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Rose of the Dragon

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((Sounds plausable.))


"Sorry, Little one, I have no doubt Lady Crystal would be upset if we left you and we can't stay here to wait for them. We have to get the Lady Crystal and Lady Jess to safety." Njoine looked to where Silvia had plopped down and walked over to the cub. She could understand how the cub felt, but Crystal had given an order and Njoine would follow it. With no doubt Jess would follow, Njoine picked Silvia up as she would have one her own. She made sure her teeth didn't hurt Silvia were she used them to grip the lion's scruff. Once she was certian she wasn't hurting Silvia and that her grip was firm enough, Njoine started following the others once more.

Edited by Mijikoi

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'Lady Jess?' she chuckled, 'O please call me Jess. hold on for a spilt sec! why did you just call me Lady Jess? I'm not what Crystal is. am I?' she questioned staring after Crystal

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Silvia would emit a small yowl as she was picked up, but soon she would start to wiggle in the leopard's hold. "You might not be able to stay in wait for them, but why can't I wait for them?! It is not like you need me anyways and the Leon Clan always did not care what I did so why in the world are you caring? I am not really apart of your group and if anything you should dislike me because I was born apart of the Rebels!", Silvia would growl out as she kept trying to wiggle out of Njoine's hold. Her ears would flatten upon her head as she finally stopped struggling as she knew she would not be able to get out of the hold without hurting herself as Njoine could very well do so if she wanted to. "I don't understand...I just want to wait and you guys should not care. They did not...why should you?", she mumbled to herself, but loud enough that the others could hear if they were listening. Looking as best as she can around Njoine so she could see the town as it disappeared from view with a small whine. 'Its not fair..., Silvia thought, but she would say no more as she wondered if she over stepped her bounds and would be punished for it. It would be best to keep her thoughts to herself for now as she knew saying much more could very well get her hurt seeing as the leader of her old clan done this to the other cubs. She never really got in trouble, but she was not about to push her luck with anyone.

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Njoine felt her heart reach out to the cub but was left unable to answer her. Lydon, however took it into his own hands as he looked back at were Njoine carried Silvia. "Njoine wouldn't let you stay by yourself, even if she wasn't concerned about Crystal's feelings on the matter. She's always taken in children like a mother would, so why would you be any different? Just because the Rebels were willing to let you die, doesn't mean Njoine would. To her a female will always take care of any child, whether the child is hers or not."


Lydon took a deep breathe and continued. "And just beause you can't fight doesn't mean you're not needed. I mean, look at me I'm human and Njoine's kept me around for seventeen years, despite the fact I hindered her when traveling. Besides you're here with the group. That makes you a part of us. So, until your care taker gets here, Njoine will protect you. Right 'Oine?"


Njoine gave a purr of agreement and continued to trail behind the group. Sometimes her Lydon was smarter then he looked. crimson eyes danced in pride for her cub. He really had grown up since she'd found him. She continued her purr hoping to soothe Silvia's anger.

Edited by Mijikoi

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Silvia would look up to Lydon with her ear still laying flat on her head as she thought about his words, but she could not truly understand the meaning that he was trying to get across to her. "I still don't understand...I am not your cub Njoine...and I am not related to anyone in this group. No one should have a reason to care about me and...you would not have taken me in if I was not in this group. I was apart of the Leon Clan...I was born in their ranks and I knew of their missions to kill humans no matter their age. I did nothing to stop them. You can too fight Lydon and even if you could not then you would still be better in a fight than me.", Silvia would say softly as she just looked to the ground below still trying to understand his words.


Just because she was in the group made her one of them? How could that be so when she was first apart of the people they so hated and even killed to protect Crystal? She would of course fight her own kin to protect her friend, but did that make her one of their group? The purring from Njoine calmed her chaotic thoughts, but it would not keep her from thinking them as a small yowl emitted in her frustration. "I don't understand how you can just take in people who was apart of the very people you kill to protect the humans and Crystal. I understand why Morana did it I think, but I don't understand how you can when you don't know who or what I was.", she finally settled on saying to them even as she curled up slightly in the leopard's jaws.

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"Maybe so, but humans slaughtered her mother. So, if Njoine can look past that and take me in, why can't she look past the fact your family were rebels?" Lydon's tone was soft as he spoke to Silvia. "Especially since she fights rebels to protect the creatures that tore her family apart. Those human's killed her mother not because she was dangerous, but because her pelt was pretty. And yeah, you're not her blood, but neither am I and Njoine still took on a full blooded vampire to protect me. He was bigger then her and faster and she fought him until her mentor could get there."

Me, a human she'd just met. Because to her children are children. Doesn't matter the species, doesn't matter there part in the war. Doesn't matter if there parents helped kill her mother or her best friend. So, why would it matter who your pride supported. And the way I see it, you didn't stop them, right. Now here's a bigger question. Even if you helped them then, are you helping them now?" Lydon fell quiet when he finished. Njoine was his mother in everyway but blood. she saved him, she clothed him, and she'd made sure he had clothes on his back. He didn't understand why she did somethings or why she desired nothing more then to see the heir safe, but he never doubted she cared. He never doubted she loved him as her cub. "And maybe I would be able to fight, but that doesn't change the fact that she would still protect me."

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Silvia would keep her sight on the ground even as she listened to Lydon explain once more, but she guessed she would never truly understand their point of view on this. She would just have to try and get used to this new way of thinking and be shown the right way to see things or at lest that is how she saw this now. Yet at his words that she might have helped them kill humans, she would let off a growl and jerked in Njoine's hold. "I never helped them kill those people and I would never have helped because mama told me to never dirty my soul by harming those people who could not fight back! She had to because our king told her too, but she would not allow me to be bloodied even if he wanted me to kill!", Silvia said as she struggled slightly in Njoine's jaws as she just wanted down and away from these two so that she could go back and wait for the others.


"You are able to fight because everyone can fight, but it is just their level of worth to the pride that gives you your worth! You should not like me Njoine and you too Lydon because you really don't know anything about me. You should not take in people who were your enemy because they can just turn around and kill you...you think the Rebels would care that you saved them just because they were only kids?!", Silvia would whimper out as she once more lost the fight in her and stilled, but would not look up to the others. In a way she knew that she might be over reacting, but really she thought they were also in thinking that she would not have been fine sitting in that clearing to wait for the others. She did not think that other Rebels would hurt her if she said she was apart of the Leon Clan, but then again she knew that they would just kill or harm her anyways as they would not care who's side she would be on.

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Lydon laughed at what Silvia said when she mentioned them not being grateful and trying to kill Njoine. It'd happened quite often. Always ending with someone saving her from her own foolishness."Njoine knows that. Her first human, Micheal, tried to kill her when he left her. He insulted her, called her a devil and everything hate filled he could think of, and put a blade to her heart. He blamed her for not saving his family, despite everything she did. The only thing that saved her was a strager waliking by shot him with an arrow and when he was dead she killed the man responsible for killing her child. And I never said you killed anyone. I said, even if you helped them. And you're right. I don't like you and Njoine shouldn't like either of us. What you don't take into account is we're not Njoine and she can do as she pleases. So, if she chooses to like you with the little she knows, then that's her choice. Just like your mother's choice was to love you and try and protect you."

Lydon walked with a heavy step. as he talked to Silvia. He thought over how to get his point across. He knew she'd never understand someone like Njoine. He didn't even understand the woman. A part of him wanted to hate Silvia like he hated the Rebels, but he couldn't hate someone who Njoine cared for. "I hate this war. It took my family and I hate all the Rebels for that. I would love nothing more then for Njoine to drop you and leave you to die. But Njoine took a shine to you. I think, because she saw how much you care for Crystal and that showed her you're not heartless. And what does worth have to do with feelings? Worth doesn't make a mother love her child. Doesn't make a Rebel better then a Dracona or a human. worth just states what someone thinks of you. So, you don't have to understand, kid. You just have to live with it. 'Cause Njoine does like you and she does want to protect you without knowing whether or not you'll want to kill her. And if it'll make life easier on you knowing that you killed her to save your mind she just might lie still to let you put the blade in her to her throat."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Silvia would freeze as she moved her gaze back up to Lydon a little in fear, but mostly in shock at his words. She had of course not known that his parents were killed by the Rebels and she feared that it could have been the Leon Clan that done it seeing as they killed countless people. Though she was not about to ask what these people looked like that killed his parents to just save her the worry that it might have been the pride she once lived with who could have done it. With ear laying flat she would emit a soft whine as she looked up as best as she could to Njoine and wondered how she could even be that way also. "I am sorry...I did not know.", she said to both of them, but then she would look over to Lydon still curled slightly and tail tucked between her hind legs. "I understand and you can hate me if you want...you don't have to like me just because it seems that Njoine does. And I don't want to be a part of this pointless war...I don't want to kill people even if they try to hurt me. I would never ask that of Njoine either..", Silvia said softly and slightly embarrassed at her fit of anger now.


She knew she deserved what Lydon said, but really she could not help the small spark of hate at her own self when she thinks that she was even born within the ranks of people like the Rebels. She often worried when she was alone within the den as her mother went out to do whatever missions she was to carry out if she would be forced to join the ranks of her pride even if her mother fought to keep her out. Surely her mother could not have fought all the time and their king would of had his way sooner or later. "Worth is what I grew up on and it is what I understand or at lest what I think I understand. Worth is what got my mother to keep me away for so long on those ranks because she was the third strongest in the lioness. We never talked about anything else...the king only talked about people's worth.", she said to try and explain even if now she had no clue why she was trying to defend herself or even why.

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"Oh, I know I don't have to like you just because Njoine does. Like I said I don't like you. But I don't have to hate you just because you were born to a Rebel family. You really can't help where or when you're born. Or even what you're born as." Lydon pulled out an old picture that he'd found on his mother's body when Njoine'd managed to track the woman down. His mother and father had been torn to pieces and left to be found by the human's. Njoine had been so furious at how they where killed, she had dropped Lydon off in Matera and left for almost seven months. When she'd come home she'd colapsed and slept for days. Lydon shook his head and pulled away from the past. "And if worth concerns you, think of it this way. Would you leave a cub behind if you were in Njoine's shoes? Would a child mean any less to you just because it's too young to fight? A genius that's in a wheelchair, but his advancements saved the clan numerous times. A warrior who slaughtered in the name of the clan. Which is more valuable? To Njoine it's the neither. To her it's the child that no one ever looks to."

Lydon looked at Njoine who was still purring for Silvia's benefit. She looked so sad and proud as she looked at him. Sad for his lose and for Silvia's. Sad that she' couldn't ease their hurt, but so proud they were here and alive.Proud her Lydon knew her so well. Lydon sighed aloud and raised his head to look at the sky and the trees. "To recite a quote Njoine read to me a long time ago, 'A king is only as valuable as the people he serves.' Njoine's a quote buff you'll come to find."

Edited by Mijikoi

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((I'm extremely sorry but I'm going to drop out of this rp because the time I have on the computer has been restricted, I will have little or no time to post. I know it's irritating to drop out this far in the rp. I don't know what to do with my char though I guess it can just have never been there or someone could rp it if they really wanted to. I apologize for the inconvenience this will cause and I wish Ravyn goodluck with this rp and I really enjoyed being a part of Rose of the Dragon. unsure.gif ))

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((I will put Brontes in the inactive charries list and if you ever come back he will be waiting for you. smile.gif))


Crystal listened to the conversation between Lydon and Silvia. She was glad that Njoine had picked up her friend. She didn't want to worry about her being left there. She was worried about Kiro, Morana, and John.


After a bit more walking they came upon a small stream where some large willow trees were bunched together. Crystal liked the look of it and she was very thirsty. "We should rest here." She said as she went to the stream to drink. Once her thirst was quenched she looked around and watched her friends settle in. She thought of them as her friends and not her servants as some thought they were.

Edited by RavynWolf

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Njoine's continued purring would calm Silvia and she uncurled slowly as she thought about everything that was said so far. She would not pretend she understood everything and she would not ask Lydon to try and make his point clearer. Really she knew this was a best of an explanation she was going to get, but she just would not be able to understand for now. Maybe later on as she traveled with this group she would understand, but it was just not meant to be for now. Yet she wondered why Lydon was being so helpful and calm with her if he did not really like her and just why did he not like her then. Seeing as she would not get an answer unless she would ask, she would gather her courage to look back up to Lydon with ears laid back. "Why don't you like me then if not because I came from the Rebels?", Silvia would ask more out of curiosity, but also she wanted to change whatever he did not like about her if she could. If not then she would just have to try and keep away from Lydon because while she did not want to force anyone to like her, she surely did not want to cause a fight within this small group and she had a feeling if it came to that then Morana would be taking her off somewhere else. Following the group still, but just dragging behind enough that the cub would not cause strife in the group as it would just get them noticed quickly by others. Upon seeing him pull out a picture she would look down to the ground once more because she did not really want to see what was on that thing unless she was invited to do so.


"It is not that worth concerns me...more like it was always associated with me? I am not sure how to explain it, sorry.", Silvia mumbled as she looked up to Njoine in thought. She guessed if she was in her place then she would be taking the cub along also because she would hate to see the thing hurt or being alone like that even if she did not know it. She was not sure how to reply with her own thoughts, but she guessed they would understand even if she would not make much sense to herself. "I would help the cub...it would not deserve to be left alone and hurt because it could not defend itself. But if the king is only as valuable than the people he serves...well why are we having this war then? Mama told me people were only as strong as they make themselves to be, but I don't really understand that either. Are you saying that we are having this war because we can't come to an agree meant on...all of this?", Silvia said hesitantly knowing she was not really making much sense to herself, but hoped they would get the idea she was trying to get across.

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Crystal heard Silvia ask about the war. "That's about how it sounds to me. Some want to control the humans as slaves and cattle while we want to live peacfully with them." She hoped her friend would understand her words. She seemed to be confused by Lydons. Crystal then realized just how much she had grown up in the last few days. Silvia was born into this world, and now Crystal was the new possible queen of it. She knew she was way too young to be a ruling queen, but everyone seemed to be ready for her to rule. Her dragon face was sad for a moment. She thought of her parents. They had died like Lydon's, but at the hands of the Leon clan.

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"First of all, to me you're a brat. That's why I don't like you and I don't get along so well with kids. Doesn't help I don't know who you are. Not about your past, but you as a person. Who knows, you might grow on me." Lydon was aware of the glare Njoine gave him. He probably should have been a bit nicer to the cub in Njoine's care, but he figured the little female would appreciate the honesty. " You are only as strong as you make your self, but no one is the strongest. A cornered human could kill a strong vampire. So, don't misunderstand me, the reason a king is only as valuable as his people is because without them he is not a king. His people are what give him worth. If they are tyranical, they breed a tyranical king. If they are peaceful to a fault and refuse to defend themselves again they breed a a fool king, easily overthrown. But if they are both peaceful but willing to stand for what they beleive in they'll have a king chosen to be a proper king. A worthy king. One both kind and just, but willing to do anything to protect his people that give him his worth."\

And the reason I think this war is going on, is power, revenge and hate. No one looks at the value of something the same way as someone else. So, they hate what they don't understand. Everyone on the Dracona side has a reason to want revenge on the Rebels. Now it can be something as revenge for a dead queen to revenge for a ravaged family. Njoine seeks to kill her father for revenge for the innocent he has killed and to save those he will kill. She also fights to defend those like you and me and Crystal. I want to help Njoine so I fight. The Rebels want power and to rule. They might also fight to avenge family the Dracona have killed. It's all a cycle of hate and revenge with a desire for power mixed in, I think. Lydon winced at how philosophical he sounded. He glanced at Njoine and Silvia from the corner of his eye. He knew he wouldn't deny Njoine's silent request to give Silvia a chance. He did however want to show her a bit of how Njoine's mind worked. He figured that Silvia already had a surrogate mother figure and didn't need Njoine, but he could at least help Silvia look at the world from a different angle.

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((Sorry I haven't been posting....I can't believe I'm saying this but...could some one update me?))


Alex shifted human and looked at the girl. "Yes I'm alright." she said, though her black eyes were shadowed with anger, rage and a burning desire to kill Raktagh. "The man I was traveling with and my dragon AND the filthy Dracona's think I'm dead." she then explained everything that had happened. "And Sakimi bit me." she said and smiled, revealing her fangs. She sighed and looked Mr.Raver in the eyes. "What will you have me do now Master?" she said and silently waited for an answer. Vuelasor headed towards something, a burning need to be there. She didn't know what she was looking for, or where it was. But she followed her instincts.

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Silvia looked to both Crystal and Lydon with a confused, but somewhat understand gaze as she thought about why the war was still going on. A soft mewl would escape her as she seen the sad look on Crystal's face, but it was not like she could do anything about it when she was being carried. Though Silvia doubted there was much she could do or say that would help make her friend feel better seeing as she did not really understand what caused the sadness. "I guess I deserved being called that.", Silvia mumbled softly as she knew that she was acting a little like those cubs in the clan when they did not get their way. She herself disliked those cubs the very few times she was around them, but it did upset her slightly at knowing she was even acting remotely like them. Seeing as she did ask why he disliked her, Silvia could not be angry at Lydon for being so blunt and was more relived that he had been so honest about it.


"Well...has anyone ever tried to talk to the leader of the Rebel clan? Find out why they think the way they do about humans? Maybe it could be stopped if we tried to sort it out?", she would say, but you could tell she doubted her own words even more than the others surely would. The Dracona of course would have tried to talk their way out of this war and to a peaceful solution, but she guessed maybe if they kept trying it would work one way or another. Yet that would not stop the Leon Clan from killing humans though as they had gotten to love the thrill of the hunt and blood of humans.

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((Morana, John and Kiro are with Ebonyana at the hotel. Ekwueme, Isabelle, Raktagh(I think he is coming along?), Njoine, Silvia, Lydon, Crystal, Artorious, and Jess are walking in the forest to find a hiding spot. Oh, and Crystal is a dragon shaped person, now. Oh and Silvia and Lydon are talking a lot while Njoine carries Silvia. Did I miss anything or one?))

"Ah, but that's the thick of it. The Rebel leader wants power and to rule. He wants everyone to bow to him. So, of course no one is going to agree with him that simply wants to be free. And they what they want to do to the humans is not approved by the vast majority of the Dracona." Lydon hated that the war wouold continue as much as the next person. It hadn't shown any signs of stopping having been going on for far longer then he's been alive. "So, no the war might not end for a long while yet. But we have hope now. We didn't have that till Crystal showed up. She might not choose to lead us, but with her return to light we have a chance to rally ourselves. Other's like Njoine who swore their lives to the Descendant alone will come to our aid. And they'll listen to who ever she puts in charge. So, while there is no truely peaceful solution, we're closer to peace then we where yesterday."

Njoine set Silvia on the ground in front of the water and winced with the effort to refrain from giving the cub a feline bath. It wasn't her place to act as a mother to the little one. With a sigh, Njoine looked down to Silvia and curled around her. Njoine left enough room for Silvia to walk away, but curled enough to let Silvia know she didn't have to. "Drink up, Little One. Lydon, please fill your canteens and my spare with water. She can use the spare."

Njoine laid her head down and watched Silvia carefully. She didn't want to make the cub feel bad, but Njoine refused to let the cub go back. If the cub ran, Njoine would chase her and carry her untill the others met up with them. Of course, that's if she managed to catch the little lion.

Edited by Mijikoi

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((Ok I didn't miss much....I don't feel so bad, Love hasn't posted either...))


Raktagh watched Silvia and Lydon 'communicate' he didn't know how to explain it otherwise, they weren't arguing, but they weren't agreeing either. He put his arm around Isabelle, and wondered what life would be like without her. It wasn't pretty, he pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the conversation in front of him.

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Jess lapped the clear blue water that run in the stream egerly. she haddn't had anything to drink or eat since morning but this would have to do her for now. she flopped down near the river bed and shut her eyes for the moment. a lot had happened today and it was a lot to take in all at once. she listened to the others trying to resin with the cub but she tuned them out easly. she soft riverbed was a comforting relieve from the ground they had been walking on for the past while. she sighed and put her head in between her paws and stared around the camp.

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((somone please update me?! I am not going to be able to be on as much so Shadow, you can play Izzy and Aro till I can but keep me updated (nothing major between him and Alex!). and Mijikoi, could you please take over Ekky and Johnboy? Sorry guys but this week is busy!))

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((Not much has actually happened since you last post. Crystal's group is at a stream resting for the moment. John, Kiro and Morana are at the hotel, confronting Ebonyana. Alex is witht the Rebel leader, I think. Aro and Vuelasor are flying somewhere. Did I miss anyone? And I can try to take care of John and Ekky, if you need me to, but everything's been slow, so i don't think it'll be a problem for us to wait on you.))

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((Hum dee dee dum dee dummmm dum dum dee dee dum dee dum. Harry Potter...I'm bored...Waiting for Ravyn...and patiently for Love. I will most likely screw up Izzy.))


Vuelasor had to land in a clearing when she could no longer fly. Aro got off and started a wood-less fire. Vuelasor shifted and stared into the flames, she was worried about her rider. But she knew Alex was probably dead, though she kept flying towards that spark of her mind. She laid her head down and sighed, she fought to keep her eyes close and eventually won. Her dreams were of her flying with Alex through the clouds, and Alex sang to her a most wonderful lullaby. She shed a few dragon tears into the fire at the joy of it.

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Username: StormWhite

rp name: Eowyn WindWhisper

Creature: Pure Air Elemental

History: Selena is only one eon, young for an air elemental. She despises humans for polluting the air and she has a tendency to get sick a lot. She was raised in a mountain where the air is fresh and sweet. Then the humans moved in and poisoned her parents. She has vowed revenge and seeks to destroy them all. She might like a few of them but she will still kill them.

Side: Rebels of Blood.


Red and white eyes.

Edited by StormWhite

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