her either." Setheiry continued sadly. The winged wonder looked at her a little more kindly, as if in understanding. He shifted where he was laying to find a more comfortable position for his wing, which was why she was apologizing. She stood up then and walked over to look at the leathery appendage. Artorius growled a warning and showed his rows of razor teeth. She met the lizards feral eyes before continuing to finger the wound. She didn't fear anything, but something else kept her helping the creature.


Altair busied himself packing up the camp, muttering under his breath. He really wasn't into the idea of her knowing about dragons and every other creature of the sort. The last thing he wanted was her to pay more attention to him and find out. As he grabbed his sword in its scabbard he noticed the small metal symbol of the Rebels. It had been his fathers sword, and he and his mother were Rebels of course. They hadn't wanted him to be any part of that side, and they'd died keeping him from them. He realized that was probably what the dragon saw and that's why it had tried to kill him. Angrily Altair ripped of the small silver mark and stared at it. "Probably still worth something if I can sell it." he said to himself, putting it in his bag. He looked around to check everything was packed before spreading out the ashes of the fire, grabbing his bag, and going.


A little over an hour later, after some fighting with words and a burst of fire from Artorius, they were both atop the dragon as he trotted below the trees. The dragon had gotten them to come with him back to his group, but he didn't explain they were Dracona Rosela. The man seemed to be a vampire and a rebel, but he'd let someone else decide what to do. The girl on the other hand had no idea that dragons had even existed. It wasn't long before he started picking up signs that they'd been here, and his efforts were rewarded as he caught sight of the group a little ways ahead.


Ale again woke up in her spacious room. She was tiring of doing this, the same nothing as always. On her own she had had to fight or kill something one way or another, but now. Now she was starting to get depressed, more than usual. Vuelasor was taking to her cave, but was feeling the same way as her rider.


((Mio dio... I did not mean to post this much, but at least they're caught up now!! Also Ravyn, are you playing Rawver now? 'Cause we still haven't picked anyone to play him and I'm getting bored with Alex.))

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((Yes, I am. Although I don't know where he was left. You will have to update me on that one.))


Crystal smiled, "I like Alice for the female. This world is becoming a wonderland." She giggled. She then looked up. She could feel Artorious comeing near. Her dragon, her friend, was back again. She smiled and shifted to her own silver dragon form. She then ran forward into the trees and met up with Artorious. She was so happy to see him that she didnt even realize that he had anyone with him.

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((He's somewhere in his big mansion/fortress. Alex is there too, and Vuelasor. There isn't really a particular place he was left really.


P.S. I was thinking that the silver rebels emblem Altair has could peek through his pack and Kiro or someone could see it.))


Artorius held his tired head up and sped up as he felt Crystal near. He smiled a toothy grin and rubbed her cheek with his in a dragon hello. "I missed you." the black dragon said in his natural tongue that she would understand in her dragon form. Never again would he leave her for this long. His two passengers shifted uneasily at the sight of the silver dragon. The male with discomfort, the female with excitement.


Setheiry watched in awe as the silver dragon appeared from the tree's. She shifted wondering if she should dismount the black dragon or if it would be safer to stay on.


Altair slid his hand involuntarily to his sword hilt, force of habit. His left hand eased its way around Setheiry protectively. The scent of this female dragon pulled on a memory but he couldn't place it exactly. Something his parents told him about perhaps? Or was it something in his training...?

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((Ok I will have Kiro see it))


Crystal smiled. "I missed you too." She then noticed the two passengers on his back. They both were shifting a bit uneasily. She then looked back at the camp. "Kiro, we have more guests." She said as she shifted back to her human form.

Kiro walked up and looked at the dragon and his passengers. "Hello Artorious." He said as he patted the black dragon's neck. He then looked over the two. He offered a hand to the girl to help her down. "And you are?" He asked with a polite smile on his face.

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Jess had been busy listening to the fire, she liked the fact that she understood the elements in some sort of a way. She heard an almost silent hissing sound and opened an eye to see the silver dragon Crystal stalk past her with great excitment, Jess turned around to watch her go in wonder. Sudden she heard her voice call to Kiro and saying they had guests, interested Jess got to her feet and followed after her scent to see the newbie's.

Jess arrived to find Crystal, Kiro, another dragon she had seen Crystal with and two riders on his back. Jess walked forward from the shadow of the trees, her wolfen eyes studying them with interests. 'No harm in letting you loose' Jess commented to the dragon watching the two new comers.

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((Good, thank you. IT'S ALIVE!! Oh I am so very happy it is, you have no idea!))


Artorius acknowledged the old werewolf and placed his head down on his riders shoulder, begging for a small scratching under his chin.


Setheiry smiled back kindly, reassured by this kind greeting. "Setheiry Meida." she said femininely taking the offered hand, and for once in her life being 'lady-like' as she dismounted the winged creature. "And you sir?" she said, keeping that air of dignity and calm certainty.


Altair was still rather rigid and looked about him uneasily. He slid off the dragon and landed more gracefully than a human would have. He looked over everyone quickly, as was his habit, to see if they had any weapons or something that marked them. The vampire could tell that the one with Setheiry was a werewolf and that another vampire was amongst them. Along with a second scent that almost matched the one of the silver dragon shifter. He tugged on his packs strap in unease and kept a careful eyes on his Novice.

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'pleasure' Jess said as they said their names, her eyes watched those of the vampire's whose kept shifting back to the girl he had come with. 'no need to look so nerious, not like you got anything to worry about is there?' she questioned with a raised eyebrow, she had little trust as it was in the group but total strangers kept her on her guard at all times.

She walked forward and sniffed them from a yard or two, he was defo a vampire. 'they really are strange' she commented to herself.

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((Just a quick post...))


Altair's eyes darted back to the other girl when she spoke to him. "I have plenty to worry about." he said after a puase. His eyes were hard, but not unkind. He had no reason to dislike them at the moment. He looked over the young girl who had spoken to him and saw she couldn't have been over eighteen. ((jess is about 16 yes...?)) He held his tongue to keep from telling her how much more experience and hard learned lessons he had over her. For that would only end in a fight, and that would not be the best first impression.

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Crystal scratched under the black dragon's chin as she listened to everyone's conversations.


Kiro smiled at the girl, "I am Kiro." He said before looking up at the vampire. Jess had spoken to him about being so serious. So he had plenty to worry about did he. Kiro took another glance over him when he saw the seal of the Rebels. He threw the girl towards Crystal as he shifted to his Crinos form and snarled at the vampire.


Crystal caught the girl and looked at Kiro with a confused and shocked expression. Kiro was too old to have lost control so he knew it could not have been that. But why was he suddenly angry with this newcomer.

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((What is Artorius's eye color? I was thinking a dark but vibrant blue. I was also thinking we could have it be winter soon, just 'cause it'd be a nice change in scenery and put an interesting twist in game play.))


Artorius gave a gentle hum and closed his vibrant eyes.


Setheiry gave a small gasp and managed to catch her balance before she actually hit the silver dragon shifter. She looked up to see Kiro in a half-wolf form of some kind and her eyes widened. Her thoughts flickered to Altair's stories and she figured him to be a werewolf.


Altair dropped his pack and grabbed his sword within the lapse between heartbeats. The small silver emblem fell out of its pocket from where it was barely sitting before, and lay exposed in the dirt. He hissed at the crinos wolf, showing his fangs, but made no move to attack. "Altair, what's going on?" his novice called fearfully. He glanced at her before keeping his eyes on the wolf. "Stay out of this Setheiry." he replied sharply.


The teenager eased her hand up next to her short blade just for precaution. She wouldn't let anything happen to the only person she's really ever known.

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((I think I might have made them red, but if you want you can change them to blue.))

Crystal watched as the silver emblem fell to the ground. She looked from it to Kiro and back to Altair. She stepped forward and slowly reached, showing she was not going to attack, to pick up the piece. She looked at it carefully. "Is this what I think it is Kiro?" She asked. She had not seen the seal before, but Kiro had told her about it. The black wolf nodded as he snarled once more. Crystal looked at the vampire. "Who do you work for?" She asked. All kindness left her voice in that moment.

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((yulp you are right about her age!))


Jess looked at him before she shugged her shoulders letting his comment slide, her mind was pulling towards the vampire but she kept it under control. she didn't want to be in his mind..not just yet, suddenly Kiro shifted into his wolfen wolf which startle her. The vampire had reached for his sword, standing dangeriously. Jess looked towards Crystal who had picked up a something on the ground that had a symbol on it which seemed to angry her at once, she was suddenly growling too at the two new-bie's.

'Easy!' she snarled at both sides, Jess sprang inbetween them all with her hands out stretched in both directions. 'I don't know what that symbol means but if you attack my cousin, your in for it!' she growled at the vampire, her eyes looking straight at his. 'take it easy Crystal, this is the sort of trouble we don't need' she warned them.

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((want to bother Mel? Or have her come in?))

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((Its up to you.))


Kiro snarled at the wereshifter in front of him. She was making his job of protecting Crystal harder. He then listened to her words, but he didn't move an inch. His teeth were still bared as he lowered himself to all fours.

Crystal took in her cousin's words and took a breath. She did need to calm down, but not too much. She needed to be ready in case he attacked her. She spoke again. "Do you know what this is?" she asked her cousin. Caution laced her words. "This is the seal of the Rebels of Blood. I want to know where he got it and how." She looked down at the seal once again before taking yet another deep breath. "Please, answer my questions vampire, so that I may determine just how hazardous to my health you may be." She said. Her tone wasn't as laced with venom this time but it still wasn't in her usual kindness either.

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"Soon, I should think, bambina. It's up to Sir Kiro and Lady Crystal. Barring any anomalies, I suppose today should make for a rather boring day. You'll have to help me keep the cubs in line and pick on Kiro and Lydon." Njoine's eyes shown with mischief. "So, with the cubs named it'll take some time to get them used to the names. Would you like to help me teach them? You won't be able to comfort them as easily without a purr but a good snuffling to their ears works no matter the form."


Njoine had fallen silent in contemplation on how to make Mel feel more comfortable and like a part of the pack or prowl, or even leap, depending on Crystal's term for the group. She'd been pulled from her thoughts at the arrival of Artorious and his two new tag-alongs. she'd watched the trio with avid feline curiosity. Unable to help herself, Njoine scented the air and cataloged the new scents. Noting the smell of a vampire, Njoine's smoothly walked closer to Altair. She was curious as to what brought a vampire to meet up with their group and pleased to meet another vampire she did feel the immediate need to end.


When the rebel seal fell away from Altair, Njoine choked back a snarl and moved out of Kiro's way. She gave a growl to the cubs, newly dubbed Drake and Alice, who immediately fell back next to where Lydon had moved away from the disruption. With curl of her lip at the male newcomer and flashing her own fangs, Njoine focused on the female with a bland expression and eyed the hand that had shifted to a weapon. "If you draw that blade, giovane, I'll put your face to the ground. You just leave the talking to the adults and move your hand from the blade, because if you attack one of our prowl I don't think you'll like the result. I'm Njoine by the way."

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"Got it Nijoine," Merleawe replied. She followed along with the cubs for a while, attempting to gently scold gem the way Ninoine did with little success. Eventually she settled for scooping up Alice in her hands and repeating her name to her to work on recognition. After a while she felt like progress was being made as she headed over to Nijoine to show her how Alice was beginning to respond to having her name called. "This is just the sort of mindless, monotonous task I needed," she continued after showing Nijoine, a touch of sarcasm coloring her voice, but only a little.

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"I know it can be boring, mia Bambina, but they need to know their names and understand you are a part of the leap. With Lydon acting as our bed, he's well known now. I'm simply making sure they know you without invading your privacy. Plus if they learn from you they'll be eager to help you help me play pranks on Lydon. My cub needs to remember what I taught him and this is excellent testing. Let the pranks begin." Njoine turned her attention back to Mel to talk to her second cub and after speaking gave a girlish giggle that match the image of how young she'd been when she'd stopped aging. Giving Alice a yipping call, Njoine fondly whispered the name to the cub. This earned Njoine a enthusiastic purring, before the leopard cub imitated her domesticated cousin and thoroughly entwined herself in Mel's legs. From there Drake took the opportunity to pounce the one Njoine had, as best she could, called a prowl cub and sibling. Njoine let out a peal of laughter out as she watched the two cubs attempt to draw Mel into a wrestling match.

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((like my new avatar?))


Mel was cheerily having fun with the cubs as Nijoine set them loose on her to wrestle with her as Drake began climbing up her back and Alice played in her lap, going for her more then shiny hair. "Nijoine, having them team up on me isn't fair!" Mel called back giggling. She was truly enjoying herself one of the first times in days as she gently tugged Drake up over her shoulders to be in her lap with Alice. With both cubs there, she rolled them onto their backs where she could proceed to rub their bellies in play, a true smile on her face exposing her over-sized canines and sharpened teeth. It was nice to have friends who, even if they weren't as intelligent as she or the others, didn't look strangely at her for the way her blood was now convoluted.

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((It's cool jaina smile.gif. Apologies for not replying in a few days.))


Artorius watched the scene, feeling rather guilty about bringing them here when he knew the vampire was a rebel. His strong gaze held the vampires for a moment, knowing in his eyes.


Altair looked at the dragon, he had attacked him after seeing the emblem, but yet he brought them into the heart of the Dracona's. He never lowered his sword from Kiro in his own defense. He ignored Jess's comment and then glanced at the dragon shifter after looking back at Kiro. "I am not my who my father was. I am not a Rebel." He said, a little angry of their accusations.


Setheiry gasped and looked up at the woman beside her who had appeared so silently she hadn't noticed. She lowered her hand to her hip at Nijoine's warning. "Setheiry." the girl said. Setheiry was confused with what was going on, she knew who the rebels were from Altair's stories, but he had said the Dracona were the good guys. So did that mean he was bad? Even though he said he wasn't one, she knew he could lie through his teeth and have it sound as if there really was a city made of gold. When the dragon shifter called him a vampire this also startled her. 'He lied to me...' she thought to herself.


Setheiry grabbed the small knife at her hip and started towards him. "You lied to me!" she accused, stopping a few feet from him. "You aren't who you told me you were!" she continued, gesturing at him with the knife. He lowered his sword to show he wouldn't hurt her, but still she held her blade. "You never told me, of all people!" she yelled. "Setheiry, I was protecting you." he tried to explain. "It didn't work did it?" she said lowering her voice as sadness replaced anger. She dropped her gaze to the ground, hoping her hood would hide the tears. "Setheiry, please understand." he asked gently. She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "I do, you lied to me to keep me safe, but if you didn't notice I can take care of myself." she said coldly.

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