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Rose of the Dragon

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The shadow nightress, a vampire/bat-shapeshifter hybrid, was watching her apprentice, Ebonyana, fighting one of her most powerful pets that she summoned to battle, a dragon. The monster breathed fire at the young vampire warrior, but Ebonyana quickly ran out of the way before she could get burned. Then she jumped from boulder to bigger boulders to reach the dragon's head where she leapt onto it and stabbed its eye with her dagger. The dragon roared loudly in pain and became blind in its left eye from Ebonyana's attack. The monster started thrashing its head against the wall to try bashing the vampire against the wall and shake off her off. Ebonyana tried her best to hold on as the dragon shook violently back and forth with a gradually increasing pace. After the fifth bash against the wall, Ebonyana fell off of the dragon's head and landed on her feet and empty hand to the floor. Then the dragon used its good eye to see her and lunged its head towards her to try and bite her between its teeth. Ebonyana flipped backwards to avoid the monster's jaws and then ran over to its blindside where the dragon couldn't see her. The dragon turned its head to the left, but then its remembered that Ebonyana had destroyed its left eye when he couldn't see her. So the dragon moved its tail to the left side and tried to whack the vampire girl with it. Ebonyana got hit and knocked to the wall. The dragon turned around to see and started to breath fire again. Ebonyana quickly ran behind a large boulder and used it as a shield against the flames. She heard the dragon coming to the boulder and went to the next one to hide. As the dragon checked the first boulder, Ebonyana silently went underneath the dragon and stabbed it on its vital organ. The monster quickly staggered from the attack and collapsed on the ground as it layed there dying. The shadow nightress appeared beside her apprentice in a puff of dark steams and said, "Well done, my apprentice. You have now proved yourself to be a warrior of the Rebels of Blood. Now you're ready to take on the most important mission. Find the descendants of the DraconaRosella and slay every last one of them, you hear me?" Ebonyana said, "Yes, shadow nightress, I'll do everything I can to complete my mission and destroy anyone who gets in my own, especially my enemies, the Dracona Army." The shadow nightress smiled and said, "Good girl, now off you go into the human world, where you'll do your mission."




It was the afternoon and Ebonyana was sleeping in a rundown building where the humans haven't used for years. It was the perfect place to hide and the perfect place to rest during daytime. It had been weeks since she had started her mission and she had killed every human she saw, but none of them were of DraconaRosella descent. She had yet to find one and hoped that every night the next humans she killed would be her objective target. The humans who heard news of dead people had thought that a gang or serial killer was involved, but it was actually Ebonyana doing all this. The vampire girl slept until nighttime where she'll wake up to resume her mission.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ekwueme was highly amused with the story and laughed lightly. When she reached her arm down to show him the ratsnake he smiled at it and stroked the fine white head. "What you do, who you are...you." he said smiling. Not many people understood his curiosity, but it helped him understand people's actions and his theory was that after knowing a persons past, you can understand what they do in the present.

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((Nice intro Dragonette.))


Artorious was shocked for a moment when Isabelle had jumped onto his back. He then listened to her request and nodded, lowering himself a bit so it would be easier for her to climb on. “One day us dragons will roam freely once again. Living amongst the humans, happily. Then more breedings will bring us back in numbers, and more people will have a chance to have their own bonded dragon.”

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((Welcome to the coolest RP ever!))

((Hey LoveLost, hows your mom?))




Raktagh rolled his eyes at her grin. I just haven't been around other people besides you for a very long time. And I don't know how to become non-antisocial now. he thought to her. He also didn't know if he wanted to, he had always felt better as a 'lone wolf'((excuse my pun!)). He hoped he could be the loner in the pack, as he called it. He let Isabelle rest her head in his lap, turned his face to the sun, and tried to forget he was on a roof. Being a Humanoid Earth elemental made him prone to a fear of heights, because he was so attached to the ground. Gilderox spread his golden wings to catch the suns rays, it also made his wings shimmer. "Gilderox. Tone it down, your as bright as the sun." Raktagh said gently. The young hybrid reluctantly folded his wings and lay down, he could still sun but not as much as he was planing.



Vuelasor paced outside the cave, not knowing what to do. I could....no....maybe no that wouldn't work. she thought out loud. "Why am I so useless!?" she yelled as she swiped a rock across the forest. Alex's fever was starting to subside, but she wasn't regaining conscientiousness.


((The Griffin is a charri anyone can play. Sorry it took so long to reply as him....))


The Griffin landed a few feet away from the were-cats. He had seen the white against the black and he smelled them to. He held his front right leg awkwardly because of a burn, and his feathers were all ruffled. "Friend." he replied weakly to Morana. Then he told her about Aro and Alex and everything that happened. "I followed the scent of Dracona on the wind" He said. "Take me to your leader((Sorry couldn't help it!!)), please, I must speak with them."

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Isabelle looked back at Artorious and sat up and hopped up onto his back. "I'm sure I could find you a mate Artorious." she said sweetly and then looked at Raktagh. "Ya know, I think that you'll be fine. You'll learn to like John and Ekkie and then Kiro seems to be pretty cool and then... " Crystal is the Dracona descendant so you can't help but like her. She smiled and looked at Artorious' wings longing to shift into her own form to sun herself as Gilderox had wanted to do.


Aro looked at Vuelasor. "HEY! Calm down." he said softly and reached out his mind to the dragon while trying to emanate as much peace as he possibly could. He removed the ice and started to dry off Alex the best he could from the water. Her body must have been to weak to withstand the heat from a major fever. "Alex?" he called out softly trying to get her to wake up.


((hey red! I didn't know that you had signed up here!))

Edited by LoveLost

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Raktagh smiled back and knew she was right. All was well with the world, and he felt like he could talk to some one with out screwing up and making a fool of himself. He leaned back and enjoyed the sun.


Vuelasor made herself calm down and she thanked Aro for helping. Breath in. Breath out. Repeat. she thought to herself. Alex groaned and squeezed her eyes tighter, she herd Aro but didn't really know what it was since she was still partly unconscious. Vuelasor radiated peace to her rider and calmed herself further. Alex slowly opened her eyes and then quickly shut them again, it seemed the sun was brighter than normal. "What happened?" she said groggily.

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Artorious nodded in agreement, "Maybe one day." He then looked to Raktagh. "It's all a matter of making friends. Your not antisocial, just shy." He gave Raktagh a toothy grin.

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isabelle laughed lightly feeling stable on the back of a dragon. "See Raktagh? Even Artorious thinks you'll do great." she said and patted Arotorious' shoulder fondly as if he was family; which in spme cases he was.


Aro saw that Alex was having trouble opening her eyes from the sun and went over to the edge of the cave and pulled down a large stone to block it off until she was able to adjust to it easily. "You passed out. I think it was because your not really taking care of yourself and your body couldn't take the abuse of the fever." he said sounding much like a doctor as he walked back over to her and Vuelasor. He dimmed the fire slightly so that they wouldn't start sweating or becoming uncomfortable



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"What you do, who you are...you."


"Well, me, I'm Njoine Mabdalee Sakimi. Only daughter of my parents, a vampire and a snow leopard shirfter." Njoine tapped a finger to her chin as she thought of what to tell Ekwueme. "I'm a more then a few centuries old but I don't keep track really."

Njoine's nose scrunched up as she spoke. "Makes me feel old. So, I have a birthday every three decades or so. Oh, and once Madonna Crystal is safe I plan to finish my hunt to kill Fir'de Sakimi."

Njoine's expression twisted in to fury at the thought of her father. She truely had cometo despise him after she found the third human village he had decimated. She took a deep breathe and continues. "Oh, and I'm do feed on humans sometimes but restrict myself to criminals and avoid killing them. How about you, Signor?"

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He opened his eyes and looked at the black dragon. "Thanks Artorious, that means a lot to me." he said meaningfully. Gilderox walked up to his brother and pulled on his pants. "Hey!" Raktagh yelled as the hybrid pulled off ANOTHER piece of his pants. "Ok that's it." he said and wrestled with the wolf. Gilderox found it unfair, it was his piece of pants now and Raktagh was trying to take it. Then he realized that his alpha was playing again.



Alex could see perfectly in the darkness of the cave, she sat on a rock and rested her arms on her legs. She shook her head at Aro's assumption and felt her new fangs with her tongue. She had to admit, she always wanted to be a vampire, she thought it would make her seem like a true Rebel. And it did. She smiled evilly and her fangs glowed an eerie red in the dim fire light.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Aro growled. "you get anywhere near me with those blood suckers and i will burn you to a crisp even if you absorb all my fire." he said angrily as he backed up against Vuelasor. He held his hands up in a fighting posistion with fire whispering as it crackeled along his arm and hand.



Ekwueme thought for a moment not sure of what to say. "I guess, well as I said I was born before Africa was named Africa so that means I have been around since before all the great wars and have fought in all of them. I am a pure elemental for water and in my time of living I have found out how to solidify myself into a human form and I have actually stayed in this form for such a long time that I am human in many respects. My purpose that I have given myself is to help those that I think are right such as Crystal and Kiro. But once this battle is over, I will more than likely g on to help yet another person." he smiled at her. "The fact that you feed on humans is actually not all that disturbing. I have never really met a vampire either so this is quite interesting. "Who is Sakimi?" he asked sensing her anger over the man.


Isabelle laughed happily at Gilderox and Raktagh and smiled at them as she laid down on Artorious' back.

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Njoine looked at her hands that were clentched at the mention of her father. "He's my father. He's a Rebel and a lying and murdering coward. I'm going to kill him for everything he's done. I may not like most humans but no one should ever kill a child for what adults did. I've been hunting him for the last three centuries and he always leaves me wounded but refuses to let me die. He taunts me with the dead innocent, all because I refuse to blame all humans for the death of my mother." When Njoine realised that she was grinding her teeth, she forced herself to relax and breathe slowly. Her eyes closed of their own accord to help her focus on calming down. "Sorry, mio padre is a sore subject for me. Actually, I'm surprised I didn't slip back into Italian."

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Alex rolled her eyes. "Relax, why would I do that to you? Your not exactly an easy meal." She said. Vuelasor walked over to her and rubbed against her. " Oh my child. I thought I'd lost you" she said in a motherly tone. Alex hugged her nose and Vuelasor moved her to her back. "Shall we fly?" she asked her dragon. "Of course. But won't your eyes be hurt?" Vuelasor said with concern. "Light is a related element to fire is it not? I shall just control the light in front of my eyes." Alex replied. Vuelasor pushed the rock out of the way and went out into the sun. "It's not so bad." she said to herself. Vuelasor leaped into the air and sped across the sky.



"Aha!" Raktagh said when he got the piece. But then Gilderox leaped into the air and stole it from his out stretched hand. Gilderox managed to stay in the air for a few more seconds before landing in an awkward position. "Hey!" Raktagh sat down and crossed his arms pretending to pout.

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she had traveled deep into the forest to track down the herd of deer. it had been easy to catch and kill one of them. her bloody muzzle finished the deer at ease and now full, she had padded down to the nearby river to wash away the blood from her face. it stained the water red for a moment before being washed away by the crystal clear running water. 'if only I could do the same' she sighed. the moisture of the riverbed gave some relief to her aching paws from the miles she had traveled. she considered laying down for a rest but then she remembered the ones her mind had brushed up against. she peeped around the surrounding lands. she was too far away from the sity to be noticed by the poor human's eye sight. she jumped up into the sky and shifted into her dragon form, shotting for the clouds above

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After sleeping for hours, it was now 9:30 pm. Ebonyana woke up and got out of her coffin that she brought with her to the human world. The 19-year-old vampire girl changed out of her black & red night gown and into her usual cloths (see my char. form for descriptions). Then she grabbed her daggers and went downstairs to the entrance of the building where she exited through the front door and stood out in the slums. The slums were home to a few humans, who were either homeless hobos or criminals hiding from the police. Ebonyana didn't fear the human criminals around because she was a lot agile and swifter than they could ever be. The gothic vampire went to search for a human, so that she could drink his/her blood for breakfast before she could move to the suburban areas where she could hunt for the DraconaRosella descendant. The vampire went from alley to alley until she saw an old hobo walking down on the street. Ebonyana hid in the shadow and waited for the hobo to come nearer so that she could drink his blood. Then once he got close, the vampire race out in a blink of an eye towards the man and swung her arm around his neck as she stabbed his heart with her dagger. The man went dead and then Ebonyana sank her fangs into his neck and started to drink his blood.

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Gilderox told Raktagh in wolf talk that he wanted to hunt, Raktagh had to agree with him on that. He walked over to Isabelle and kissed her hand. "Gilderox and I are going hunting in the forest. Be back soon, I love you" he said then followed the wolf over the edge of the Inn.


They caught a fair amount of rabbits and tried to ignore a tempting herd of sheep. Gilderox wanted to practice flying so he went on ahead, leaving Raktagh to trot a little ways behind.



Alex had Vuelasor drop her off in the forest, she still hadn't eaten and now she had another hunger as well. She caught a good sized squirrel and drained it of blood then ate what was left. She wandered around watching the light through the trees change as the sun set, and wondering what Aro was doing. She quickly pushed the thought away when she smelled a wolf nearby. She was still hungry, and thought how a wolf would taste.



Raktagh decided to stop and enjoy the peaceful twilight. He told Gilderox to go back to the Inn and tell Isabelle he would be a little longer and to tell her not to worry. He shifted to human and sat in a shaft of sun light. He heard the snap of a stick and then a hiss of frustration. "Who's there?" he said in a warning tone.



Alex stood next to the light so that she was silhouetted and Raktagh couldn't see her face. She smiled and her fangs flashed in the light. "Me." she said in a sly voice. Raktagh didn't like the familiar voice. She walked closer and the light revealed her. "Alex." Raktagh said in an angry tone. Alexdria made a sad face at his tone. "What? Not happy to see your half sister?." She said in a mocking tone, knowing she was hitting all of his points. "I counted you out of my when you left." he said drawing his sword. As a little kid he had liked the fact that he had a sister, he hadn't minded that she had a different dad. "You left me and mom alone with your coward of a father." He yelled at her. Alex didn't like her father and didn't like being reminded of leaving her human mother with him. "At least my father was home, yours decided to leave and never come back. Not even to his first son." she countered.



Gilderox arrived at the Inn and told Isabelle, he then proceeded to curl up on the couch.



Vuelasor went to the lake and tried her fish catching. Which needed lots and lots of practice. The poor dragon couldn't understand why the fish didn't fry when she breathed fir at them.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Aro growled and followed Alex closely. He shifted human right behind her like the shadow of death that he was. (my dad thought that up!!!) "Oh looky here!" he said happily as he bared his wolf fangs at Raktagh. "Isabelle will be quite sad to hear your love howl when we kill you." he growled.


Isabelle sighed when Raktagh left and then felt a sudden urgency after Gilderoz had landed. "Artorious, something is wrong. I am going to go find Raktagh. Please tell Kiro I'll be abck soon but I think that the spy, Alex, has something to do with this." she said and lept down the side of the building while shifting and then let her wings carry her high into the air..


Ekwueme gently touched Njoine's arm with a look that clearly said 'I'm sorry'. He then removed his hand and watched Isabelle leave. his wasn't going to be good he thought as he ran to the edge. "Why now?" he asked himself calmly and looked back at Njoine. "Do you think I should let her go or follow her?" he asked her his voice tense at the thought of losing his little friend.


((MOM IS HOME!!!!!))

((and I am off for a bit might be on later smile.gif ))

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Njoine understood what Ekwueme's dilemma. She managed a half summersault as she slid from the roof to stand next to Ekwueme. She gave the elemental man a grin."Artorious is going to tell Kiro what she said, right? That leaves us free to be her back up."


Njoine took off after Isabelle with a light tug to Ekwueme. She chased after Isabelle using the rooftops to keep the girl in sight. She glanced back to see what Ekwueme would do, but kept running. She'd worry about what was going on later, she just wanted to help out. It didn't help Njoine could feel her father's presence nearby. Fortunately, he seemed to be fleeing the area.When she came upon a human couple on a roof, Njoine grined at the two as she vaulted over them. Njoine leapt to the next roof with practised ease and spinted to the next edge. If nothing else this was great exercise.

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Alex laughed when she heard Aro coming. She knew this was going to be an easy win, but she wanted to be the one to finish him. "I get to kill him, you can inflict pain. Deal?" she told Aro mentally. She smiled and waited for Aro to get done with him. "Your going to die like your brother Raktagh. He was a very loyal and trusted Rebel."



Raktagh snarled at Aro and glared at Alex. "Not if I have anything to say about it!" a voice yelled. Raktagh looked her in the eyes and saw something reflected in them, she staggered and was knocked over by a white blur. Raktagh slashed at Aro with his sword while he was distracted.

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Ekwueme ran after Njoine with practiced ease. He soon cought up to her and used his water to vault him over particularily high edges. He saw Isabelle go over the forest and took a running leap over the edge of the last building and landed on the ground, rolled them took off into the forest. He looked back to see if Njoine was following.


Aro laughed as he caught Raktagh's sword in mid-air with one hand. He then ripped it out of his hands and threw it halfway through a tree. "Poor, poor, defenseless Raktagh." he said and punched Raktagh squarely on the jaw hard enough to break it.


Isabelle roared in anger and landed in a clearing in the forest. She wasn't able to get through the trees the way she wanted to.

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Raktagh staggered back and tripped over a root. His jaw was broken and his sword was gone. Gilderox did no better, Alex broke his tail and threw him against a tree, he lay there whining softly. Raktagh picked up a rock behind Aro and using his powers he shaped it into a sharp knife like thing. He tried to drive it into his exposed back but he hadn't practiced his powers so it just made an inch deep cut in his leg.



Alex heard others coming and walked back to Aro. "Whatever your doing hurry up, I would like to kill him before the d*mn horse-dragon freak shows up." she said. She looked her half brother in the eyes and grinned. She knew how much he loved her and she also knew insulting her would make him angry.



Raktagh jumped to his feet and shifted, he ran towards Alex with anger in his stony eyes.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Njoine watched Ekwueme leap from the last building and felt a laugh of glee bubble in her chest. As she prepared to leap from the building herself, Njoine braced one foot on the wall and used it as a spring board to launch heraself toward the forest. She followed Ekwueme's example and hit the forest floor with a roll hands first. Once back on her feet, she ran after him hoping they weren't to far behind Isabelle. When Njoine heard a roar she assumed to be Isabelle she winced and increased her pace to follow the woman.

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((Hey where are you guys? Are you at the human world or somewhere else?))


After finishing her breakfast, Ebonyana took out a bag of vanishing powder and sprinkled it over the hobo's body, so that he'll disappear without a trace. The vanishing powder was only effective on dead people and it doesn't work on the living, which is why Ebonyana only uses it on her slain victims. The vanishing powder had kept her and her race from being made aware of by the human race. The vampire left the slums and came into the downtown city where she walked through sidewalks and crossed the streets when the light was green. She walked past humans who were minding their own business on the sidewalks and kept an eye on every one of them, because she could never know who was really human or not. In fact, some of these humans could be mythical creatures in disguise and part of the Dracona army. Ebonyana did her best to hold her guard up around them.

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(( The Dracona group are in an Inn in the city (that's really the only thing we know about it) and Alexdria, Aro and Vuelasor are in a cave near a lake....that's basically it...))


She stepped to the side of his attack and kicked him into a tree. He tried to get up but his legs weren't listening. Alex knew that the others would be here soon, but she didn't want to have to fight them. She thought about taking him back to the cave, it was a good idea, but they would have to barricade the entrance somehow. Then she remembered the big boulder. "Grab him. By the time they get here we'll be in the cave behind a welded door." she said to Aro. Alex looked her half brother in the eyes. "Your poor Isabelle will never see you again." this time there was no cruel humor in her voice.



Raktagh growled at her. Oh how she would pay for this. Raktagh let out a howl to let the others know where he was, but he was quickly silenced with a fireball. Isabelle he thought to himself over and over. I love you.



Alex waited till Aro grabbed him before running off. When they reached the cave, Alex would tell Vuelasor what happened and have her push the boulder over the entrance, and start sealing it shut with her fire. Alex knew another way in, at the top of the cave, where the water came in, there was a hole they could fit through. Vuelasor could just break it open further, and the Dracona would never be able to see Raktagh again.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Jess snapped her head downwards. she heard some yelling going on underneath her. it was a human for sure but she was far from the city. no human would wander out this far unless.....

she snarled and dived like a bullet straight down through the clouds. she must have been a blue blur to any down below unless they were like her and their eyes were sharper than humans. she let out a threating growl to those down below

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