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Rose of the Dragon

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Isabelle hugged Raktagh close her heart thudding deep with the fear that she had felt for his life. "if you ever do that again, I will kill you myself!" she said angrily while tears streamed down her face. She stood up as she saw the others coming towards them and watched as they all landed. "Crystal, I'm sorry." she said and knelt before her ruler.


John woke up when Kiro left and a muffled 'hey?!' came from his mouth. He lept out the window and crawled to the roof before heading to the forest. He followed the scent of his alpha and let out a searching howl to make sure he was heading in the right direction Kiro? where in the world did you go?


Ekwueme pulled the bandage that Njoine was trying to put on and started to heal her wound with some sort of water. The water first rushed into the wound and then around it while cooling it and making the bleeding stop so that the wound could heal. He then made the water harden around the wound so that nothing would interfere with it. "There you go." he said and stood up when Arotorious, Lydon, Crystal and Kiro arrived along with Brontes. He looked at the new wolf and she seemed awfully perturbed and he just ignored her feelings and awaited Kiro's orders.


Aro tried to evaporate the water as quickly as he could then dove after Alex searching for her body as quickly as he could.

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Brontes turned to look where the wolfs gaze wandered for a second, he saw someone laying on the ground crowded by the others. He snapped his attention back to the wolf when it snarled.

'Well if someone would mind telling me what a bloody rebel is and who is Dracona?. Brontes blinked in suprise, he doubted she was a threat if she didn't even know the sides. He relaxed slightly and stopped snarling but stayed at a safe distance. He thought for a moment before answering, he couldn't recall all of what Nijoine had told to him. As he began to speak his voice was cut off when he heard the beat of wings in the distance. he reveled in excitement when the dragon soared above him, it landed near them. He quickly recognised Crystal and Lydon seated on it's back. Lydon called out to him and he greeted him in response still focused on the angry wolf.

"It's obvious you're not that much of a threat however I think someone else should answer your queries, I've only just learnt about the sides myself." Brontes laughed dryly. He turned quickly when he heard someone approach but it was only Isabelle, she was crying and worry quickly flooded his thoughts.

"What happened?" He looked back to the figure on the floor, he was breathing thankfully. He recognised it to be Raktagh. "Is Raktagh injured seriously?."

Edited by Racoonthief

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'I will wait then, but I should tell you, my patience wears thin' she barked at him. she whipped her head around at the sound of comeone coming. it was the girl again but this time she was crying. Jess didn't enter her mind. she didn't want to feel the saddness that the girl was feeling, she had enough sadness in her life already as it was.

The other wolf stopped snarling and was worried about this man called Raktagh, whoever he was. she wanted to talk to all of them at once. she shifted out of her wolf form and into her human form with her pearl white wings hanging lazily from her shoulder blades.

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((I thought Kiro was still at the hotel with Ebonyana?))

Njoine sent a grateful smile to Ekwueme. With a look to Brontes, Njoine gave a bow to Crystal and left her human where he was. She gingerly stepped around Artorious to Brontes' side. She didn't want to fight with the newcomer but she'd defend her allies if needed. While she pulled her hair from the loose bun, Njoine walked over to Lydon and lifted her face to him so he could take the disposable contacts out of her eyes. It took him a moment but he removed the contacts to reveal crimson colored eyes again.

"Rebels are a group that seeks to either destroy or enslave humans and are responsible for killing the DraconaRosella's Queen of old. The Dracona's are, at this point I would assume, anyone willing to protect Descendant of that Queen's bloodline." Njoine's tone was gentle as she spoke. She leaned against Artorious when a wave of dizziness emcompassed her. She shook her head to ward off the discomfort and growled at her own weakness. She turned to answer Brontes but made sure to let Jess know she'd answer the newcomer's uestions if she could. "There was a bit of a situation, but it's all good, I think?"


Lydon looked down at njoine in concern but when she righted herself he let it go. Lydon slipped the contacts in their case and put the case back in his bag. He tossed a bloodpack to Njoine after noticing the tenseness around her eyes. Stubborn, stupid vampire cat. Doesn't take care of herself at all.

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'hm I see says the blind man, It seems that I have missed out a huge chuck of history here. I don't know where I stand.....I don't wish to enslave humans, thats for sure. they may be ungrateful gits but they still don't deserve to be enslaved or killed. I'm guessing that Dracona's are people like us, correct me if I am wrong. I have only newly found my talents and have much more to find out about my powers.' the girl had a fit of dizzyness and leaned up against the dragon. she wastched one of the humans bring her a bloodpack. 'a vampire! I am living in a fairytale here' she thought listening to the human give off about how she doesn't take care of herself.

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"It wasn't that great to live through, either. It was mostly a whole lot of waiting and exploring." Njoine gave the woman standing in place of the wolf. She glanced at Crystal before walking away from her to drain the bag. She didn't want Crystal to see it. "I, fortunately, wasn't alive for the part before the Searcing. So, I can't give you the whole story, or even the completely acurate one. I did tell you what my mother told me."

Njoine's mind flashed to the images of her mother being skined of her fur peltby the human hunters and then to her father's insane and crazed face. "'History is a blood portrait carved in the mind of those baring memories.' At least it's almost over. I'm Njoine by the way."

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((Sorry guys that I have not replied and I totally missed that you played back as the Griffin Shadow. Going to read everything again and then delete this one and post after I get caught up. Just college was kicking my butt and now with the break I can relax and get caught up in all the RPs I am in. That and let my back heal up cause I pulled it 2 days ago, but the thing just get worse and not better. Hoping I did not somehow get a nerve stuck and having it being pinched every time I move cause meds are not helping at all.))

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Jess saw the images flash acroaa Njoine's mind, she withdrew at once. she didn't want to think about her parents. 'my name is Jess, you already know I am a shifter. I can shift into a dragon or a wolf. I don't know if there is others like me or not.' she answered.

There was a lot (two words, not one) of information to take in an once. while she waited for Njoine to finish her bag of blood, she let her mind range out across the surrounding landscape. it was more out of habit than anything else. she had always been watching her own back but she found that letting her mind do the watching for her was so much more easyer.

She winced at the pain of the man laying on the ground not far from them and the strain of the person trying to evarporat all the water nearby.

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((Good to see you type Lilithachaos. Hope your back feels better.))


"I'm a half-vampire, half shifter. I shift into a leopard. Sorry, if my drink offends you but I human food makes me nautious." Njoine spoke as she walked back to Lydona nd took her bag from him. She shoved the emptied bloodpack to the bottom of it. "And there's plenty of werewolves and wolf shifters with us, I think. Let's see. Brontes, John, Sir Kiro, and Raktagh to name the ones I know and their little cub. SO you're amoung like company."

Edited by Mijikoi

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'so she is the leopard' she thought. she was excited by the fact that there was other wolfves like herself around. but then she was confused. 'just who are you protecting against? and what are the Rebels? are they like us?' she question Njoine. she rememvered felling the presence of another vampire in tthe city now that she knew what a vampires ming felt like. she had dismissed it as a rat or some other animal that could drink blood. she relised that she had been in grave danger at that time.

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"Well, yes and no. They're like us in that they're generally not human. At least, I've never come across a human Rebel. Most of us here are Dracona and we protect Cr-" Njoine cut herself off not certain if she should say who the descendant was. She bit her lip before continuing. "We protect the Descendant. And I do know they have quite a few Immortals on their side."

Njoine looked around to see who all was with them. She noticed the abscence of the cat-horse she and Brontes had followed but yet to meet. She also took note of Kiro and John's abscence. She looked to Isabeel with a sigh. "Is Raktagh going to be okay, Isabelle?"

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((Yes Kiro is still in the Inn))


Crystal watched Njoine. She seemed to want to hide her vampire self from her this whole time. Crystal didn't quite understand that, but she would speak with her about it later. Crystal then coughed, and almost fell from Artorious' back. Artorious looked back at her. Crystal was suddenly going into a fever like state. She started shivering and coughing. Artorious could feel the heat comeing off of her as if she were a raging fire. Then he felt his own fire stomach warm involentarily. It was like when he grew, but he wasn't hurting as much, Crystal was. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. The dragon roared as he lowered his body to the ground.

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Silvia would awaken as a loud thump and the soft sound and vibration of Morana's growls. At first she would emit her own growls since she would assume that whatever made Morana tense and growl was a big danger to them, but once she moved her head so that she could see past Morana's legs the growling would cease. Ears would flatted as she seen the wounds this Griffin held, or at lest she thought it was a Griffin for she never meet one before. Though she did not want to leave the relative safety of where she lay, but she did not want to seem rude to this new comer. "Are you alright Mr. Bird?", she would ask with a slight hesitation with giving the creature a random name like that.




Morana would tense and emit a slightly louder growl to the Griffin as he landed before them. She seen the wounds as she quickly examined the Griffin before her, but right now she had someone to worry about and her guard would not be let down even if he claimed he was ally and not foe. "I will do not such think Griffin and I know those that you speak of. I have fought Alex and my...group knows about them. If that is all then you had best go back to your group and heal, I will tell the leader of this group myself. You must understand that trusting just anyone now a days is foolish.", Morana would growl out before she stood up while making sure that Silvia would still be under her frame.




He would narrow his eyes at these werecats, but he could understand what the elder had said as even he himself did not truly trust these even if they had the vague scent of dragons on their fur. At the question from the cub he would try not to paw at the ground in angry at being called a 'bird', but then again he was mostly just that. With a huff he would look down to the cub and try too keep a nonthreatening aura around himself. "I am fine little one, nothing a rest will not fix and herbs that my kind know to eat.", would be said to the small cub before she would even think about answering the elder cat. Only a quick 'that is all' would be said before he spreed his wings and once more headed off, but this time to a group of Griffins that lived not to far off in the high mountains.




Seeing the Griffin fly off and that he held no more information she would move back slightly and pick Silvia up gently in her jaws. She had seen people coming out of the town and into the forest and knew something was happening. The dragon she knew carrying Crystal worried her into thinking something bad had happened in the hotel she knew Kiro resided in. She had yet to see him come out of the hotel, but first she would have to take the cub to a safer group before she would head down to see what was holding Kiro up.


At the quickest pace she could handle she would come upon the group once more, but she would ignore everything that was happening and headed over to Crystal. Standing as much as she can on one leg as she reared up and placed the cub on the dragon's back. "Please watch the cub for me.", she told the dragon before she would say before she would look to the cub. "Stay here for me, but I will be back. I am going to see what is holding Kiro up.", Morana would say and with a lick to the Silvia's forehead she would turn and again run as fast as she could.


At the very edge of the town Morana would shift into her human form with a small wince as more weight was placed on her injured leg. 'I can not wait until this has the time to heal. It is becoming a right pain now...', she thought to herself as she finally came upon the hotel she could faintly smell they had entered. Another scent caught her attention and her eyes would narrow as she slowed her pace to once of caution and stelth. A vampire she knew from experience was nothing to be trifled with and so she would have to change her methods according. "Kiro, where are you? I smell a vampire in this hotel and I am not sure if it is friend.", Morana would say as she tried to mentally connect with Kiro.




Emitting a soft whimper on the back of the dragon she would watch Morana run off. Even if she knew that she would be back it was hard to see Morana go as a old fear came to light in her mind on just if she would be coming back. Her mother had said she would always come back, but see how that turned out? She would look around to the group and she shivered a little in fright at all the new faces within the group. She would just have to stick close to the only two people she really got to know. 'Wait a minute.., Silvia thought to herself as she looked down to the ground in wonder. "When in the world did you get so big?! Lizards to not get this big!", she said mentally out loud and without knowing she had said it where everyone could hear.


The sudden cough and movement from under her would freak her slightly out, but she would jump off the back of Artorious and grew slightly worried about the only two people she felt she could trust in this group for now. Worries about if they were alright grew in her mind, but she had a feeling there was nothing she could really do to help in this form. Casting her gaze back to the others she would emit a soft whimper, but then she would shake her head with a small growl as she fought with the idea of shifting into her human form. While she was a lot more comfy in the form she was in now, but she could not help anyone this way and it caused her distress. With a shivering frame she would stand and for the first time shift into her human form around these people. Stumbling slightly Silvia would catch herself before she fell onto Artorious and with a small frown she would place her hands on Crystal's shoulders. "Are you okay Crystal?", Silvia would say hesitantly.


((I got ninja-ed by you Ravyn~ And how Silvia looks is on her character sheet. At lest the basics I believe anyways. Also again did not really proofread so hit me for the dumb mistakes?))

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the girl they called Crystal had started to catch a fever of some sort. the heat that increased off her body now increased even more. the group around her had now become very worried.

'so the rebels are just like us but they wish to kill and enslve humans' she mumbled to herself. another human had come running out into the clearing and had dumped a cub up on top of the dragon. she tasted the brain scent of the cub. it was much likes hers......which surprised her. everyone has a different brain scent. its not like your normal scent, which can be changed or disguised unlike your brain one. it is living inside of you and can't change. only a mind reader can scent it like herself or a dragon. even due everyone here had a scent like hers, this cub had one more or less like her own.

'what happened to your man up there? I'm guessing that you didn't flood that cave for nothing' she said staring up at the small knot of people still surrounding the man.

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((Ok I edited the plot of my RP, I would like to know what you guys think about it. Be honest please))


Alex had dove down to the crack she had hid in when the griffin attacked her. She didn't let Aro know, she trusted him but it would be all the better if he truly believed she was dead. She heated up and melted the rock, it was thin and she knew it. It led up into a smaller cave that she could only fit in as a fox. She climbed around the many formations and then fell out into a bush. She checked her surroundings and saw that she was by a lake. She felt someone reaching their mind out and thought like a fox, so that she couldn't tell the difference. She then ran as fast as she could towards Mr.Raver, and at this pace, she would be there tomorrow. Vuelasor was distraught when Alex didn't come out. She did the only thing she thought to do, she flew back to the cave and roared at the group, but made no move to attack. She stuck her head down the hole. Aro. Climb on before they realize what I'm doing she thought to him quickly. Leave her....She can't hold her breath that long she said gently, letting sadness coat her thought.


Gilderox's head was getting full, so much was happening and it was hard to catch it all. He shook his head and laid back down by Raktagh. Who was sleeping a dreamless sleep, after answering Isabelle with a nod.

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((o.O Is Crystal still on Artorious's back?))


Lydon slid off the side of Artorious to the ground and moved out of the way in time to see Njoine rush to the Crystal's side. Njoine sent a look to Artorious. "Do we need to get her to lay down, Artorious?"

She refused to question what was happening, as it would only waste time for the moment. She was fairly clueless as to how to help but was prepared to pick Crystal up to find a soft enough place to lay her. She was, however, reluctant to invade Crystal's personal space.

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Silvia would back up as some of the others came over and pulled Crystal to the ground, but she would clench her fists to her sides as she tried to control the urge to push them away. The faint scent of blood could come from her hands as her slightly sharp nails dug into the flesh of her palm as she controlled herself, but soon she would emit a soft growl even if she was in her human form. Dropping to her knees near Crystal she would glare at anyone who got to close to her or Artorious to warn them if they hurt them then she would have no problems with attacking them back. Silvia knew though that having no experience in any fights or even play fights like most had in the Leon Clan, she knew that protecting these two was her top worry and thought. Surly they would be better and then Morana with Kiro will come back and take care of any fights that had broken out anyways.


((Was not sure what to post and yeah she was still on Artorious))

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Jess watched in silent as they all flew onto Crystal like bee's on honey. they worried about her and wondered what to do. she didn't take much hind to be honest. Njoine was going to say something about her when she cut herself off. if she didn't want to tell her than that was fine by her. a fresh scent of blood creeped its way into her nostels. she scented around trying to ind the source. it was coming from the cub. unknown to everyone else, the cub was enraged by them rushing over to Crystal. interested, Jess padded over to the cub and reached with her mind

'why so angry young 'un' she questioned.

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Silvia would look over her should to the approaching wolf and shivered lightly in fear of the large creature, but not only from the wolf coming to her as the connecting of minds had scared her a little. She had yet to learn to keep a wall around her own thoughts so that others could not 'invade', but really she had never needed to learn like she did now. Though she would make herself stop shaking to make herself look at lest somewhat braver and cast a glare to the wolf. "I don't want anyone to hurt her and I don't know you people.", she would say softly while her voice wavered slightly. She was not used to talking now as a human, but she would soon gain the habit of doing just that.


She cared little about what the others were trying to do as she did not know if they were trying to help Crystal or just try to harm her more. Yet Morana would not have left her with people who would injury them would she? 'No...no she would not do that to Crystal and I..', she thought to herself as she kept her glare to the wolf before her.


((And again no clue what to put, but Jess is in her wolf form right? If I need to edit that just tell me.))

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"I would give my life to defend Lady Crystal and those she asks me to protect, Little one. I pledged that on my mother's grave. You, Crystal, and Artorious will only be harmed if I'm dead, that I promise, little cub." Njoine looked to Silvia with a gentle smile. "If you believe nothing of what I said, just know Lady Crystal has my loyalty."


Njoine was a bit startled at how much she'd come to care for everyone in the group and at how much she desired to protect them. She wasn't sure how receptive Silvia would be to a hug, but she did raise a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind Silvia's ear in a slow movement, as she did not wish to seem to be a threat. She was careful not to crowd either Silvia or Crystal for fear of frightening either female when turned her attetnion back to Crystal. She placed a hand on Crystal's forehead and hiss at the heat she felt. She kept her hand there hoping that the coolness of her body would help.

Edited by Mijikoi

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((Jess is in wolf form))




The poor female was shaking like a leaf that had been tossed around in the wind. 'I'm not here to harm you or your friends, I'm just here to get answers that I have gotten' she said and padded over to her, but stopping a distance that she felt the female would be happy with. she thought back over the last few minutes and everything that had happened. Her running into the wolf, them getting the man out of the cave and the dragon.......and the dragon taking off into the sky!

she leaped up at once and growled into the sky. that dragon could attack at any moment and Crystal would in no ways be fit to hang onto the dragon she was siting on.

'The dragon! it could come back at any minute!' she yowled at the others, she quickly shifted into her dragon form. her deep blur scales bounced the light off them. she stretched her wings out and jumped into the air. her tqlons left deep gouges in the grass. she started to gain height and leveled out. she hovered above the group below her and scaned the sky.

she reached out to Njoine with her mind, 'I will warn you if the dragon or anyother danger arises' she said and started to look out for danger.

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((A few people have asked you if Raktagh is going to be alright, Alex found another way out and is already heading to Mr. Raver, Vuelasor came back for Aro and is waiting for him to grab onto her neck, and Crystal has a fever or something, but I know what it really might be!))

((Ravyn, what exactly are the rebels and Raver in? A catsle or plain building....Alex, well I, need directions!))

Alex stumbled at a forced trot. She couldn't last much longer, but she was almost there. She looked up and redirected where she was heading. She hadn't stopped since she got out of the cave, which meant she didn't eat or anything. But she didn't want to keep the rebels waiting for her arival any longer, that, and everyone thought she was dead, so she needed to get away. Being dead has it's advantegs, and she knew all of them.

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((They are in a castle that was built in the middle of a 500 acre plot of land in Texas.))


Crystal coughed as she curled into a ball and screamed in pain. Out of her back sprouted bones that were quickly covered by muscle, skin, and scales. A silver membrane then grew in between the 'fingers'. Her soft skin became harder as silver scales grew in. After all was said and done a silver dragon lay were Crystal once had. It panted trying to catch it's breath. Artorious finally stood. He had gone through the pain with her to make it more bearable for her.


Kiro could hear Morana, but he was stuck looking at the vampire. He had no idea whether or not she was good or bad. He gut told him she was bad, and his gut was usually never wrong. He sent the image of the goth vamp to Morana, he also let her know that they were on the second floor.

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Njoine looked at Crystal in awe. She vaguely recalled Jess's warning and shifted to her leopard form. As she listened for the one Jess had warned her about, she took a mental tally of the heart beats and only counted the group. There were two fading heartbeats she could hear but immediately ignored them. Njoine nudged the dragon Crystal had become gently with her nose, a low whine keening in her throat. She cast a look to Isabelle and Ekwueme to see if either knew what to do and looked to Artorious to check on him.Njoine held her leopard form to keep her hearing at it's best. While she didn't mistrust and meant - to Jess, Njoine would not chance Crystal's safety on what someone else deemed to be safe or not.

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