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Rose of the Dragon

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Dio, I wish I was a full vampire. Dealing with Childer is so much easier. Njoine snarled. She could feel the blood lust the woman was ignoring. It surprised her a bit until she realised how serious the threat to Raktagh was. She watched Ekwueme and looked for a way to get to Raktagh. Her eyes caught sight of the dragon and she stopped in confusion. Why on Earth would a dragon being helping Rebels.

She wanted to rush the Rebels, but she'd never be fast enough to do it with out them hurting Raktagh. She moved to be out of both Ekwueme's and Isabelle's way should they have a plan. A part of her wanted to shift, but dealing with fire and fur, she knew, was a bad idea. She bared her fangs at Aro and Alex, and settled for snarling and watching the two until she could find an opening to attack for herself.

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Ekwueme looked at Njoine and covered her with a fire proof layer of pure water. "Go! get him while they are distracted!" his water wave had caused Raktagh's body to be flung to a side of the cave far enough away from Alex to give him a chance

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((Is it safe to assume that Raktagh is quite a bit taller then Njoine?))

Njoine rushed forward and grabbed Raktgh at Ekwueme's command.It was a bit of work but she pulled Raktagh's arm over her shoulder and half draged the male with her. She mooved as fast as she could, cursing when her movement stretched her cut open a bit more. She was concerned about any injuries he might have, but they'd be tended later. She stopped when she reached Ekwueme and Isabelle's sides, waiting for what to do next. She didn't have too much trouble standing under his weight, but his height gave her some hinderance. "Bloody tall people."

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Isabelle took Raktagh from Njoine and lept up to the hole as quickly as she could.


Ekwueme laughed at Njoine's comment. "Get out of here now." he said as he started to try and get the water built up even higher as Aro evaporated more and more.



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((Man, I have to stop making my charachters so short. First Njoine(5'1) and then Soria (5'3).))


Njoine looked up at where Isabelle had gone and winced at the thought of getting up there. She ran at the wall available to reach the entrance and began a fast climb. She hoped she'd be out of Ekwueme's way when he was done. She was about halfway up when her hand slipped because of the blood coating it. She bit back a cry of pain when she swung around and hit her back on the rock. Luckily her left hand kept hold and she righted her self to continue climbing. Once she was at the top she called down to Ekwueme. "I'll meet you out here, Ekwueme."

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((lol! I usualy design their heights after or similar to mine.))


Ekwueme nodded and flooded the place as he crawled out of the hole. He looked at Njoine. "Turn around." he said firmly


Isabelle laid Raktagh on a sunny par of moss covered rock. "Wake up." she said calmly and stroked his head.

Edited by LoveLost

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((I'm 5'4-5'5, so they're not that far off, but Njoine is a mixture of myself and my sister. My personality with my sister's height.))


Njoine looked at Ekwueme in confusion. She kept a firm hold on her self-opened wound and did as he bid, after she ripped a peice of her under skirt to wrap up her shoulder. She set about using one hand to wrap the cloth around her wound. It had been pointless to reopen the wound, but it helped her stave off the exhaustion she was feeling. When she spoke next she was careful to keep both her weariness and pain from coloring her voice. "I'll have to sleep when we get back to the room and I'll need to hunt before that."

Edited by Mijikoi

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((You guys are posting faster than my phone can handle. Also my poor brain can't handle it at the moment.....I have no clue why. I'll post in the morning...Night guys))

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((Sorry about last night and not posting....My brain wasn't functioning properly. I'm good now biggrin.gif ))


Alex thought back to what had just happened. She snarled as they disappeared, but now she had worse problems. "Vuelasor go!" she urged the dragon. "I will not leave you" she thought in a sad but determined tone. "Don't make this any harder for me." she pleaded. Vuelasor growled and looked her rider in the eyes. "You will be right behind me!" she told her and climbed out of the hole dripping wet. She roared at the group and flew off. Alex was grabbing onto the walls to stay up. She couldn't swim, but she didn't need to. She looked out of the hole and snarled at the group before diving under. She wouldn't be seen by anyone, they would all think she drown.



Raktagh opened his eyes to see Isabelle leaning over him. His hand went up to where Alexdria had put her fire claw, she had cut the skin when she saw Ekwueme send the wave of water at them. He heard her say "D*mn my pride!" and instead of killing him she cut a mark into his neck. He knew she put a spell in it, that way it would scar and it couldn't be healed. It would remind him of her every day, which was exactly the point.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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the girl had taken off before she could stop her. 'bloody hell' she thought. they had disappeared over to a mountain that seemed to be full of people. by the time she had followed the scent to the place, a dragon had taken off into the sky roaring at a group of people. one of them was flooding a cave inside the mountain, for what reason was beyond her. she leaned up against a oak tree and watched what was going on. she was close enough to her what they were saying. she still wanted answers. she let her mind wander only bearly touching theres to see what was happening. it all was very interesting.

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((You got plenty of sleep, Shadow?))


Njoine swore her ear would have twitched were she in her leopard form. She could hear something to the distance. If she shifted she knew she'd be able to hear them easier, but she'd refrain untill she knew what was out there. She closed her eyes and breathed out to focus on her hearing. She could still hear the water Ekwueme had used. His heart was loud, but ignoreable and a third heart beat not far. Opening her eyes she looked for the source, but gave up after a moment and turned her attention back to Ekwueme. Since, it wasn't moving toward them she dismissed it as an animal in the forest.

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'ah so the leopard is a tracker, this is an interesting group' she thought. only a tracker could have heard her from such a distance, but she had dismissed her as an animal in the forest. 'but mabye I am' she chuckled and shifted into her wolf form. 'its time I got some answers around here' she mumbled abd sprang off up to where the ground were staying.

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((Yes I did, thank you. I'll be happy when they make a Grin smiley.....))


Gilderox limped over and lay down next to his brother. Are you alright? he asked. Yes Gilderox, I'll live. he answered. Good. Your the only one that's fun to play with. he thought in a funny tone. Raktagh chuckled and stroked the young wolf. Gilderox licked his face, much to Raktagh's dislike, and wandered off, he had smelled another wolf and he wanted to investigate.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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((Sorry I didn't post, I was ill. Sorry for any spelling mistakes >.<))


Brontes half listened to Lydons explanation when he detected the voices of those who had gone ot the roof drift further away, they were moving. He looked to Lydon, he didn't want to leave him nor did he want to miss what was happening. "Nijoine dosen't trail behind a sire and I don't follow an Alpha, if you're strong enough to guide yourself I don't think you need a leader. I'm not suprised that you would seek revenge, you care about Nijoine and it's understanable. I don't think Nijoine would leave you, I can see she cares about you deeply. Besides If she wanted to hurt you she would've done already, you're only human."

Brontes patted Lydon on the shoulder akwardly trying to be reasuring then forced himself to his feet. "I heard those on the roof moving, I'm going to follow them. I'm sorry to leave you here but I don't think Nijoine would leave me alive if I got you killed. I'll go wolf anyway so you won't be able to keep up."


Brontes doubted it would be safe for him to clamber out of the window as Nijoine had, he decided to take the fire escape. He gripped the railing tightly afraid to fall as he decended them as fast as he could manage. Once he was at the bottom he could only slightly detect thier scent, it was difficult to follow but it seemed to lead towards the forest. He ran akwardly trying not to fall on the way, he didn't care that people stared at him. He dodged people and whatever else that littered the streets before he neared the forest. He shifted into his wolf form when he enetered the forest, he changed while running but only stumbeld slightly. He increased his speed knowing the others would be far ahead of him.

eventually the scents grew stronger, he rejoyced when he could make out figures as he neared. He nearly colided with another wolf who was lingering near them, he avoided it. He came to an abrupt halt when he realised it was a shifter, he hadn't noticed it before. He turned to look at the wolf, he wasn't sure if it was hostile or not. His fur bristled and he snarled threateningly.

"I can smell you're a shifter but who are you sided with? If you're a rebel it would be extremely unwise to attack."

Edited by Racoonthief

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Lydon watched Brontes go with a sad smile. He leaned his head back against the wall and prepared to take a nap. As he closed his eyes, Lydon mummered, "Take care of her. She's probably done something stupid again."


"Brontes?"Njoine's head lifted when she heard Brontes's heartbeat. For moment she almost mistook it for her imagination. Her eyes narrowed, as she listened to what he said. She growled at the thought of another Rebel. The two were far enough away, they sounde like faint whispers. Njoine shook her head and swore when her sight became slightly hazy. When her sight cleared Njoine turned her attention back to Brontes and what she had thought was an animal. "What in the name of the First is that wolf doing?"

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she had creeped close to the group of people by now. she bid her time slowly advancing on the group. she was close enough to see one human lying down and seemed to be covered in water when another wolf came thundering out of the forest. she leaped to the side and so did the other wolf. the other wolf too asked if she was a rebel or not.

'Well if someone would mind telling me what a bloody rebel is and who is Dracona?' she snarled at the wolf, who too returned the growl. The leopard shifter noticed this time that she too was a shifter and had become concerned. 'well thats just great, why don't we have a bloody party while we are at it' she thought with angry. her patience was wearing thin

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Raktagh looked his only love in the eyes, and realized how close he came to never seeing her again. And it killed him. "I thought I'd never see you again." he said breathlessly. He sat up and put his hand on hers, he looked into her eyes, and kissed her. More passionatly than there first. "No more long hunting trips." He said humoresly. He didn't want to loose her, but the only way he could think of wasn't something he wanted to push on her. "Do we want to head back now?" He asked, hoping to give an idea to get away from here.


((My mom and I just finished watching New Moon. And I realized Raktagh is, if you think about it, a cross between Murtagh and Jacob almost....I didn't do it on purpose!!))

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Kiro awoke suddenly when he smelt a new vampire enter the building. He looked around and everyone was gone. He linked to Artorious who was waiting on top of the building. Once he knew where everyone had gone he went over to Lydon. Come on, we have to get Crystal to the roof, and we aren't takeing the hall. There is a vamp smell out there that my gut is telling me not to trust." He went over to wake up Crystal. "Come on, time to get going." He got her situated on his back and crawled out the window to the fire escape.

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Lydon listened to the one Njoine addressed as Sir Kiro and nodded. He wasn't all that surprised that the man knew something he didn't. After all, seventeen years with Njoine and cryptic-I-know-something-you-don't is a daily act of of life. Lydon couldn't complain though, it had saved his life an awlful lot. Plus, being of the not human verity, gave you all sorts of advantages. He followed Kiro out the window and along the fire escape. "If you have to leave me behind, don't worry about it. I can meet up with you when Njoine does."

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Once on the roof Kiro looked at Lydon and Artorious, "I'm putting you and Crystal on Artorious. I will head down stairs to get back to the forest." He then entered Artorious' mind and told him to find everyone else. The dragon nodded his big head as Crystal climbed onto his back. He had watched everyone go, but he was entitled to stay with Crystal. He waited for Lydon to get on. Kiro turned back to the fire escape and headed back down. He entered the room and walked out into the hall and saw the vampire girl. She looked like a young goth, but Kiro knew she had a few more years on her then it appeared.

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"Alright, then. I'll just, uh, climb on." Lydon climbed up behind Crystal.He figured she'd like to see where they where going more then he would. He fidgeted behind the girl as he waited for what the dragon would do next. With a sigh, he introduced himself. "Since I don't think we've actually met. I'm Lydon, ma'am. Pleased to meet ya."

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Crystal reached back to shake Lydon's hand. "I'm Crystal and this is Artorious." She then turned back to the front. "You better hold on tight." She said before Artorious stretched his wings and flapped. They entered the night sky and headed towards the forest. As they got closer, Artorious could see Brontes with another wolf. He decided that would be the safest place to land and did so. Once down he entered the new wolf's mind to find out just who she was. He could sense she was DraconaRosella as well and let Crystal know immidiatly. Crystal nodded and smiled at the she wolf. Artorious had told her that the wolf was a girl who was bitten by a werewolf. This had awoken her dragon shifting blood and allowed her to shift. Now there were more than one decendant around. They had a backup if Crystal didn't make it. Artorious hissed back at Crystal as if to tell her not to think like that.

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Lydon blinked as Crystal spoke before wrapping cautious arms around Crystal's waist as Artorious lifted from the roof.He watched the landscape as it passed by looking for anyone he knew. When they landed next to Brontes and the strange wolf, he called out a greeting to his friend. He stayed quiet as he looked between the two wolves and Artorious. He contemplated getting down, but then thought better of it. If he climbed down and things went sour, well best to stay out unless told otherwise.

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before the other wolf had time to reply, a dragon landed beside them in the clearing. suddenly she felt the presense of another person in her mind. she relised at once that it was the dragon so she allowed him to enter her mind but not too far in. one of the huamns on top called out to the other wolf but fell silent. the human thought that this could go sour. 'well hello there dragon, about time I met one of my own type' she chuckled. ' my name is Jess, and what would be yours?' she called out with her mind to the dragon. Excitement flashed through her. at long last she had met one of her own type, well at least it was a dragon. she still had to meet one that could shift into a dragon and wolf form.

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